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Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd 名列印度第一電力公司

編輯概要  Adani Electricity 是孟買的主要電力公司,為 315 萬戶家庭及機構提供服務 Adani Electricity 獲得了最高的 99.6 分(100 分滿分) 基於經濟可持續性、卓越績效及企業外部環境對 71 間電力公司進行了評分 能源部透過 Power Finance Corporation 進行了第 11 次綜合評分工作 Adani Electricity 在卓越績效方面獲得了 12.8 分(13 分滿分),涵蓋計費效率、低配電損耗、收集效率及企業管治。 在流動性方面,Adani Electricity 獲得了最高分數,資金流動性方面改善顯著 印度孟買2023年4月12日 /美通社/ --  Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd (Adani Electricity) 憑著其綜合管治表現,包括經濟可持續性、卓越積效及企業外部環境,在全國 71 間電力公司中登頂。 在能源部的第 11 版國家配電設施「年度綜合評分及排名」中,Adani Electricity 以 A+ 評級及 99.6 分的最高綜合評分(滿分 100 分),穩守第 1 名的位置。星期一公佈的評分報告,由 McKinsey & Company 準備,評估是基於過去三個財政年度(由 2019-2020 至 2022-2023)的賬目。 本月初,Adani Electricity 宣佈,在多年電價機制下的審查期間,他們在馬哈拉施特拉邦的電力公司中電價漲價幅度最小。這顯示了 Adani Electricity 謹慎的財務與營運手法為終端使用者帶來的好處。 這份全面的評估中,Adani Electricity 成為最好及唯一進入前五名的私營公用事業公司,亦是沒有任何負面評分的 15 間電力公司之一。 「過去五年,我們以客戶為中心,透過技術發展現狀技術干預,降低及穩定電價,最佳化購電成本及改善營運效率,例如 SCADA、自動化工作流程管理及數碼優先的方針。」Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd 總經理 Kandarp Patel 先生說。「這些努力使我們不只在孟買,在全印度亦是最有競爭力的供電商之一,受到電力金融公司及能源部的認可。這個獨立認可證實了我們對顧客提供可靠、可負擔及可持續電力的承諾。我們會持續加強服務及基礎建設,以超越全球標準。我們亦再次承諾將可再生能源份額翻倍到 60%。這是我們對孟買以及所有一路支持我們成為第一的持份者的承諾。」 年度綜合評分及排名工作由節點機構 Power Finance Corporation Ltd 根據能源部自 2012 年以來批准的框架進行。它涵蓋了 71 間配電設施,包括印度各地的 45 間州營電力公司、14 間私營電力公司及 12 個電力部門。這項工作為持份者提供了藍圖,以評估績效、查明差距、衡量所採取步驟的影響並提前作出規劃。 Adani Electricity 在卓越績效方面獲得了 12.8 分(13 分滿分),涵蓋計費效率、低配電損耗、收集效率及企業管治。 在企業外部環境方面,Adani Electricity 在實現津貼(過去 3 個財政年度)、州政府的損失接管、政府費用(過去 3 個財政年度)、電費週期時間表及汽車通過的燃料成本中獲得了 11.9 分(12 分滿分)。  在經濟可持續性方面,Adani Electricity 在其 ACS — ARR 差距(現金調整)、應收帳款週轉天數、應付電力公司天數、已調整的速動比率、償債保障比率(現金調整)及杠桿貸款/EBITDA(現金調整)方面獲得了全部 75 分。 以上所有參數中,Adani Electricity 的得分都在最高矩陣中,一系列業界最佳做法帶來了優越的排名,包括以下: 數碼化的帳單生成和付款 — 與 UPIs 及支付網關合作,為客戶提供簡易的付款方式。 採用先進的儀表讀數功能,大大減少帳單的出錯。 分析及使用 MIS 系統來限制偷電行為 — 更強的警惕性驅動。這些努力令過去兩年的配電損耗由 9.1% 減少至 6.7%。 強力的營運資金管理令速動比率獲得最高分。 關於 Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited Adani Electricity Mumbai Limited 隸屬多元化的 Adani 集團,是一間電力生產、輸電及配電零售的綜合企業。ADANI ELECTRICITY 擁有及營運著印度最大型及最有效率的配電網路。ADANI ELECTRICITY 服務於孟買及其郊區 400 平方公里範圍內超過 3.1 百萬的客戶,以全國最高的 99.99% 可靠性,滿足超過 2000 兆瓦的電力需求。ADANI ELECTRICITY 靠著先進的科技,提供優秀的客戶服務。欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽 www.adanielectricity.com  

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來自 THE SINGLETON 的頹廢新 40 歲表達激發了「感官極簡主義」

這種高度感官體驗曾由神經科學家 Katherine Templar Lewis 加以解釋,現已透過上海一家沉浸式畫廊的國際藝術家呈現出來 倫敦 2023年4月12日 /美通社/ -- The Singleton 40-Year-Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 的發佈是一系列非凡威士忌的第三章也是終章,締造了 The Singleton of Glen Ord Distillery 的一場口福之旅。這是一款高度限量版的威士忌,具有天鵝絨般綿密的黑巧克力和濃郁李子芬芳。它的口味層次如此豐富,以至於它激發了對"感官極簡主義"的探索,成為了神經美學中關於如何獲得最佳味覺體驗的新理論。 The Singleton 40-Year-Old, a decadent new expression from The Singleton inspires Sensorial Maximalism The Singleton 創造出充滿幻想、超群絕倫、具有無與倫比風味、非凡深度且和諧的蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌,突破味覺界限。備受尊敬的麥芽威士忌大師 Maureen Robinson 作為實驗和工藝的先驅,打破界限創造出這款威士忌,帶領我們踏上了一段 28 年二次熟成的頹廢之旅,這也是該釀酒廠最長的一次熟成。 Maureen Robinson 解釋道:「The Singleton 40-Year-Old 是 The Singleton Epicurean Odyssey 系列的壓軸作品,我非常享受創造這個系列,並且從我作為威士忌釀酒師的職業生涯中借鑒了我個人的風味之旅。在長時間的二次熟成結束時,我們精心挑選了 Ron Zacapa XO 酒桶,為威士忌帶來最後的放縱收尾,帶來濃郁、果香和絲滑的餘韻,釋放濃郁的黑巧克力味。其結果是:這種威士忌恰恰體現了我透過工藝尋找新口味的願望,成就了一款最極致的威士忌。」 三位全球多學科藝術家以 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 令人難以置信的工藝和放縱的品質為靈感,由 AlterProjects 策劃並與蔡惠贞合作,創作出獨特的作品,探索了 Maureen Robinson 和 THE SINGLETON 威士忌釀造大師的工藝元素。才華橫溢的藝術家周軼倫、Found Studio 和 Moodsonic 透過對「流動」、「碰撞」和「馥郁」的詮釋,展現出熟成時間、工藝和精神的豐富性。 神經科學家 Katherine Templar Lewis 也影響了這些藝術作品的創作。受這種稀有的單一麥芽威士忌的馥郁口感及其風味之旅的啟發,她探索了一種全新的神經科學理論「感官極簡主義」,即透過調節我們的外部環境可以提高我們的感官意識。這為我們最崇高的品酒體驗做好了鋪墊。 三位藝術家的作品不僅受 Katherine Templar Lewis 研究的啟發,旨在提高感官意識,而且還借鑒了 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 的故事。麥芽威士忌大師 Maureen Robinson 著手將實驗性橡木桶中的二次熟成推向極致,然後進一步深思熟慮地疊加口味,打造出 The Singleton 有史以來最放縱的威士忌。 