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TOKYO, Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Nippon Express (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "NX China") and Nippon Express (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "NX Shanghai"), both group companies of NIPPON EXPRESS HOLDINGS, INC., held a scholarship award ceremony at Shanghai Maritime University on Friday, December 13, 2024. NX logo: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/img/202501092637-O2-CK403aC8 Image: https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M103866/202501092637/_prw_PI1fl_k6uC8aP9.jpg Founded in 1912, Shanghai Maritime University (SMU) is one of China's leading maritime universities in the development of forwarding management personnel, having been the first Chinese university to establish departments in transportation-related fields (transportation, shipping management, logistics management and transport engineering). NX China and NX Shanghai established a scholarship fund in January 2016 and concluded a memorandum of understanding with SMU to provide scholarships over a period of 10 years. This year was the ninth in which these scholarships were offered, and 10 SMU students selected as scholarship recipients attended the award ceremony. NX Shanghai President Toru Naono presented scholarship certificates to the students at the ceremony on behalf of the NX Group, after which a representative of the recipients handed Naono a bouquet of flowers with words of appreciation to the NX Group. The NX Group remains positively committed to undertaking social contribution activities to help develop human resources capable of playing active roles in the logistics industry. About the NX Group: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/attach/202501092637-O1-8YsJLS0M.pdf NX Group official website: https://www.nipponexpress.com/ NX Group's official LinkedIn account: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nippon-express-group/
Introducing Revolutionary Smart Lock Technology Globally, Crafting a Smarter, Safer Future for Your Home LAS VEGAS, Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- At CES 2025, Philips and Conex Intelligent Technology, the exclusive partnership in smart home industry since 2017, together introduce a series of smart locks, setting new standards for global home security and convenience. These innovations affirm Philips' commitment to safer, smarter homes worldwide. Philips Easykey Shines at CES 2025, Leading the New Era of Smart Home Security Philips Smart Locks: Global Reach, Local Fit DDL902-MVP: Combines palm vein and facial recognition with 360-degree monitoring via three high-resolution cameras. DDL505: Designed for extreme temperatures with IP66 waterproof and dustproof capabilities. DDL611: Built for humid, rainy climates, ensuring durability with IP66 protection. Philips Sync: Allows simultaneous unlocking of multiple doors for added convenience. DDL801: A design and functionality masterpiece integrating Philips' latest security tech. Award and Enhancements: Philips' 5000 Series Palm Vein Recognition Smart Lock won the CES® 2025 Innovation Award as an 'Honoree', now upgraded with video capabilities. About Shenzhen Conex Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.: As brand license partners of Koninklijke Philips N.V., Conex offers innovative smart home solutions in the smart lock and home security domains. Backed by exceptional customer service, Conex ensures seamless consumer experiences, delivering products that redefine home safety. Experience Philips at CES: Visit booth No. 52055 to explore these innovations and their integration into smart home systems. Contact Us: Aaron Ma – Public Relations Specialist (Global)Email: publicrelations@cone-x.com About Philips: Philips, a leader in health technology, focuses on improving well-being through innovation. Based in the Netherlands, it excels in consumer products and healthcare solutions. News at www.philips.com/newscenter.
