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百澤安®(替雷利珠單抗)聯合化療獲中國國家藥品監督管理局批准用於食管鱗狀細胞癌患者的一線治療 中國北京2023年5月23日 /美通社/ -- 百濟神州(納斯達克代碼:BGNE;香港聯交所代碼:06160;上交所代碼:688235)是一家全球性生物科技公司,公司今日宣佈其PD-1抑制劑百澤安®(替雷利珠單抗)已獲中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)批准,聯合紫杉醇和鉑類藥物或含氟尿嘧啶類和鉑類藥物用於不可切除的局部晚期、復發或轉移性食管鱗狀細胞癌的一線治療。 百濟神州高級副總裁、全球研發負責人汪來博士表示:「此次獲批是替雷利珠單抗在食管癌領域取得的又一項突破性進展,進一步驗證了替雷利珠單抗的潛力。此外,我們正持續提高替雷利珠單抗的可及性,以期將該治療選擇帶給更廣泛的腫瘤患者,並在不久的將來,進一步提升腫瘤患者的生存獲益,為更多全球患者帶來新治療選擇。」 本次獲批是基於RATIONALE 306試驗(NCT03783442)數據。該試驗是一項隨機、安慰劑對照、雙盲的全球3期臨床研究,在亞太、歐洲和北美的研究中心共入組649例患者,旨在評價替雷利珠單抗聯合化療作為不可切除的、局部晚期復發性或轉移性ESCC患者一線治療的療效和安全性。 此前,RATIONALE 306試驗結果以最新突破摘要的口頭報告形式,公佈於2022年歐洲腫瘤內科學會世界胃腸癌大會上(ESMO-GI),並于近期發表于《柳葉刀腫瘤學》雜誌[i]。該試驗顯示:接受替雷利珠單抗聯合化療治療的患者,其總生存期(OS)獲得具有統計學意義和臨床意義上的改善,其中位OS為17.2個月[95% CI:15.8 ~ 20.1];而接受化療加安慰劑治療的患者,其中位OS僅為10.6個月[95% CI:9.3 ~ 12.1];與安慰劑聯合化療相比,替雷利珠單抗聯合化療的患者死亡風險降低34%(HR = 0.66[95% CI:0.54 ~ 0.80,p < 0.0001]);替雷利珠單抗聯合用藥的安全性特徵與其既往試驗一致。 中國人民解放軍總醫院徐建明教授表示:「食管癌是全球最致命的癌症之一。在中國,超過90%的食管癌病例為鱗狀細胞癌。鑒於該疾病領域的巨大未盡之需,罹患這類疾病的患者亟需更好的治療方案。我們相信替雷利珠單抗本次獲批將助力提升 ESCC一線治療療效,給患者更多治療選擇。」 此前,替雷利珠單抗已被NMPA批准用於治療既往接受過一線標準化療後進展或不可耐受的局部晚期或轉移性ESCC患者。至此,替雷利珠單抗已有11項適應症獲得NMPA批准,其中九項適應症已全部納入國家醫保藥品目錄,是獲批納入國家醫保藥品目錄適應症數量最多的PD-1抑制劑。 關於食管鱗狀細胞癌 根據原發癌細胞的不同,食管癌主要分為鱗狀細胞癌(ESCC)和腺癌(EAC)。ESCC是食管癌中最常見的亞型,占全球食管癌病例的85%以上[ii],[iii]。由於許多ESCC患者在初始診斷時即為疾病晚期,因此ESCC的治療具有挑戰性,且總體預後仍然較差[iv],[v],[vi]。 關於百澤安®  百澤安®(替雷利珠單抗)是一款人源化IgG4抗PD-1單克隆抗體,設計目的旨在最大限度地減少與巨噬細胞中的Fcγ受體結合,幫助人體免疫細胞識別並殺傷腫瘤細胞。臨床前數據表明,巨噬細胞中的Fcγ受體結合之後會啟動抗體依賴細胞介導殺傷T細胞,從而降低了PD-1抗體的抗腫瘤活性。 百濟神州已在35個國家和地區開展或完成了20多項替雷利珠單抗的註冊相關的臨床試驗,其中包括17項3期臨床試驗和4項關鍵性2期臨床試驗。  關於百濟神州 百濟神州是一家全球性生物科技公司,專注於為全球癌症患者發現和開發創新抗腫瘤藥物,提高藥物可及性和可負擔性。通過強大的自主研發能力和外部戰略合作,我們不斷加速開發多元、創新的藥物管線。我們致力於為全球更多患者全面改善藥物可及性。百濟神州在全球五大洲打造了一支超過9,400人的團隊,並在中國北京、美國麻省劍橋和瑞士巴塞爾設立了主要辦事處。欲瞭解更多信息,請訪問 http://www.beigene.com.cn;www.beigene.com。 前瞻性聲明 本新聞稿包含根據《1995年私人證券訴訟改革法案》(Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995)以及其他聯邦證券法律中定義的前瞻性聲明,包括關於百澤安®有望進一步提升腫瘤患者的生存獲益的聲明;百濟神州進一步提升百澤安®可及性的努力;百澤安®在其他市場的未來開發和監管備案和批准;以及百濟神州在「關於百濟神州」標題下提及的計畫、承諾、願望和目標。這些因素包括了以下事項的風險:百濟神州證明其候選藥物功效和安全性的能力;候選藥物的臨床結果可能不支持進一步開發或上市審批;藥政部門的行動可能會影響到臨床試驗的啟動、時間表和進展以及藥物上市審批;百濟神州的上市藥物及候選藥物(如能獲批)獲得商業成功的能力;百濟神州獲得和維護對其藥物和技術的智慧財產權保護的能力;百濟神州依賴協力廠商進行藥物開發、生產和其他服務的情況;百濟神州取得監管審批和商業化醫藥產品的有限經驗,及其獲得進一步的營運資金以完成候選藥物開發和實現並保持盈利的能力;新冠肺炎疫情對百濟神州的臨床開發、監管、商業化運營、生產以及其他業務帶來的影響;百濟神州在最近季度報告的10-Q表格中「風險因素」章節裡更全面討論的各類風險;以及百濟神州向美國證券交易委員會期後呈報中關於潛在風險、不確定性以及其他重要因素的討論。本新聞稿中的所有信息僅及於新聞稿發佈之日,除非法律要求,百濟神州並無責任更新該等信息。   [i] Xu, J. et al. Tislelizumab plus chemotherapy versus placebo plus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for advanced or metastatic oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma (RATIONALE-306): a global, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study. The Lancet Oncol 2023;24(5): 483-495; https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(23)00108-0 [ii] Wang QL, et al. Clin Epidemiol 2018;10:717–728. [iii] Huang FL, Yu SJ. Asian J Surg 2018;41:210–215. [iv] American Cancer Society. What is Esophageal Cancer? Available at https://www.cancer.org/cancer/esophagus-cancer/about/what-is-cancer-of-the-esophagus.html. Accessed May 2023 [v] Codipilly DC et al. Gastrointest Endosc. 2018 Sep; 88(3): 413–426. [vi] Abnet CC et al. Gastroenterology. 2018;154(2): 360–373.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3073 加入收藏 :
MVV reports strong Q1 performance at the Serrote Copper-Gold Mine