這些藝術品構成了上海沉浸式畫廊體驗 The Rooms of Maximalism 的基礎,賓客們穿梭於這些房間,為五感和其他感官提供精確的刺激,在全球受眾首次品味 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 之前,達到這種感官極簡主義的狀態。 體驗包括揭幕周軼倫創作的大型實物作品,探索液體與橡木桶之間的碰撞。此外還有剝奪感官的區域,並透過 Moodsonic 設計的音景和 Found Studio 的移動數碼藝術,打造出聲波觸發的 ASMR,以不同的速度部署移動,專門設計用於讓賓客進入流淌的狀態,以及一系列可觸摸的紋理,所有這些都構成了賓客的感官體驗。 周軼倫指出:「我試圖透過一個宏偉的雕塑裝置,捕捉 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 威士忌中液體和木材的碰撞。我運用材料,旨在模仿威士忌流淌過酒桶並觸碰到舌尖的質地和感覺。透過分層繪畫和使用各種色調的筆觸,我試圖描繪威士忌多層次風味的交錯和口感複雜性。我希望這個雕塑能為觀眾展現液體的感官體驗。」 Moodsonic 作曲家 Tomas Nordmark 表示:「我們在周遭聽到的聲音改變了我們的味覺、觸覺、感覺和嗅覺,因此這是創造出豐富、身臨其境、極致體驗的完美方式。我們著手譜寫獨特的樂曲,同時慶祝和增強這款非凡威士忌的品酒體驗。透過借鑒 Katherine Templar Lewis 提出的神經科學理論,我們設計的音效將為品酒者增強天鵝絨綿密般的巧克力等口味。」 在此 查看關於 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 和感官極簡主義的更多信息。 Katherine Templar Lewis 指出:「神經美學告訴我們,外界的影響如何增強我們的感官,並幫助其做好準備以創造終極品嚐體驗。透過部署影響五感的各種策略,人們可以在品嘗 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 之前達到這種感官極簡主義的狀態。除了圍繞 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 與一些了不起的藝術家進行的研究和合作外,我還製作了一本指南,幫助人們在家中獲得這種體驗。」 Katherine Templar Lewis 介紹了一些步驟,幫助即將在家中享用一杯 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 或任何其他 The Singleton 系列威士忌的人們在品酒前做好準備。點擊以查看指南。 這款濃郁、稀有的單一麥芽威士忌令人難以抗拒,將補充任何威士忌收藏,是餽贈給美食與佳釀鑑賞家的完美禮物。The Singleton 40-Year-Old 將在全球指定零售商處發售,欲了解詳情,請訪問 www.diageorareandexceptional.com。建議售價為 3,300 英鎊(含英國關稅和其他稅費)或 3,755 美元(不含關稅和其他稅費)。 編輯須知: 您可以在此鏈接中找到更多圖片,要觀看有關 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 和感官極簡主義的短片,請訪問此鏈接。 请浏览 @TheSingletonWhisky 和 @DiageoRareandExceptional Instagram 頻道获取更多资讯 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 簡介 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 是 Epicurean Odyssey 系列的壓軸之作,它的誕生體現了透過開創性工藝和實驗追求超凡口味的獨特抱負。該系列是 Maureen Robinson 在探索世界最佳味覺體驗之旅的過程中將無與倫比的遠見與卓越工藝相結合的結果。 在品嚐 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 時,威士忌愛好者 Charles Maclean 將其描述為:「The Singleton of Glen Ord 光彩奪目的多層次表現:專業的調製將異常濃郁和甜美的芬芳融合在一起,同時保留了令人愉悅的複雜口味。」 產品資訊 ABV:45.9%建議售價(英鎊):£3,300(含英國關稅和其他稅費)建議售價(美元):$3,755(不含關稅和其他稅費)發售量:1,716 瓶,70cl此外還提供 EPICUREAN ODYSSEY 系列:The Singleton 38-Year-Old、The Singleton 39-Year-Old 品飲記錄: 外觀:具有黃銅光澤的深琥珀色。 香氣:香氣圓潤,起初略帶辛辣味;蘋果幹果香前調,隨後疊加一種更可口的香氣,讓人聯想到鼠尾草,而更豐富的果味恰如同包裹在黑巧克力中的李子,輔以甜辣橡木的平衡基調,帶有淡淡的太妃糖和橡木屑芬芳。加入一滴水,便會激起一縷蠟煙香氣。 酒體:輕盈到中等 味覺:天然強度,口感格外絲滑,略帶蠟質,而味道起初甜美、充滿活力和果味,舌中變得略帶鹹味和李子酸。複雜的味覺層次讓人聯想到厚塗黑巧克力的香梨和焦糖熱帶水果,仿佛太妃糖包裹的香蕉和菠蘿。美妙的平衡,超級絲滑,持久濃郁、甜美的果味與漸次形成的黑胡椒味構成平衡。天鵝絨般柔滑的黑巧克力單寧預示著開胃的乾果香。加入一滴水,便可突出果味,軟化香料的味道,在口中激發清涼的回味。 餘味:餘味悠長,味道深沉,略微乾燥,帶有黑胡椒香料和淡淡的蠟煙氣息。 DIAGEO 簡介 Diageo 是酒精飲品領域的全球領導者,在烈酒和啤酒類別擁有一系列出色的品牌。這些品牌包括 Johnnie Walker、Crown Royal、J&B、Buchanan's 和 Windsor 威士忌、Smirnoff、Cîroc 和 Ketel One 伏特加、Baileys、Captain Morgan、Tanqueray 和 Guinness。隨時隨地慶祝生活。 藝術家簡介 Zhou Yilun 周轶伦 周軼倫(生於 1983 年),杭州藝術家,2006 年畢業於中國美術學院油畫專業,獲學士學位。他多元化的作品包括繪畫、裝置、雕塑和混合媒體,所有這些都以探索常見材料的潛力和從日常物品中汲取靈感為中心。周軼倫的風格令人聯想起史前和未來派元素,尋求在材料的有形質量和工業生產的審美張力之間取得平衡。由此產生的扭曲和夢幻般的現實感在觀眾和藝術品之間建立起一種發自內心的情感聯繫。他的作品曾在北京、上海、洛杉磯和蘇黎世等多個城市展出,展示了他以獨特的創作眼光吸引跨文化領域觀眾的能力。 Moodsonic Moodsonic 致力於提升音景的藝術水平。我們透過融合設計、技術和科學的方法探索聲音如何在建築環境中改變我們的大腦、身體和感官體驗。我們的音景可以在世界各地的各種空間中聽到,從展覽現場,到工作場所,乃至醫院診所。 Moodsonic 與瑞典藝術家、作曲家和聲音設計師 Tomas Nordmark 合作。Nordmark 的作品常出現在公共裝置、展覽、電影和戲劇中。他的項目是對人文科學和自然科學的深入調查。 www.moodsonic.comwww.tomasnordmark.com IG - @tomasnordmark Found Studio 為全球最挑剔的品牌提供非凡的視覺內容。我們是藝術家和故事講述者,將 3D 運動設計與電影工藝和技術相結合,創造出富有想像力、創新和具有深遠影響的內容。 www.found-studio.com Instagram/Twitter @found_studio KATHERINE TEMPLAR LEWIS 簡介 Katherine 曾就讀牛津大學,是一位神經科學家,她將創意和科學生態系統與思維聯繫起來。憑藉在遺傳學、神經科學和認知心理學方面的廣泛背景,她創建了跨學科團隊和對話,以協調科學洞察力,並將其嵌入到體驗、產品和創意過程中。她是一位開創性的"現實黑客",透過藝術和創意合作,加速將實驗室的前沿研究推向全世界。她將生活經驗與基於證據的設計相結合,活躍於全球一些頂尖的學術機構和實驗室。 策展人簡介 AlterProjects 是對故事講述、設計和創新充滿熱情的策展人、戰略家、文化場所營造者和製作人。AlterProjects 專注於全球獨特文化項目的構思和執行,將品牌、地區、房地產開發商和機構與設計師和藝術家聯繫起來。AlterProjects 由 Anne-Laure Pingreoun 創立,其與極具創造力的人才合作,尋找開發顛覆性和非常規內容和體驗的新方法。 www.alter-projects.com@alterprojects_ AlterProjects 的 Anne Pingreon 指出:「我們創造了一個感官敘事裝置,旨在營造新的核心記憶,為每一位參觀者帶來充滿風味和豐富情感的獨特個人體驗。