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GOTHENBURG, Sweden, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Concordia Maritime has published a new market update. The report is available at www.concordiamaritime.com. In addition to commentary from CEO Erik Lewenhaput, it also contains data and statistics regarding both tanker rates, ship values and the development of the global product tanker fleet, as well as data about the demand for oil and development of inventory levels. For more information, please contact: Erik LewenhauptCEO, Concordia Maritime AB0704-855 188erik.lewenhaupt@concordiamaritime.com The following files are available for download: https://mb.cision.com/Main/1948/3746973/1967512.pdf Concordia Maritime - Market update ENG - 20230404
倫敦2023年4月4日 /美通社/ -- 全球領先的支付基礎設施公司 TerraPay 已成功完成其 B 輪股權融資,並籌集了超過 1 億美元的股權和債務融資。此輪融資由 IFC 牽頭,並得到了 Prime Ventures、Partech Africa、U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) 和其他投資者財團的支持。 這筆資金將有助於進一步推進 TerraPay 的全球擴張計劃,尤其是在拉丁美洲、中東和北非地區,到 2024 年將其現有支付網路拓展到 150 個國家,支持和加速其增長,並投資於移動錢包替代支付方式(例如 Request-to-Pay,一種可互操作的移動錢包解決方案)的行銷和大規模採用。 此外,TerraPay 還致力於擴展其監管和合規基礎設施,包括全球範圍內的關鍵許可申請。目前,TerraPay 的敏捷支付基礎設施和解決方案平台提供企業/商戶支付、收單和發行服務等。公司已建立起一個影響深遠的合作夥伴和客戶網路,在超過 108 個接收國和 205 個發送國以 62 種結算貨幣提供服務。 TerraPay 創始人兼行政總裁 Ambar Sur 表示:「我們很高興地宣布成功完成 B 輪融資。此次融資證明了我們所取得的非凡成就,以及我們團隊在為全球客戶提供創新支付解決方案方面的堅定承諾。憑藉投資者和貸款合作夥伴的持續支援,我們得以擴展基礎設施,拓展網路覆蓋範圍,並加快對我們營運、產品開發和技術的投資。我們期待繼續與投資者建立寶貴的戰略合作夥伴關係,並為包括客戶、合作夥伴、投資者和員工在內的所有利益相關者帶來持續的價值。」 移民向發展中市場匯款的成本依舊很高,遠高於 3% 的聯合國可持續發展目標。作為一家領先的支付基礎設施公司,TerraPay 致力於推動普惠金融,並專注於以低成本安全地交付跨境和即時匯款。憑藉新一輪融資,公司將能充分利用對其匯款和支付解決方案不斷增長的需求,並繼續履行其使命,以打造更可及、安全和負擔得起的跨境支付。 自 2019 年以來,IFC 一直是 TerraPay 的主要投資者之一。在談到 B 輪融資時,IFC 顛覆性技術和基金全球總監 William Sonneborn 表示:「低成本跨境支付對於普惠金融和全球貿易至關重要。我們很高興地宣布我們將繼續支持 TerraPay,因為它可以在個人、企業和金融機構之間即時、安全地提供高效支付,同時加強監管和合規基礎設施。他們正在為普惠支付建設一條獨特的全球快車道。」 Prime Ventures 合夥人 Pieter Welten 指出:「自從我們最初投資以來,TerraPay 不斷壯大,我們非常高興能在這段旅程中繼續支持 Ambar 和他的團隊。TerraPay 的全球支付基礎設施正在解決新興市場中的現實問題,其創新的支付解決方案具有合作夥伴所需的可擴展性、靈活性和可用性。跨境支付擁有巨大的全球市場機遇,因此我們堅信該公司將在未來幾年繼續其快速、盈利的增長軌跡。」 Partech 普通合夥人 Cyril Collon 表示:「TerraPay 建立了當今領先的全球支付基礎設施,使 200 多個國家/地區的個人和企業能夠以安全可靠的方式即時結算任何付款。通過這一輪新融資,Partech 很自豪能夠繼續支援由 Ambar 領導的這支傑出而有遠見的團隊,並幫助 TerraPay 進一步加速其高利潤增長的雄心。無論金額大小,為全球範圍內的實時交易提供支持都需要具有最高合規性和安全標準的創新和包容性支付解決方案,而這正是 TerraPay 自我們投資以來每一天都在做的事情。」 "DFC 很高興能支援 TerraPay 的使命,即在全球範圍內擴展金融服務的可及性和包容性。公司利用其數字能力,支持用戶無縫進行跨境支付,並連接起大洋兩岸的社區。"DFC 發展信貸辦公室副總裁 James Polan 這樣說道。 TerraPay 在 B 輪融資中成功籌集了超過 1 億美元,凸顯了其在全球支付基礎設施領域的領先地位。該公司已經扭虧為盈,現準備將其支付平台提升到全新的水平,擴展其功能,並為世界各地的人們提供更無縫的跨境支付解決方案。 關於 TerraPay TerraPay 總部設於英國,公司奉行的理念是:無論金額大小,一切支付都應安全通暢。該集團一直致力建設並不斷擴張其支付高速公路,為大小企業賦能,透過安全實時、通暢無阻的全球支付通道,滿足各種規模交易的需求,從而為客戶締造公開透明的體驗。TerraPay 已於全球 27 個市場註冊並受監管,是銀行、手機銀包服務商、轉帳業務經營者、商戶及金融機構的領先全球合作夥伴,並致力創造更廣袤包容的國際金融生態系統。得益於遍佈全球的可用支付基礎設施,TerraPay 的合作夥伴成為引領行業實現全球金融包容性承諾的先鋒。 欲知詳情,請瀏覽 terrapay.com 媒體聯絡:Anwesha Mukherjee anwesha@terrapay.com ifc partech prime_ventures DFC
HONG KONG, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently ViaBTC's R&D team has upgraded the mining pool's underlying architecture, optimized block broadcast transmission, and introduced innovative products and services such as "Auto Conversion/Withdrawal" and "Crypto Loans". ViaBTC provides transparent mining statistics and "Hashrate Warning" to ensure a seamless mining experience for its users. Low-profile and pragmatic, ViaBTC lays a solid foundation and makes steady progress Within just one year of its founding, ViaBTC's BTC hashrate had already entered the top five globally, earning the trust and favor of countless miners. However, ViaBTC did not rest on its laurels, instead focusing on continually improving the user experience and refining its products. This dedication to excellence paid off, with multiple mining pools supporting mainstream cryptocurrencies such as LTC, DASH, and ZEC going live in succession. Today, ViaBTC provides mining services for 15 different cryptocurrencies, with a cumulative mining output of tens of billions of dollars. Rigorous and professional, ViaBTC ensures more stable mining profits with strong technical strength Only an excellent team can make the company go further. Believing that "the team is the first product of the company", ViaBTC regards its team as the most important competitiveness and the most central product. By constantly recruiting talents, ViaBTC has built a strong global professional team. The team members used to work at well-known Internet and financial companies around the world, and more than 60% of them are R&D workers. It is fair to say that ViaBTC is a technology-driven company. Haipo Yang, the driving