LONDON, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Mineração Vale Verde Ltda. ("MVV" or the "Company") and Appian Capital Advisory LLP ("Appian") are pleased to announce strong performance in the first quarter of 2023, as the Company continues to operate above design capacity at its Serrote copper-gold mine and processing plant ("Serrote" or the "Mine") located in Alagoas, Brazil. Serrote has been fully operational since 2022, and recently finalized the US$140m Project Financing Completion Tests during the quarter. Appian and MVV have unlocked significant value for investors during their ownership of Serrote, bringing the Mine into production in May 2021 under budget and ahead of schedule. An NI 43-101 Definitive Feasibility Study ("DFS"), completed in 2021, outlined an initial 14-year mine life producing approximately 20ktpa Cu Eq, while Serrote's rare standalone, construction-ready, copper project with meaningful precious metal by-product credits has benefitted from Appian's technical arbitrage strategy. Serrote Q1 2023 performance highlights Outstanding ESG and safety performance, with 12 month Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates continuing to be zero (0) through to quarter end, an achievement met since December 2022, and 100% of safety KPIs met Building on the ramp-up which was completed in Q4 2022, the operational covenants of MVVs Project Financing facility have been finalized during the quarter Open pit operations in-line with expectations, with total material mined showing a 16% improvement over the same period last year at 3.5Mt Processing plant throughput at nameplate recording 1.0Mt of ore processed in the period and copper recovery increased stability at around 83.0% Quarterly production of 6.7kt of copper and 3.2koz of gold in concentrate, a 126% and 141% increase year-on-year Two 11kt shipments completed containing 5.2kt copper, while MVV ended the period with 10.9kt of concentrate containing 2.7kt of copper stockpiled at the port Plant cost 38% lower year-on-year, chiefly driven by higher volume processed and more controlled stability of the plant Lower mine cost as consequence of higher deferred stripping benefit, for the period following the Completion Test strategy to accomplish the waste mined tons target C1 costs of US$1.39/lb, 31% below C1 cost in the same period last year and representing a 11% quarter-on-quarter improvement Robust financials with EBITDA of US$28.2m for Q1, while MVV has US$22.5m cash on hand as of 31 March 2023, continuing to repay its senior debt financing facility Paulo Castellari, CEO of Appian Capital Brazil, commented: "This quarter has demonstrated ongoing momentum in Mineração Vale Verde's performance, following a highly successful 2022. Our expert team and continuous business improvement strategy underpins our strong operational and financial results, in addition to the industry-leading safety standards we maintain at the Mine. MVV remains strategically positioned to unlock substantial returns for investors at Serrote, at the same time as the Company pursues a number of value-generating initiatives over the coming months." Safety and ESG performance MVV continues to deliver outstanding safety performance, with target safety KPIs at 100%. The Company reported a 12 month rolling average Lost Time Incident Frequency Rate ("LTIFR") at zero (0) through the quarter, an achievement met since December 2022, resulting from 2.2 million man-hours worked without Lost Time Incidents ("LTI"). At the same time the Company delivered 423 Visible Felt Leadership ("VFL") engagements in Q1, and intends to maintain a high level of VFL engagement