作為策展人,我們致力於透過藝術和文化創造情感,同時慶祝這款威士忌背後靈感的美麗故事。」   與 COLLISION ROOM 的共同策展人 Yoko Choy 合作 蔡惠贞,《Wallpaper*》雜誌中國編輯; 聯合創始人,集體當代主義者。 蔡惠贞出生於香港,是一位經驗豐富的設計記者; 迄今為止,她的作品已在眾多國際刊物上發表,目前是《Wallpaper*》雜誌(全球版)的中國編輯。蔡惠贞還是一位備受推崇的傳播顧問,其客戶包括諸多展會組織者、品牌和創意工作室。她目前居住在香港和阿姆斯特丹,認為東西方的邂逅不僅僅是兩種審美願景的結合;作為一名多語言和多文化創意評論員和傳播者,她的使命是將兩個世界的知識和見解轉化為共同的創意語言,並提高人們對跨文化交流在創意產業和企業中重要性的認知。為此,蔡惠贞於 2018 年與志同道合者共同創立了 Collective Contemporist。這家創意諮詢公司在北京、香港和阿姆斯特丹設有辦事處,旨在促進和激發兩個領域之間的對話與合作。@missyoko The Singleton 40-Year-Old launch in Zhangyuan, Shanghai, Gary Gan with artworks by Found Studio  

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來自 THE SINGLETON 的頹廢新 40 歲表達激發了「感官極簡主義」

這種高度感官體驗由神經科學家 Katherine Templar Lewis 加以解釋,現已透過上海一家沉浸式畫廊的國際藝術家呈現出來 倫敦 2023年4月12日 /美通社/ -- The Singleton 40-Year-Old Single Malt Scotch Whisky 的發佈是一系列非凡威士忌的第三篇章也是終章,締造了一場 The Singleton of Glen Ord Distillery 口福之旅。這是一款高度限量版的威士忌,具有天鵝絨般綿密的黑巧克力和濃郁李子芬芳。它的味覺層次如此豐富,以至於它激發了對"感官極簡主義"的探索,成為了神經美學中關於如何獲得最佳味覺體驗的新理論。 The Singleton 40-Year-Old, a decadent new expression from The Singleton inspires Sensorial Maximalism The Singleton 創造出充滿幻想、超群絕倫、具有無與倫比風味、非凡深度且和諧的蘇格蘭麥芽威士忌,突破味覺界限。備受尊敬的麥芽威士忌大師 Maureen Robinson 作為實驗和工藝的先驅,打破界限創造出這款威士忌,帶領我們踏上了一段 28 年二次熟成的頹廢之旅,這也是該釀酒廠最長的一次熟成。 Maureen Robinson 解釋道:「The Singleton 40-Year-Old 是 The Singleton Epicurean Odyssey 系列的壓軸之作,我非常享受創造這個系列,並且從我作為威士忌釀酒師的職業生涯中借鑒了我個人的風味之旅。在長時間的二次熟成結束時,我們精心挑選了 Ron Zacapa XO 酒桶,為威士忌帶來最後的放縱收尾,帶來濃郁、果香和絲滑的餘韻,釋放濃郁的黑巧克力味。其結果是:這種威士忌恰恰體現了我透過工藝尋找新口味的願望,成就了一款極致威士忌。」 三位全球多學科藝術家以 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 令人難以置信的工藝和令人陶醉的品質為靈感,由 AlterProjects 策劃並與蔡惠贞合作,創作出獨特的作品,探索了 Maureen Robinson 和 THE SINGLETON 威士忌釀造大師的工藝元素。才華橫溢的藝術家周軼倫、Found Studio 和 Moodsonic 透過對「流動」、「碰撞」和「馥郁」的詮釋,展現出熟成時間、工藝和精神的豐富性。 神經科學家 Katherine Templar Lewis 也影響了這些藝術作品的創作。受這種稀有的單一麥芽威士忌的馥郁口感及其風味之旅的啟發,她探索了一種全新的神經科學理論「感官極簡主義」,即透過調節我們的外部環境提高我們的感官意識。這為我們的巔峰品酒體驗做好了鋪墊。 三位藝術家的作品不僅受 Katherine Templar Lewis 研究的啟發,旨在提高感官意識,而且還借鑒了 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 的故事。麥芽威士忌大師 Maureen Robinson 著手將實驗性橡木桶中的二次熟成推向極致,然後進一步深思熟慮地疊加口味,打造出 The Singleton 有史以來最放縱的威士忌。 這些藝術品構成了上海沉浸式畫廊體驗 The Rooms of Maximalism 的基礎,賓客們穿梭於這些房間,為五感和其他感官提供精確的刺激,在全球受眾首次品味 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 之前,達到這種感官極簡主義的狀態。 體驗包括揭幕周軼倫創作的大型實物作品,探索液體與橡木桶之間的碰撞。此外還有剝奪感官的區域,並透過 Moodsonic 設計的音景和 Found Studio 的移動數位藝術,打造出聲波觸發的 ASMR,以不同的速度部署移動,專門設計用於讓賓客進入流淌的狀態,以及一系列可觸摸的紋理,所有這些都構成了賓客的感官體驗。 周軼倫指出:「我試圖透過一個宏偉的雕塑裝置,捕捉 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 威士忌中液體和木材的碰撞。我運用材料,旨在模仿威士忌流淌過酒桶並觸碰到舌尖的質地和感覺。透過分層繪畫和使用各種色調的筆觸,我試圖描繪威士忌多層次風味的交錯和口感複雜性。我希望這個雕塑能為觀眾展現液體的感官體驗。」 Moodsonic 作曲家 Tomas Nordmark 表示:「周遭的聲音改變了我們的味覺、觸覺、感覺和嗅覺,因此這是創造出豐富、身臨其境、極致體驗的完美方式。我們著手譜寫獨特的音效,同時慶祝和增強這款非凡威士忌的品酒體驗。透過借鑒 Katherine Templar Lewis 提出的神經科學理論,我們設計的音效將為品酒者增強天鵝絨綿密般的巧克力等口味。」 在此 查看關於 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 和感官極簡主義的更多信息。 Katherine Templar Lewis 指出:「神經美學告訴我們,外界的影響如何增強我們的感官,並幫助其做好準備以創造終極品嚐體驗。透過部署影響五感的各種策略,人們可以在品嘗 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 之前達到這種感官極簡主義的狀態。除了圍繞 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 與一些了不起的藝術家進行的研究和合作外,我還製作了一本指南,幫助人們在家中獲得這種體驗。」 Katherine Templar Lewis 介紹了一些步驟,幫助即將在家中享用一杯 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 或任何其他 The Singleton 系列威士忌的人們在品酒前做好準備。點擊以查看指南。 這款濃郁、稀有的單一麥芽威士忌令人難以抗拒,將補充任何威士忌收藏,是餽贈給美食與佳釀鑑賞家的完美禮物。The Singleton 40-Year-Old 將在全球指定零售商處發售,欲了解詳情,請訪問 www.diageorareandexceptional.com。建議售價為 3,300 英鎊(含英國關稅和其他稅費)或 3,755 美元(不含關稅和其他稅費)。 編輯須知: 您可以在此鏈接中找到更多相片,若要觀看有關 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 和感官極簡主義的短片,請訪問此鏈接。  请浏览 @TheSingletonWhisky 和 @DiageoRareandExceptional Instagram 頻道获取更多资讯 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 簡介 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 是 Epicurean Odyssey 系列的壓軸之作,它的誕生體現了透過開創性工藝和實驗追求超凡口味的獨特抱負。該系列是 Maureen Robinson 在探索世界最佳味覺體驗之旅的過程中將無與倫比的遠見與卓越工藝相結合的結果。 