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BEIJING, May 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Recently, H3C officially announced its participation in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and pledged its commitment to supporting the initiative's ten principles encompassing human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Joining UNGC is of great significance to H3C as it is not only a recognition of the company's continuous commitment to social responsibilities over the years, but also a milestone in its efforts to further expand internationally. H3C's steadfast dedication to fulfilling its social responsibilities as a tech company continues, actively contributing towards the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). H3C Furthers its International Expansion through Participation in the UNGC The UNGC was launched as a special initiative in 2000 by Kofi Annan, the 7th Secretary-General of the UN. The UNGC is also the world's largest international organization aimed at advancing corporate sustainability, with over 20,000 corporate members and other stakeholders from nearly 170 countries worldwide. The organization has been committed to encouraging member companies and stakeholders worldwide to integrate the ten principles of UNGC involving human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption into their strategies and operations, in addition to helping businesses contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by accelerating capacity building, creating communication platforms, and facilitating innovative collaborations and partnerships. "Joining the UNGC is an important step in H3C's efforts to actively respond to the SDGs. We are proud to participate in the influential global corporate sustainability initiative along with other companies from around 170 countries," said Tony Yu, President & CEO of H3C. "As a leader in digital solutions, we firmly believe that only socially responsible businesses can achieve sustainable, long-term growth. H3C's ongoing commitment to corporate social responsibilities (CSRs) reflects the responsibilities not only to our shareholders but also to our customers, partners and employees." H3C Drives the Sustainable Growth of All Industries through the Provision of Digital Solutions Since its inception, H3C has been driven by its vision of "Shaping the Digital Future for a Better Life", actively fulfilling its social responsibilities as an integral part of its corporate strategy. Embracing a dual-driven model that combines innovation with cooperation alongside its cutting-edge digital technologies and solutions, H3C remains dedicated to becoming the most trusted partner for all industries, fostering business innovation and driving digital transformation, eventually to help build a high-quality digital economy. Leveraging Digital Technologies to Empower Society and Improve the Wellbeing of All H3C has been empowering society and enhancing the wellbeing of all by virtue of its full-stack digital capabilities. Specifically, it has been driving the rapid development of new smart cities aimed at establishing inclusive, convenient and comfortable living environments that benefit local inhabitants, empower local government leadership and stimulate the local economy. While in terms of digital healthcare, H3C has played a pivotal role in enabling the development of smart hospitals, offering high-quality products and solutions that extend the advantages of healthcare reform to all. In alignment with China's Education Informatization 2.0 Action Plan, H3C has also been actively driving innovations in educational concepts, models and systems, aiming to ensure equal accessibility to education for all. Developing Green Products and Zero-Carbon Solutions in Response to the Government's "Dual Carbon" Goals In recent years, the Chinese government has incorporated the reduction of carbon emissions into its medium- and long-term economic and social development plans. In line with the nation's pursuit of the "dual carbon" goals, H3C has proactively harnessed internal and external resources, forging its own path toward green and sustainable development. Significantly, H3C's green data center has achieved world-class status with a remarkable power usage effectiveness (PUE) of less than 1.1. This state-of-the-art facility provides environmentally friendly services to over 800 data centers worldwide. Furthermore, H3C is constructing a customized dual carbon data platform tailored to the campus