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由PR Newswire 美通社張貼的訊息, 共 47025 篇 ,以下為 217 - 240 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態

— Grand Challenges Canada、Science for Africa Foundation、Global Grand Challenges Network 和 Geneva Learning Foundation 發起全球調查,收集有關氣候與健康的洞察 — 多倫多2025年1月16日 /美通社/ -- Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) 與 Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation)、Global Grand Challenges Network 和 Geneva Learning Foundation 合作,自豪地宣布發起一項突破性的全球調查,以了解氣候變化對健康的影響 。 GRAND_CHALLENGES_CANADA___GRANDS_D_FIS_CANADA_New_Global_Survey 在強大的傳播合作夥伴網絡支持下,該倡議將優先考慮社區衛生工作者、護士、醫生、研究人員、衛生政策制定者,以及中低收入國家 (LMIC) 衛生專業人員的聲音。他們的意見將提供有關氣候危機加劇的緊迫情況和不斷演變的健康威脅的當地看法,例如與高溫相關的疾病、媒介傳播疾病和水傳播疾病、心理健康挑戰和營養不良。 調查中的定量數據以及來自全球醫療保健工作者集會的定性見解,將由 Grand Challenges Canada 召集的全球氣候和健康專家小組進行審查。這些研究結果將共同構成全球最關鍵的氣候與健康挑戰的排名列表,該列表將作為公益出版物提供,並與政策制定者、研究人員、資助者和社區領袖分享。 調查結果和專家小組的見解將為氣候與健康大挑戰的發展提供資料, 確保全球資金、研究和政策能策略性地用於資助創新,以應付全球最迫切的氣候敏感健康需求。 調查的傳播合作夥伴包括:Gates Foundation、Wellcome Trust、Foundation S、Mastercard Foundation、Right Foundation、Grand Challenges Botswana、Grand Challenges Brazil、Grand Challenges India、Grand Challenges Malawi、Grand Challenges Nigeria、Grand Challenges South Africa (SAMRC)、Grand Challenges Rwanda、LifeArc、Africa Frontline First、AMREF、Arm、AVPN、Bayer Foundation、BRAC、Bridgespan、Capita、Catalyst Fund、Clean Air Fund、Clinton Global Initiative、Community Health Impact Coalition、Financing Alliance for Health、Fondation Botnar、Forecasting Healthy Futures、Gates Ventures、The Global Fund、Global Health EDCTP3、Global Council for Science and the Environment、Global Innovation Fund、Grameen Foundation、HealthTech Hub、India Climate Collaborative、India Health Fund、Institute of Philanthropy、Integrate Health、Inter-American Development Bank、International Confederation of Midwives、Last Mile Health、the National Institutes of Health / National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIS/NIEHS)、Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)、Pasteur Network、PATH、Philanthropy Advisors、Rockefeller Foundation、Seed Global Health、Transform Health、英國的 National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)、美國 National Academy of Medicine、UNICEF、The World Bank,以及 World Meteorological Association。 引用:  Grand Challenges Canada 行政總裁 Karlee Silver 博士表示:「我們感謝加拿大政府和 Arm 支持這項工作,以及我們的傳播合作夥伴為廣泛分享這項調查所作的努力。這項調查將為塑造氣候與健康大挑戰提供寶貴的見解,以支持創新方式來滿足弱勢人群的需求,並為所有人建立更健康和更有韌性的未來。」 Grand Challenges Canada 的氣候與健康領導者 Johanna Sanchez 博士表示:「氣候變化是我們這個時代最大的健康挑戰之一,我們需要大膽而且基於實證的解決方案來應對這項挑戰。正如由當地為主導的解決方案對克服全球健康挑戰至關重要的一樣,當地見解對於確定需要解決的需求和優先事項極為重要。透過共同努力,我們可以確保最接近挑戰的人的聲音會是我們努力優先處理最迫切的健康需求時的核心。」 「非洲處於氣候脆弱性和健康創新之間的交匯點。這項調查是一項及時的倡議,將採集非洲衛生專業人員之親身體驗和專業知識,他們每天都在應對這些互相交織的危機。透過將他們的見解整合到全球解決方案,我們可以共同制定策略,不僅要解決當前挑戰,同時亦要加強健康衛生以抵禦未來威脅,」SFA Foundation 首席科學總監表示 Evelyn Gitau 博士表示。 Geneva Learning Foundation 執行董事 Reda Sadki 表示:「衛生工作人員不僅是這次調查中的數據點,他們也是知識創造者,親身見證氣候為他們社區帶來的健康影響。透過我們與 137 個國家/地區的 60,000 多名醫療從業員聯繫起來的工作,我們看到他們的見解如何彌合新興氣候和健康議程與當地社區現實之間的關鍵差距。我們很榮幸能透過這項重要的倡議來協助擴大這些聲音。」 關於 Grand Challenges Canada: Grand Challenges Canada 致力支持 Bold Ideas with Big Impact®(具有重大影響的大膽想法)。Grand Challenges Canada 由加拿大政府和其他合作夥伴資助,為低收入和中等收入國家以及加拿大創新者提供資助。Grand Challenges Canada 支持的大膽想法將科學技術、社會和商業創新相結合 —— 稱為 Integrated Innovation®(綜合創新)。Grand Challenges Canada 的氣候與健康計劃由加拿大政府和 Arm 資助。 Grand Challenges Canada 是全球最具影響力的投資者之一,已支持遍及超過 100 個國家/地區的 1,700 多項創新。自 2010 年以來,Grand Challenges Canada 支持的創新已通過拯救生命或改善生活的倡議惠及超過 8000 萬人,若非如此,這些人就無法接觸這些計劃。如要了解更多資訊,請到訪 www.grandchallenges.ca 關於 Science for Africa Foundation: Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) 是一個非營利的泛非公共慈善機構,旨在支持、加強和促進非洲的科學和創新。