force behind ViaBTC, places great emphasis on the technical aspects of mining pools. As a leader with a technical background, he understands the importance of a strong R&D team and sets high standards for his team members. Yang insists on strict code reviews and ensures that every detail, including spaces, variable naming, and architecture design, is meticulously considered. As a result, ViaBTC has maintained a flawless technical record over the past 7 years, with the lowest orphan rate in the network, providing miners with stable and reliable profits. This technical excellence has allowed ViaBTC to outperform its peers in terms of mining profits. Source: https://www.viabtc.com/statistics With commitment, ViaBTC "makes the world a better place via blockchain" ViaBTC, a stable and reliable player in the competitive crypto industry, has steadily grown since its establishment in 2016. The company prioritizes stability and understands the importance of allowing users to mine blocks. Today, by virtue of its professional technologies and high-quality products, ViaBTC has evolved from a mining pool with a single business to an all-encompassing ecosystem, serving more than 4 million users from over 200 countries and regions around the world. Its operations, including ViaBTC Pool, CoinEx Exchange, CSC, ViaWallet, and ViaBTC Capital, are all indispensable infrastructures of blockchain. In the future, ViaBTC will stay committed to becoming a "crypto gateway" for more users and, via blockchain, making the world a better place. This is not only ViaBTC's commitment, but also its mission.
Lakehouse for Manufacturing offers pre-built solutions, partner-designed Brickbuilder offerings and integrated AI capabilities tailored to customers across the manufacturing, logistics, transportation, energy and utilities industries SAN FRANCISCO, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Databricks, the lakehouse company, today announced the Databricks Lakehouse for Manufacturing, the first open, enterprise-scale lakehouse platform tailored to manufacturers that unifies data and AI and delivers record-breaking performance for any analytics use case. The sheer volume of tools, systems and architectures required to run a modern manufacturing environment makes secure data sharing and collaboration a challenge at scale, with over 70 percent of data projects stalling at the proof of concept (PoC) stage. Available today, Databricks' Lakehouse for Manufacturing breaks down these silos and is uniquely designed for manufacturers to access all of their data and make decisions in real-time. Databricks' Lakehouse for Manufacturing has been adopted by industry-leading organizations like DuPont, Honeywell, Rolls-Royce, Shell and Tata Steel. Databricks' newest industry-specific lakehouse goes beyond the limitations of traditional data warehouses by offering integrated AI capabilities and pre-built solutions that accelerate time to value for manufacturers and their partners. These include powerful solutions for predictive maintenance, digital twins, supply chain optimization, demand forecasting, real-time IoT analytics and more. A robust partner ecosystem and custom, partner-built Brickbuilder Solutions offer customers even greater choice in delivering real-time insights and impact across the entire value chain, and at a lower total cost of ownership (TCO) than complex legacy technologies "We employed Databricks to optimize inventory planning using data and analytics, positioning parts where they need to be based on the insight we gain from our connected engines in real time and usage patterns we see in our service network," said Stuart Hughes, Chief Information and Digital Officer at Rolls-Royce Civil Aerospace. "This has helped us minimize risks to engine availability, reduce lead times for spare parts and drive more efficiency in stock turns - all of this enables us to deliver TotalCare, the aviation industry's leading Power-by-the-Hour (PHB) maintenance program." With Databricks, organizations can unlock the value of their existing investments and achieve AI at scale by unifying all of their data – regardless of type, source, frequency or workload – on a single platform. The Lakehouse for Manufacturing has robust data governance and sharing built-in, and enables organizations to deliver real-time insights for agile manufacturing and logistics, across their entire ecosystem. Powerful industry solutions tailored for the lakehouse The Lakehouse for Manufacturing includes access to packaged use case accelerators that are designed to jumpstart