scenario. This innovative solution combines Unisplendour's smart factory with a zero-carbon campus approach, integrating energy efficiency optimization, carbon emission monitoring, energy management and carbon services. Facilitating the Implementation of the Digital Village Project with a Focus on Rural Revitalization By offering rural communities a comprehensive suite of digital technologies and solutions, H3C leverages its digital capabilities to enhance rural governance, agricultural production, and the quality of life for farmers, further to establish a robust and formidable innovation foundation and data engine to drive digital transformation across rural areas. Through the support of big data and information technology, urban-rural disparity has been narrowed as innovative solutions empower grassroots governance, enhance public services and drive industrial transformation, thereby significantly improving the well-being of countless farmers. Engaging in Public Service Initiatives that Benefit Those in Need For years, H3C has been engaged in a range of public service initiatives to increase access to the benefits of digital transformation. Its commitment to environmental protection led to the launch of the "Green Lightchaser" sapling application campaign, where H3C will donate saplings for nine consecutive years from 2022 to 2030 based on the annual number of its employees. Additionally, H3C has been equipping rural schools in Sichuan and Yunnan Province with digital resources, ensuring fair allocation of educational opportunities. These initiatives aim to bridge the digital divide, provide students the access to the latest technology trends, and empower them to thrive in the modern world. Strengthening Corporate Governance While Remaining in Compliance with Business Ethics In a move to raise the bar when it comes to the CSR efforts, H3C, under the leadership of Tony Yu, established the H3C CSR Advisory Committee that regularly evaluates and reviews the business' compliance and performance results with regard to social responsibilities. Several of the corporate-level departments have been involved in the CSR efforts, providing assistance in the selection of CSRs-related topics as well as in the implementation and assessment of each project. In addition, the especially-established Ethics and Compliance Office has developed the H3C Code of Business Conduct that audits and inspects the company's business operations to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. H3C has thus received a number of prestigious awards in recognition of years of restless CSR efforts. As an active player in the digital economy, H3C consistently fulfills its social responsibilities, demonstrating a long-term commitment to being the most trusted digital transformation partner across all industries. With a strong emphasis on the deployment and application of digital technologies, H3C is dedicated to reshaping lifestyles and transforming industries through inclusive digital solutions. Going forward, H3C plans to collaborate with the UNGC as well as its customers and partners to build a smarter world by harnessing the power of digital technologies.
台北2023年5月26日 /美通社/ -- 鴻海科技集團C事業群獲得德國認證機構DEKRA德凱ISO 26262:2018 ASIL-D功能安全流程認證證書,建立起符合車用供應鏈要求的開發流程和管理體系,符合功能安全最高等級ASIL-D的要求。 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀(右) 頒贈ISO 26262功能安全流程證書予鴻海C事業群執行副總吳建和 (左) ISO 26262是國際公認的汽車功能安全標準,是供應商進入汽車供應鏈的基本門檻之一。範疇涵蓋汽車產業中電子元件及電子設備的產品完整生命週期,包括初期安全概念、系統開發、軟硬體開發、生產、營運、維修及報廢等各個階段貫穿產品整個生命週期。ASIL(Automotive Safety Integration Level,汽車安全完整性等級)是基於ISO 26262標準的分類系統,共有A、B、C、D四個等級,等級越高,開發流程越嚴格。 鴻海C事業群主要負責精密模具、電機等研發、生產、機構件生產與材料應用,此次鴻海C事業群著重在車輛驅動電機系統的功能安全流程體系建立,覆蓋功能安全管理、概念階段開發、系統階段安全開發、軟硬體開發、流程安全與產品發布等多個開發環節,順利取得DEKRA德凱ISO 26262功能安全最高等級ASIL-D認證證書,可有效管控產品開發過程中識別的風險以及功能安全需求,保障產品的安全性以及可靠性,產品功能安全開發和管理能力上均達到了國際領先水準。 頒證儀式上由鴻海C事業群執行副總吳建和代表接受DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀所頒發的ISO 26262證書,同時出席的還有鴻海C事業群EV動力系統產品處處長廖永盛、技術專理吳恆緯,DEKRA德凱台灣營運總經理李春和與負責此次認證專案的德凱台灣全球功能安全/網路安全經理黃浩鈿、功能安全評估師鄒岱佑等雙方代表在現場出席並見證了這一重要時刻。 鴻海C事業群執行副總吳建和表示,獲得ISO 26262功能安全管理體系認證是C事業群在開發車輛驅動電機系統的重要里程碑,此次取得ISO 26262功能安全最高等級ASIL-D認證證書,代表我們擁有國際先進水準產品功能安全開發和管理能力,未來我們將持續建立、執行和維護符合ISO 26262標準的安全流程,不斷提升產品的可靠性和安全性。 DEKRA德凱台灣董事總經理李俊儀表示,汽車產業快速朝向電動化、自駕化與聯網化發展,但安全性一直是汽車行業發展道路上的核心基本要求。此次鴻海C事業群團隊發揮領導廠商的實力,獲得功能安全最高等級 ASIL-D級別的開發流程體系,未來將在車用領域持續為客戶帶來優異設計與高品質的產品與服務。DEKRA德凱團隊專家可以為OEM車廠、Tier1/Tier2供應商、其它技術服務商等提供整合式的服務,協助導入ISO 26262 /ISO 21434 /Automotive SPICE/Cyber-Security流程,並提供培訓、差距分析、測試、認證等整合服務方案,高效的通過各項國際標準與流程認證,取得打入車用供應鏈的通關門票。 關於DEKRA德凱 DEKRA德凱致力於安全近百年。1925年在德國柏林成立的德國機動車監督協會,現如今已是世界知名的協力廠商專業測試檢驗認證機構。DEKRA SE是DEKRA e.V.的子公司,負責管理集團營運。2022年,DEKRA德凱營業總額達到近38億歐元,業務遍佈世界5大洲60多個國家和地區,逾49,000名員工致力於為路途中、工作中以及家居中的安全提供獨立的專家服務。這些服務包含:車輛檢測、理賠與專家評估、工業與建築檢驗、顧問與培訓服務、產品測試與認證、體系審核、數位化相關服務及專案派遣。2025年,DEKRA德凱將迎來成立100周年,其願景是「我們致力於成為安全與可持續發展世界裡的全球合作夥伴」。DEKRA德凱連續榮獲EcoVadis鉑金評級,位列前1%的可持續發展公司之列。Website: https://www.dekra.com.tw/
