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「新應用,新數據,新韌性」 慕尼黑2023年5月26日 /美通社/ -- 5月23日,2023創新數據基礎設施論壇在德國慕尼黑舉辦。本屆論壇以「新應用、新數據、新韌性」為主題,來自全球的行業專家、合作夥伴等嘉賓,共同就YB[1]數據時代下的數據基礎設施建設展開探討。會上,華為全面闡述了擁抱新興應用生態、高效處理海量非結構化數據、全面提升數據韌性等數據存儲產業演進方向,助力企業釋放數據價值。 華為公司副總裁、數據存儲產品線總裁周躍峰博士發言 華為認為,隨著數字化轉型的深入,數據存儲產業正在迎來巨大的變革和發展機會。 首先,數據應用日新月異,56%的企業都在部署AI應用;同時96%的企業計劃構建雲原生應用。其次,數據爆炸式增長,80%新增的數據為非結構化數據,年複合增長率達到38%。最後,數據韌性挑戰日益嚴峻,勒索病毒變種快,同比增加98%,而且14.1%的企業遭受勒索攻擊後數據無法恢復。 新興的大數據、AI應用對多樣化數據並行處理提出更高要求,數據存儲和數據應用之間的分工協作模型正在重新構建,新的數據範式時代正在到來。雲原生應用將越來越多地引入到企業數據中心,為此,高性能、高可靠的容器存儲成為必需。 非結構化數據正在進入企業生產決策系統,實時的訪問讓數據熱度不斷提升,分佈式存儲的讀寫帶寬和IO訪問效率需要得到數量級的提升。同時,分佈式存儲需要在軟件、算法以及硬件方面通過系統性創新,滿足海量非結構化數據對極致成本效益的要求。此外,數據規模的增長帶來嚴重的數據重力問題,需要構建智能的數據編織能力,實現跨系統、跨地域、跨雲的全局統一數據視圖和調度。 數據安全威脅正在從自然災害、物理損壞向勒索軟件等人為攻擊轉變,企業需要從被動響應走向主動防禦,提升數據韌性。零日漏洞的增加、數據無法恢復帶來的巨大損失,使得以網絡、應用、主機安全構成的企業數據安全體系不足以滿足企業最新的數據韌性需求。數據存儲正在成為守護數據安全的最後一道防線,更多的數據韌性能力將被內嵌到數據存儲產品中,例如勒索檢測、數據加密、安全快照和AirGap隔離區恢復特徵等。 華為公司副總裁、數據存儲產品線總裁周躍峰指出,華為數據存儲攜手客戶與夥伴共同成長,提供豐富的產品與解決方案,其中OceanStor Dorado全閃存存儲和OceanStor Pacific分佈式存儲均榮獲2023 Gartner Peer Insights™「客戶之選」。 縱觀全球整個數據存儲產業,2022年全球前五名外置存儲廠商發貨容量是2012年的3倍,相比於正在迎來的YB數據時代,這還遠遠不夠。華為預測2032年這一數字將實現10倍增長,超過100EB。數據存儲在不斷追求大容量、高性能的同時,還需要通過構建新的數據範式、智能的數據編織、內生的數據韌性,助力企業釋放海量數據價值,也使能數據存儲產業的飛速發展。 [1] Yottabyte
香港2023年5月27日 /美通社/ -- 2023年5月26日、27日,由世界教育論壇(FORUM FOR WORLD EDUCATION,簡稱FWE)主辦的2023年香港年度峰會在香港九龍海逸君綽酒店成功舉行。 隨著世界衛生組織宣布新冠病毒(COVID-19)不再構成「國際關注的公共衛生緊急事件(PHEIC)」,以及國際局勢和地區形勢不確定因素加劇,各國將在新冠疫情后的全球經濟重整中,在促進經濟發展和鞏固世界和平中共同發揮重要作用。而長遠來看,只有通過教育不斷順應時代發展進行有效改革,才能真正推動並實現經濟和社會的可持續發展。與此同時,適逢香港正面臨建設國際創新科技中心,鞏固其國際交流中心地位的重要機遇。此次世界教育論壇2023年峰會以「國際教育的變革力量,讓世界更美好」為主題,舉辦了十餘場教育主題演講及圓桌會議。 本次香港峰會有幸邀請到香港特別行政區政府政務司副司長卓永興,香港教育局局長蔡若蓮博士,香港立法會議員、香港學術及職業資歷評審局主席陳仲尼先生,OECD(經濟合作與發展組織)教育與技能司司長Andreas Schleicher先生,美國哥倫比亞大學工程學院院長張世富教授,哈佛商學院高管教育高級總監、FWE籌委會成員Ani Kharajian女士等幾十位來自商業、高等教育、政策制定、研究和創新等各個領域的全球領袖、政策決策者和世界知名學者,以及來自世界各地卓有建樹的各界青年領袖和企業家,圍繞國際教育在今后經濟和技術發展趨勢下,如何成為提高全球工作場所和社會水平的基本要素展開對話,並與來賓們共同探討教育改革與經濟可持續發展的未來方向。 FWE香港大會籌委會主席、長江和記實業有限公司執行董事、美國哥倫比亞大學師範學院校董、香港科技大學校董會成員施熙徳女士在峰會上致歡迎辭,並就本次會議的主旨和詳細議程進行了闡述。她表示FWE專註於經濟增長、社會進步和可持續發展,在深入探討教育與勞動力的未來發展方面促進了領導者與商業領袖的對話,為年輕領袖、企業家和教育者提供了全球性的交流平台。 法政集團副董事長兼行政總裁、北京王府公益基金會理事長、 FWE世界教育論壇董事潘軍女士發表了主題為「推動國際教育變革 實現可持續未來」的主旨演講,她表示人类社会面临前所未有的挑战。世界影响着教育,教育也改变着世界。在國際人才爭奪戰日超激烈的當下,集聚人才智力中心的香港承載了全新使命。為了鼓勵青年人才成長,FWE将始终致力于推动世界对话与合作、促进教育变革与发展。努力建立一個世界青年領袖平台,為年輕的企業家、學者提供學習、交流和合作的機會,並為社會和經濟的發展帶來全新動力,呼籲青年作為積極推動者在長期的教育變革中發揮關鍵作用。 此次峰會特邀香港政府政務司副司長卓永興先生發表開幕致辭,卓永興先生強調了教育對經濟、文化和社會進步的作用,並表示教育是香港特別行政區財政支出的主要部分。香港憑藉得天獨厚的東西方文化交匯優勢以及高質量教育,為大灣區的青年學子提供了無與倫比的機會,同時香港政府也積極通過一系列優惠政策與措施擴大人才庫,緊抓「十四五」規劃為大灣區人才培養提供的巨大機遇。 香港教育局局長蔡若蓮博士在「產業與教育的聯通」專題討論環節中,分享了香港政府如何致力提供優質和多元化的學術和職業培訓,幫助學生及早規劃升學和就業路徑,培育人才,為香港的持續發展作出貢獻。蔡若蓮博士表示隨着創新和技術進步席捲全球,工作場所正在經歷快速變革。許多工作將需要完全不同的技能組合,甚至在不久的將來變得不存在,而許多全新的工作將會發展。香港將重新思考教育策略,採取積極主動的方法,為年輕人才配備未來相關和適用的技能,應對未來的挑戰和機遇。 由易思匯合伙人孫國浩先生主持的「投資下一代企業家」圓桌論壇,邀請到幾位FWE青年領袖共同探討大學如何更好地讓年輕人做好準備以應對全球化世界的複雜性。作為青年一代企業家,與會者還討論了新興企業家的培養和教育體系改革等話題。