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Tencent Cloud Join Hands with Allo Bank to Energize Digital Banking in Indonesia

All-in-one Allo app set to benefit from Tencent Cloud's safe, secure and high-quality services and technology HONG KONG, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Tencent Cloud, the cloud business of global tech company, Tencent, today announced its collaboration with Allo Bank, Indonesia's largest digital banking platform, to enhance digital banking in the country. Tencent Cloud Join Hands with Allo Bank to Energize Digital Banking in Indonesia Since 2021, Tencent Cloud has deployed two Internet Data Centres (IDC) in Indonesia, demonstrating its commitment to meeting the ever-growing business needs in Indonesia. Leveraging its local market knowledge and years of experience, Tencent Cloud offers solutions that cater specifically to Allo Bank's needs. Reliability, Security, Cost-Effectiveness To realize Allo Bank's mission of serving the underbanked population in Indonesia, including tech-savvy young adults, Tencent Cloud has helped to improve the Allo app with high-quality and secure services. These include TDSQL, a reliable and scalable database management system with computing and storage resources for the bank to manage large amounts of data efficiently and effectively. TDSQL's optimized thread pool scheduling algorithms enable it to deliver better heavy load performance, which is critical for handling Allo Bank's high volume of transactions. Furthermore, TDSQL's availability and data reliability rates of up to 99.99% and 99.99999%, respectively, can help ensure that Allo Bank's data is always available and secure. While TDSQL's compatibility with MySQL protocols enables Allo Bank to seamlessly integrate with its existing systems and applications, TDSQL's horizontal scaling capability allows businesses like Allo Bank to expand without downtime, making it a worry-free solution for growing companies. With TDSQL's high-performance computing and storage resources, Allo Bank can now process up to 100,000 daily transactions, fulfilling Indonesians' daily financial needs.  By leveraging public cloud capabilities such as cloud hosting and CDN, TDSQL can also help Allo Bank reduce the cost of app download distribution, UAT & Dev Environment, while also providing app reinforcement and environment security protection solutions that can detect risks on the bank app side. Jimmy Chen, Vice President of Tencent Cloud International and Managing Director of South East Asia, said, "We are pleased to enhance digital banking in Indonesia with cutting-edge technology such as TDSQL. Leveraging our years of global experience and expertise, Tencent Cloud is confident in providing Allo Bank with tailored solutions and services that fulfill its specific needs. We look forward to more collaborations in the future, including partnerships for additional solutions and services like eKYC." Indra Utoyo, President Director and CEO, Allo Bank, said, "Thanks to our valuable collaboration with Tencent Cloud, Allo Bank has been given a large boost in achieving its goals of managing vast amounts of data, handling high-frequency transactions, ensuring online security, and managing risk control – with the aim of providing a revolutionary service to all digital banking users in Indonesia. We foresee an even more fruitful future with Tencent Cloud, as we set up plans to utilize more of their high-quality and highly reliable technology." The reliability of Tencent Cloud's technology enabled Allo Bank to scale its operations seamlessly and efficiently, contributing significantly to the bank's explosive business growth and acquisition of six million users since its launch. As a result, Allo Bank was able to become the most downloaded digital banking application in Indonesia. This achievement is a testament to the high quality and reliability of Tencent Cloud's technology and its ability to support