在品嚐 The Singleton 40-Year-Old 時,威士忌愛好者 Charles Maclean 將其描述為:「The Singleton of Glen Ord 光彩奪目的多層次表現:專業的調製將異常濃郁和甜美的芬芳融合在一起,同時保留了令人愉悅的複雜口味。」 產品資訊 ABV:45.9%建議售價(英鎊):£3,300(含英國關稅和其他稅費)建議售價(美元):$3,755(不含關稅和其他稅費)發售量:1,716 瓶,70cl此外還提供 EPICUREAN ODYSSEY 系列:The Singleton 38-Year-Old、The Singleton 39-Year-Old 品飲記錄: 外觀:具有黃銅光澤的深琥珀色。 香氣:香氣圓潤,起初略帶辛辣味;蘋果幹果香前調,隨後疊加一種更可口的香氣,讓人聯想到鼠尾草,而更豐富的果味恰如包裹在黑巧克力中的李子,輔以甜辣橡木的平衡基調,帶有淡淡的太妃糖和橡木屑芬芳。加入一滴水,便會激起一縷蠟煙香氣。 酒體:輕盈到中等 味覺:自然的強度,口感格外絲滑,略帶蠟質,而味道起初甜美、充滿活力和果味,舌中變得略帶鹹味和李子酸。複雜的味覺層次讓人聯想到厚塗黑巧克力的香梨和焦糖熱帶水果,仿佛太妃糖包裹的香蕉和菠蘿。美妙的平衡,超級絲滑,持久濃郁、甜美的果味與漸次形成的黑胡椒味構成平衡。天鵝絨般柔滑的黑巧克力單寧預示著開胃的乾果香。加入一滴水,便可突出果味,軟化香料的味道,在口中激發清涼的回味。 餘味:餘味悠長,味道深沉,略微乾燥,帶有黑胡椒香料和淡淡的蠟煙氣息。 DIAGEO 簡介 Diageo 是酒精飲品領域的全球領導者,在烈酒和啤酒類別擁有一系列出色的品牌。這些品牌包括 Johnnie Walker、Crown Royal、J&B、Buchanan's 和 Windsor 威士忌、Smirnoff、Cîroc 和 Ketel One 伏特加、Baileys、Captain Morgan、Tanqueray 和 Guinness。隨時隨地慶祝生活。 藝術家簡介 Zhou Yilun 周轶伦 周軼倫(生於 1983 年),杭州藝術家,2006 年畢業於中國美術學院油畫專業,獲學士學位。他多元化的作品包括繪畫、裝置、雕塑和混合媒體,所有這些都以探索常見材料的潛力和從日常物品中汲取靈感為中心。周軼倫的風格令人聯想起史前和未來派元素,尋求在材料的有形質量和工業生產的審美張力之間取得平衡。由此產生的扭曲和夢幻般的現實感在觀眾和藝術品之間建立起一種發自內心的情感聯繫。他的作品曾在北京、上海、洛杉磯和蘇黎世等多個城市展出,展示了他以獨特的創作眼光吸引跨文化領域觀眾的能力。 Moodsonic Moodsonic 致力於提升音景的藝術水平。我們透過融合設計、技術和科學的方法探索聲音如何在建築環境中改變我們的大腦、身體和感官體驗。我們的音景可以在世界各地的各種空間中聽到,從展覽現場,到工作場所,乃至醫院診所。 Moodsonic 與瑞典藝術家、作曲家和聲音設計師 Tomas Nordmark 合作。Nordmark 的作品常出現在公共裝置、展覽、電影和戲劇中。他的項目是對人文科學和自然科學的深入調查。 www.moodsonic.comwww.tomasnordmark.com IG - @tomasnordmark Found Studio 為全球最挑剔的品牌提供非凡的視覺內容。我們是藝術家和故事講述者,將 3D 運動設計與電影工藝和技術相結合,創造出富有想像力、創新和具有深遠影響的內容。 www.found-studio.com Instagram/Twitter @found_studio KATHERINE TEMPLAR LEWIS 簡介 Katherine 曾就讀牛津大學,是一位神經科學家,她將創意和科學生態系統與思維聯繫起來。憑藉在遺傳學、神經科學和認知心理學方面的廣泛背景,她創建了跨學科團隊和對話,以協調科學洞察力,並將其嵌入到體驗、產品和創意過程中。她是一位開創性的"現實黑客",透過藝術和創意合作,加速將實驗室的前沿研究推向全世界。她將生活經驗與基於證據的設計相結合,活躍於全球一些頂尖的學術機構和實驗室。 策展人簡介 AlterProjects 是對故事講述、設計和創新充滿熱情的策展人、戰略家、文化場所營造者和製作人。AlterProjects 專注於全球獨特文化項目的構思和執行,將品牌、地區、地產開發商和機構與設計師和藝術家聯繫起來。AlterProjects 由 Anne-Laure Pingreoun 創立,其與極具創造力的人才合作,尋找開發顛覆性和非常規內容和體驗的新方法。 www.alter-projects.com@alterprojects_ AlterProjects 的 Anne Pingreon 指出:「我們創造了一個感官敘事裝置,旨在營造新的核心記憶,為每一位參觀者帶來充滿風味和豐富情感的獨特個人體驗。作為策展人,我們致力於透過藝術和文化創造情感,同時慶祝這款威士忌背後靈感的美麗故事。」   與 COLLISION ROOM 的共同策展人 Yoko Choy 合作 蔡惠贞,《Wallpaper*》雜誌中國編輯; 聯合創始人,集體當代主義者。 蔡惠贞出生於香港,是一位經驗豐富的設計記者; 迄今為止,她的作品已在眾多國際刊物上發表,目前是《Wallpaper*》雜誌(全球版)的中國編輯。蔡惠贞還是一位備受推崇的傳播顧問,其客戶包括諸多展會組織者、品牌和創意工作室。她目前居住在香港和阿姆斯特丹,認為東西方的邂逅不僅僅是兩種審美願景的結合;作為一名多語言和多文化創意評論員和傳播者,她的使命是將兩個世界的知識和見解轉化為共同的創意語言,並提高人們對跨文化交流在創意產業和企業中重要性的認知。為此,蔡惠贞於 2018 年與志同道合者共同創立了 Collective Contemporist。這家創意諮詢公司在北京、香港和阿姆斯特丹設有辦事處,旨在促進和激發兩個領域之間的對話與合作。@missyoko   The Singleton 40-Year-Old launch in Zhangyuan, Shanghai, Gary Gan with artworks by Found Studio    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4780 加入收藏 :
ViewSonic Unveils OMNI VX28 Series 165 Hz Gaming Monitors with Triple Certified Anti-Tearing Technology for Casual Gamers

BREA, Calif., April 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ViewSonic Corp., a leading global provider of visual solutions, introduces a new lineup of OMNI VX28 monitors, specifically designed for consumers who require a high-performance display for a seamless transition between play and work. These monitors come equipped with a range of features such as AMD and VESA-certified anti-tearing and anti-blur technologies, as well as a blue light filter, which ensures a stutter-free and eye-friendly experience for use all day long. The fast IPS panels provide outstanding color accuracy and consistency from every viewing angle, while the monitors' up to 165Hz refresh rate supports faster games and more powerful graphics cards. ViewSonic OMNI VX28 Series Designed for Casual Gamers "ViewSonic's OMNI gaming product line was developed to meet the needs of casual gamers who want a display that is both versatile and multifunctional, serving the needs of both gaming and business. We have integrated essential features for