the analytics process and offer a blueprint to help organizations tackle critical, high-value industry challenges. Popular data solutions for Databricks' Lakehouse for Manufacturing customers include: Digital Twins: Created from data derived from sensors, digital twins enable engineers to monitor and model systems in real-time. With digital twins, manufacturers can process real-world data in real-time and deliver insights to multiple downstream applications, including process optimization modeling, risk assessments, condition monitoring, and optimized design. Predictive Maintenance: By leveraging predictive maintenance, manufacturers can ingest real-time industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data from field devices and perform complex time-series processing to maximize uptime and minimize maintenance costs. Part-Level Forecasting: To avoid inventory stockouts, shorten lead times and maximize sales, manufacturers can perform demand forecasting at the part level rather than the aggregate level. Overall Equipment Effectiveness: By incrementally ingesting and processing data from sensor/IoT devices in a variety of formats, organizations can provide a consistent approach to KPI reporting across a global manufacturing network. Computer Vision: The development and implementation of computer vision applications enabled manufacturers to automate critical manufacturing processes, improving quality, reducing waste and rework costs, and optimizing flow. "Shell has been undergoing a digital transformation as part of our ambition to deliver more and cleaner energy solutions. Databricks' Lakehouse is central to the Shell.ai Platform and the ability to execute rapid queries on massive datasets," said Dan Jeavons, VP Computational Science and Digital Innovation at Shell. "With the help of Databricks, Shell is better able to use its full historic data set to run 10,000+ inventory simulations across all its parts and facilities. Shell's inventory prediction models now run in a few hours rather than days, significantly improving stocking practices and driving significant savings annually." Databricks Partners deliver an ecosystem of powerful, purpose-built solutions for manufacturers Customers across the manufacturing industry also benefit from vetted data solutions from leading partners like Avanade, Celebal Technologies, DataSentics, Deloitte and Tredence, which are tailor-made to combine the power of Databricks' Lakehouse Platform with proven industry expertise. Partner Brickbuilder Solutions and popular use cases for the Lakehouse for Manufacturing include: Avanade Intelligent Manufacturing: Avanade enables manufacturers to harness all types of data, drive interoperability and realize more value throughout the manufacturing lifecycle with a comprehensive look at connected production facilities and assets. Celebal Technologies Migrate to Databricks: A suite of proven tools from Celebal Technologies empowers organizations to easily migrate legacy on-premises/cloud environments to the Lakehouse Platform and addresses the key scalability, performance and cost challenges of legacy systems. DataSentics Quality Inspector: With DataSentics, manufacturers can leverage computer vision to automate quality control and easily detect defects, foreign objects and anomalies throughout the manufacturing process, from classification and detection to product segmentation and tracking. Deloitte Smart Factory: Deloitte offers automated Monthly Management Reporting to deliver dynamic insights and enable a digital organization supported by an enterprise data lake and advanced analytics. Tredence Predictive Supply Risk Management: Tredence unifies siloed data and drives end-to-end visibility into order flows and supplier performance with a holistic view of the entire supply chain, coupled with real-time data to assess risk factors and prescriptive, AI-powered recommendations across all supply chain functions. "Avanade is delighted to partner with industry innovators like Databricks. As the leading Microsoft Partner for Manufacturing, we see manufacturers getting smarter about how they use digital technologies – because they have to. Times are tough and innovations today must deliver more value more quickly across more of the organization than ever before. The potential of lakehouse is truly exciting and will play a significant part in our Industry X and Smart Digital Manufacturing services," said Thomas Nall, Avanade Manufacturing Lead. "Using the Lakehouse for Manufacturing, a business can utilize all data sources in their value chain