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Eoptolink Releases OSFP 1.6T DR8 and 2FR4 Series Transceivers for AI/ML Clusters and Cloud Datacenter Networks

CHENGDU, China, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd. (SZSE: 300502), a leading innovator and provider of advanced optical transceiver solutions, announces the release of its OSFP 1.6T DR8/DR8-2 and 2xFR4 transceivers enabling the next generation high bandwidth networks for AI/ML clusters and cloud datacenters. Eoptolink 1.6T OSFP transceivers have 8 electrical host interfacing lanes and 8 optical lanes operating at 212.5Gb/s (106GB with PAM4). Equipped with the industry's latest DSP, these modules support transmission distances of up to 2km without the need to regenerate the FEC. The 1.6T DR8 and DR8-2 modules comes with either one MPO-16 adapter for point-to-point (P2P) connections or two MPO-12 adapters for 2x800G breakout applications. The 1.6T 2xFR4 modules are designed with a dual duplex LC connector running with 2 pairs of fibers only, which could help users to save fiber resources compared to DR8 and DR8-2 versions. The 1.6T DR8/DR8-2 and 2FR4 Portfolio consists of: -  EOLO-13T-5H-XMX    OSFP 1.6T DR8, 1x1.6TbE, 500m, MPO-16EOLO-13T-5H-XDX    OSFP 1.6T DR8, 2x800GbE, 500m, Dual MPO-12EOLO-13T-02-XMX    OSFP 1.6T DR8-2, 1x1.6TbE, 2km, MPO-16EOLO-13T-02-XDX     OSFP 1.6T DR8-2, 2x800GbE, 2km, Dual MPO-12EOLO-16T-02-XXX     OSFP 1.6T 2FR4, 2x800GbE, 2km, Dual Duplex LC Eoptolink OSFP 1.6T transceivers feature both EML and SiPh-based solutions, and testing has demonstrated excellent performance. "We are very proud of our optical and RF design teams, says Sean Davies, VP Sales, Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd. "Our 1.6T OSFP modules do not need an additional FEC on the optical side and this results in lower latency and power consumption of the modules simplifying the complete system and helping our AI and cloud customers in their work." About Eoptolink Eoptolink Technology Inc., Ltd. (SZSE: 300502), a publicly traded company in China, is a leading innovator and provider of advanced optical transceiver solution for data center, enterprise and telecom networks. Eoptolink is dedicated to research, develop, manufacture and markets a diverse portfolio of high-performance optical transceivers for AI, Cloud Data Center, 4G/5G wireless, Transport & Datacom and FTTX applications all over the world. Contact Us China(HQ):    No.510 Wulian Avenue, Chengdu 610200 USA:    3191 Laurelview Court, Fremont, CA 94538 Thailand:    390/21 Moo 2, Khao Khan Song, Sriracha, Chonburi 20110 E-mail:   sales@eoptolink.com   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 441 加入收藏 :
SUMATONA推出手掌大小的超輕無線卷發棒「SUMATONA Smart Mini」

—隨時隨地讓秀發閃亮順滑的新卷發棒— 日本名古屋2024年9月20日 /美通社/ -- 總部位於日本名古屋的SUMATONA Ltd.,宣布推出一款名為「Smart Mini」的迷你卷發棒,這款卷發棒可以被放在手掌中,現已在官方在線購物網站上出售( https://www.sumatona.co.jp/c/hear-iron/smart-mini )。這款產品已經准備好向全世界發貨。SUMATONA的這款無線卷發棒比普通的智能手機還小,便於用戶在旅途中輕松打理發型。所用的特殊板材名為「Spider Plate (TM)」,能夠讓用戶的頭發變得光澤水潤。 產品視頻: https://youtu.be/UTV4nRJ8uNIhttps://youtu.be/o7d4qf48_KY 開發背景SUMATONA認為,如果日常生活中發型設計變得更加普遍,那麼人們就會一直保持美麗。為了使卷發棒更加便攜,該公司對產品本身的結構進行了改進。憑借其創新的思想和方法,該公司引入了一種新的卷發棒文化,鼓勵人們在日常生活中經常使用卷發棒,比如在約會時、在校空閒時間等。 產品功能SUMATONA通過重新審視傳統卷發棒的結構,成功縮小了產品的尺寸和重量。 小身材、高規格SUMATONA Smart Mini的最短預熱時間為40秒。用戶可以在最高190攝氏度的溫度下連續使用約60分鍾。 Spider Plate (TM)Spider Plate(TM)是一種非常耐用、帶有網狀結構的特殊板材,有助於抑制水蒸氣爆炸,在快速調理光澤秀發的同時減少頭發損傷。 普通板材和Spider Plate (TM)進行比較的視頻:https://youtu.be/BGj9t2LCBYo 通過USB Type C接口充電SUMATONA Smart Mini能夠通過移動電池充電。 具有安全功能產品開機約10分鍾後會自動關閉,並且鎖定後無法開啟。 產品概述 名字:SUMATONA Smart Mini顏色:白色/黑色價格:每根14,300日元(含稅)銷售渠道:SUMATONA官方網店https://www.sumatona.co.jp/ 規格尺寸:約100 x 80 x 24 mm-18mm重量:約132克配件:USB充電線(1米)、耐熱袋、Type-C終端(連接卷發棒的主體) Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/sumatona_official_glb/(全球)https://www.instagram.com/sumatona_official/(日本) TikTokhttps://www.tiktok.com/@sumatonaofficial(全球)https://www.tiktok.com/@sumatona(日本)  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1161 加入收藏 :
Sheaffer Coffee Edition 推出,揭示寫作與咖啡之間的聯繫

