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HONG KONG, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Since 2012, TORRAS has been committed to innovation and delivering high-quality accessories. On the official sale day of the iPhone 16, we are excited to present a remarkable combination of products, the 'Make Your iPhone Live Longer' combo, designed to enhance your iPhone experience. The 'Make Your iPhone Live Longer' combo from TORRAS. This combo, consisting of the TORRAS Ostand Spin Case, TORRAS MiniMag Power Bank, and GlassGo X Screen Protector, is designed to offer a superior experience for iPhone 16 users. It is more functional, with the case providing a versatile stand and grip, the power bank ensuring a long-lasting charge, and the screen protector offering extra protection. It is also more appealing, with sleek designs that complement the iPhone 16's aesthetics. The TORRAS Ostand Spin Case is a true testament to TORRAS's dedication to functionality and style. This case not only looks sleek but also offers a multitude of features. It combines a protective case, MagSafe, an unlimited stand, and a ring grip all in one. The curved back and rounded corners provide a comfortable and secure grip, while the new anti-slip texture enhances the overall handling experience. The unlimited spinning stand is a game-changer, making your daily life more convenient. Whether you're on the go, in the office, taking photos, working out, or enjoying entertainment, this case adapts to your needs. The versatile ring grip not only prevents drops during photography but also makes it easier to handle your phone in various situations. The TORRAS MiniMag Power Bank is another outstanding accessory. It is ultra-compact and lightweight, measuring just 0.3 inches thin and weighing only 4 ounces, making it highly portable. Equipped with an advanced lithium-polymer battery and an NTC temperature control chip, it offers super-fast charging, enabling you to charge your phone to 100% in just 2 hours, which is twice as fast as other portable chargers. The magnetic charging feature eliminates the hassle of cables, making charging effortless. The TORRAS GlassGo X Screen Protector is engineered to provide military-grade protection. The narrowest black borders ever are tailored to the iPhone 16's new upgrade with narrower display bezels, maximizing the screen-to-body ratio for a more immersive visual experience. The anti-fingerprint coating keeps your display clean, and the 97% screen coverage with high transparency adhesive preserves the vivid colors and clarity of your OLED screen. Rest assured, the simple, bubble-free setup guarantees a 100% success rate. TORRAS is committed to making your enjoyment of the new iPhone 16 easier and more convenient with this combo. When you purchase bundles on TORRAS's official website, you can enjoy a 10% discount. Make your iPhone live longer with these more functional, more appealing, and more shatterproof products from TORRAS. About TORRAS Founded in 2012, TORRAS is an innovative brand with a brand mission of "Shatter the Ordinary." They now have obtained more than 790 patents thus far, with 60 of its products winning prestigious international design awards. For more information, please visit TORRASLIFE. Press Contact: Press Contacts TORRAS Marketing: marketing@torraslife.comTORRAS Marketing Manager: jacinta@torras-global.comTORRAS PR Manager: ashley@torras-global.com