www.scienceforafrica.foundation 關於全球 Grand Challenges 網絡 Grand Challenges 是一系列促進創新倡議,旨在解決關鍵全球健康和發展問題。進一步了解此網路:https://www.grandchallenges.org/about 關於 Geneva Learning Foundation Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF) 領導一個同行學習平台 (Teach to Reach),以及由來自 137 個國家/地區的衛生工作者組成的大型全球網絡。TGLF 與 Grand Challenges Canada 一起領導全球氣候與健康調查的發展。如要了解更多資訊,請到訪 www.learning.foundation/ 媒體聯絡:如欲了解更多資訊或安排訪問,請聯絡:媒體關係及傳訊部雙語經理 Aziz Froutan,aziz.froutan@grandchallenges.ca,+1(437)-228-3166  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 349 加入收藏 :

常州2025年1月16日 /美通社/ -- 近日,天合光能憑借其完善的供應鏈追溯機制,榮獲了TÜV萊茵頒發的從硅料到組件全鏈條可溯源AA評級認證,這也是該認證的最高等級。這一認證不僅是對天合光能在提升上下游供應鏈透明度和可靠性方面的成就的肯定,也向廣大客戶與投資者展現了天合光能值得信賴的供應鏈管理體系。 作為權威的獨立第三方檢驗、檢測和認證機構,TÜV萊茵對天合光能的供應鏈可追溯性進行了現場審核驗證,對上下游供應鏈的相關管理制度、系統支撐能力、現場執行度等方面進行了嚴格評估,以確保各工段各層級使用的原材料一致性符合要求。評級共分為五個等級,而天合光能憑借在硅料、硅棒、硅片、電池、組件全鏈路的優異表現,在每個環節均獲得了「AA」最高等級。 TÜV萊茵大中華區產品事業群高級副總裁夏波對天合光能完善的供應鏈追溯機制高度認可,他表示,「優異的供應鏈可溯源能力是供應鏈透明度和可靠性的重要體現,天合光能成為行業首家獲得從硅料到組件全鏈路最高評級的企業,彰顯了天合光能卓越的供應鏈管理水平。」 天合光能質量流程數字化負責人,公司副總裁杜慶國表示,「長久以來,天合光能致力於構建高質量的供應鏈管理平台,系統管理各供應商層級,並積極督促供應商提升各方面表現。天合光能全球客戶服務、IT、智能製造等部門以及光伏供應鏈上下游通力合作,建立完善的供應鏈追溯機制,向客戶和投資者展現了高度透明和值得信賴的供應鏈體系。這套機制為光伏行業樹立了供應鏈溯源標準,在生產質量控制、流通環節監管、溯源技術應用等方面形成示範效應。」此外,天合光能還積極開展供應鏈賦能項目,提供包括供應商管理、項目管理、戰略採購等模塊的課程培訓,助力相關員工熟知供應鏈管理技能。 優異的供應鏈溯源機制不僅嚴格保障供應鏈質量,而且能夠幫助客戶更有效地識別和應對個別市場政策風險,滿足了客戶對產品的可信賴度要求。對於投資者來說,擁有完善供應鏈溯源機制的產品可融資性更強,且更容易獲得銀行融資。此外,供應鏈溯源機制的完備也體現了天合光能對於可持續供應鏈的關注,並持續致力於降低供應鏈風險、提高國際競爭力。在自身堅持高標準的商業道德、社會和環境要求的同時,以高標準要求上下游供應商對社會和環境負責,共建綠色、負責任的供應鏈。 未來,天合光能將持續提升其供應鏈追溯機制,長久打造更可靠、更可持續的供應鏈體系,為客戶提供可靠和負責的產品。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 339 加入收藏 :

曼谷2025年1月16日 /美通社/ -- 隨著東盟地區數字化的迅速發展,網絡犯罪和線上詐騙案件顯著增加,中國與東盟國家之間數字身份的互通已成為打擊跨境和線上詐騙的關鍵。MyEG董事總經理兼Zetrix的聯合創始人黃天順昨日在曼谷舉行的中國-東盟數字生態合作論壇中強調了這一點。 MyEG 董事總經理兼Zetrix的聯合創始人黃天順在曼谷舉行,主題為「打造環保的數字未來」的中國-東盟數字生態合作論壇上的對話環節中發言。 關注跨境數字安全 本次論壇與第五屆東盟數字部長會議同期舉行,匯聚了各界重要領導人和政策制定者,共同探討提升數字安全和促進合作的切實解決方案。 主要發言人包括: 中國工業和信息化部副部長張雲明(H.E. Zhang Yunming) 泰國副首相數字經濟與社會部部長巴瑟(H.E. Prasert Jantararuangtong) 東盟秘書長高金洪博士(H.E. Dr. Kao Kim Hourn) 在題為「打造環保的數字未來」的對話環節中,黃天順強調了網絡詐騙對經濟和社會帶來的重大損失。 東盟地區日益嚴峻的網絡犯罪威脅 據聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(UNODC)估算,2023年針對東亞和東南亞受害者的詐騙造成的經濟損失高達370億美元。馬來西亞數字部長哥賓星(Gobind Singh Deo)指出,僅在2021年至2024年4月期間,馬來西亞因網絡詐騙損失了31.8億令吉(約合7億美元),受害者人數超過95,800人。 MYEG在東盟合作中的角色 作為馬來西亞東盟商務理事會 (ASEAN-BAC Malaysia Circle)的重要成員,MYEG致力於推動經濟增長和數字安全的區域性倡議。黃天順重申了MYEG在加強跨境合作方面的承諾,並積極倡導互通的數字身份體系,以鞏固東盟的數字生態系統。 為什麼互通的數字身份對東盟至關重要 黃天順解釋道:「有關驗證流程,許多論壇參與國,包括中國、馬來西亞、新加坡和泰國,都已推出或正在推出國家數字身份。如果各國能夠實現實時互認並本地化驗證彼此的數字身份,那無論深度偽造視頻看起來多麼逼真,都能準確識別在線用戶的身份。」 他進一步闡述了互通數字身份的幾大核心優勢: 實時跨境身份驗證,有效遏制並識別詐騙行為。 增強對數字交易的信任,為經濟活動提供更安全的環境。 推動數字經濟,促進區域合作,提升消費者信心。 利用區塊鏈技術驅動創新 通過其第一層公共區塊鏈 Zetrix,MYEG在實現跨境互操作性方面邁出了重要步伐,與中國國家區塊鏈基礎設施星火鏈網國際(Astron-Xinghuo BIF)建立了獨家合作夥伴關係。 這一合作使得ZID數字身份作為Web3可驗證憑證(VCs)發行,使中國的個人和企業能夠將其國民身份證或企業註冊身份數字化。這些防篡改的數字身份開創了通向統一數字身份互操作性框架的突破性進程。 為安全的數字未來鋪路 隨著馬來西亞擔任2025年東盟主席國,MYEG致力於推動創新,促進區域數字經濟中的信任。憑借互通的數字身份和區塊鏈技術作為前沿,MYEG將致力於協助東盟國家擁抱數字化轉型,同時保護公民免受日益猖獗的網絡犯罪威脅。 關於MY E.G 服務有限公司(MYEG) MYEG 是馬來西亞首屈一指的數字服務公司,自2000年起作為電子政府服務旗艦供應商開始營運。MYEG在推動該地區技術變革發展中發揮著主導的作用,提供廣泛和全方位的創新解決方案,從關鍵政府電子服務到各種線上商務服務,涵蓋移民、汽車、金融等多個領域。MYEG 致力於領先本區域數字革命,積極採用區塊鏈技術以改善人們的生活,同時也通過其第一層公共區塊鏈平台Zetrix,在主要市場推廣區塊鏈的廣泛使用。除本土市場外,MYEG的業務同時也遍及中國內地、菲律賓和香港等其他主要地區。 MYEG官網: https://www.myeg.com.my/ 關於Zetrix Zetrix是一種第一層公共區塊鏈,旨在促進智能合約,並提供隱私保護、安全性和可擴展性。Zetrix的加密基礎設施適用於多個行業,將政府、企業及公民連接到全球基於區塊鏈的經濟。Zetrix平台由MY E.G. 服務有限公司開發,通過與中國的跨境和跨鏈集成,使其成為一個區塊鏈門戶,並通過部署Web3服務的關鍵模塊,如基於區塊鏈的識別碼(BID)和可驗證憑證(VC))來促進全球貿易。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 345 加入收藏 :
O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit at MWC Barcelona 2025 To Focus on Expanding O-RAN Adoption and Future Outlook