so that the power of predictive AI and ML insights can be realized to identify inefficiencies in production processes, improve productivity, enhance quality control, and reduce supply chain costs. This data-driven manufacturing is where we see the industry going as companies seek to accelerate their Smart Factory transformations," said Anthony Abbattista, Principal and Smart Factory Analytics Offering Leader at Deloitte Consulting LLP. "With rising costs, plateauing industrial productivity, and talent gaps, manufacturing companies are facing unprecedented operational challenges. At the same time, autonomy, connectivity and electrification are shaping an entirely new approach of software-defined products that require a transformation of the business and operating model to be competitive and innovative. In the next 5 years, the companies that outperform in this industry will be the ones that not only manage data but effectively operationalize the value from data, analytics and AI at scale," said Shiv Trisal, Global Industry Leader for Manufacturing at Databricks. "We are very excited to launch tailored accelerators that target the industry's biggest pain points, and collaborate with leading partners to introduce Lakehouse for Manufacturing, enabling data teams to boost industrial productivity, gain nth-tier supply chain visibility and deliver smarter products and services at an accelerated pace." The introduction of the Lakehouse for Manufacturing comes on the heels of the recent release of Databricks Model Serving, for fully managed production ML and a new, native integration with VS Code. For more information, visit Databricks' Lakehouse for Manufacturing homepage. For those attending Hannover Messe, register to join Databricks on April 18th for An Evening at the Lakehouse at Insel Beach Club and learn more about Databricks' platform and work with customers throughout the industry. About Databricks Databricks is the lakehouse company. More than 9,000 organizations worldwide — including Comcast, Condé Nast, and over 50% of the Fortune 500 — rely on the Databricks Lakehouse Platform to unify their data, analytics and AI. Databricks is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices around the globe. Founded by the original creators of Apache Spark™, Delta Lake and MLflow, Databricks is on a mission to help data teams solve the world's toughest problems. To learn more, follow Databricks on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Contact: press@databricks.com
JIANGYIN, China, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SJ Semiconductor Corporation ("SJSemi") announced that it has signed $340 million of C+ financing with serial investors recently. The closing of US dollar funding has been made while RMB funding will be closed after the completion of necessary ODI (outbound direct investment) approval procedures. The participating investors include Legend Capital, Goldstone Investment, Jade Stone Venture, Shang Qi Capital, Leafoison Capital, TCL Capital, China Fortune-innovation Capital and GLP-C&D Capital, etc. Existing shareholders who added more include Oriza Rivertown and Oriza Hua Capital. The Company will keep open for more US dollar funding to join. After the completion of Series C+ financing, the total Capital raised will exceed $1 billion and bring company valuation close to $2 billion. Previously, Shenzhen Yuanzhi, CFTC, Hengxu Capital and Legend Capital have become the shareholders of the Company by the share transfer of IC Fund. SJSemi is the pioneer of 12-inch MEOL (Middle-End-Of-Line) foundry in China. It has been well-known by its 12-inch high-density bumping, WLCSP (wafer level chip scale package) and Testing service, and serving leading IC companies overseas and domestically. Utilizing Bumping and RDL technologies, leveraging its advantage of front-end fab management and quality system, SJSemi now is able to provide high performance advanced packaging based on silicon interposer, fan-out wafer and substrate to satisfy increasing strong demand in markets such as smart phone, networking, data center, artificial intelligence and automotive industry. In 2022, SJSemi has further strengthened resilience of its supply chain, gained 17% growth in annual revenue by solidifying overseas business and expanding domestic market. Recent years, SJSemi keeps large size of capacity expansion and R&D spending, which helps on market share and emerging business opportunities. The Series C+ initial signing is beyond expectations, and will further enhance the company's comprehensive technical strength in the field of high-performance advanced packaging. About SJSemi SJ Semiconductor Corporation was registered and established in August 2014. Starting with the advanced 12-inch bumping and RDL, SJSemi aims to offer first-class Middle-End-Of-Line (MEOL) manufacturing and testing services and develop the advanced 3D Multi-Die Integration technology and solutions. It is committed to providing a convenient one-stop service to supply high quality and efficient chips for local and international customers, as well as help strengthening their global competitiveness.