此外,由前美國助理教育部長,FWE籌委會成員Susan Sclafani博士主持開展的圓桌論壇「培養全球變革者」亦就國際教育中培養積極變革者的基本要素、如何利用先進技術重新構想教育、確保國際教育中所教授的價值觀具有普遍性和包容性等實用性話題展開討論。 清華大學蘇世民學院執行院長兼教授潘慶中主持的題為「從學者到變革者」的圓桌討論中,幾位畢業於蘇世民學者項目的參會嘉賓分享了自身在該項目中的經驗和收穫。他們圍繞在蘇世民學者項目中所獲得技能在推動和影響其職業發展方面的價值展開了討論,並強調該項目如何塑造他們的世界觀和對全球問題的看法。此外,與會者還就蘇世民學者項目如何繼續產生影響力並塑造下一代全球領導者進行了探討。 FWE成立於2018年,是世界唯一一家致力於將教育改革與經濟發展相結合、促進教育與經濟發展、鞏固世界和平的非盈利性國際組織,FWE 的成立旨在提供世界級平台,將企業家、教育政策決策者和教育研究專家聚集在一起,共同推動教育與經濟發展及社會進步。 自成立以來,FWE已連續舉辦三屆峰會。2019年,以「教育的未來新起點」為主題的首屆世界教育論壇峰會在巴黎舉辦,阿里巴巴創始董事長馬雲、泰國正大集團高級董事長謝國民、荷蘭勞倫蒂安公主、OECD教育與人力技術部長Andreas Schleicher、論壇創始人Dr Cheng Davis及論壇聯合創始人、法政集團董事長、北京王府學校總校長王廣發等重磅嘉賓發表演講。來自美國、中國、新加坡、芬蘭、英國、瑞士、新西蘭、巴西等國超過300名專家學者、商業領袖及優秀青年代表齊聚一堂,共議未來教育的發展方向。自2020年,世界教育論壇針對新冠疫情對教育的影響,就全球疫情背景下未來教育的改革、發展與創新以及資金保障等實際問題展開探討。通過網絡視頻直播的方式向全球開放20餘場教育主題線上論壇,為全球觀眾帶來全新的教育觀點碰撞。2022年FWE泰國大會以線下+線上網絡直播的方式在正大領導力學院成功舉辦,吸引了來自17個國家和地區的傑出領袖人物,對未來如何提高勞動力整體素質,以及教育體系應該做出哪些變革以適應未來勞動力培養需求展開深入討論。2023年香港年度峰會現已圓滿結束,我們期待即將於2023年9月20日-9月22日舉辦的紐約大會再次與大家相見。 新聞稿由LT Heyday亮天文化傳播有限公司代為發佈。 如有查詢,請聯絡: 亮天文化傳播有限公司Candy Tang直線:852-61118468電郵:candy@LTheyday.com
Q4 revenue of Rs. 326 crores, up 3.8% from last quarter FY23 full-year revenue of Rs.1,241 crores, up 15% from a year ago Recommended dividend of Rs. 2 per share in Q4 FY23 and Rs. 8 per share for FY23, representing a payout of 400% on face value GURUGRAM, India, May 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- TCI Express Ltd. ("TCIExpress", NSE:TCIEXP ; BSE:540212 ), the market leader in express distribution in India, today announces its highest-ever revenue for the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2023. This marks one of the most successful years in the history of the company despite macroeconomic challenges globally and inflationary pressure across the industry. During Q4 FY23, TCI Express achieved its highest-ever revenue of Rs. 326 crores, registering a growth of 9.4% from the previous year and 3.8% from the last quarter. EBITDA for the quarter stood at Rs. 56 crores, representing a sequential growth of 17.8% with a strong margin of 17.0%. Profit after tax stood at Rs. 38 crores with a margin of 11.7%, up by 20% from the previous quarter. The growth was primarily driven by strong demand from the MSME and Corporate segment as well as higher utilisation in newly developed sorting centre facilities. On a full-year basis, revenue from operations reached Rs. 1,241 crores, a growth of 14.8%. EBITDA grew by 10.2% to Rs. 202 crores with strong margins at 16.2%. Profit after tax grew by 8.1% to Rs. 139 crores with a margin of 11.2%. In light of the company's stellar performance during the quarter, the Board of Directors has recommended a dividend of Rs. 2 per share, taking the full-year dividend to Rs. 8 per share representing a payout of 400% on face value for FY2023. In addition, TCIEXPRESS also successfully completed a share buyback of Rs. 42.5 crores