alongside other measures to ensure its continuous improvement on safety. MVV also conducted a successful TSF emergency test drill in March, with all regulatory requirements met within Brazilian Mining Agency accordingly. MVV continues proactively engage with its local communities by creating and investing in various social programs including (but not limited to) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ("STEM") schools and education programs which resulted in over 1,300 student beneficiaries. Other initiatives include Enterprise Women, which engages local women and fosters entrepreneurship through professional training courses, and a rural Poultry Farming Program which provides technical assistance and Knowledge Industry targeting to build a role model school in the Craibas municipality. Environmental sustainability remains critical for Appian, and MVV operates in line with leading IFC Performance to protect, re-establish and sustain biodiversity. MVV runs the Environmental Education Center ("EEC") which promotes environmental study and regeneration, such as biome studies and planting native species. In Q1 14,400 seedlings were cultivated and planting will begin in late Q2 after the dry season finishes. Furthermore MVV hosts a number of lectures on the Caatinga natural biome which is native to the area for local school teachers, students, universities and employees. Operational update In Q1 2023, MVV sustained strong performance post the successful plant ramp-up. Plant throughput has been stabilized at nameplate capacity where 1Mt of ore has been processed in the quarter, marking a 56% increase year-on-year. With Cu recovery ramped up and stabilized at 83%, copper in concentrate totaled 6.7kt in the quarter, representing a 126% increase over the same period last year. Au in concentrate totaled 3.2koz, representing a 141% increase year on year. Open pit mining operations outperformed the previous quarter by 17% with 3.5Mt materials mined. MVV delivered successful operational covenants for Completion Tests, which are all above target as of 31 March 2023 and are forecast to achieve targets ahead of schedule. As of Q1 2023, head grade of 0.83% copper, plant throughput of 1.0Mt and recovery of 83.0% Cu also all successfully achieved above target. In Q1 all operational areas, excluding G&A, have recorded cost improvements as a result of the strong cash management culture embedded in operations. MVV's continuous improvement program has developed over 34 cost saving initiatives across the mine, plant, maintenance, TSF and G&A areas which are in the various stages of validation and deployment. With these initiatives MVV is targeting further cashflow improvements by year end. C1 costs at US$1.39/lb for Q1 2023, 31% below C1 cost in the same period last year and represents an 11% quarter-on-quarter improvement. A key factor contributing towards the cost improvement is the 38% reduction in plant operating costs, mainly driven by the higher volume processed and more controlled processing stability. Mine operating costs also decreased in the period due to lower waste striping in-line with the plan. Financial update During Q1 2023, MVV made two shipments of concentrate with an average grade of 23.7% Cu and 3.3g/t Au completed year-to-date. This generated US$50.5m in revenue. 