ACCEPTANCE PERIOD ENDS ON 17 APRIL 2023 AT 17:40 CEST THIS PRESS RELEASE IS NOT FOR GENERAL RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IN OR INTO, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THE UNITED STATES OR ANY OTHER JURISDICTION WHERE SUCH RELEASE, PUBLICATION OR DISTRIBUTION WOULD VIOLATE APPLICABLE LAWS OR REGULATIONS This is a joint press release by Koninklijke DSM N.V. (DSM), Firmenich International SA (Firmenich) and Danube AG, to be renamed DSM-Firmenich AG (the Company or DSM-Firmenich) in connection with the voluntary public exchange offer by the Company for all the issued and outstanding ordinary shares in the share capital of DSM (each such share, a DSM Ordinary Share) (the Exchange Offer)), pursuant to Section 4, paragraph 3 of the Dutch Decree on Public Takeover Bids (Besluit openbare biedingen Wft). The Exchange Offer is not being made, and the DSM Ordinary Shares will not be accepted for purchase from or on behalf of any holder of DSM Ordinary Shares (a DSM Shareholder), in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Exchange Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the terms of the offering circular in relation to the Exchange Offer dated 22 November 2022 (the Offering Circular). KAISERAUGST, Switzerland and HEERLEN, Netherlands and GENEVA, April 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- DSM and Firmenich jointly announce that they have obtained competition clearance from the Competition Commission of India (CCI) on 3 April 2023.1 DSM and Firmenich now have competition clearance in all required jurisdictions, as a result of which the Transaction Condition relating to the competition clearances has now been satisfied. 1 Reference is made to the CCI's press release No. 78/2022-23, available here: https://www.cci.gov.in/media-gallery/press-release/details/289/0. Acceptance periodIn accordance with the exemption (ontheffing) granted by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) on 30 March 2023 and as set out in our joint press release of 31 March 2023, the extended acceptance period will expire on 17 April 2023 at 17:40 CEST. Certain intermediaries may set an earlier deadline in order to be able to timely communicate the tender to the exchange agent. For more information, please see the paragraph 'Indicative timetable' below and section 14.9 of the Offering Circular. The DSM Boards unanimously reiterate the recommendation to the DSM Shareholders to tender their DSM Ordinary Shares into the Exchange Offer. Antitrust investigationAs indicated in our press release of 31 March 2023, Firmenich announced on 8 March 2023 that four antitrust authorities have started an industry wide investigation, and that unannounced inspections were carried out at Firmenich's offices in France, Switzerland and the UK. Firmenich and DSM will provide a further update to the market shortly by way of a supplement to the Offering Circular. Indicative timetableOn the basis that all other Transaction Conditions will be satisfied as well on 17 April 2023, the indicative timetable below lists the expected key dates for the remainder of the Exchange Offer and the Transactions. Event Date Acceptance Closing Date 17 April 2023 Unconditional Date The date on which the Company shall declare the Exchange Offer unconditional (gestand doen) 17 April 2023 First Trading Date The first trading date for the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares on an as-if-and-when delivered basis 18 April 2023 Settlement Date The date on which (i) the DSM Ordinary Shares tendered under the Exchange Offer are transferred againstpayment of the Offer Consideration and (ii) the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares are delivered in the systems of Euronext Amsterdam 20 April 2023 Firmenich Contribution Date The date on which the shares in the capital of Firmenich will be contributed to the Company Week commencing 8 May 2023 These dates and times are subject to change and references to time are to