HONG KONG, May 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- VanceAI PC, the desktop version or Windows app of VanceAI, now enables users to manually switch to the local or online mode on its intuitive interface. The local mode uses your computer's GPU or CPU to process images and the online mode takes advantage of VanceAI's powerful servers deployed in the cloud to process images. What Are the Local and Online Modes of VanceAI PC? Local and online modes are two different ways VanceAI PC offers for users to edit photos. There is no difference in the effect of processing images as for the two modes. After purchasing VanceAI PC, you can use the local mode without consuming any credit, but the online mode will consume credits. It is also worth noting that there are three functions in VanceAI PC's local mode and six ones in its online mode. Local Mode - Enlarge, Denoise, and Sharpen Having downloaded and installed VanceAI PC, you will see the local mode. Here you can process 5 images for free to experience the strength of AI models from VanceAI PC in person. But the local mode has some system and hardware requirements like the operating system: Windows 10,11 (64bit only), and RAM. More comprehensive information is present on the Help page. VanceAl PC - Enlarge You will see two icons (local mode and online mode) in the top right-hand corner of VanceAI PC. When switching to the local mode, you will see Enlarge. The Enlarge function provides scales from 2x, 4x, 6x to 8x for enlarging prints, e-Commerce, presentations, and more to super-resolution. The striking feature of the local Enlarge function is that it can enlarge images by up to 40x. And you could learn more functions about the Enlarge. VanceAl PC - Denoise Denoise is also a local option to remove noises from images while preserving details for clear effects. One industry that may use Denoise is the medical imaging industry. Medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are frequently used to diagnose diseases and conditions. However, these images can sometimes be affected by noise and artifacts which can impact the accuracy of diagnoses. AI image denoiser can help to remove noise from medical images, improving the clarity of the image for diagnosis. Similarly, Denoise helps you know more about its functions. VanceAl PC - Sharpen Sharpen is another choice embedded in the local mode and can sharpen blurry images by removing motion blurs and out-of-focus blurs. In the case of product photography, Sharpen can help create more vibrant and dynamic images by emphasizing fine details like texture and color contrast. Similarly, in graphic design, AI image sharpener can help to improve the clarity of text and vector-based graphics, making them stand out more prominently. The Sharpen page has more details of its functions. Online Mode - Enlarge, Denoise, Sharpen, and Three Other Tools The online mode hasn't any requirements for your computer, but you need to connect it to the Internet. Enlarge, Denoise and Sharpen perform well just as those in the local mode do. VanceAI PC also allows you to use 3 online tools including Al Old Photo Restorer, Al Background Remover, and Al Portrait Transformer. VanceAl PC - Al Old Photo Restorer Al Old Photo Restorer aims to restore damaged old photos, colorize black and white photos and improve the quality. AI Photo Restorer can be especially useful for professional photographers who need to restore historical or vintage images for their clients, as well as for archivists and museums who want to preserve old photographs and make them accessible to the public in a high-quality digital format. The AI Photo Restorer may help to know what it can do. VanceAl PC - Al Background Remover Al Background Remover offers one click to remove background in auto and spends less time to show a clean outline. Background remover is particularly useful for a graphic designer working on creating a promotional banner for an e-commerce website, say, they have a product image that needs to be placed on a colorful and eye-catching background. However, the original image has a cluttered background that distracts attention from the product