香港2024年9月20日 /美通社/ -- 9月20日,第二十七屆北京•香港經濟合作研討洽談會暨投資香港推介大會在中關村國際創新中心開幕。在此次大會上,首程控股(697.HK)與中國人壽旗下專業另類投資平台國壽投資圍繞中國基礎設施公募REITs達成深度戰略合作,舉行簽約儀式。此外,首程控股與戰略股東共同發起的"北京首程城市發展基礎設施投資基金"也作為重點項目在本次大會中成功簽約。上述兩項合作的達成是本屆大會的重要落地成果。充分展現出首程控股作為中國核心基礎設施資產服務商,將發揮自身優勢,在促進北京基礎設施資產穩步發展過程中起到重要作用。同時,作為根植京港兩地的北京市屬國企港股上市公司,首程控股在京港兩地經貿往來中起到重要的紐帶承接作用,並將為促進京港經濟以及金融融合做出重要貢獻。 此次大會由北京市人民政府以及香港特別行政區政府共同主辦,目前已成功舉辦到第二十七屆,該活動是京港兩地經貿聯繫的重要平台和促進合作發展的重要載體,目的是為深化京港兩地務實合作,加強在重點領域的多層次、寬領域、高水準合作。 在此高規格、高水準的會務上,首程控股作為首鋼集團旗下的香港上市公司與國壽投資達成戰略合作,背後意義重大。 其一,雙方寄翼借助彼此的優勢,通過投資公募REITS鏈接到全國範圍內基礎設施行業的優秀企業,從而為北京市引入基礎設施投融資領域的戰略合作方,打造金融與產業、存量資產與新增投資的良性循環,推動北京市基礎設施產業高質量發展。 REITs是國家戰略政策的重要推行方向,旨在強化資本市場服務實體經濟能力、進一步創新投融資機制、有效盤活存量資產。中國公募REITs已經發展了三年,目前規模已然站上千億元級台階,資產類型則涵蓋消費、高速、能源、產業園、物流、環保、保障房共七大類,未來還將進一步擴展到更多、更為廣闊的領域。 此次首程控股與國壽投資的戰略合作聚焦公募REITs的首次發行及後續擴募,並適度配置市場流通份額。未來,伴隨中國公募REITs持續擴容發展,此次合作的戰略雙方也將通過圍繞基礎設施公募REITs的戰略合作鏈接到更為豐富的資產種類,一方面有助於形成不同資產類別之間的互相補充,為彼此高效賦能;另一方面,有利於戰略合作雙方立足京港,為全國基礎設施公募REITs全產業鏈聚集發展提供樣板。 其二,雙方均具備雄厚實力,其戰略合作目的並不以短期資本獲利為主,而是以社會效益與基金收益相結合為投資目標,與中國經濟共同成長,這將為REITs基金的市場價格穩定提供有力支撐,有利於深度挖掘並釋放REITs長期投資價值。因此,雙方戰略合作有望形成市場首支公募REITs平准基金,預計將會受到國家發展改革委、中國證監會的重視與支持,獲得政策資源傾斜。 實際上,這是繼首程控股於2021年12月攜手首鋼基金與國壽投資發起成立綠色基礎設施發展基金後,雙方再次達成的重要戰略合作。雙方攜手共同促進中國基礎設施資產高質量發展,背後離不開的是彼此雄厚實力形成的強強聯合效應。 國壽投資是中國人壽旗下專業另類投資平台,中國人壽屬國有大型金融機構,目前在公募REITs、類REITs、私募REITs和Pre-REITs領域已實現產品發行的全牌照覆蓋,並在REITs行業有豐富的創新投資經驗。首程控股作為首鋼集團在港上市的平台公司,一方面,可積極發揮境外融資平台作用,高效籌集資本協助境內基礎設施資產發展;另一方面,公司依託"資產循環+強運營",已經形成以REITs為業務基石的"募投管退"全產業鏈生態系統,提供從"產業發展基金設立與投資-資產證券化諮詢-REITs戰略配售投資"的全生態鏈資產融通服務,深度鏈接資金與資產,實現資產的高效循環;與此同時,憑藉首鋼集團在北京的獨有優勢,以及公司在停車、產業園及保障房等基礎設施領域積累的運營管理經驗以及資源整合能力,將有利於其深度鏈接基礎設施資產行業內的公司,形成"投資效能提升+運營效能提升"的疊加效應,進一步提升北京市基礎設施優質資源整合力度,最終支持北京基礎設施REITs全產業鏈集聚發展。 因此,雙方強強聯手,共同扛起推進中國基礎設施資產發展以及融資新變革這面大旗,通過融合雙方優勢資源,未來將以跨週期視角構建投資框架,堅持"長期投資、價值投資"理念,為公募REITs市場引入長線資金,激發市場投資活力,推動REITs投資邁向新高度。 與此同時,在此次大會上,首程控股與戰略股東共同發起的"北京首程城市發展基礎設施投資基金"也作為重點項目在本次大會中成功簽約。該基金總規模為100億元,首期規模50億元,積極踐行北京市"十四五"時期城市更新規劃及朝陽區"3+X"產業佈局,重點投向產業園、保障房、停車場等城市更新項目,致力培育出朝陽區首單REITs項目,加快培育孵化一批權屬清晰、收益穩定、特色突出的優質基礎設施項目。 此次首程控股在本屆大會上的兩項重要落地成果將由點及面,推動我國基礎設施公募REITs市場提質擴面穩步向前。隨著中國基礎設施REITs進入常態化發行階段,支持政策不斷完善、制度框架日益健全,REITs市場正加速邁向萬億級別的廣闊藍海,首程控股將在其發展過程中扮演重要角色,持續推動中國基礎設施不動產投融資新變革,成為服務中國基礎設施資產的領軍企業。
FRANKFURT, Germany, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Electric Vehicles Expo at Automechanika concluded successfully on September 14, 2024. It is the first time for Geely Holding Group to lead its brands to participate in the Expo. VREMT, as a subsidiary of Geely and a key player of Geely's new energy strategy, exhibited its "all-domain 800V battery, motor and electronic control solutions", highlighting China's advancements in new energy technology. At the Expo, VREMT showcased