global businesses in their endeavors. About Tencent Cloud Tencent Cloud, one of the world's leading cloud companies, is committed to creating innovative solutions to resolve real-world issues and enabling digital transformation for smart industries. Through our extensive global infrastructure, Tencent Cloud provides businesses across the globe with stable and secure industry-leading cloud products and services, leveraging technological advancements such as cloud computing, Big Data analytics, AI, IoT and network security. It is our constant mission to meet the needs of industries across the board, including the fields of gaming, media and entertainment, finance, healthcare, property, retail, travel, and transportation. About Allo Bank Allo Bank has grown to become a leading bank offering digital banking products and services in the Indonesian banking sector. Allo stands for All in One, which embodies the Bank's aspiration for its customers to Experience a Simple Life. Serving six million customers, Allo Bank offers a variety of innovative digital banking products and services including Allo Pay, Allo Pay+, Allo Prime, PayLater and Instant Cash. Allo Bank is a subsidiary of CT Corp, a leading integrated consumer-focused business group in Indonesia with diverse businesses in financial services, media, retail, lifestyle and entertainment.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 384 加入收藏 :
騰訊雲與Allo Bank攜手推動印尼數碼銀行的發展

透過騰訊雲安全、可靠且高質素的服務及技術,優化一站式Allo應用程式 香港2023年7月5日 /美通社/ -- 騰訊旗下雲業務品牌騰訊雲今天宣佈與印尼最大規模的數碼銀行Allo Bank合作,提升當地的數碼銀行服務。 騰訊雲與Allo Bank攜手推動印尼數碼銀行的發展 自2021年起,騰訊雲已於印尼設立兩個數據中心,以實踐其滿足當地不斷增長的業務需求的承諾。憑藉騰訊雲具備對當地市場的豐富認識及多年經驗,為Allo Bank提供了專屬的解決方案以滿足其需求。 可靠性、安全性、具成本效益 Allo Bank致力為那些在印尼不經常使用主流金融服務(underbanked)的民眾,包括精通科技的年輕人提供服務。為了幫助Allo Bank履行這一使命,騰訊雲提供高質素且安全的服務,以優化Allo應用程式,其中包括分佈式數據庫(Tencent Distributed MySQL,TDSQL),一個可靠且可拓展的數據庫管理系統,為銀行提供了運算和存儲資源,能更有效率和有效地管理大量數據。此外,TDSQL經優化的線程池調度演算法(thread pool scheduling algorithms)提供了更好的負載表現,對於 Allo Bank在處理龐大交易量上發揮著關鍵的作用。 此外,TDSQL的可用性及數據可靠性分別高達99.99% 及99.99999%,有助確保Allo Bank的數據隨時可用及安全。TDSQL更兼容MySQL協議,讓Allo Bank能無縫整合現有的系統及應用程式,而 TDSQL 的橫向水平擴展能力(horizontal scaling capability)使Allo Bank等企業能夠在無需暫停運作的情況下拓展業務,爲正在拓展中的企業提供無憂的解決方案。透過TDSQL的高性能運算和存儲資源,Allo Bank現時每天可處理多達100,000宗交易,以滿足印尼民眾的日常理財需求。 TDSQL亦能利用公有雲的能力,例如雲托管和内容分發網絡(Content Delivery Network,CDN),幫助Allo Bank降低應用程式下載分發、用戶接受度測試(User Acceptance Test,UAT)和開發環境 (Dev Environment)的成本。同時,TDSQL更提供應用程式加固和環境安全保護解決方案,能夠檢測到銀行應用程式的潛在風險。 騰訊雲國際副總裁兼東南亞區總經理陳銳(Jimmy Chen)表示:「我們很高興能夠透過TDSQL等頂尖技術來提升印尼的數碼銀行業務。憑藉騰訊雲多年的全球經驗和專業知識,我們有信心為Allo Bank提供專屬的解決方案和服務以迎合他們的需求。我們期待未來有更多的合作,包括建立合作夥伴關係以提供額外的解決方案和服務,例如電子化認識你的客戶(electronic Know Your Customer,eKYC)。」  Allo Bank總裁兼首席執行官Indra Utoyo表示:「透過與騰訊雲的寶貴合作,Allo Bank在實踐管理海量數據、處理高頻交易、確保在線安全以及控制風險管理等目標上獲得了極大的推動,並致力為所有印尼數碼銀行用戶提供革命性的服務。我們計劃採用騰訊雲更多高質素及可靠的技術,並預期我們與騰訊雲的未來合作將取得更加卓越的成就。」 騰訊雲提供可靠的技術,讓Allo Bank能夠無縫高效地拓展業務,亦成為該銀行自成立以來業務爆炸性增長及獲得 600 萬用戶的重要因素,進而使Allo Bank成為印尼下載量最多的數碼銀行應用程式。這成就更進一步彰顯了騰訊雲技術的高品質和可靠性,以及支持全球企業發展的能力。 關於騰訊雲 騰訊雲乃全球領先的雲服務供應商之一,致力提供創新的解決方案以應對日常生活及商業難題,並賦能智慧產業實現數碼化轉型。騰訊雲一直秉承滿足各行各業需求的使命,運用其雲計算、大數據分析、人工智能、物聯網和網絡保安等先進科技,以及其遍佈全球的基礎架構,為遊戲、媒體及娛樂、金融、醫療保健、房地產、零售、旅遊和交通等多個行業領域提供穩定、安全及領先業界的雲產品和服務。 關於Allo Bank Allo Bank 已發展成為領先印尼金融行業,提供數碼銀行產品及服務的銀行。Allo代表「All in One」,展現了其致力於簡化客戶生活體驗的願景。Allo Bank現服務600萬名客戶,提供各種創新的數碼銀行產品和服務,包括Allo Pay、Allo Pay+、Allo Prime、PayLater和Instant Cash。Allo Bank是印尼領先、以消費者為重心的綜合性商業集團CT Corp的子公司。該集團業務涵蓋金融服務、媒體、零售、生活和娛樂等多個領域。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4486 加入收藏 :
蘇黎世2023上半年度勇奪八個獎項 實現對ESG和創新的承諾