smooth gaming, productive work, and all-day eye care into the OMNI VX28 series. With this product line, consumers can enjoy high-resolution gaming experiences while maintaining comfort and productivity throughout their workday," explained Oscar Lin, General Manager of the Monitor Business Unit at ViewSonic. The monitors were approved by AMD FreeSync™ Premium, VESA® Adaptive Sync, and VESA® ClearMR, making them a rare and powerful combination of sync technologies. This eliminates visual tearing, minimizes stuttering, and reduces input lag, providing gamers with a seamless and immersive experience. The smooth, blur-free graphics make the latest games and movies, especially FPS (first-person shooting) games and RPG (role-playing games), look and feel more natural and realistic. Available in sizes ranging from 24" to 27", the OMNI VX28 monitors come with a choice of FHD or QHD fast IPS displays. The In-Plane Switching (IPS) panels deliver superb true-to-life color performance, ensuring accuracy and brightness from every angle. The screens also feature a blue light filter and flicker-free technology, which helps to minimize eye strain and fatigue during extended gaming sessions or long workdays, providing users with a more comfortable viewing experience. The OMNI VX28 monitors have a refresh rate of up to 165Hz, and a super-fast 0.5ms (MPRT) response time, which minimizes motion blur and smearing, ensuring seamless pixel transitions. Whether it's a fast-moving battlefield or detailed content work, users can experience crystal-clear clarity, providing a smooth and enjoyable experience. The design is minimal and clean, making it an excellent addition to any interior decor. The ergonomic design of the monitor allows users to adjust the display's height, tilt it back or forward, swivel it for a different field of vision, or even rotate it vertically for a whole new perspective. About ViewSonic Founded in California, ViewSonic is a leading global provider of visual solutions and conducts business in over 100 countries worldwide. As an innovator and visionary, ViewSonic is committed to providing comprehensive hardware and software solutions that include monitors, projectors, pen displays, commercial displays, All-in-One LED displays, ViewBoard interactive displays, and myViewBoard software ecosystem. With over 35 years of expertise in visual displays, ViewSonic has established a strong position for delivering innovative and reliable solutions for education, enterprise, consumer, and professional markets and helping customers "See the Difference." To find out more about ViewSonic, please visit www.viewsonic.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 925 加入收藏 :
ZLOS Unveils the World's Smallest 1240Wh Power Station

The new EKOBOX portable power station from ZLOS will keep you powered whenever you need it and wherever you are. SAN FRANCISCO, April 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- ZLOS has just introduced its new EKOBOX device which is the world's smallest 1240Wh portable electric power station. This lightweight powerhouse will change the way you think about technology forever by finally making it possible to take full control of your power usage from anywhere. The EKOBOX also boasts being the world's first fast-charging, portable power station that utilizes SG50 ports and is designed with market-leading LG cells. ZLOS General Manager, Jash Yang, has commented that "users will now have access to reliable power - both indoors and outside - with our compact, high-quality product." Check out ZLOS's full suite of tech advancements here SUPERIOR BATTERY POWER The EKOBOX power station features a battery made up of 70 LG 21700 M50LT cells - giving it an impressive 1240Wh capacity. To make things more convenient, the device is also 15% smaller than any other