5.2kt of copper was sold at US$8,241/t Cu and 2.3koz of gold sold achieved US$1,725/oz Au, benefitting from the favorable price environment. Q1 EBITDA at US$28.2m (including hedges), with one shipment stockpiled at port at quarter end and deferred into early April. The quarter performance recorded a 55.8% EBITDA margin versus a 39.6% margin recorded in the same period last year. MVV has US$22.5m cash on hand as of 31 March 2023, and continues to repay its senior debt financing facility following a robust financial quarter. Growth and exploration The pit expansion and reserve growth program at Serrote is on track for the end of 2023. A resource expansion drilling campaign was concluded in the quarter with 10,500 meters drilled and over 41 holes completed  as of 17 May 2023 outside of the current reserve pit shell, and the updated resource estimation workstreams are now underway. Updated geo-technical and hydrogeological studies for the lager pit have also begun. The metallurgical testwork is underway for the stockpiled oxide project which is looking to reach PEA stage by year end. 2023 guidance Outlook for 2023 is expected to be strong now commercial operations have been completed. Production guidance continues to be 23.5-25.0 kt Cu and 9koz Au, at a C1 cash cost of US$1.50-1.60/lb C1 net of by-products. Delivery of the technical reports for the expanded mineral reserve is also targeted at the end of 2023. Upcoming events MVV continues to pursue a number of initiatives over the course of 2023 to unlock additional value as laid out in its Strategic Plan, including: Delivering continuous business improvement program to keep cost below inflationary environment Expanding the mineral reserve and life of mine from known existing resources at the Serrote pit Completion of economic studies on processing of oxide ore currently stockpiled at site Completion of the 36,000 meters resource compilation at Caboclo (14km away) and inclusion into the Serrote life of mine plan Initial debottlenecking study to unlock latent plant capacity by ~20% About Appian Appian Capital Advisory LLP is the investment advisor to long-term value focused private equity funds that invest solely in mining and mining related companies. Appian is a leading investment advisor in the metals and mining industry, with global experience across South America, North America, Australia and Africa and a successful track record of supporting companies to achieve their development targets, with a global operating portfolio overseeing 6,300 employees. Appian has a global team of 65 experienced professionals with offices in London, Toronto, New York, Lima, Belo Horizonte, Montreal, Perth, Mexico City and Dubai. For more information please visit www.appiancapitaladvisory.com, or find us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram. About Mineração Vale Verde Ltda. MVV is the owner and operator of Serrote, an advanced stage, de-risked greenfield open-pit copper-gold asset, located in Alagoas, Brazil. The Company is headquartered in Belo Horizonte, with a high-quality management team with extensive local and international experience operating at site. Following Appian's acquisition of the asset in mid-2018, an updated DFS was completed in 2021 outlining a 14-year initial mine life with production of approximately 20 thousand tonnes of copper equivalent per annum in a premium, high grade concentrate. Serrote is expected to be well positioned in the lower second quartile of the copper cost curve on a total cash cost basis. MVV is pursuing several expansion opportunities beyond the initial mine life, with significant defined mineralization outside of the current mine plan as well as numerous satellite resources and targets within trucking distance of the planned plant infrastructure. Less than 50% of the 112Mt global MI&I resource is currently contained within the mine plan, with active drilling and growth plans underway to increase mineable inventory.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 864 加入收藏 :