蘇黎世竭力於ESG和持續創新,將思維融入日常營運與產品開發的每個細節,成功在 2023上半年勇奪八個獎項 蘇黎世為最新推出的投連險產品新增ESG投資選項,共設34個選擇,是本港市場上最多ESG投資選項的公司[1] 蘇黎世的旅遊保險靈活創新、迅速應對市場變化,在疫情期間表現岀色,備受業界好評 香港2023年7月5日 /美通社/ -- 蘇黎世保險(香港)(「蘇黎世」)致力為持份者創造長遠價值,為環境和社區帶來正面影響,一直積極實施可持續發展原則,並持續為客戶開發更創新的產品 ,蘇黎世在 2023上半年獲得的八個獎項正好印證了這些承諾。 蘇黎世保險(香港)行政總裁許金桂表示:「我們很榮幸得到這些殊榮,表彰我們對ESG和對客戶的貢獻,亦認可了我們團隊的努力和堅毅,不時挖空心思,將可持續發展原則融入業務營運並開發創新產品,使我們在市場上脫穎而出。作為第一家參與《 巴黎協定 》的保險公司,更取得 MSCI 最高的 ESG 評級 AAA,蘇黎世能自豪地向大家展示我們對承諾的實踐。」 (由左起)蘇黎世保險(香港)高級核保經理金艾詩、人壽保險業務產品研發部總監蔡志康、策略及計劃主管及可持續發展官黃力慈分別接受旅遊保險、投連險及ESG相關獎項。 投資相連壽險先驅   促進負責任投資 作為本港投資相連壽險(投連險)的先驅和市場領導者之一,蘇黎世以產品的創意引以為傲,除了協助客戶將財富代代傳承,更為客戶的負責任投資屢獻新猷。蘇黎世已為旗下最近的投連險產品大幅增加以ESG (環境、社會及管治基金)為目標或策略的投資選項至 34個,為本港保險市場上最多ESG投資選項的公司。 蘇黎世的投連險產品表現出色,在 2023 上半年榮獲四個獎項,包括: 《彭博商業周刊/中文版》金融機構大獎2023 - 人壽及財富管理卓越大獎 新城財經台「大灣區保險業大獎2023-香港站」- 傑出投資相連人壽產品獎 《明報》卓越財經大獎2023 - 卓越投資相連壽險產品大獎 《指標》財富管理大獎2022 - 投資相連壽險計劃(同級最佳) 市場首創旅行保險   應對新冠肺炎帶來的挑戰 蘇黎世很高興榮獲 《明報》卓越財經大獎2023 頒發的「卓越旅遊保險產品大獎」,表揚蘇黎世嶄新、以客為本和善於應變的旅遊保險策略。去年七月,蘇黎世是市場上首家推出全新旅遊保險產品的保險公司,迅速應對客戶對新冠肺炎保障的激增需求。此行業成就印證了蘇黎世對創新的追求,以及提供切合不同客戶需要的產品和服務的承諾。 ESG及可持續發展   走在最前引領業界   蘇黎世保險集團矢志成為世界上最負責任和具影響力的企業之一,目標在 2030 年在實現營運淨零排放。在香港,蘇黎世不斷突破 ESG 和可持續發展的界限,並在2023上半年獲三個著名獎項: 《明報》卓越財經大獎2023 - 卓越可持續發展表現大獎 《指標》財富管理大獎2022 - 傑岀負責任保險公司大奬 香港社會服務聯會 - 20年Plus「商界展關懷」標誌 2022/2023 這些嘉許證明了蘇黎世於可持續發展方面的商業實踐和產品創新的努力,更鼓勵公司繼續突破極限,以造福地球、客戶、員工和社會。 [1]截至 2023 年 5 月 15 日的比較結果 關於蘇黎世 蘇黎世保險(香港)是蘇黎世保險集團轄下之機構,竭誠為個人、商業及企業客戶提供全面又靈活的一般保險及人壽保險服務,照顧他們在保險、保障及投資上的需要。集團在香港的業務始於 1961 年,現於本港一般保險市場上排名第四位[1]及於投連險業務排名第五位[2]。請瀏覽 www.zurich.com.hk 了解有關蘇黎世保險(香港)的更多資訊。 [1]保險業監管局 2022 年 1 月至 12 月香港一般保險業務的年度統計數字,以毛保費計算。 [2]保險業監管局 2022 年 1 月至 12 月香港長期保險業務的年度統計數字,以投資相連壽險業務的有效直接業務保單數目及保費計算。 蘇黎世保險集團是一家全球領先的多險種保險公司,為遍及 200 多個國家和地區的個人及企業客戶提供服務。早於150 年前,蘇黎世已成立並致力為保險業帶來改變。除了提供保險產品外,蘇黎世亦越來越注重支援社區預防服務,例如推廣身心靈健康和抵禦氣候變化。 秉承「携手創造精彩未來」的品牌承諾,蘇黎世立志成為負責任及最具影響力的企業之一,目標在2050 年實現淨零排放。集團獲得MSCI環境、社會和管治(Environmental, social and governance,簡稱ESG)的最高評級。在2020 年,蘇黎世推行蘇黎世森林計劃,以保育於巴西之原生森林和恢復生物多樣性。 蘇黎世現有僱員約 60,000 名,集團總部設立在瑞士蘇黎世。蘇黎世的控股公司蘇黎世保險集團公司(ZURN)在瑞士證券交易所(SIX Swiss Exchange)上市,具有在 OTCQX 場外交易的一級美國存託憑證計劃(ZURVY)。請瀏覽 www.zurich.com 了解有關蘇黎世的更多資訊。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4098 加入收藏 :

— The 2023 Me and My Healthcare Provider (MMHCP) campaign, supported by Gilead for the second year running, honours frontline workers providing exemplary inclusive, stigma-free HIV services in Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan — — The IAS also debuts a novel, stigma-free services "cookbook" for how to provide quality HIV services in healthcare settings around the world — SINGAPORE, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- IAS – the International AIDS Society – in partnership with Gilead Sciences, announced 18 Champions of the 2023 Me and My Healthcare Provider (MMHCP) campaign from Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan. This distinguished award celebrates frontline healthcare workers who have made a difference in the lives of people living with HIV by delivering stigma-free HIV prevention, treatment, and care services. The IAS also debuts the Stigma-free services cookbook in seven languages, capturing learnings from the real-life stories, challenges, and triumphs of past MMHCP Champions, showcasing ideas for how to build an inclusive and stigma-free healthcare setting for HIV services. According to the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update 2022: "Judgmental and hostile attitudes of health workers, breaches of confidentiality, poor care and advice, and even outright denial of treatment continue to be reported by people living with and at risk of HIV when accessing health-care services. These experiences undercut people's trust in medical advice and deter them from seeking or remaining in care when they need it – which compromises their health and undermines efforts to end the AIDS epidemic."[1]  Drawing from real-life stories and advice from former Champions and nominators of the MMHCP campaign since 2016, the Stigma-free services cookbook provides "ingredients" for managers and health system planners, healthcare workers and users of health services to do right in nurturing and facilitating an environment that is free of HIV stigma. To widen the accessibility of this resource, the cookbook is available in English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, French, Korean, Thai, and Vietnamese. It will also be translated into other languages. The Me and My Healthcare Provider campaign is driven by