中國常熟2025年1月15日 /美通社/ -- 耐世特汽車系統今日宣佈其位於中國江蘇省常熟市的全新基地盛大開業。這一戰略佈局標誌著耐世特在全球先進轉向系統製造和測試能力上的進一步擴展,旨在充分利用亞太地區的增長優勢,滿足國際和國內整車廠對先進電動助力轉向系統(EPS)日益增長的需求。 耐世特常熟基地盛大開業 耐世特常熟基地佔地約137畝,配備一流的自動化生產線、先進的測試和驗證實驗室,以及具有各種路面和環境條件的測試跑道。 除了產能和驗證能力的提升,耐世特常熟的開業也正式標誌著公司在雙小齒輪式電動助力轉向系統(DPEPS)產品方面的生產能力不斷提升,包括其創新的模塊化產品:模塊化小齒輪式電動助力轉向系統(mPEPS)。mPEPS採用模塊化設計,充分利用現有技術模塊,實現了成本效益高、上市速度快、靈活性強和可擴展性廣的轉向系統,同時確保了卓越的安全性和性能表現。 耐世特汽車系統總裁、首席技術官、首席戰略官兼執行董事Robin Milavec表示:「耐世特常熟基地的開業,是我們進一步利用亞太地區及全球增長勢頭的重要一步,將極大地提高我們的產能、驗證能力、效率、競爭力以及客戶響應速度。」 隨著亞太汽車市場的蓬勃發展,特別是在電氣化浪潮、網聯化革新以及軟件定義汽車等新興行業趨勢的引領下,客戶對先進的、具有價格優勢、能快速上市且靈活的運動控制解決方案的需求也在不斷擴大。 耐世特汽車系統全球副總裁、亞太區總裁李軍同時強調:「耐世特的擴張將進一步鞏固我們在亞太地區的市場地位,通過技術創新和產業升級積極為推動經濟發展和產業轉型貢獻力量。這不僅與中國新質生產力所倡導的推動製造業高端化、智能化、綠色化的發展方向不謀而合,同時也助力耐世特實現我們的願景,即致力於成為領先的運動控制技術公司,加速實現安全、綠色和振奮人心的移動出行。」 耐世特常熟基地的開業是其整體戰略的一部分,平衡了全球範圍內的製造、技術中心和客戶服務中心的佈局,為全球60多家整車廠客戶提供支持。公司的全球足跡遍及五大洲,區域內生產和技術中心均靠近當地客戶,並通過全球數字化連接實現全球規模化生產、跨時區創新和協作,提高運營效率和客戶響應能力。 關於耐世特汽車系統 耐世特汽車系統(HK 1316)是一家領先的運動控制技術公司,致力於實現安全、綠色和振奮人心的移動出行。我們的產品和技術組合包括電動助力和液壓助力轉向系統、線控轉向系統、轉向管柱與中間軸、驅動系統以及軟件解決方案,為電氣化、軟件/網聯、先進駕駛輔助系統(ADAS)/自動駕駛和共享出行等運動控制挑戰提供解決方案,服務於全球60餘家客戶,包括寶馬、福特、通用、雷諾日產三菱、斯泰蘭蒂斯、豐田、大眾,以及中國的比亞迪、奇瑞、長城、吉利、小鵬等和印度的汽車製造商。更多信息,請訪問www.nexteer.com。 相關圖片: 耐世特媒體中心
Limited offer plan with ultra-short premium payment term of 2 yearsPay 2 years of premiums in single lump sumPrepaid premiums enjoy 6.8%p.a. guaranteed preferential interest rate for the 1st yearProjected total cash value reaches up to 315% of total premiums paid in the 20th year HONG KONG, Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- AXA Hong Kong and Macau ("AXA") introduces the new "WealthAhead Savings Plan" (the "Plan"), featuring an ultra-short premium payment term of 2 years, supporting customers in accelerating their wealth accumulation and establishing long-term savings. In the 20th policy year, the projected total cash value exceeds 315% of total premiums paid[1],[2], which is equivalent to a projected total internal rate of return of 6.06% per annum[1],[2]. Customers who pay 2 years of premiums in a single lump sum can enjoy a 6.8%p.a. guaranteed preferential interest rate on the prepaid premiums for the first year[3], thus assisting customers in achieving their financial goals more easily. The plan is a limited offer. Janet Lee, Chief Life and Health Insurance Officer of AXA Hong Kong and Macau, said: "As the world enters a phase of rate cut, high-interest deposit options are becoming increasingly rare, individuals are seeking other investment tools with higher returns. In response, we are pleased to introduce the 'WealthAhead Savings Plan'. This plan offers an ultra-short premium payment term of 2 years and diverse financial planning options to suit a range of needs. With highly competitive medium to long-term total returns, it can help customers accelerate wealth accumulation while allowing flexible wealth legacy planning, meeting financial goals at different life stages." Four Key Highlights of the Plan: 1. Ultra-short premium payment term of 2 years with attractive potential returns The plan offers a benefit period up to age 138 of the insured with an ultra-short payment term of 2 years, enabling customers to expedite their long-term financial planning. Customers can flexibly choose USD, RMB, or HKD as the policy currency based on their individual needs and life plans. The plan also includes guaranteed cash value, non-guaranteed reversionary bonus, and non-guaranteed terminal bonus, which can help customers grow their wealth and achieve their financial objectives. At the end of the 20th policy year, the total cash value is projected to exceed 300% of total premiums paid[2] for all 3 policies currencies. If customers take out a policy in USD and choose to pay 2 years of premiums in a single lump sum, the prepaid premiums will enjoy a guaranteed preferential interest rate of 6.8%p.a. for the first year[3]. 