itself. Manually removing the background can be time-consuming and tedious, especially if there are complex details or intricate objects involved. In this scenario, the graphic designer can utilize AI Background Remover to simplify the process and achieve professional results efficiently. Background Remover product page provides users with more information on how to use this tool to remove background with AI. VanceAl PC - Al Portrait Transformer Simply put, Al Portrait Transformer automatically helps turn photo into line drawing or into cartoon pictures in 5 seconds using deep learning. In the entertainment and media industry, a scenario could involve an animator or concept artist who needs to convert a photo into a line drawing for a particular project, such as an animated film or a comic book. This allows them to create stylized, simplified representations of real-life subjects while maintaining artistic control and flexibility. In the same industry, there is often a need to convert photos into cartoon pictures for various purposes, including promotional materials, character design, or creating a whimsical and engaging visual style. About VanceAI As an AI photo enhancement and editing tools provider, VanceAI is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, making it ideal for professional photographers, graphic designers, and individuals looking to edit their photos for personal or business use. Except for its PC version - VanceAI PC, VanceAI also has its own website where you can access more than 18 tools. Among them, VanceAI Photo Editor allows you to resize, crop, or rotate photos. You can also use VanceAI Image Upscaler's ample AI models to upscale images by multiple times while maintaining their resolution. AI Art Generator creates an image from text. Once the payment is done, all online products can be accessed. That means if you are not satisfied with the generated artworks, the Image Upscaler can upscale the quality of an artwork. For more information, please visit VanceAI official websites. Option 1: VanceAI Official Website for English Option 2: VanceAI Official Website for Deutsch Option 3: VanceAI Official Website for Français Option 4: VanceAI Official Website for Japanese ContactsVanceAI Technologycontact@vanceai.comhttps://vanceai.com/
Supermicro Founder and CEO Charles Liang Will be Joined by Jensen Huang, NVIDIA CEO, and other Industry Luminaries to Outline Developments to Accelerate Cloud, AI, Edge, and Storage Workloads, Investments to Drive Rack Scale Manufacturing, and Innovations to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Today's Datacenters with Green Computing Technologies SAN JOSE, Calif. and TAIPEI, May 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Super Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for Cloud, AI/ML, Storage, and 5G/Edge, continues to offer IT solutions for decreasing the environmental impact of today's modern data center. Supermicro is advancing technology in critical areas such as product design, green computing, manufacturing, and rack scale integration which enables organizations to become productive and reduce energy consumption quickly. "Our Green Computing focus enables Supermicro to design and manufacture state-of-the-art servers and storage systems with the latest CPU and GPU technologies from NVIDIA, Intel, and AMD that reduce power consumption," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "Our innovative rack scale liquid cooling option enables organizations to reduce data center power usage expenses by up to 40%. Our popular GPU Servers with the NVIDIA HGX H100 8-GPU server continue to be in demand for AI workloads. We are expanding our solution offerings with innovative servers that use the NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip and are working closely with NVIDIA to bring energy-efficient servers to market for AI and other industries. Worldwide our manufacturing capacity is 4,000 racks today and more than 5,000 later this year." Supermicro has the most comprehensive portfolio to support AI workloads and other verticals. These innovative systems include single and dual-socket rack mount systems based on 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors and 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors in 1U, 2U, 4U, 5U, and 8U form factor supporting 1-10 GPUs as well the density-optimized SuperBlade® systems supporting 20 NVIDIA H100 GPUs in an 8U enclosure, and SuperEdge systems designed for IoT and edge environments. The newly announced E3.S