power station with the same capacity and integrates ergonomic handles to make carrying it around so much easier. Jash Yang has also attested to the performance of the EKOBOX, stating that "the battery's superior quality allows it to retain 80% capacity after 1000 cycles." UP TO 12 OUTPUT PORTS The advanced EKOBOX can also power up to 12 devices simultaneously and has six different output types, which allows it to meet almost any power requirement. The 1200W-rated AC output ports are capable of powering appliances with a maximum surge power of 1800W - enough to run even power-hungry devices like induction cookers, hairdryers, and kettles. The SG50 port provides power for outdoor refrigerators, portable air conditioners, and camping equipment while the DC5521 and car port provides stable power to smaller devices, such as stereos, drones, car refrigerators, and more. The versatile USB ports ensure power supply for personal electronic devices while still recharging other items - including camping lanterns, mini desk fans, and multiple other devices. THREE WAYS TO CHARGE YOUR EKOBOX The EKOBOX power station switches between fast charging, low-wattage charging, and solar charging mode seamlessly. With a maximum power of 800W, the product can be fully charged in just 1.8 hours - while competing power stations can take almost three to seven hours to reach a full battery. The EKOBOX  allows you to charge it even in situations where electricity might be limited, such as campsites - all without jumping the switch when using the 400W AC input power in the low-wattage charging mode. Moreover, the 400W solar power input allows the device to be fully charged in only 3.5-5 hours through solar panels (which are not included) - effectively turning the EKOBOX into a fully-fledged solar generator. SLEEK, ATTRACTIVE AND SIMPLIFIED DESIGN The EKOBOX sports a stylish and practical design - with its stunning silver-gray, silicone port covers that are fireproof and water-resistant. The device also features the largest screen in its class to ensure direct access to critical information without the need to download additional apps. "The EKOBOX is useful even in dire situations," says Jash Yang while pointing out the device's large LED light that can easily illuminate the night while its SOS mode produces beeps reaching 70 decibels - allowing rescue teams to find your location faster. The EPS function of the EKOBOX also helps you in protecting the internal computer - ensuring you have a safe, stable, and reliable device for all your needs. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY We are thrilled to announce that our EKOBOX product will soon be available for purchase in several regions across the world. - In Australia, the EKOBOX will be sold through a local distributor, starting from May 2023.- Our authorized reseller PBtech will make the product available in New Zealand, also starting from May 2023.- Customers in Korea can purchase the EKOBOX from Gobigs starting April 2023.- In the US and Europe, the product will be available for purchase starting in June 2023.- We are also excited to start our crowdfunding campaign in Japan with our partner, Earth Reborn Co., Ltd., on makuake, starting from May 2023. Stay tuned for more updates and information on how to purchase the EKOBOX in your region. ABOUT ZLOS ZLOS specializes in the creation of high-quality portable electronic devices that are user-friendly, compact, and lightweight. Our products are designed for both indoor and outdoor applications and rely on chic, innovative, and practical engineering to maintain the perfect balance between form and function. Introducing unique and pioneering products to make life easier is all part of our continuous effort to meet the changing needs of our modern world. For more information, please visit www.zlos.com. To get a better understanding of our products and services, we have created an introduction video that showcases our brand and products. You can access the video by following the link provided below:[https://www.youtube.com/@zlostechnology/featured] Media Contactinfo@zlos.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 813 加入收藏 :