2. Capture gains without setting an aggregate limit on lock-in rate The plan features a flexible Policy Value Lock-in Option with no aggregate cap[4] on the lock-in rate throughout the policy term, which is a market-rare[5] feature. This allows customers to capture market gains, lock-in their returns and earn non-guaranteed interest. Beginning from the 10th policy anniversary, customers have the option to transfer a portion of the policy's guaranteed cash value and non-guaranteed bonuses into the Policy Value Lock-in Account. Customers can also withdraw part or all of the value from the Policy Value Lock-in Account at any time, offering greater liquidity for their financial arrangements. 3. Divide the policy into multiple separate policies for added flexibility The plan includes the Flexi Segregation Option, which enables customers to transfer a portion of the policy value into a separate policy[6]. Customers can exercise this option as many times as they wish during a policy year and throughout the policy term with no administration fees. This feature enhances efficiency in wealth allocation and creates personalised plans tailored to their specific needs. 4. Comprehensive legacy scheme enabling generational wealth transfer The plan offers a range of features to support customers in legacy planning and wealth preservation for future generations, including the "Change of Insured Option," the "Designation of Contingent Owner," and the "Flexi Continuation Option". Change of Insured Option: The policy owner can change the insured for an unlimited number of times. The benefit period will be extended to up to age 138 of the latest insured. This feature allows customers to pass on their legacy to future generations without affecting the policy values. Designation of Contingent Owner: The plan allows customers to designate a contingent owner. In the unfortunate event of the policy owner's death, the contingent owner can take over as the new policy owner, ensuring the family's financial security. Flexi Continuation Option [Market-Rare[4]]: The policy owner can designate a contingent insured and pre-assign the allocation percentage for wealth transfer and compassionate benefit. In the event of the insured's death, the contingent insured will become the new insured. The allocated portion of the policy value will continue to grow for future generations. A compassionate benefit will be paid in a lump sum to the designated beneficiary, providing immediate financial support. Additionally, the plan offers the market-rare[4] "Superior Death Benefit Option", which provides a death benefit of at least 130%[7] of the total standard premiums paid (with no additional premium required) and the "Regular Death Benefit Option". The death benefit will be paid in the unfortunate event of the insured's passing. The "WealthAhead Savings Plan" is available for a limited time with limited quota only. For more information about "WealthAhead Savings Plan," please visit https://www.axa.com.hk/en/wealth-ahead-savings-plan. The above information is for reference only. For details on promotional offer