O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit to take place on Tuesday 4 March 2025, 8:30-13:00 CET in MWC Barcelona Hall 8, Theatre 6, with free online broadcast The Summit will provide a comprehensive update on the state of O-RAN, insights on operational experience, regional views and initiatives, and applications in industry verticals The Summit will explore the future evolution of 3GPP and O-RAN ALLIANCE architectures towards 6G BONN, Germany, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The O-RAN ALLIANCE is pleased to announce its major industry gathering of the O-RAN community in conjunction with MWC Barcelona 2025: O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit – Expanding O-RAN Adoption and Future Outlook. The Summit will take place on Tuesday 4 March 2025, 8:30-13:00 CET in MWC Barcelona Hall 8, Theatre 6, with free online broadcast. This O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit at MWC will provide a comprehensive update on the state of O-RAN, sharing insights on operational experience, regional views on open RAN initiatives, and applications in key industry verticals. The Summit will explore the future evolution of 3GPP and O-RAN ALLIANCE architectures towards 6G. The event will feature more than 20 speakers from the diverse O-RAN community giving relevant views and insights on different areas of open and intelligent RAN specification, development and adoption. Attendees on-site need to have an MWC access pass and register through the MWC website. The event will be live-webcast to interested public through the O-RAN ALLIANCE website, with free access. "Join us for the O-RAN ALLIANCE Summit at MWC Barcelona 2025," said Abdurazak Mudesir, Chair of the Board of O-RAN ALLIANCE and Group CTO, Deutsche Telekom. "This event will underscore O-RAN ALLIANCE's progress and ongoing efforts to foster collaboration and innovation in the global RAN industry ecosystem, advancing the O-RAN mission to deliver open, intelligent, virtualized and fully interoperable RAN." About O-RAN ALLIANCEThe O-RAN ALLIANCE is a world-wide community of mobile operators, vendors, and research & academic institutions operating in the Radio Access Network (RAN) industry. As the RAN is an essential part of any mobile network, the O-RAN ALLIANCE's mission is to re-shape the industry towards more intelligent, open, virtualized and fully interoperable mobile networks. The new O-RAN specifications enable a more competitive and vibrant RAN supplier ecosystem with faster innovation to improve user experience. O-RAN based mobile networks at the same time improve the efficiency of RAN deployments as well as operations by mobile operators. To achieve this, the O-RAN ALLIANCE publishes new RAN specifications, releases open software for the RAN, and supports its members in integration and testing of their implementations. For more information, please visit www.o-ran.org. Photo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2599771/02_o_ran_mwc_25_banner_logo.jpg?p=medium600Logo - https://mma.prnasia.com/media2/2431547/O_RAN_Logo.jpg?p=medium600

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 308 加入收藏 :
JLR and Tata Communications strengthen partnership to deliver smarter, data-driven connected cars