key populations affected by HIV, giving them an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of healthcare providers who have made a tangible difference in their lives. By highlighting their stories, the campaign hopes to encourage replication and empower other healthcare providers to raise their voices against stigma. Since 2021, the IAS has been in a collaborative partnership with Gilead Sciences to launch MMHCP in Brazil, Hong Kong, Mexico and Taiwan. The 2023 Me and My Healthcare Provider Champions are: Wandson Padilha, UBS Vila Eduardo, Petrolina, Brazil Lívia Medeiros Rodrigo Moreira, Lessa de Andrade Polyclinic, Recife, Brazil Jesimiel Correa Barros, SAE/CTA Paulista, Paulista, Brazil Pollyanna Rodrigues, SAE Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil Iuçara Medeiros, 8th Health Management of Paraíba, Catolé do Rocha, Brazil Carlos Alberto López Zaragoza, Mesón A.C., Guadalajara, México Carolina Limón Hernández, Private Clinic, Baja California, México Miguel Ángel Herrera Herrera, La Manada, Nayarit, México Roy Nelson Cecilio Mendoza, Clínica Especializada Condesa, Ciudad de México, México Chien-Yu Cheng, Taoyuan General Hospital, Taiwan Peing Chuang, Linsen Chinese Medicine and Kunming Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan Yi-Hui Wu, Future Clinic, Taiwan Wen-Wei Ku, Renai Branch, Taipei City Hospital, Taiwan Po-Ang Chen, Gisney Land LGBT Community Center, Taiwan Tsang Tak Yin, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong Wilson Lam, Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, Hong Kong Chan Shan, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Hong Kong To Ki Wai, Integrated Treatment Centre, Hong Kong IAS and Gilead would like to thank the local partners (Gestos - HIV, Communication and Gender, Inspira Cambio A.C., Harmony Home Foundation Taiwan and Hong Kong AIDS Foundation Ltd) for their support in the implementation of the local program. The 2023 MMHCP Champions and their nominators will be honoured at IAS 2023, the 12th IAS Conference on HIV Science, in Brisbane, Australia, where they will also be invited to engage in a broad range of stigma-related events to share their best practice examples. "Our Champions reflect the best of us," IAS President Sharon Lewin said. "Through highlighting their stories and how they are providing inclusive and stigma-free services, we hope to encourage greater adoption of these best practices and empower others to confront stigma. Only by directly addressing the roadblocks to stigma and health equity can we truly achieve a world in which HIV no longer presents a threat to public health and individual well-being." "In spite of the advancement of life-saving treatment, ending the HIV epidemic would not be made possible without a stigma-free healthcare setting which encourages individuals to come forward for testing, treatment or other HIV-related care services," Alex Kalomparis, Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Gilead Sciences, said. "We are committed to supporting the delivery of stigma-free healthcare service through our partnerships with the IAS and community-based organizations in the region." To find out more about the 2023 MMHCP Champions and download the IAS Stigma-free services cookbook, please visit https://www.iasociety.org/me-and-my-healthcare-provider. About the International Aids Society  IAS – the International AIDS Society – convenes, educates and advocates for a world in which HIV no longer presents a threat to public health and individual well-being. After the emergence of HIV and AIDS, concerned scientists created the IAS to bring together experts from across the world and disciplines to promote a concerted HIV response. Today, the IAS and its members unite scientists, policy makers and activists to galvanize the scientific response, build global solidarity and enhance human dignity for all those living with and affected by HIV. The IAS also hosts the world's most prestigious HIV conferences: the International AIDS Conference, the IAS Conference on HIV Science and the HIV Research for Prevention Conference.  