and product features, content, terms and exclusions, please refer to the product brochure, policy contract and promotional leaflet. [1] The policy must be denominated in USD. [2] The above projected values are for reference only and based on certain assumptions, including but not limited to annual premium payment mode is chosen, all premiums are paid in full when due, no levy on insurance premiums is included throughout the term of the policy, no benefits have been paid and no withdrawals or other policy options have been exercised. These projected values are not guaranteed and are projected based on the Company's current assumed bonus scale. The actual values may be higher or lower than these projected values. [3] The policy must be denominated in USD and a one-time payment equal to twice the initial annual premium of the basic plan is required at the time of application. Terms and conditions apply, please refer to the relevant promotional materials for details. [4] The annual maximum locked-in rate is 50% of the latest policy value. [5] This comparison is based on participating savings plans with multiple policy currencies offered by major insurance companies in Hong Kong. The comparison references information obtained from the websites of the relevant insurance companies and other data from AXA, as of January 3, 2025. [6] The notional amount of the split policy and the remaining notional amount of the existing policy must not be less than the minimum amount as may be determined by the Company from time to time. [7] 130% of the total standard premiums paid is equivalent to 100% plus an extra 30% of the total standard premiums paid.The extra 30% of the total standard premiums paid is not applicable if the insured's death happens (a) during the first 3 policy years; or (b) when the initial insured's age is above 60 (the initial insured's age is counted from the date of birth of the initial insured up to the date of death of the insured, as if the initial insured were still alive as at the date of death of the insured, regardless of whether or not the initial insured passed away before the insured). About AXA Hong Kong and Macau AXA Hong Kong and Macau is a member of the AXA Group, a leading global insurer with presence in 51 markets and serving 94 million customers worldwide. Our purpose is to act for human progress by protecting what matters. As one of the most diversified insurers in Hong Kong, we offer integrated solutions across Life, Health and General Insurance. We are the largest General Insurance provider and a major Health and Employee Benefits provider. Our aim is to not only be the insurer to provide comprehensive protection to our customers, but also a holistic partner to the individuals, businesses and community we serve. At the core of our service commitment is continuous product & service innovation and customer experience enrichment, which is achieved through actively listening to our customers' needs and leveraging and investing in technology and digital transformation. We embrace our responsibility to be a driving force against climate change and a force for good to create shared value for our community. We are proud to be the first to address the importance of mental health through different products and services and thought leading iconic research. Our overall Sustainability Strategy, with emphasis on climate strategy and biodiversity commitment, is developed based on TCFD recommendations. We are committed