Petascale storage systems offer significant performance, capacity, throughput, and endurance when training on very large AI datasets while keeping excellent power efficiencies. A new product family built on the NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip will be available soon. These new servers will each contain 144 cores with dual CPUs joined by a 900GB/sec connection, allowing for highly responsive AI applications and those requiring extremely low latency responses. With the CPU running at 500W TDP, this system will reduce energy consumption for cloud-native workloads and the next generation of AI applications. For more information, please visit: https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/system/GPU/2U/ARS-221GL-NR With AI applications proliferating, the demand for high end AI designed servers is increasing, which brings new challenges for system providers to incorporate the latest CPUs and GPUs. The most advanced Supermicro GPU server incorporates dual CPUs and up to eight NVIDIA HGX H100 GPUs, which are available with a liquid cooled option, reducing OPEX. "NVIDIA is closely working with Supermicro to quickly bring innovations to new server designs to meet the needs of the most demanding customers," said Ian Buck, vice president of hyperscale and HPC at NVIDIA. "With Supermicro's servers powered by Grace CPU Superchips shipping shortly and H100 GPUs gaining traction around the world, we're working together to bring AI to a wide range of markets and applications." To reduce the TCO for customers, Supermicro is endorsing the new NVIDIA MGX reference architecture that will result in over a hundred server configurations for a range of AI, HPC, and Omniverse applications. This modular reference architecture includes CPUs, GPUs, and DPUs and is designed for multiple generations of processors. Supermicro will also incorporate the latest NVIDIA networking technology, the NVIDIA Spectrum™-X networking platform in a broad range of solutions. The platform is the first designed specifically to improve the performance and efficiency of Ethernet-based AI clouds. Spectrum-X is built on network innovations powered by the tight coupling of the NVIDIA Spectrum-4 Ethernet switch plus NVIDIA BlueField®-3 data processing unit (DPU). This breakthrough technology achieves 1.7X better overall AI performance and energy efficiency, along with consistent, predictable performance in multi-tenant environments. Green computing is critical for today's data centers, which consume 1 – 1.5% of worldwide electricity demand. Supermicro's complete rack scale liquid cooling solution significantly reduces the need for traditional cooling methods. With redundant and hot-swappable power supplies and pumps, entire racks of high-performing AI and HPC optimized servers can be cooled efficiently even during a power supply or pump failure. This solution also uses custom-designed cold plates for both CPUs and GPUs, which are more efficient at removing heat than traditional designs. Up to $10B in energy costs can be saved if data centers lower their PUE closer to 1.0 with Supermicro technology and do not have to build 30 fossil fuel power plants. To learn more about Supermicro Liquid Cooling Solutions, please visit: www.supermicro.com/liquidcooling The Supermicro Liquid Cooling Solution includes: CDU – the Cooling Distribution Unit, which circulates the liquid throughout the entire rack of servers. CDM – the Cooling Distribution Manifold delivers the cool liquid to each server and the return path. Cold Plates – attach directly to the CPUs or GPUs and are custom designed. Hoses/Connectors – for connecting the liquid from the server to the CDM with leakproof connectors. Supermicro has qualified a number of servers from various product families with this state-of-the-art cooling solution. The server list includes the following: BigTwin®: 2U2N, 2U4N SuperBlade Hyper: 1U, 2U GPU Servers (PCIe and SXM) GrandTwinTM 4U8N, 4U4N Rack scale integration is another core competency that data center operators are demanding. Faster time to productivity requires entire racks to be delivered to data centers, ready to go. Supermicro has the ability to deliver L11 and L12 clusters, thoroughly tested, including customer applications, and configured for large scale liquid cooling when required. To learn more about Supermicro and talk to product experts at Computex Taipei 2023, visit www.supermicro.com/computex View the Supermicro CEO Keynote at Computex Taipei 2023 with Charles Liang and special guest and NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang. To learn more about Supermicro's wide range of products, visit www.supermicro.com About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are transforming into a Total IT Solutions provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, and switch systems, software, and services while delivering advanced high-volume motherboard, power, and chassis products. The products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Taiwan, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