About Gilead Sciences Gilead Sciences, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company that has pursued and achieved breakthroughs in medicine for more than three decades, with the goal of creating a healthier world for all people. The company is committed to advancing innovative medicines to prevent and treat life-threatening diseases, including HIV, viral hepatitis, COVID-19, and cancer. Gilead operates in more than 35 countries worldwide, with headquarters in Foster City, California. Gilead has promoted equity, particularly healthcare equity, since the company brought its first therapies to the market. Through global partnerships, Gilead's medicines today reach millions of people in low- and middle-income countries around the world. For more than 30 years, Gilead has been a leading innovator in the field of HIV, driving advances in treatment, prevention and cure research. Today, millions of people living with HIV globally receive antiretroviral therapy provided by Gilead or one of the company's manufacturing partners. [1] https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/2022-global-aids-update_en.pdf ### For more information on Gilead Sciences, please visit the company's website at www.gilead.com, follow Gilead on Twitter (@GileadSciences) or call Gilead Public Affairs at 1-800-GILEAD-5 or 1-650-574-3000.    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 488 加入收藏 :
ANTA Group and Tsinghua University Present the 2nd Global Sportswear Design Award

- Let the world savor the best of Chinese aesthetics QINGDAO, China, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- On July 3, 2023, Chinese sportswear giant ANTA Group and Tsinghua University joined forces to kick off the 2nd Global Sportswear Design Award (GSDA) at the Tsinghua (Qingdao) Academy of Arts and Science Innovation Research in Qingdao, China. The high-profile creative competition, which attracts designers from around the world, aims to promote the "Healthy China" initiative, raise China's visibility in the world of sports, establish a collaborative mechanism between industry, academia, and research through interdisciplinary innovation, and provide impetus to China's sports sector to create internationally recognizable brands with global influence. The event will also serve to inspire anyone interested in fashion worldwide to experience what China is capable of when it comes to applying its aesthetic principles to sportswear design. Lai Shixian, Co-CEO of ANTA Group, Chen Ke, COO of ANTA Group, Professor Lu Xiaobo from Tsinghua University who is also Vice President of China Artists Association and Management Committee Director of Tsinghua University-ANTA Group Joint Research Center ("the Center"), Professor Zhao Chao, Associate Dean of Academy of Arts & Design at Tsinghua University (AADTHU) and Dean of the Center, as well as other leaders from both sides, attended the GSDA academic forum and the GSDA annual ceremony. This event included industry innovation exchanges, the awards and achievements release for the first edition GSDA, customized digital collectibles release, and the kickoff of the second GSDA, making it an important milestone event in the exploration of future sportswear design.  Themed MOVEvolution - Insight into the Future, the award is designed to provide insight into trends in sportswear design and the driving force behind the evolution of sports fashion. The competition is also meant to serve as an exploration into the future of sports equipment and apparel through the in-depth integration of industry, academia, and research, promoting the power of original design. ANTA Group has collaborated with the Chinese sports delegation for eight consecutive Olympic Games, providing competition equipment for 22 national teams. The company will continue to support Chinese athletes with sportswear for the upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou and the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. This shows that more outstanding and cutting-edge products will get a chance to be used in prestigious sporting events.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 477 加入收藏 :