to integrating environmental, social and governance factors across our business and strive to contribute to a sustainable future through 3 distinct roles - as an investor, insurer and an exemplary company. THIS PRESS RELEASE IS AVAILABLE ON AXA'S WEBSITE: AXA.COM.HK IMPORTANT LEGAL INFORMATION AND CAUTIONARY STATEMENTS CONCERNING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTSCertain statements contained herein may be forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements that are predictions of or indicate future events, trends, plans or objectives. Undue reliance should not be placed on such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors that could cause AXA's actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Please refer to Part 4 - "Risk factors and risk management" of AXA's Universal Registration Document for the year ended December 31, 2019, for a description of certain important factors, risks and uncertainties that may affect AXA's business, and/or results of operations. AXA undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise, except as part of applicable regulatory or legal obligations.
2年特短保費繳付計劃 限時限額發售一次過繳2年保費 預繳保費享首年6.8%保證優惠年利率第20年預期總現金價值高達已繳總保費之315% 香港2025年1月15日 /美通社/ -- AXA安盛香港及澳門(「AXA安盛」)推出全新的「盛利儲蓄計劃」(「計劃」),具備2年特短保費繳付年期,助客戶加快開展財富增值規劃,建立長期儲蓄。第20個保單年度時,預期總現金價值達已繳總保費之315%[1],[2],相等於預期總內部回報率達每年6.06%[1],[2]。若一次過繳付兩年保費,預繳之保費更可獲享首年6.8%保證優惠年利率[3],助客戶更輕鬆實現財務目標。該計劃屬限時限額發售。 AXA 安盛香港及澳門首席人壽及醫療保險業務總監李佩瑜表示:「隨著全球進入減息週期,高息存款選擇漸少,市民更傾向尋找其他較高回報的投資工具。因此,我們推出『盛利儲蓄計劃』,提供2年特短保費繳付年期及多元化的財務規劃選項,透過極具競爭力的中長期總回報,幫助客戶加快財富累積,同時靈活規劃財富世代傳承,滿足不同階段的財務目標。」 該計劃設有4大特點: 1. 2年特短保費繳付年期,提供理想潛在回報 計劃的保障期直至被保人138歲兼備有2年特短繳付年期,助客戶加快開展長線財務策劃。客戶更可以因應自己的需要和人生計劃,靈活選擇美元、人民幣或港元為保單貨幣。計劃提供保證現金價值、非保證保額增值紅利及非保證終期紅利,助客戶增值財富,達成財務目標。第20個保單年度完結時,三種保單貨幣的預期總現金價值均可超過已繳總保費之300%[2]。若客戶投保美元保單,並一次過繳付2年保費,預繳之保費更可獲享首年6.8%保證優惠年利率[3]。 2. 鎖定率不設總上限,抓緊市場升勢 計劃具備保單價值鎖定選項,於整個保單年期内鎖定率不設總上限[4]屬市場罕見[5],幫助客戶抓緊市場升勢,鎖定回報並賺取非保證利息。由第10個保單週年日開始,客戶可靈活運用保單價值,申請將部分保證現金價值及非保證紅利轉移至保單價值鎖定戶口,並可隨時提取該保單價值鎖定戶口的部分或全部價值,使資金更具彈性。 3. 保單分拆功能,靈活配置財務規劃 計劃設有靈活分配保單選項,客戶可以在無需支付手續費的情況下,在同一個保單年度以及整個保單年期内無限次將保單的部分價值轉移至另一份保單[6],使客戶能更有效地管理資產分配,讓保單配置更切合自身所需。 4. 三重財富規劃方案,全面實現世代財富承傳 計劃具備多項特點助客戶跨代傳承策劃,客戶可透過「更換保單被保人」、「指定後備持有人」及「彈性延續選項」方案,規劃財富傳承。 更換被保人:客戶可無限次更換被保人,保險保障期將會延長到最新被保人138歲,幫助客戶將豐厚財富傳承後代,而且不影響保單價值。 指定後備持有人:客戶可以指定一位後備持有人,一旦保單持有人不幸身故,指定後備持有人可接管保單,守護家庭的財務未來。 彈性延續選項 [市場罕有4]:客戶可以指定一名後備被保人及預先分配財富承傳及恩恤保險賠償比例。若被保人不幸身故,後備被保人將會成為新被保人,而保單價值將繼續累積傳承。恩恤保險賠償將以一次性賠償予指定受益人,提供即時經濟支援。 此外,計劃提供市場罕見[4]的「特級身故保險賠償選項」(身故保險賠償金額至少可達已繳標準保費總額的130%[7],且並無需支付額外保費)及「基本身故保險賠償選項」。被保人一旦不幸身故,受益人將獲得身故保險賠償。 「盛利儲蓄計劃」限時發售,額滿即止,如欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:https://www.axa.com.hk/zh/wealth-ahead-savings-plan. 以上資料僅供參考。有關推廣優惠及產品的特點、內容、條款及不保事項的詳情,請參閱相關的產品說明書、保單合約及宣傳單張。 關於AXA安盛 AXA安盛為AXA安盛集團之成員。AXA安盛集團是全球領先的保險公司,業務遍佈51個市場,服務全球9,400萬名客戶,並以「致力守護,推動未來」為宗旨。 作為一家在香港擁有最多元化業務的保險公司,我們提供人壽、健康及一般保險的全面保障及服務,並且是最大的一般保險服務供應商及主要的健康和僱員福利保障供應商。我們的目標不單只為客戶提供綜合保障,更希望能夠成為個人、企業及社區的全方位夥伴。我們的核心服務承諾是透過積極聆聽客戶需要及、投資及發展科技和數碼轉型,不斷創新產品及服務和豐富客戶體驗。 AXA 安盛致力承擔社會責任,以推動各界應對氣候變化、為社區創造共同價值為重要使命。我們非常榮幸成為首家關注大眾心理健康的保險公司,我們透過提供不同產品、服務,並進行具代表性的研究以提高大眾對心靈健康的關注。我們的整體可持續發展策略建基於氣候相關財務披露工作小組(TCFD)的建議,以氣候政策和提高生物多樣性為重點。我們承諾將環境、社會和管治元素融入我們的業務,務求在投資者、保險供應商、國際模範企業的三大角色上作出貢獻構建可持續未來。 此新聞稿亦上載至AXA安盛的網頁:AXA.COM.HK 有關前瞻性陳述的重要法律訊息及警示聲明 此新聞稿中可能包含若干前瞻性的陳述,其中包括但不限於對未來事件、趨勢、計劃、預期或目標的假設或預測。由於前瞻性陳述的本質受制於已知及未知的風險及不確定因素,與及其他因素可能令實際結果與前瞻性陳述內明示或暗示的描述出現重大差異,閣下不應過分依賴上列陳述。請參閱AXA於2020年12月31日登記文件第四部份中的「風險因素及風險管理」,有關可能影響AXA業務及/或營運業績的若干重要因素、風險及不確定性的重要描述。