From the Data Center to the Edge, Supermicro Designs and Manufactures Total Rack Scale Solutions to Achieve Superior Performance, Flexibility, and Energy Efficiency with Rapid Deployment SAN JOSE, Calif. and TAIPEI, May 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Super Micro Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: SMCI), a Total IT Solution Provider for Cloud, AI/ML, Storage, and 5G/Edge, continues to innovate with a broad range of servers to meet IT requirements for modern workloads. Supermicro's Building Block Server® methodology enables a first-to-market delivery with the latest technology from Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA. Purpose built servers deliver exceptional performance for a wide range of AI, Cloud, and 5G workloads, from the data center to the edge. Supermicro Features Unparalleled Array of New Servers and Storage Systems at COMPUTEX 2023 "As we expand our production capacity to meet the rapidly growing demand of high-performance large-scale AI infrastructure and cloud data centers, Supermicro delivers the industry's most innovative and advanced systems integrated as a turn-key total rack solution," said Charles Liang, president and CEO of Supermicro. "From the most powerful AI systems available, with up to eight NVIDIA H100 HGX GPUs to compact edge servers that must perform in challenging environmental conditions we provide the broadest portfolio of solutions for today's most demanding workloads, including new liquid cooling solutions that reduce data center power consumption and increase performance." At the COMPUTEX 2023 event, Supermicro will be showcasing a wide range of servers and storage solutions and demonstrate the fully integrated rack with the newest liquid cooling technologies that enable unprecedented energy efficiency and fast deployment. The highlights of the Supermicro lineup at COMPUTEX 2023 include the following: Rack Scale Liquid Cooling – Supermicro's full rack liquid cooling solution enables organizations to run the highest performing GPU servers and maintain the optimal operating conditions. Supermicro supplies, integrates, and tests complete rack level liquid cooling solutions, including CDUs with redundant power and pumps, Cooling Distribution Manifolds (CDM), leakproof connectors, and optimized hoses. In addition, a Supermicro designed highly efficient cold plate enhances heat removal from both CPUs and GPUs. GPU-Optimized Systems - Servers with 8 or 4 NVIDIA HGX H100 Tensor Core GPUs and dual 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors or dual 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors. The X13 and H13 GPU systems are open, modular, standards-based servers that provide superior performance and serviceability with a hot-swappable, toolless design. GPU options include the latest PCIe, OAM, and NVIDIA SXM technology. These GPU servers are ideal for workloads with the most demanding AI training performance, HPC, and Big Data Analytics. The new Intel GPU Max series and a new server using the NVIDIA Grace Superchip are also available. SuperBlade® - Supermicro's high-performance, density-optimized, and energy-efficient X13 SuperBlade, built with 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, can significantly reduce initial capital and operational expenses for many organizations. SuperBlade utilizes shared, redundant components, including cooling, networking, power, and chassis management, to deliver the compute performance of an entire server rack in a much smaller physical footprint. These systems support GPU-enabled blades and are optimized for AI, Data Analytics, HPC, Cloud, and Enterprise workloads. Compared to industry-standard servers, a cable reduction of up to 95% reduces costs and can lower power usage. Hyper - With dual 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors or dual 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors - The X13 and H13 Hyper series brings next-generation performance