CEST. Acceptance of the Exchange Offer by DSM Shareholders Acceptance by DSM Shareholders through Admitted InstitutionsDSM Shareholders who hold their DSM Ordinary Shares through an institution admitted to Euronext Amsterdam and/or Euroclear Nederland (aangesloten instelling) (an Admitted Institution) must make their acceptance known through their bank or stockbroker no later than 17:40 hours CEST on the Acceptance Closing Date. The custodian, bank or stockbroker may set an earlier deadline for communication by the DSM Shareholders in order to permit the custodian, bank or stockbroker to communicate its acceptances to the Settlement Agent in a timely manner. Accordingly, the DSM Shareholders holding DSM Ordinary Shares through a financial intermediary should comply with the dates communicated by such financial intermediary. Acceptance by DSM Shareholders located in the United StatesDSM Shareholders located in the United States who hold their DSM Ordinary Shares through a custodian, bank or stockbroker are requested to make their acceptance known through their bank or stockbroker as set out in section 16.1 (United States of America) of the Offering Circular. If a beneficiary to DSM Ordinary Shares located in the United States is unable to make the QIB Confirmations on behalf of itself or the person on whose behalf such DSM Ordinary Shares are held, any DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted to such person will instead be transferred to a nominee, and such DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares will be sold on his, her or its behalf with the proceeds being remitted to such person within five days of the Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during the Acceptance Period, or within five days of the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during any Post-Closing Acceptance Period. AnnouncementsAnnouncements in relation to the exchange offer are issued by means of a press release. Any joint press release issued by the Company, DSM and Firmenich is made available on the website of the Company (www.creator-innovator.com). Subject to any applicable requirements of the applicable laws and without limiting the manner in which the Company, DSM and Firmenich may choose to make any public announcement, the Company, DSM and Firmenich will have no obligation to communicate any public announcement other than as described in the Offering Circular. Further informationCapitalised terms used but not defined herein are defined in the Offering Circular. This announcement contains selected, condensed information regarding the Exchange Offer and does not replace the Offering Circular. The information in this announcement is not complete and additional information is contained in the Offering Circular. A digital copy of the Offering Circular is available on the website of the Company (www.creator-innovator.com/en/offering-circular-and-egm/). General restrictionsThe Exchange Offer is being made in and from the Netherlands with due observance of such statements, conditions and restrictions as are included in the Offering Circular. The Company reserves the right to accept any tender under the Exchange Offer, which is made by or on behalf of a DSM Shareholder, even if it has not been made in the manner set out in the Offering Circular. The distribution of the Offering Circular and/or the making of the Exchange Offer in jurisdictions other than the Netherlands may be restricted and/or prohibited by law. In particular, subject to certain exceptions, the Offering Circular is not for general circulation in the United States. The Exchange Offer is not being made, and the DSM Ordinary Shares will not be accepted for purchase from or on behalf of any DSM Shareholder, in any jurisdiction in which the making of the Exchange Offer or acceptance thereof would not be in compliance with the securities or other laws or regulations of such jurisdiction or would require any registration, approval or filing with any regulatory authority not expressly contemplated by the terms of the Offering Circular. Persons obtaining the Offering Circular are required to take due note and observe all such restrictions and obtain any necessary authorisations, approvals or consents (to the extent applicable). Outside of the Netherlands, no actions have been taken (nor will actions be taken) to make the Exchange Offer possible in any jurisdiction where such actions would be required. In addition, the Offering Circular has not been filed with nor recognised by the authorities of any jurisdiction other than the