JLR will supercharge next-generation vehicle connectivity with Tata Communications MOVE™ Drivers to remain connected from the remotest locations in 120 countries, with real-time vehicle location services, smarter driving experiences and increased software over-the-air (SOTA) updates Partnership is part of JLR's wider innovation strategy to establish universal connectivity for its vehicles and deliver continuously evolving AI-driven digital features and services for its customers MUMBAI, India, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- JLR and Tata Communications are set to enhance JLR's connected vehicle ecosystem, transforming the driving experience for customers worldwide through the Tata Communications MOVE™ platform. The collaboration will empower JLR's next-generation software-defined vehicles with continuous connectivity and access to intelligent services even in the remotest locations across 120 countries. The latest collaboration is an extension of their existing partnership to future-proof the carmaker's digital transformation. Image depicts a JLR car Leveraging Tata Communications MOVE™ platform, JLR's upcoming medium-sized SUVs built on the new Electric Modular Architecture (EMA) will seamlessly transition between mobile networks and operators, enabling non-stop access to personalised connected services, such as media streaming. The platform will also enable greater and more secure data exchange between JLR and its customers' vehicles, delivering more efficient software over-the-air (SOTA) updates and supporting the rollout of evolving advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). Every day, JLR's fleet of connected vehicles generates 2.5 terabytes (TB) of data, with half a million electronic control units (ECUs) updated per month on average over the last 12 months. The use of Tata Communications MOVE™ platform will increase this data exchange and enable JLR engineers to harness deeper insights, monitor vehicle performance in real-time, and enable more prompt updates over the air to improve vehicle maintenance and servicing, reducing costs for the car owners and JLR. The advanced vehicles, expected to hit the roads in 2026, will deliver a smarter and more intelligent driving experience. The introduction of the Tata Communications MOVE™ will offer JLR customers: Resilient wireless communication technologies to help track vehicles in the most demanding environments Increased and more frequent vehicle software updates delivered over the air to improve vehicle diagnostics and updates Tailored connections will keep customers and their families connected to their preferred applications and vehicle features, wherever they are in the world Simplified and effortless connectivity plans, accessible via a single provider Marco Bijvelds, Vice President and Global Head of Tata Communications MOVE™, said: "The automotive industry is continually innovating to meet ever-changing customer demands. Last year, our digital fabric enabled seamless connectivity across all JLR's production sites globally. As part of our extended partnership, we're now powering JLR's software-defined vehicle journey worldwide and enabling them to deliver advanced driving features in their cars. The insights derived from the data exchanged through our platform will enable JLR to offer personalised customer experiences, opening doors for new revenue streams." Mark Brogden, Director of Digital Product Platform Off-Board at JLR, said: "JLR was the first luxury vehicle manufacturer to introduce dual modem, dual eSIM design for enhanced connectivity with the launch of Defender in 2020. The partnership with Tata Communications is the next step in our software-defined vehicle journey, offering highly secure and cost-effective data connectivity across 120 countries. Starting in 2026 with our next generation of medium-size luxury SUVs, Tata Communications MOVE™ aims to deliver continuous connected experiences for our clients, offering features and new software updates over-the-air to meet the expectations of our luxury client base.''  