CPIC: Focusing on the Health Industry and Building a New Ecosystem of "Insurance + Health"

HONG KONG, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- As a leading insurance company with a full license and an important participant in the national multi-level social security system, China Pacific Insurance Group (CPIC or the Group) formulated a five-year plan for the development of the health industry as early as August 2020, clarifying its development goals. Over the past three years, CPIC has responded to changes and actively promoted its health industry strategy, achieving significant results in various aspects such as concepts, mechanisms, management, and product services. Based on its existing experience and innovative achievements, on May 20th, the Group held a press conference on the health industry strategic action plan and officially released the "352" health service blueprint to the public for the first time, outlining a bright future for the "Healthy Life, CPIC Action" initiative and taking an important step towards the construction of "Healthy China". To support the construction of a multi-level healthcare security system and enhance sustainable development resilience With the aim of serving the people's better lives and enhancing its value creation capability, CPIC adheres to the principle of putting the people first. It fully leverages its core business advantages, strengthens its insurance payment services, nurtures its service capabilities, and invests in the upstream and downstream of the health industry to build a new ecosystem of "insurance + health". Currently, the Group has built a comprehensive health and wellness service system covering prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and elderly care. This system has the long-term capacity to provide high-quality, integrated services that are continuously optimized. Starting with strengthening health security, CPIC actively participates in the construction of the social security system and enhances its health product and service supply capabilities. As of the end of 2022, the Group has implemented various medical insurance cooperation projects covering 32 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, serving more than 160 million insured persons; its "Hui Min Bao" project covers 15 provinces and over 90 cities, serving 53 million insured persons; it has implemented over 60 critical illness insurance projects, covering over 100 million insured persons; its property insurance long-term care insurance service covers 43.5 million insured persons, and its life insurance long-term care insurance service covers 50 million insured persons, with more than 4.2 million claims paid and over 2 billion yuan paid out in claims. In 2022, CPIC's health insurance premium income reached nearly RMB 77 billion, an increase of nearly 25% compared to the end of 2019. Its growth rate has been higher than the average of its major competitors for three consecutive years. The number of users of its health services increased by 150% compared to the previous year, and its customer experience is leading in the industry. The sustainable development resilience in the