Netherlands. Neither the Company, nor DSM, nor Firmenich, nor any of their advisers accept any liability for any violation by any person of any such restriction. Any person (including, without limitation, custodians, nominees and trustees) who forwards or intends to forward the Offering Circular or any related document to any jurisdiction outside the Netherlands should carefully read section 16 (Restrictions) and section 17 (Important Information) of the Offering Circular before taking any action. The release, publication or distribution of the Offering Circular and any documentation regarding the Exchange Offer, the making of the Exchange Offer or the issuance and offering of the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares in jurisdictions other than the Netherlands may be restricted by law and therefore persons into whose possession the Offering Circular comes should inform themselves about and observe such restrictions. Any failure to comply with any such restrictions may constitute a violation of the law of any such jurisdiction. United States of AmericaUnless otherwise determined by the Company, the Exchange Offer is not being, and will not be, made, directly or indirectly, in or into, or by the use of the mails of, or by any means or instrumentality (including, without limitation, telephonically or electronically) of, interstate or foreign commerce of, or of any facilities of a national securities exchange of, the United States except to DSM Shareholders who (i) are "qualified institutional buyers" as such term is defined in Rule 144A under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the U.S. Securities Act, and each such person, a QIB) and (ii), to the Company's satisfaction (in its sole discretion), have duly completed and returned to the Company a letter confirming that it is a QIB and agreeing to certain transfer restrictions applicable to the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares (a U.S. Investor Letter) available from the Company (each an Eligible U.S. Holder). Accordingly, to be eligible to receive DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares under the Exchange Offer, each DSM Shareholder that is a U.S. Person and that is a QIB must make their acceptance known through their custodian, bank or stockbroker by executing and delivering a U.S. Investor letter to such custodian or intermediary no later than 17:40 hours CEST on the Acceptance Closing Date. The custodian, bank or stockbroker may set an earlier deadline for communication by DSM Shareholders in order to permit the custodian, bank or stockbroker to communicate its acceptances to the Settlement Agent (ABN AMRO) in a timely manner. Accordingly, Eligible U.S. Holders holding DSM Ordinary Shares through a financial intermediary should comply with the dates communicated by such financial intermediary, as such dates may differ from the dates and times noted in the Offering Circular. The form of a U.S. Investor Letter will be distributed to custodians, nominees and other financial intermediaries to distribute to those they hold for in due course and is also available to QIBs from the Company. Any U.S. Person who is not a QIB, or in respect of whom no U.S. Investor Letter is received before 17:40 hours CEST on the Acceptance Closing Date, will be a Restricted Shareholder and will be treated as set out under section 14.35 (Notice to DSM Shareholders in certain jurisdictions) of the Offering Circular. The DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or any other applicable law of the United States and accordingly, the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares may not be reoffered, resold or transferred, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. Any DSM Shareholder located in the United States at the time of the Transactions will be required to make certain representations, warranties and undertakings in respect of their status as QIB (the QIB Confirmations), in order to receive the DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares on the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date. If a beneficiary to DSM Ordinary Shares located in the United States is unable to make the QIB Confirmations on behalf of itself or the person on whose behalf such DSM Ordinary Shares are held, any DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted to such person will instead be transferred to a sales agent, and such DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares will be sold on his, her or its behalf with the proceeds being remitted to such person within five days of the Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during the Acceptance Period, or within five days of the Post-Closing Acceptance Settlement Date, for DSM-Firmenich Ordinary Shares allotted in exchange for DSM Ordinary Shares tendered during any Post-Closing Acceptance Period. Additional information is included in section 16.1 (United States of America) of the Offering Circular. Forward looking statementsCertain statements in this press release other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current beliefs and projections and on information currently available to the Company. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the Company's control and all of which are based on its current beliefs and expectations about future events. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "believe", "expect", "may", "will", "seek", "would", "could", "should", "intend", "estimate", "plan", "assume", "predict", "anticipate", "annualised", "goal", "target", "potential", "continue", "hope", "objective", "position", "project", "risk" or "aim" or the highlights or negatives thereof or other variations thereof or comparable terminology, or by discussions of DSM-Firmenich's strategy, short-term and mid-term objectives and future plans that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties and speak only as of the date they are made. Except as required by applicable law, the Company does not undertake and it expressly disclaims any duty to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statement in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Such forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs, assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections of the Directors in office at the time of this press release and the Company's management, public statements made by it, present and future business strategies and the environment in which DSM-Firmenich will operate in the future. By their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which could cause DSM-Firmenich's actual results and future events to differ materially from those implied or expressed by forward-looking statements. The DSM Shareholders and other prospective investors are advised to read section 2 (Risk Factors) of the Offering Circular for a more complete discussion of the factors that could affect the DSM-Firmenich's future performance and the industry in which DSM-Firmenich operates. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialise, or should any of the assumptions underlying the above or other factors prove to be incorrect, DSM-Firmenich's actual results of operations or future financial condition could differ materially from those described herein as currently anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. In light of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions underlying the above factors, the forward-looking events described in the Offering Circular may not occur or be realised. Additional risks not known to the Company or that the Company does not currently consider material could also cause the forward-looking events discussed in the Offering Circular not to occur. About FirmenichFirmenich, the world's largest privately-owned fragrance and taste company, was founded in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1895, and has been family-owned for 127 years. Firmenich is a business-to-business company specialized in the research, creation, manufacture and sale of perfumes, flavors, and ingredients. Renowned for its excellent research, as well as its leadership in sustainability, Firmenich offers its customers innovation in formulation, a broad palette of ingredients, and proprietary technologies such as biotechnology. Firmenich delivered CHF 4.7bn of sales in the financial year ended 30 June 2022. About DSMDSM has transformed during its 150+ year history into today's health, nutrition & bioscience global leader. The Dutch-Swiss company specializes in nutritional ingredients for food and feed with proven world-leading bioscience capabilities and an international network of high-quality manufacturing sites that underpin a business model of global products, local solutions and personalization and precision. For Health, Nutrition & Bioscience (excluding Materials), DSM delivered €7.3bn of sales in the calendar year 2021, with adjusted EBITDA of €1.4bn and an adjusted EBITDA margin of 19%. Transaction websitePlease visit www.creator-innovator.com for additional materials on the Transactions.
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