NEOBIO Invites Nobel Laureate to Present Entertaining Science Seminar

Shepherding Every Child's Science Dream SHANGHAI, April 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On March 27, 2023, NEOBIO invited Nobel laureate Michael Levitt to participate in the special event NeoBio Talk, a stimulating scientific exchange seminar, held at the NEOBIO CHILDREN'S MUSEUM in Shanghai. During the event, Levitt shared a personal anecdote on "Can Mischievous Children Win the Nobel Prize?" as a part of his keynote speech, and facilitated in-depth conversations in the form of listening and dialogue with attending guests, shepherding children into the field of scientific knowledge and knocking on the door of future science dreams. NeoBio Talk Event Day NeoBio Talk is a sharing and communication platform provided by NEOBIO for children, teenagers and parents alike. It invites big names in the industry and Nobel laureates to share innovative and multi-dimensional topics, to explore the possibility of pursuing scientific dreams with parents and children, and to expand the boundaries of young minds. Michael Levitt was specially invited to share his scientific adventures exploring the undetermined, inspire curiosity and help empower children with science. This is also adhering to the guidelines set during the National People's Congress(NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) this year to improve basic scientific literacy in China. Science plays a crucial role in education and the sustainable development of the world, and children and young people are an important source of scientific and technological talent pool. NEOBIO is dedicated to fostering growth and empowering every child's dream to become a scientist. Nobel Laureate Michael Leavitt Makes Appearance to Ignite Scientific Dreams Michael Levitt is an authoritative biophysicist, professor of structural biology at Stanford University, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Michael Leavitt was also one of the first scholars to direct DNA and protein molecular dynamics simulations. Michael Levitt’s Keynote Speech Prior to the event, NEOBIO collected children's "spontaneous ideas" about science on social media platforms, and Michael Levitt responded to these questions and ideas during the NeoBio Talk with humor and wit, arousing heated discussion about science and received countless positive feedback from children. On a special note, Levitt combined his own experience to create a fascinating new perspective "Can Mischievous Children Win the Nobel Prize?" in his keynote speech, sharing that every child has the potential to become a scientists. While scientists appear to be different, they are ordinary people from diverse backgrounds. In addition to good fortune, scientists devote more enthusiasm and perseverance to their work, and hold the spirit of learning through practice and from trial and error, so as to encourage children to maintain love and confidence in science. At the same time, it also inspires parents to let children think independently, to always stay curious about science, unafraid of making mistakes, discover the fun of learning and enjoy learning, exercise, embrace a wider range of hobbies, improve hands-on ability, and understand the randomness of the world through real life practices. Michael Levitt interacts with children during Q&A session Not long ago, NEOBIO also invited Professor Eugene Ch'ng, professor at the University of