announced in Q4 FY22. This is a testament to the company's strong financial position and its commitment to rewarding shareholders for their trust and support. Commenting on the performance, Mr. Chander Agarwal, Managing Director of TCIEXPRESS, said: "FY2023 has been a year of growth acceleration for TCIEXPRESS. Despite macroeconomic challenges and inflationary trends across the industry, we take pride in consistently outperforming the industry with double-digit revenue growth and profit margins. This accomplishment can be attributed to our strong asset-light business model, efficient operations, and cost-effective measures, including the automation of sorting centres. Mr. Chander Agarwal, Managing Director of TCI Express Ltd During FY2023, TCIEXPRESS incurred a capex of Rs125 crores, primarily for the purchase of land in Kolkata and Ahmedabad for setting up new automated sorting centres; new corporate office in Gurgaon; and for network expansion by adding 35 new branches to penetrate deeper in the key growing markets in West and South region to cater to growing market demand. Among the company's newly launched services, the Rail Express offering has been gaining good traction from customers, with customer base having expanded from 250 to 2,200 and presence from 10 routes to 125 routes since its inception. These new service offerings are expected to contribute positively to TCIEXPRESS's top line in the forthcoming quarters, enabling the company to achieve higher margin levels with sustainable growth. "Sustainability is a core value at TCIExpress," Mr. Agarwal added. "We are happy to share that TCI Express's Giga Sorting Centre in Tajnagar and Pune Sorting Centre in Chakan have been awarded the prestigious GEM 5 Certification, demonstrating our commitment to promoting environmentally sustainable green building design and construction practices. With our ESG roadmap, we are taking bold action to tackle climate change by replacing the old vehicles with new standards, investing in automation and installation of solar panels on our sorting centres which will enable us to be self-sufficient in our energy requirements going forward. TCI Express remains steadfast in its commitment to leveraging its strengths, seizing growth opportunities, and maintaining a customer-centric approach. Our strategic initiatives and robust fundamentals will continue to propel us towards sustained growth and enable us to deliver superior value to our customers." Performance Highlights: FY2023 vs. FY2022 Revenue from operations of Rs. 1,241 Crores, growth of 14.8% y-o-y EBITDA of Rs. 202 Crores compared to Rs. 183 Crores EBITDA Margin at 16.2% compared to 16.8% PAT of Rs. 139 Crores compared to Rs. 129 Crores PAT Margin remain strong at 11.2% Performance Highlights: Q4 FY2023 vs. Q3 FY2023 Revenue from operations of Rs. 326 Crores, 3.8% of q-o-q growth