health industry continues to show, further consolidating the foundation for future development. A rich layout in the health service industry and comprehensive services for the construction of "Healthy China" According to the development direction of its health industry strategy, CPIC has established multiple service brands in the health management field, such as "CPIC Home", "CPIC Blue Passport", "CPIC Family Doctor", and "YUANSHEN Rehabilitation". Through these brands, the Group has initially established service supply capabilities covering the entire customer life cycle and forged industry-leading customer experiences. At the same time, the Group has also expanded its asset-side layout in the health industry chain, further empowering its core business through the investment and construction of health industry funds, and discovering and forging new growth drivers.  Among them, after five years of development, CPIC Home has completed the national framework layout of high-value assets in the east, south, west, north, and central regions. It has landed 13 CPIC Home retirement communities in 11 cities, and is planning to add 2-3 more projects in the coming years. Ultimately, it will form a complete system of retirement products that integrates health care, happiness, and comfort to meet the retirement needs of people of all ages. On the basis of completing the framework layout of high-value asset retirement projects, CPIC Home plans to continue iterating and upgrading to create a "3+2+X" full-scenario retirement experience. CPIC Family Doctor has built a professional home medical service system, with a service team of nearly a thousand "in-house doctors + external experts". The doctors have an average of 10 years of clinical experience and have provided professional and convenient medical and health services to more than 5 million users. The latest release from CPIC Family Doctor, the digital health file, is a core highlight of its home doctor 2.0 upgrade. It will become a panoramic information view of personal health records, providing decision-making basis for precision medicine and data support for health management. In addition, CPIC Blue Charity focuses on the elderly and children, and has accumulated experience in caring for cognitive impairment and autism through public welfare practices. It has built two public welfare service systems, "Guarding Memory, Guarding Love" and "Star Anxin Autism Care", and has initially formed innovative projects and characteristic cases that can be replicated and promoted across the country, striving to create a new ecosystem of health charity. The "YUANSHEN Rehabilitation" service brand established in 2022 will start from Shanghai and plan to build a self-owned service network of 10 rehabilitation hospitals, 20 clinics, and over 3,000 beds in core cities within five years through self-construction, mergers and acquisitions, and cooperation, building a service ecosystem of insurance + elderly care + rehabilitation. The "Big Health" strategy is the top strategy among the three major strategies of "Big Health", "Big Region", and "Big Data. Based on the present, the Group will take serving the country's greater good and serving a better life as its responsibility, adhere to its values, believe in the long-term, and continue to make progress. It will spare no effort in building a new highland for high-quality development towards the future, and opening a new chapter in serving the multi-level social security system and the construction of "Healthy China".