to Supermicro's range of rackmount servers, built to take on the most demanding workloads along with the storage & I/O flexibility that provides a custom fit for a wide range of application needs. BigTwin® (2U4N) - The X13 BigTwin with dual 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors per node to provide superior density, performance, and serviceability with hot-swappable components in a toolless design. These systems are ideal for cloud, storage, and media workloads. CloudDC - With 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors or 4th Gen AMD EPYC processors - Ultimate flexibility on I/O and storage with 2 or 6 PCIe 5.0 slots and dual AIOM slots (PCIe 5.0; OCP 3.0 compliant) for maximum data throughput. Supermicro X13 and H13 CloudDC systems are designed for convenient serviceability with toolless brackets, hot-swap drive trays, and redundant power supplies that ensure rapid deployment and more efficient maintenance in data centers. GrandTwin™ - Using with 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor or 4th Gen AMD EPYC processor - The X13 and H13 GrandTwin is purpose-built for single-processor performance. The design maximizes computing performance, memory, and efficiency to deliver maximum density. GrandTwin's flexible modular design can be easily adapted for a wide range of applications, with the ability to add or remove components as required, reducing cost. In addition, the Supermicro GrandTwin features front (cold aisle) hot-swappable nodes, which can be configured with either front or rear I/O for easier serviceability. As a result, the X13 and H13 GrandTwin are ideal for workloads such as CDN, Multi-Access Edge Computing, Cloud Gaming, and High-Availability Cache Clusters. SuperEdge – Using the 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor Supermicro's X13 SuperEdge is designed to handle increasing compute and I/O density requirements of modern edge applications. With three customizable single-processor nodes, SuperEdge delivers high-class performance in a 2U, short-depth form factor. Each node is hot-swappable and offers front access I/O, making the system ideal for remote IoT, Edge, or Telco deployments. Additionally, with flexible Ethernet or Fiber connectivity options to the BMC, Super Edge makes it easy for customers to choose remote management connections per their deployment environments. Petascale Storage - The All-Flash NVMe systems powered by a 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processor or a 4th Gen AMD EPYC processor offer industry-leading storage density and performance with EDSFF drives, allowing unprecedented capacity and performance in a single 1U chassis. The first in a coming lineup of X13 and H13 storage systems, these latest petascale servers support 9.5mm and 15mm E1.S or 7.5mm E3.S EDSFF (EYPC only) media designed with PCIe 5.0 interface. They are now shipping from all the industry-leading flash vendors. Liquid Cooled-AI Development Platform - The deskside liquid-cooled AI development platform addresses the thermal design power needs of the four NVIDIA® A100 Tensor Core GPUs and the two 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs to enable full performance while improving the overall system's efficiency and enabling quiet (approximately 30dB) operation in an office environment. In addition, this system is designed to accommodate high-performing CPUs and GPUs, making it ideal for AI/DL/ML and HPC applications. To learn more about Supermicro and talk to product experts at Computex Taipei 2023, visitwww.supermicro.com/computex. To learn more about Supermicro's wide range of products, visit www.supermicro.com. About Super Micro Computer, Inc. Supermicro (NASDAQ: SMCI) is a global leader in Application-Optimized Total IT Solutions. Founded and operating in San Jose, California, Supermicro is committed to delivering first to market innovation for Enterprise, Cloud, AI, and 5G Telco/Edge IT Infrastructure. We are transforming into a Total IT Solutions provider with server, AI, storage, IoT, and switch systems, software, and services while delivering advanced high-volume motherboard, power, and chassis products. The products are designed and manufactured in-house (in the US, Taiwan, and the Netherlands), leveraging global operations for scale and efficiency and optimized to improve TCO and reduce environmental impact (Green Computing). The award-winning portfolio of Server Building Block Solutions® allows customers to optimize for their exact workload and application by selecting from a broad family of systems built from our flexible and reusable building blocks that support a comprehensive set of form factors, processors, memory, GPUs, storage, networking, power and cooling solutions (air-conditioned, free air cooling or liquid cooling). Supermicro, Server Building Block Solutions, and We Keep IT Green are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Super Micro Computer, Inc. All other brands, names, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