Tata Communications Media Contacts : Judhajit Basujudhajit.basu@tatacommunications.com    Aastha Singhaastha.singh2@tatacommunications.com JLR Media Contacts : David Wrottesleydwrottes@jaguarlandrover.com   Francis Robertson Marriottfrobert4@jaguarlandrover.com  About JLR JLR's Reimagine strategy is delivering a sustainability-rich vision of modern luxury by design.  We are transforming our business with the aim to become carbon net zero across our supply chain, products, and operations by 2039. We have set a roadmap to reduce emissions across our own operations and value chains by 2030 through approved, science-based targets. Electrification is central to this strategy and before the end of the decade our Range Rover, Discovery, Defender collections will each have a pure electric model, while Jaguar will be entirely electric.  At heart we are a British company, with two design and engineering sites, three vehicle manufacturing facilities, an engine manufacturing centre, and a battery assembly centre in the UK. We also have vehicle plants in China (joint venture), Slovakia, India, and Brazil, as well as seven technology hubs across the globe. JLR is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tata Motors Limited, part of Tata Sons. About Tata Communications A part of the Tata Group, Tata Communications (NSE: TATACOMM) (BSE: 500483) is a global digital ecosystem enabler powering today's fast-growing digital economy in more than 190 countries and territories. Leading with trust, it enables digital transformation of enterprises globally with collaboration and connected solutions, core and next gen connectivity, cloud hosting and security solutions and media services. 300 of the Fortune 500 companies are its customers and the company connects businesses to 80% of the world's cloud giants. For more information, please visit www.tatacommunications.com  Forward-looking and cautionary statements Certain words and statements in this release concerning Tata Communications and its prospects, and other statements, including those relating to Tata Communications' expected financial position, business strategy, the future development of Tata Communications' operations, and the general economy in India, are forward-looking statements. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including financial, regulatory and environmental, as well as those relating to industry growth and trend projections, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Tata Communications, or industry results, to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The important factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from such forward-looking statements include, among others, failure to increase the volume of traffic on Tata Communications' network; failure to develop new products and services that meet customer demands and generate acceptable margins; failure to successfully complete commercial testing of new technology and information systems to support new products and services, including voice transmission services; failure to stabilize or reduce the rate of price compression on certain of the company's communications services; failure to integrate strategic acquisitions and changes in government policies or regulations of India and, in particular, changes relating to the administration of Tata Communications' industry; and, in general, the economic, business and credit conditions in India. Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from such forward-looking statements, many of which are not in Tata Communications' control, include, but are not limited to, those risk factors discussed in Tata Communications Limited's Annual Reports.  The Annual Reports of Tata Communications Limited are available at www.tatacommunications.com. Tata Communications is under no obligation to, and expressly disclaims any obligation to, update or alter its forward-looking statements. © 2025 Tata Communications Ltd. All rights reserved. TATA COMMUNICATIONS and TATA are trademarks or registered trademarks of Tata Sons Private Limited in India and certain countries.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 314 加入收藏 :
Brook Gaming Introduces Wingman FGC 2: Breaking Limits, Redefining Control

TAIPEI, Jan. 16, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- With the PlayStation 5 Pro taking the gaming world by storm, Taiwan's leading gaming peripheral brand, Brook Gaming, is back with a groundbreaking new product—Wingman FGC 2 Converter. Designed exclusively for PS5 and compatible with the entire library of PS5 games, this adapter redefines gaming freedom with seamless cross-platform and cross-generation controller support for over 150 wired controllers. At Brook Gaming, we believe every gamer deserves the freedom to play their way. The Wingman FGC 2 gives players total control over their favorite controllers and fight sticks, eliminating hardware limitations so you can take full command of your gaming experience. Wingman FGC 2 Converter supports various controllers for ps5 converter Unmatched Compatibility, Unlimited Possibilities The Wingman FGC 2 supports a wide range of classic controllers, including all official licensed controller. And also support 3rd party brand controller from 8Bitdo, HORI, GameSir, Razer, Mad Catz, Qanba and BIGBIG WON. It's also compatible with the increasingly popular all-button arcade controllers, such as Hit Box and SnackBox MICRO, as well as the Switch Pro Controller and Xbox Elite Series 2. Beyond traditional controllers, it even supports flight sticks and Taiko no Tatsujin controllers, meeting the diverse needs of every gamer. Personalized Settings Made Easy Equipped with the exclusive Brook Converter Center software, the Wingman FGC 2 offers a highly intuitive and visual interface that replaces cumbersome manual configurations. Players can easily customize settings such as Turbo, Remap, Macro, and Stick functions, creating tailored setups for competitive matches or casual play with ease. Esports-Ready, Professionally Designed Built with esports professionals in mind, the Wingman FGC 2 is tournament-ready out of the box, adhering to strict competitive standards to ensure stability and fairness. It also provides advanced customization options, allowing players to fine-tune their controllers for optimal performance across different playstyles and challenges. Learn More: Visit Wingman FGC 2 (https://brook.gg/newsfgc2) for the latest updates and details. Purchase Information: US retailer site: https://brook.gg/news-us-fgc2 UK retailer site:https://brook.gg/news-uk-fgc2 EU retailer site:https://brook.gg/news-eu-fgc2 AU retailer site:https://brook.gg/news-au-fgc2 Contact:Brook GamingKaty Hokaty@zeroplus.com.twhttp://www.brookaccessory.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 263 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 21 日 (星期二) 農曆十二月廿二日
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