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 757 加入收藏 :
瑞傳科技基於第13代Intel® Core™處理器開發出COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組 PCOM-B883VG2

用於醫療設備和工業控制解決方案 台灣新北市2023年5月23日 /美通社/ -- 近年來,隨著數位化轉型在醫療設備、工業控制、邊緣計算和網絡通訊等產業應用日益普及,對於嵌入式電腦產品提供更高效能運算和處理能力,同時滿足嚴格可靠性要求的需求不斷增加。為了實現這些更先進的嵌入式運算解決方案,突破現有框架的擴展性是必須的。因此,新的COM-HPC(高效能運算電腦模組)規範出現對COM Express形成補充,延伸已經高度可升級的嵌入式模組化方案,形成一個全新的嵌入式電腦模組規範,搭配新世代CPU和高速I/O介面,實現更大的可升級性和可配置性。  瑞傳科技推出基於第13代Intel® Core™處理器的COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組,用於醫療設備和工業控制解決方案。 高校能創新挑戰 為了回應市場需求,Portwell擴大了其COM-HPC電腦模組產品系列,推出了基於最新COM-HPC Revision 1.15設計規範並搭載第13代Intel® Core™嵌入式處理器的PCOM-B883VG2 COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組(120mm x 120mm)。 具體來說,基於先進的COM-HPC電腦模組架構,PCOM-B883VG2採用第13代Intel® Core™嵌入式處理器系列,提供最多14個核心(6個性能核,8個能效核)總計20條執行緒的運算能力,24 MB英特爾智能快取,最高配備96個EU(執行單元)的英特爾Iris® Xe核顯,增強快速和動態視覺處理和AI推論,以及工業級功能,在具有挑戰性的物聯網邊緣運算環境中加速實時性能和智能。第13代Intel® Core™處理器系列採用最新Intel 7先進製程,提供優異的能效比,特別適合設計用於邊緣運算的無風扇和小型化系統解決方案。 一個支援跨領域應用的COM-HPC解決方案 PCOM-B883VG2 COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組具有高度可擴展性和I/O性能,不僅作為邊緣伺服器的支援者,還可以作為各種小型、高效能嵌入式電腦的核心計算組件,為醫療設備、工業儀器、運輸系統、堅固型野外電腦、防禦系統等提供更好的性能。 PCOM-B883VG2提供了高效能CPU/GPU能力,用於小型的邊緣人工智慧運算,同時確保在有限的冷卻條件下穩定且可靠的運行。例如,在製造工廠,PCOM-B883VG2設計在與安全攝影鏡頭結合的嵌入式系統中,通過利用人工智慧技術來識別和驗證人員進入權限,以及是否正確穿戴標準個人防護裝備。 在醫療設備中,PCOM-B883VG2支援各種高速I/O接口,包括PCIe Gen5 x8通道,這是與FPGA/加速器晶片配對的理想選擇,以優化運算加速的高效能連接,支援在放置空間有限的情況下部署各種醫療設備,如超音波、斷層掃描、磁振造影等。 豐富的產品設計技術和專案經驗 瑞傳科技是一家的工業嵌入式電腦解決方案的專業製造商,並擁有超過30年的經驗,為產品設計、設計指南、電路圖審查和技術顧問以及生產和認證過程提供全各項專案支援。瑞傳還為客戶對新一代產品升級和新專案的未來規劃提供了最新的產品規劃。 瑞傳科技的PCOM-B883VG2 COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組是一種高性能與可靠度的電腦模組解決方案,為醫療設備、工業控制和邊緣/網路通訊領域的廣泛應用提供了高度可升級的嵌入式運算設計選項。 基於Intel 7製程第13代Intel® Core™處理器的PCOM-B883VG COM-HPC Size-B客戶端模組  最多14核心(6個性能核,8 個能效核) 最多96組EU單元的英特爾Iris® Xe顯卡 2個DDR5-4800 non-ECC SO-DIMM,最高64GB 1個PCIe Gen5 x8 (特定SKU)、2個PCIe Gen4 x4和 8個PCIe Gen3 x1 2個USB4、2個USB3.2 Gen 2、8個USB2.0、2個SATAIII、3個DDI、eDP 2.5GbE 英特爾乙太網路控制器I226系列,支援英特爾TCC/TSN 關於瑞傳科技 瑞傳科技是英特爾合作伙伴聯盟(Intel Partner Alliance)物聯網解決方案鈦級會員(IoT Solutions Titanium Partner),設計和製造全套IPC產品(SBC、背板、冗餘電源、機架安裝和節點機箱)、嵌入式架構解決方案、DVR系統平台和通訊設備。我們提供完整的研發和專案管理服務,以縮短客戶產品上市時間,降低專案風險和成本。瑞傳科技還通過ISO 13485、ISO 9001和ISO 14001認證,在整個產品設計、驗證和製造的整個週期中都擁有良好品質保障。 更多詳情  瑞傳科技總部 聯絡E-mail:info@portwell.com.tw 電話:+886-2-7731-8888官方網站: www.portwell.com.tw 媒體聯絡人:Vivian Chen,電話:+886-2-7731-8888#8548

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3567 加入收藏 :

英國曼城2023年5月23日 /美通社/ -- 全球領先和最大的家電生產商之一美的今日宣布延長與曼城的全球合作夥伴關係。 續籤的協議涵蓋男子和女子球隊,並在 2021 年擴展到 City in the Community (CITC),該合作夥伴關係已進入第四個續約期。 從 2020 年 1 月合作伊始,美的就與曼城合作打造了一系列屢獲殊榮的活動,包括#MideaHomeChallenge(曼城球員表演技巧,並鼓勵球迷在封鎖期間在家享受足球的樂趣)和 #TasteTactics(球員展示他們最喜歡的菜餚,然後由名廚烹製,以便粉絲在家中學做)。 #MideaWorldClassAwards 在合作期間的每個賽季末推出,也是一個大獲成功的內容系列。該活動邀請了俱樂部大使 Paul Dickov 和 Shaun Wright-Phillips,鼓勵球迷在「Freshest Opener」(由美的冰箱贊助)和「Coolest Distributor」(由美的空調贊助)或「Brilliant Finisher」(由美的洗碗機贊助)等有趣的類別中投票選出本賽季最佳球員。今年備受期待的活動即將在美的和曼城渠道公佈。 作為續約的一部分,美的和曼城將透過與球員的進一步合作,繼續打造高質量的內容活動。美的品牌及其廣泛的產品也將透過 Etihad Stadium 的超大 LED 熒幕和球場側品牌橫幅得到進一步展示,提高知名度,以吸引全球球迷和數百萬觀眾。 City Football Group 營運總監 Roel de Vries 表示:「今天,我們很高興能進一步擴大與美的的合作夥伴關係。我們為該合作夥伴關係迄今取得的成功以及與美的合作提供的高質量內容和活動感到無比自豪。隨著我們進入新的續約期,我們期待著繼續合作,為我們的粉絲提供更多激動人心的活動。」 「我們的合作夥伴關係在 2020 年初的困難時期開始,多年來建立了成功的合作夥伴關係。全世界的球迷都喜愛美的在每場曼城主場比賽中的全球品牌展示,以及我們各種各樣出色的數字內容,這令我倍感欣慰。數據已經證明,該合作夥伴關係是美的未來幾年全球品牌建設願景的一項重要資產。」美的集團消費電器業務總裁 Eric Wang 這樣說道。 美的和曼城也將在今年晚些時候發布更多激動人心的消息。 如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:  www.mancity.com  www.midea-group.com  www.midea.com  www.midea.com/global/ManchesterCity  MIDEA AND MANCHESTER CITY EXTEND GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3087 加入收藏 :