EBITDA of Rs. 56 Crores compared to Rs. 47 Crores EBITDA margin at 17.0 % compared to 15.0% PAT of Rs. 38 Crores compared to Rs. 32 Crores PAT Margin at 10.0% compared to 8.3% Other Key Highlights: Announced quarterly Dividend of Rs. 2 per share, taking full-year FY23 dividend to Rs. 8 per share representing payout of 400% on the face value Successfully completed the buyback of 234,275 share amounting ~Rs. 42.5 crores announced in Q4 FY22 About TCI Express: TCI Express is India's leading time-definite express distributor, based on its unparalleled experience and deep domain-expertise that enables it to offer customized solutions to express delivery. The company has been growing rapidly and expanding its distribution network locally, with its current 950 plus offices covering more than 60,000 locations. TCI Express is well-equipped to offer time-definite solutions to 704 out of 712 districts in India with its wide spectrum of services comprising surface, domestic and international, e-commerce, rail, pharma cold chain, C2C and reverse express services. The company has special expertise in enabling solutions for clients in sectors like consumer electronics, retail, apparel &, lifestyle, automobile, pharmaceuticals, engineering, e-commerce, energy/power, and telecommunications. With a proven commitment to excellence and the pursuit of value-based policies to satisfy the aspirations of customers, vendors, employees, shareholders, and all other stakeholders in the express delivery industry, TCI Express has emerged as a frontrunner in a segment that is here to grow in the long-term. For more information please contact: Mukti Lal VP & CFO, TCI Express +91 124 238 4090 - 4094 mukti.lal@tciexpress.in Bhushan Khandelwal / Anvita Raghuram Churchgate Partners +91 22 6169 5988 tciexpress@churchgatepartners.com Safe Harbour: This release contains statements that contain "forward looking statements" including, but without limitation, statements relating to the implementation of strategic initiatives, and other statements relating to TCI Express' future business developments and economic performance. While these forward-looking statements indicate our assessment and future expectations concerning the development of our business, a number of risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from our expectations. These factors include, but are not limited to, general market, macroeconomic, governmental and regulatory trends, movements in currency exchange and interest rates, competitive pressures, technological developments, changes in the financial conditions of third parties dealing with us, legislative developments, and other key factors that could affect our business and financial performance. TCI Express undertakes no obligation to publicly revise any forward-looking statements to reflect future / likely events or circumstances.