印度班加羅爾2024年9月20日 /美通社/ -- Sheaffer 推出名為 Sheaffer Coffee Edition 的新系列,突出了兩種歷史悠久的激情之間的內在聯繫。此品牌由 Walter A. Sheaffer 於 1913 年創立,一直是創新和書寫工具的優質工藝的代名詞。這款最新系列的新成員,是寫作與咖啡之間永恆聯繫的化身,這對組合早已啟發了世世代代的創造力。 Sheaffer Coffee Edition Range Sheaffer Coffee Edition 由兩套不同的鋼筆組成,每套鋼筆的設計都彰顯出咖啡文化的精神。第一款是 SSheaffer 100 Coffee Edition,為欣賞醇厚咖啡的人士而設的濃郁配色。第二款是 Sheaffer VFM Coffee Edition,為對入口較輕怡的咖啡情有所鍾的人士而設的柔和色調。 Coffee Edition 鋼筆的每個細節都經過精雕細琢,滲透出咖啡的精髓。優質的棕色筆尖和混色筆身設計的靈感,源自咖啡杯中的漩渦圖案。此外,每支鋼筆都會展示簽名圖案於顯眼處,展現個人風格。 同時推出的還有以 #TheWriteKindOfCoffee 為主題訊息的創意重塑產品包裝。這款新設計增強了開箱體驗,為消費者加強寫作和咖啡之間的聯繫。 「多年來,咖啡一直讓人文思如泉湧,這反過來激發我們想出 Sheaffer Coffee Edition 鋼筆,向這種不朽的聯繫作出致敬。此系列製作嚴謹,彰顯類似鋼筆款式的悠久魅力,同時也兼顧創新。這兩種款式的靈感來自不同的咖啡烘焙,反映出我們的個人喜好。隨著不斷突破界限,Sheaffer 的卓越傳統仍然是我們的指導原則。」— Sheaffer 董事總經理 Nikhil Ranjan。 Sheaffer Coffee Edition 旨在不僅吸引筆愛好者,還吸引咖啡愛好者,提供揉合這兩種激情的獨特機會。隨著作家在日常儀式中尋求靈感,Coffee Edition 承諾提供功能與風格的完美融合。 欲了解更多資訊,請瀏覽:網站 | Instagram 如欲了解更多資訊,請聯絡:Mr. Tim Williamsinfo@sheaffer.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1049 加入收藏 :
Asian Anchors: Leading the Way in Captive Innovation

Guiding risk management in a continually changing captive insurance environment KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Asian Captive Conference (ACC) 2024, co-hosted by Labuan IBFC Incorporated Sdn Bhd (Labuan IBFC Inc.) and the Labuan International Insurance Association (LIIA), took place yesterday at the Sime Darby Convention Centre. The event saw over 200 attendees, including regulators from Cambodia, Hong Kong (China) and India's insurance industry; professionals, investors and service providers from the global captive industry; representatives from government agencies and the media. Datuk Iskandar Mohd Nuli, Executive Chairman cum CEO of Labuan IBFC Inc. giving the welcoming remarks at the Asian Captive Conference 2024 The involvement of more than 20 sponsors and partners highlighted that the conference was the flagship event for the captive space. Six informative sessions captained by industry leaders across various fields concluded that captives continue to play a crucial and ever-evolving role in enabling businesses to mitigate the spectrum of existing and emerging risks against prevailing economic conditions. Delivering the welcoming remarks, Datuk Iskandar Mohd Nuli, Executive Chairman cum CEO of Labuan IBFC Inc., emphasised Labuan IBFC's status as the premier captive domicile in the region. He highlighted the numerous awards garnered, which underlines Labuan IBFC's position as the preferred jurisdiction for captives in both Europe and Asia. Datuk Iskandar also stressed the conference's importance in the global captive calendar, stating, "The ACC 2024 is designed to provide industry professionals with valuable insights and resources to excel in the captive industry as well as foster growth and innovation across the region." The keynote address was presented by Mr. Nik Mohamed Din Nik Musa, Director General, Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA). In his speech, he highlighted the importance of regulations evolving parallel with corporates' increasing insurance demands for alternative risk management vehicles. He further commented, "The captive omnibus guidelines issued by Labuan FSA has resulted in more innovative applications of Labuan captive structures. This reflects Labuan FSA's recognition of Labuan captive sector's growing maturity and higher technical capabilities to underwrite more complex risks."  ACC 2024 began with a presentation and panel on how captive insurance fits into the new OECD BEPS 2.0 rules. It also covered global reporting, the strategic value of captives, and new ways to use them for managing capital expenses. This was followed a discussion comparing top captive insurance locations, examining their features, regulations, and benefits, and exploring ways to improve risk management and insurance. After lunch, a panel discussed using captives for managing employee benefits, focusing on better control, cost reduction, and improved data management. In the afternoon, two concurrent breakout sessions were held: Captive 101 for newcomers to the field and Advanced Captive for seasoned practitioners. These sessions were tailored to meet the needs of both newcomers and seasoned professionals in the captive insurance industry. ACC 2024 ended with an engaging panel discussion on using technology to enhance captive insurance products and a deep dive into how the digital economy and artificial intelligence intersect. Ms. Annie Undikai, Chairwoman of the LIIA, gave the closing remarks. Click here for event content. The next ACC will be held in 2026.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 343 加入收藏 :
KuCoin's Alicia Kao Shares Insights on How AI is Accelerating Mass Crypto Adoption at TOKEN2049 Singapore