MANCHESTER, England, May 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Midea, one of the world's leading and largest home appliances producer, today announced the extension of its global partnership with Manchester City. The renewed agreement - which covers both the men's and women's teams and expanded to include City in the Community (CITC) in 2021 – sees the partnership enter its fourth term. From the very beginning of the partnership in January 2020, Midea and Manchester City have collaborated to create a series of award-winning activations including the #MideaHomeChallenge, which saw City players performing tricks and inspiring fans to have football fun at home during lockdown, and #TasteTactics with players presenting their favourite dishes that were then cooked by celebrity chefs for fans to recreate at home. The #MideaWorldClassAwards, launched at the end of each season of the partnership to date, has also been a hugely successful content series. Featuring Club Ambassadors Paul Dickov and Shaun Wright-Phillips, fans are encouraged to vote for their player of the season over fun categories such as the "Freshest Opener" (sponsored by Midea's Fridge) and the "Coolest Distributor" (sponsored by the Midea's Air-Conditioner) or the "Brilliant Finisher" (sponsored by Midea's Dishwasher). This year's eagerly awaited edition is soon to be released across Midea and Manchester City channels. As part of the renewal, Midea and Manchester City will continue to create high quality content campaigns through further collaboration with players. The Midea brand, and their extensive range of products, will also be further showcased to match going fans and millions watching worldwide through increased brand presence in the Etihad Stadium across super-sized LED and pitch side branding. Roel de Vries, Chief Operating Officer at City Football Group, said: "We are pleased to further extend our partnership with Midea today. We're incredibly proud of the success the partnership has seen to date and the high-quality content and activations we've been able to deliver in collaboration with Midea. As we move into this new term, we look forward to continuing to work together as we deliver further exciting projects for our fans." "We kicked off our partnership during difficult times in early 2020 and have built a truly winning partnership over the years. I am delighted by Midea's global brand visibility at every Manchester City home game as well as all our different and overperforming digital content series being loved by the fans all around the world. The partnership team has shown, and the data has proven that this partnership is one imperative asset for Midea's global brand building vision over the coming years." said Eric Wang, President of Midea Group's Consumer Appliances Business. Midea and Manchester City will also make further exciting announcements later this year. For more information, please visit: www.mancity.com www.midea-group.com  www.midea.com  www.midea.com/global/ManchesterCity Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71HkiwaqsF8 MIDEA AND MANCHESTER CITY EXTEND GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP    

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1251 加入收藏 :
2024 年 12 月 2 日 (星期一) 農曆十一月初二日
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