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., May 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In a rare educational motivational event, the two astronauts Rayyanah Barnawi and Ali AlQarni conducted three educational awareness experiments from the International Space Station in real time with 12,000 Saudi students across 42 different locations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These real time experiments with the Saudi crew aboard the ISS occurred in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the King Fahd Abdelaziz foundation and its specialized team for talents and gifts "Mawhaba", with schools in Riyadh and Misk. Astronaut Rayyanah Barnawi conducting an experiment The objective of these three experiments is to enhance the students' knowledge of space science and its contribution to improving the quality of life on Earth, by juxtaposing their terrestrial based experiments to the ones being conducted in real-time by the Saudi crew aboard ISS. Students could see first-hand how the experiment environment can have a real effect on the results. The focus of the experiments was on Liquid Fireworks, Space Kite, and Heat transfer focused on fluid mechanics, aerodynamics and heat transfer, respectively. This real-time interaction ensured that students had access to the Saudi crew live as they performed their experiments together, one on Earth, and one in space simultaneously to compare and contrast. The students were divided in three groups relative to their age groups. The first group, 9-12 years, experimented with liquid fireworks, focussing on fluid mechanics. They could compare the effects of microgravity on the speed and shapes of the fluids in space, and witness the impact of gravity on fluids live. The second group, 13-15 years, built space kites to experiment aerodynamics' alteration in microgravity compared to earth. The third group, 15-18 years, experimented with heat transfer to see the changes of color and time in heat transfer under the impact of microgravity in space in the aim of educating the students that radiation is the only way to transfer heat in space and that heat is transferred differently in space. The three educational experiments are part of the 14 scientific experiments taken by the two Saudi astronauts during their mission, which included a range of tests from human research and cell science to artificial rain in microgravity. By engaging Saudi scientists and thousands of students across Saudi, the SSC is keen on growing its space sector through its people, by providing them with the opportunity to have a tangible impact on science and to inspire its youth to join Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). This effort is one of many to follow that will capitalize on the HSF program as means to highlight science and to expand Saudi's economy to space. The efforts by the SSC are designed to prepare future astronauts and engineers, through quality educational and training programs, participation in scientific experiments, international research and future space-related missions – all of which will contribute to raising the status of the Kingdom and to achieving the goals of Vision 2030. About The Saudi Space Commission (SSC): The Saudi Space Commission was established by the royal order in December of 2018 (Rabi II 1440). This bold step serves a future that is innovative and looks forward to the latest technologies and opportunities in the Saudi Space Industry. With the Kingdom moving towards a progressive quality of life, SSC demonstrates the aligned vision of creating better, secure environments for its citizens while actively enabling prospects of lucrative economic and monetary inventions. The SSC has strategized to create primary objectives that serve national security interests against space related risks and encourage cumulative growth and advancement. https://saudispace.gov.sa/en/about-us/
TOKYO, May 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Japanese battery startup, PowerX, Inc. has unveiled the detailed design of the first-ever 'Battery Tanker' at the 'Bariship' International Maritime Exhibition held in Imabari City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. The inaugural ship "X" aims for completion by 2025, with domestic and international field testing planned to commence in 2026. The World’s First Battery Tanker 'X': The Inaugural Ship of Power Ark 100. Furthermore, a new company called 'Ocean Power Grid Inc. (https://oceanpowergrid.jp/) ' will be established in the third quarter of 2023 to advance the maritime power transmission business utilizing Battery Tankers. This company will own, sell, and operate the battery tankers in Japan and abroad. PowerX is seeking business partners worldwide for this new technology and business endeavor. PowerX has signed a memorandum of understanding and a Partnership Agreement with Kyushu Electric Power Co., Ltd. and the City of Yokohama to pursue the novel maritime power transmission concept and achieve carbon-neutral ports. The first Battery Tanker is scheduled for domestic and international field testing starting in 2026. This electric propulsion vessel boasts a length of 140 meters and will be equipped with 96 containerized marine batteries, providing a total capacity of 241MWh. The onboard battery system is based on our proprietary module design, featuring safe and reliable lithium iron phosphate (LFP) battery cells that ensure a lifespan of over 6,000 cycles. Additionally, the battery system is highly scalable, allowing for the installation of additional batteries to create larger electric transport vessels such as Power Ark 1000 or even larger sizes to meet specific mission requirements. The system includes dedicated gas emission control and fire suppression mechanisms to ensure safety. Real-time monitoring of the battery system, charging controllers, and power conversion systems further enhance safety measures. All batteries will be manufactured in-house in Okayama Prefecture and are scheduled to obtain