Moomoo Ranks Among Top Financial Tools by Japanese Retail Investors in Nikkei Financial Survey

Moomoo's app has been acknowledged for seamless connectivity between Japanese investors and real-time global stock market news SINGAPORE, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Moomoo app, the all-in-one app with real-time stock prices and advanced analysis, earned acclaim from Nikkei Money as a premier investment tool for successful Japanese individual investors. In a featured article, the esteemed financial magazine praised moomoo for its advanced analysis and curated information gathering on global stocks. Particularly lauded was the app's ability to provide English-oriented data, which is often difficult to access in Japanese. Moomoo attained accolades in Nikkei Money's annual "Personal Investor Survey" which was published in The Nihon Keizai Shimbun ("The Nikkei"). The highly esteemed daily newspaper, with over three million subscribers nationwide, featured the survey results in a special column, highlighting moomoo's recognition. In the survey of around 8,000 individual investors, those who reported investment profits between 2020 and March 2023 were asked to share the apps and services they found valuable for gathering investment information. One participant, a 36-year-old male investor from Tokyo, specifically mentioned moomoo as a tool that effortlessly allows him to monitor institutional investor activities. In addition, the editors of Nikkei Money handpicked five distinctive apps, including moomoo, and featured them in a story published in the printed magazine on June 21, 2023. The article highlighted moomoo's exceptional features and services, such as its comprehensive information and news service, insightful earnings interpretation feature, and the embedded Q&A function in live earnings conferences. The editors also commended moomoo for its dedicated Japanese subtitle feature during global stock earnings conference calls. Originating from Silicon Valley, California, moomoo is a well-known investment and trading platform with a global presence. It expanded its services to Japan on October 27, 2022, providing Japanese investors with access to global financial news services and data through its proprietary app. About moomoo Moomoo is an investment and trading platform that empowers global investors with pro-grade, easy-to-use tools, data, and insights. It provides users with the necessary information and technology to make more informed investment decisions. Investors have access to advanced charting tools, technical analytics, and Level 2 data. Moomoo grows with its users, cultivating a community where investors share, learn, and grow together in one place. Moomoo provides free access to investment courses, educational materials, and interactive events that any investor, at any level, can gain from. Users can join forum discussions, trading topics, and seminars to better their investment knowledge and insights. Founded in Silicon Valley, California, moomoo operates as a global investment platform across multiple countries, including Singapore, Australia, Japan, and Malaysia. As a subsidiary of a Nasdaq Listed company, moomoo proudly serves as a global strategic partner of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), garnering numerous international accolades. More than just an investment platform, moomoo is your trusted companion on an enriching investment journey. Media Contact Moomoo PR team: pr@moomoo.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 517 加入收藏 :
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