法國康城2023年5月29日 /美通社/ -- Campari 是雞尾酒文化的標誌,在此次第 76 屆康城影展上,Campari 作為這一國際知名活動的官方合作夥伴,透過一系列慶祝調酒學和電影業精彩創作的活動帶來靈感。 Iconic model, Alessandra Ambrosio, attends the Campari: Discover Red event experience during the 76th Festival de Cannes, celebrating the unforgettable creations of cinema. 節慶宮的 Campari Lounge 是活動中心,在此接待了影片《奇美拉》的演員陣容,並且還與影片《煽動者》的演員艾莉西亞·薇坎德 (Alicia Vikander) 進行了一場即時播客錄製,這些活動都以紅毯和海濱大道為背景,可以從 Lounge 觀看,視野獨特。康城海濱大道上也能感受到 Campari 的經典紅色,在斯蒂芬妮宮海灘、巴里耶爾海灘和馬丁內斯酒店舉辦了多個活動,包括競賽影片《黑蠅》的餘興派對。 Campari 主辦的每個時刻都讓 Campari 的雞尾酒和電影的共同之處格外生動:提升體驗、超出預期的核心標誌。 一場為期兩周且令人難忘的活動 除了舉辦合作活動外,Campari 在節日期間的巔峰時刻是 Discover Red 活動;一個由經典紅色開胃酒品牌策劃的夜晚,兩位米芝蓮星級廚師 Christian Sinicropi 和 Camparino in Galleria 的調酒領班 Tommaso Cecca 為賓客呈現了驚艷的創作。晚宴以開胃酒拉開序幕,影片《五月十二月》的演員查爾斯·梅爾頓 (Charles Melton) 和傳奇演員路克·伊凡斯 (Luke Evans) 出席,隨後是 Christian 和 Tommaso 策劃的雞尾酒配對體驗。 如果沒有網絡爆紅的內容創作者和紅毯常客 Cole Walliser,任何明星雲集的活動都是不完整的,Cole Walliser 以在知名活動上慢鏡頭拍攝明星而聞名,並吸引了包括亞麗珊德拉·安布羅休 (Alessandra Ambrosio) 在內的 Discover Red 嘉賓。 在整個電影節期間,Campari Lounge 和斯蒂芬妮宮海灘經過改造,成為第 76 屆康城影展發佈的精彩作品的餘興派對場所。Campari 邀請影片《黑蠅》包括泰·謝里丹 (Tye Sheridan) 和導演吉恩-史蒂芬·蘇維禾 (Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire) 在內的演員們,在海灘上為其舉辦了一場慶祝首映成功的晚會。Campari 還邀請影片《奇美拉》包括伊莎貝拉·羅西里尼 (Isabella Rossellini) 在內的演員們,在 Lounge 舉辦了開胃酒會,隨後在斯蒂芬妮宮海灘舉辦了余興派對。 《好萊塢報導》在康城國際電影節的 Campari Lounge 現場錄製了其旗艦播客 Awards Chatter 的特別演講,其中包括由 Campari 贊助的艾莉西亞·薇坎德 (Alicia Vikander) 和《好萊塢報導》的獎項執行編輯斯科特·范伯格 (Scott Feinberg) 的一對一採訪。 Campari 很榮幸成為綜藝金球獎派對的讚助商,該派對邀請了最具影響力的明星、創作人和高管。凱特·布蘭切特 (Cate Blanchett)、查爾斯·梅爾頓 (Charles Melton)、泰·謝里丹 (Tye Sheridan) 和肖內特·蕾妮·威爾遜 (Shaunette Renée Wilson) 出席了當晚的活動,與會者在不容錯過的 Campari 酒吧享用了全球最經典的精選雞尾酒。 在《偶像旋渦》首映的餘興派對上,Campari 在不容錯過的酒吧呈現了其經典飲品,邀請賓客慶祝另一項令人難忘的創作。阿貝爾·特斯法耶 (Abel Tesfaye) (The Weeknd) 和莉莉-蘿絲·戴普 (Lily Rose-Depp) 等演員以及一眾世界知名的明星都出席了這次活動。 除了眾星雲集的電影演員外,Campari 還招待了一種注目評審團,其中包括約翰·萊利 (John Reilly)、愛蜜麗·德奎恩 (Emilie Dequenne) 和週戴維 (Davy Chou) 前來參加開胃酒時間,以及美國演員泰勒·賀啟林 (Tyler Hoechlin) 和伊恩・鮑漢 (Ian Bohen) 前來享用開胃酒。 Campari 還舉辦了植根於電影行業的活動,慶祝電影的激情和才華。Stampede Ventures 和 EST Studios 在 Campari Lounge 舉辦了一場晚會,慶祝激動人心的亞洲電影浪潮中精彩絕倫的創作;當晚,亞洲和 AAPI 的高管、經銷商和名人齊聚一堂。 Campari 再次主持突破鏡頭 (BTTL);該組織透過將性別被邊緣化的導演與融資聯繫起來,宣導更公平的電影行業。繼 2022 年在康城影展上首次成功合作後,今年該倡議主辦了一個媒體座談會,由知名的溫蒂·米謝爾 (Wendy Mitchell) 主持,與會者有眾多行業變革者,包括翠貝卡的藝術總監弗雷德里克·博耶 (Frederic Boyer);演員和活動家施盧蒂·哈桑 (Shruti Haasan),主演了《The Eye》;Protagonist 行銷主管莫尼婭·維辛格 (Mounia Wissinger),以及《How To Have Sex》的編劇兼導演莫莉·曼寧·沃克 (Molly Manning Walker),該片在今年的電影節上以一種注目形式首映。 在一場專門慶祝 Campari 創造力和激情的晚宴上,五位世界頂級調酒師匯聚參加 CAMPARI: 慶祝精彩創作。每位調酒師都設計了自己獨特的雞尾酒,由 Camparino in Galleria 提供,每一種創作的核心都是康城海濱大道的魅力、最負盛名的全球電影節的精髓和電影的魔力,經典紅色開胃酒 Campari 為其奠定了基礎。 Campari Group 全球行銷主管 Julka Villa 評論道:「回顧這兩週,看到我們參與的眾多活動,這種感覺真是太棒了;從在我們的 Campari Lounge 招待頂級明星,到在海濱大道贊助精彩活動,為明星提供經典 Campari 雞尾酒和 Camparino in Galleria 的卓越服務,當然,還有在馬丁內斯酒店舉辦我們自己難忘的夜晚。在每一場活動中,我們的目標都是透過 Campari 的紅色鏡頭為賓客帶來靈感,讓他們沉浸在全球電影世界中,並且達到 Campari 和康城影展所期望的提升水平。現在,我們開始期待明年的活動!」 請關注 Campari 的社交媒體渠道,以獲取更多資訊 @campariofficial #CampariCinema #Cannes2023 #FestivalDeCannes #EnjoyResponsibly www.campari.comhttps://www.youtube.com/EnjoyCampari https://www.facebook.com/Camparihttps://instagram.com/campariofficial Actor Charles Melton enjoys a Campari aperitif at Campari: Discover Red event experience ahead of his premiere for May December at the 76th Annual Festival de Cannes. The Hollywood Reporter recorded a special presentation of its flagship podcast, Awards Chatter, live from the Campari Lounge at 76th Festival de Cannes featuring a one-to-one interview with Alicia Vikander and THR’s Executive Editor of Awards, Scott Feinberg, sponsored by Campari. Zahra Amir Ebrahimi and Cate Blanchett Campari was proud to be the sponsor of Variety Golden Globes Party attended by Zahra Amir Ebrahimi (left) and Cate Blanchett (right) and attendees enjoyed a selection of the world’s most iconic cocktails from an unmissable Campari bar. Campari hosted the cast of Black Flies including Tye Sheridan (pictured here) and Jean-Stéphane Sauvaire with an evening that celebrated the success of the premiere at 76th Festival de Cannes.
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