AXA並不承擔任何義務為此新聞稿中的任何前瞻性陳述作出任何公開更新或修改,不論是反映未來的資料、事件、情況或任何其他方面,除非適用法律和法規要求。 [1] 須以美元為保單貨幣。[2] 上述預測數值只供參考及基於某些假設,包括但不限於保費以年繳方式繳付、所有保費全數如期繳付、並未包括保單期內之保費徵費、未曾支付賠償以及未有提取款項或行使任何保單選項。上述預期數值並非保證,是以本公司現時的假設紅利率計算。實際數值可能會高於或低於此預測數值。[3] 須以美元為保單貨幣並於投保時一筆過繳付相等於基本計劃首次年繳保費之2倍的金額。受條款及細則約束,詳情請參閱相關宣傳單張。[4] 每年最高鎖定率為最新保單價值之50%。[5] 乃根據香港主要保險公司所提供之具備多種保單貨幣選項的分紅儲蓄計劃進行比較,比較參考自相關保險公司網站及AXA安盛取得的其他資料,資料截至2025年1月3日。[6] 已分出保單的名義金額及現有保單的名義金額餘額必須不少於本公司可不時釐定的最低金額。[7] 130%之已繳標準保費總額相等於已繳標準保費總額之100%加額外30%。如被保人的身故發生於(a)首3個保單年度內;或(b)最初被保人為60歲以後(最初被保人年齡是指由最初被保人的出生日期起至被保人身故日當日為止計算,並假設最初被保人在被保人的身故日當日仍然在生,無論最初被保人是否早於被保人身故),額外30%之已繳標準保費總額將並不適用。
SHANGHAI, Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The hotel market is booming due to tourism growth and rising living standards. Hotel & Shop Plus 2025, organized by IM Sinoexpo, will connect industry professionals with the latest trends and solutions. It will be held at SNIEC in Shanghai from March 31 to April 3, 2025, focusing on sustainable development and offering comprehensive solutions for hoteliers, designers, real estate firms, engineering firms, operators and distributors. 2025 Various Exhibiting Catalogues This mega event will gather over 2,100 exhibitors, covering a wealth of products ranging from Building & Decoration, Lighting & Smart Control, Smart Hotel, Whole House Customization Design & Soft Outfit Interior Design, Hotel Furniture, Hotel Supplies & Textiles, Cleaning & Maintenance, Self-service Retail, Sun-shading Material, etc. JOMOO, COSO, ARROW, TENNE, AGMO, LINGHUI JINGJING, High Sea Sheil, GIMIG, KINGDOM, JIA MAN, SILIAN, SEHOME, BAFANGYAKU, NUOAO, TCL, Hisense, SKYWORTH, Saier Technology, Bittel, Jinhan Lighting, HILITE, Laffy, HUAYI, GROUP GM, L'OCCITANE, LABOTTEGA, LE LABO, TOUREL, NILFISK, Rubbermaid, CDWK, ZYZKION, etc have confirmed to join. 2025 Distinctive Exhibition Area ISSE Sunshade Area-Global green push boosts shading product demand. The ISSE Sunshade Area in Hall N5 features shading systems, production equipment, smart windows, and innovative materials. Leading firms like Dooya, Wistar, Yuma, Xidamen, Wintom, participate. Hotel Brand Investment and Franchise Area-The event invites top hotel management groups and design agencies to create new model rooms. This connects investors and franchisees with competitive hotel brands. Confirmed participants include InterContinental, Hilton, Wanda, Huazhu, Kaiyuan, and Shimao. 2025 New Highlights in Design Series The event will feature new design events with global experts sharing insights. It's partnering with CREDAWARD to launch the "DJSER • Design Recommendation Zone " and hold a forum analyzing Gold & Silver Award projects. The LIV Hotel Design Award, organized by the Farmani Group, will also have international hotel groups and top designers gather at the exhibition site to present awards and discuss industry trends in a forum. Based on events like Design Week Shanghai and Hotel Culture Week, we explored diverse attempts and new expressions. Unique events such as model room showcases, and hotel uniform shows also fostered industry exchange. Registration and Participation Register free for Hotel & Shop Plus 2025. Discover trends, network, & seize opportunities at this event. Booths are limited. Don't miss it! For queries, email: jade.liao@imsinoexpo.com. Visit: Hotel & Shop Plus Register for free: https://reg.hdeexpo.com/?utm_source=media&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=PRNEWSWIRE2
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