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Alicia Kao, Managing Director at leading global cryptocurrency exchange, KuCoin, shared her vision on how crypto exchanges are the drivers that hold the keys to unlocking mainstream crypto adoption. Speaking at the OKX Main Stage at TOKEN2049 in Singapore on a panel session titled "Exchanges at the Helm: Driving Crypto from Niche to Mainstream," Alicia shared that "accessing information about blockchain has become significantly easier…at KuCoin, we leverage complex data analysis algorithms using our trading bots to help users trade more efficiently." Industry stakeholders from all groups were in attendance for the panel, comprising investors, crypto enthusiasts, and more. The focus was on the crucial role of cryptocurrency exchanges in paving the way for crypto adoption and the eventual integration of digital assets into mainstream financial systems. Alicia and her fellow panelists explored both the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead for the crypto industry. Alongside Alicia, the panel also featured leaders from leading crypto exchanges such as Ben Zhou, Co-Founder and CEO of Bybit; Gracy Chen, CEO of Bitget; Vivien Lin, Chief Product Officer of BingX; and Sonia Shaw, President of CoinW, and moderated by Michael Casey, Chairman of the Decentralized AI Society. In addition to the panel discussion, KuCoin cemented its position as a leading centralised exchange (CEX) with a prominent presence on the show floor and activations that showcased the platform's latest developments. The KuCoin Arcade also drew significant attention, offering an engaging and immersive experience with interactive crypto-themed games and activities. "As we wrap up another edition of TOKEN2049 in Singapore, I'm once again filled with optimism for the future of the crypto industry. The energy, innovation, and collaboration displayed over the past two days have been immensely inspiring. At KuCoin, we will continue striving to be the driving force in this ever evolving space to build a more inclusive, decentralised, and prosperous financial future" added Alicia as TOKEN2049 concluded. About KuCoin Launched in September 2017, KuCoin is a leading cryptocurrency exchange with its operational headquarters in Seychelles. As a user-oriented platform with a focus on inclusiveness and community engagement. It offers over 900 digital assets across Spot trading, Margin trading, P2P Fiat trading, Futures trading, and Staking to its 34 million users in more than 200 countries and regions. KuCoin ranks as one of the top 6 crypto exchanges. KuCoin was acclaimed as "One of the Best Crypto Apps & Exchanges of June 2024" by Forbes Advisor and has been included as one of the top 50 companies in the "2024 Hurun Global Unicorn List". Learn more at https://www.kucoin.com/.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 355 加入收藏 :
Tulufan, Xinjiang: For the first time, a new energy plant and station has achieved "all-green electricity" operation

TULUFAN, China, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 19, employees of State Grid Tulufan Electric Power Supply Company came to State Power Investment Zhongli Tenghui Qiquanhu Photovoltaic Power Station to provide comprehensive technical support and guidance for new energy enterprises. Seven wind power and photovoltaic power generation enterprises, including Xinjiang Jize Power Generation Company in Tulufan, have obtained 6.035 million KWH of grid electricity by purchasing 6,035 "green certificates" to achieve "green electricity - green electricity" and achieve green energy use in the whole link of new energy power generation. The green power certificate, referred to as "green certificate", is the only certificate that identifies the production and consumption of renewable energy power. Promoting the all-green operation of new energy power generation is an important measure to promote the green consumption of renewable energy. "Before, we were just 'producers' of green electricity. Now the buyers of green certificates have become green electricity consumers, and the production process is fully green." Qiquan Lake photovoltaic power station inspection officer Forzati Dilishati said. Since the launch of the green electricity and green certificate market, State Grid Tulufan Electric Power Supply Company has actively promoted green electricity trading, promoted the supply of green electricity and green certificates in multiple scenarios, promoted the rapid promotion and popularization of related services in Tulufan, and helped build a new power system. In the first eight months of this year, the cumulative volume of green electricity transactions in Xinjiang reached 1.174 billion KWH, 93.83 times that of the whole year of 2022.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 308 加入收藏 :
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