Nottingham, director of NVIDIA's Joint Mixed Reality Laboratory, and editor-in-chief of the MIT PRESENCE: VIRTUAL & AUGMENTED REALITY journal, to speak at NEOBIO CHILDREN'S MUSEUM. The keynote speech thoroughly explored the topic "teaching our children to work with artificial intelligence and technology in a competitive future environment". As science and technology continues to develop, artificial intelligence will play an increasingly important role in the future, and how to effectively work with artificial intelligence will become a key issue of tomorrow. During NeoBio Talk, Professor Ch'ng conveyed through thought-provoking interactions, from exposure to coding, emphasizing problem-solving skills, encouraging curiosity, the importance of teamwork. The speech stimulated children's infinite imagination, while parents pondered future direction of education. Professor Ch’ng’s Keynote Speech NEOBIO is excited to explore the beauty that is science with children, teenagers and parents alike, empowering the next generation with infinite possibilities of the future. Through NeoBio Talk, we will continue to invite big names from different scientific and industry backgrounds to share and interact with parents and children, and initiate curiosity about science and the pursuit of knowledge to better observe and explore the world. Breeding the Future with Art and Science, Exploring Infinite Imagination Together NEOBIO guides children to understand the boundless relationship between science, life and art through full sensory, interactive experiences, and uncover the infinite charm of science. At NEOBIO CHILDREN'S MUSEUM, children can explore diverse fields such as natural science, avant-garde technology and aerospace exploration. The museum has three floors, covering an area of 6000m², and is divided into five major exhibitions. In Power Hungary, the process of mankind understanding nature and transforming it into a source of energy is revealed; In Miracle Labs, audiences witness the birth, development and aging of life, and understand the delicate works of human organs and cells; In Secret Studios, explorers linger at the game of light and shadow and conduct a well-versed symphony using art and technology; In Maker's Hall, every visitor becomes a natural innovator, converses with the future, and experiences the joy of creation; And coming to Space Station, audiences travel in space to understand the mysteries left for future generations in the vast sea of stars. Themed science activities and parent-child sessions are held as a part of the museum's program around the year. The museum is equipped with NEOBIO's first-ever smart wristband location tracking system, so parents are free of any safety concerns while children explore the grounds. In terms of catering facilities, the museum offers a selection nutritious specialty menus, so that individuals and families who come to dine and visit can enjoy 360-degree, quality service. NEOBIO CHILDREN’S MUSEUM Shanghai As the co-founder and CEO of NEOBIO, Xu Jing, shared during NeoBio Talk, "a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." This scientific seminar not only adds new colors to children's scientific palette, but also points out the way of scientific parenting to parents. In the future, NeoBio Talk will continue to be staged in NEOBIO, scattering the seeds of knowledge for countless Chinese children, igniting their curiosity about science in school and in life. At the same time, NEOBIO will also help Chinese parents to better explore the potential of each child, expand educational horizons, and better help children grow into the talents of tomorrow.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 941 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 19 日 (星期日) 農曆十二月二十日
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