international ship classification certifications and applicable standards such as DNV and Class NK, undergoing rigorous testing to meet the strictest conditions. Delivery of the batteries is scheduled to commence by mid-2024. The Role of Battery Tankers: Its onboard battery systems allow Battery Tankers to store and transport surplus electricity generated from renewable sources. Decommissioned or idle thermal power plants located near ports can be retrofitted into charge/discharge points for the Battery Tankers, where the power is transmitted to users via grid connections on the land, enabling further effective use of renewable energy. Moreover, areas with high potential for renewable energy generation are often distant from urban areas and regions with high power demand. Strengthening transmission infrastructure becomes essential in such cases. Given the current energy density of lithium-ion battery cells, the Battery Tanker is an optimal solution for short-distance maritime power transmission from land to land, complementing existing inter-regional grid transmission lines. For instance, in Japan, a Battery Tanker can carry power from regions with high renewable energy supply potential, such as Kyushu and Hokkaido, to high-demand areas of Honshu or for inter-island power transmission. Battery Tankers will establish new power transmission networks across the sea, promoting renewable energy storage, supply, and utilization. As the energy density of batteries improves and their cost decreases, it is expected that longer-distance maritime transmission from offshore wind power plants to the land will become feasible. Battery Tankers offer a practical solution, especially in Japan, which is prone to earthquakes and has deep-sea surroundings. The ship-based solution resolves issues such as extended downtime from undersea cable malfunctions and repairs and the high costs associated with ultra-high voltage connections and substations. As a result, the Battery Tankers will enable the installation of offshore wind farms in areas where undersea cable deployment was once challenging. Using maritime power transmission via Battery Tankers can address various challenges associated with offshore wind power, not only in Japan but also contribute to the widespread adoption of renewable energy worldwide. Press Contact: pr@power-x.jpMedia Contact: fendi.chen@power-x.jpInvestor Contact: info@power-x.jp Future model of the Power Ark 100 Series
GUIYANG, China, May 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report by Huanqiu.com: Guizhou is writing a new chapter of rural revitalization via the integration of big data and agriculture. Each of more than 400 cows wears an "ear stud" on their ears in the breeding farm of Guizhou Zhenghuakun Breeding Co., Ltd. According to Zhao Xiping, head of the company, such stud is an intelligent ear tag that records information of each cow, such as the date of birth, sex, weight and "family tree". Guizhou farmers use big data technology to "raise cattle". (Source: Eye News of Guizhou Daily) "This is a mode of live-data-based credit. Beef cattle can be identified, located, tracked, monitored and managed with IoT sensing devices. Banks can better analyze industrial big data and manage risk control of the whole industrial chain, and then feel relieved to lend us money. In a word, loan, supervision, and repayment are related to cattle." Zhao Xiping said with a smile on his face. In the past, Zhao Xiping was troubled by the difficult or slow lending of banks. He explained that since the growth of cattle is not absolutely controllable but affected by possible diseases and natural disasters, the traditional mortgage financing model is inevitably contradictory with the property rights structure of agricultural subjects. With the help of big data, Zhenghuakun has grown its scale from more than 20 cattle to more than 400 cattle in recent years. Now, big data are taking root and acting everywhere in Guizhou. Since a big data center was built for prickly ash in Guanling Autonomous County, farmers can use their mobile phones to monitor the whole growth process of prickly ash in real time, greatly improving the planting efficiency of prickly ash; Dailucao Township has become the first rural live broadcast pilot township in Suiyang County, so that Wenshan yellow peaches were sold out within 15 days... The person in charge of Guizhou Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs indicated that the collection and analysis results of big data on agricultural data have been gradually applied in an innovative manner in various links such as planting, breeding, processing, logistics and marketing. Big data are slowly changing the traditional agriculture model of relying on experience and weather, and promoting the competitive advantages of agricultural products obviously. There are more than 1,000 local digital sales platforms in Guizhou such as "ONE MA Guizhou" at the front end, "Cloud Warehouse of Guizhou Products" logistics infrastructure integrating province, city, county township and village at the middle end, and smart agricultural cloud platforms at the back end. Guizhou has actively explored digitalization of the whole chain of agricultural products, and extended digital technology from the "table" on the consumption side to the "land" on the production side. In 2022, the total output value of agriculture, forestry, husbandry, and fishery reached 490.88 billion yuan in Guizhou, up by 4.1% YoY, including 331.37 billion yuan of the total agricultural output, up by 3.5% YoY. According to the plan, in Guizhou by 2025, the digitalization level of agriculture will be significantly improved, the development of agricultural big data, smart agriculture and rural e-commerce accelerated, and the integrated development level index of big data and agriculture increased from 39.8 in 2020 to 45. With booming industries and enriching people, Guizhou is accelerating rural revitalization in the new era.
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