its leading advantages of 800V golden batteries and cells, 800V high-performance SiC four-motor drive systems, and 800V ultra-fast liquid-cooled charging platform-HPC-V3. The second-generation golden battery recently reported by Handelsblatt, has attracted much attention. It boasts the world's fastest production charging rate, recharging from 10% to 80% in just 10.5 minutes, surpassing all currently mass-produced ternary lithium batteries. This allows "5 minutes of charging, 2 hours of high-speed driving." The battery also features with a 3-second pulse discharge rate up to 22C, enabling 0-100 km/h acceleration under 3s, catering to users for extreme speed. It also meets the highest global safety standards, equipped with eight thermal safety technologies (Cloud, Prevention, Isolation, Absorption, Cooling, Alert, Disconnection and Exhaust) to prevent thermal runaway and ensure precise management throughout its lifecycle. It has passed three industry-first extreme safety tests, including 240 seconds of sustained external fire, overpressure penetration, and six extreme serial conditions, guaranteeing its absolute safety. VREMT also offers the 800V high-performance SiC four-motor drive system, delivering the mass-produced four-motor distributed electric drive system with the world's highest power and torque density (a peak output of 930kW and a peak torque of 1,280Nm). It allows the ZEEKR 001FR to make "Tank Turns" and "Slalom", and speed up from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.02s. Another highlight is the 800V ultra-fast liquid-cooled charging platform-HPC-V3, with the world's highest single-gun output power, maximum voltage of 1,000V, maximum current of 800A and single-gun peak power of 800kW. Users can replenish energy in as fast as 10 minutes, setting a global record for minute-level charging efficiency. VREMT's all-domain in-house development and production, combined with its efficient industry chain, make it a market favorite due to its excellent performance and reliability, featuring on Lotus, Polestar, Volvo, ZEEKR, Smart, Lynk & Co, Geely Galaxy, and Geometry products. Looking forward, VREMT is committed to driving technology innovation and empowering the development of the global new energy industry.
HONG KONG, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lingnan University today (20 September) honoured the achievements of 46 faculty members at the Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024, recognising exceptional performances in academic research and knowledge transfer while highlighting the contributions of Lingnan staff in enhancing community quality of life and societal advancement. Officiating guests on stage at the Research and Knowledge Transfer Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony 2024. This year, Lingnan University secured 39 Research Grants Council (RGC) competitive grant projects, totalling an impressive $24.4 million ⸻ the highest sum awarded over the years, and a 17 per cent increase over last year's HK$20.8 million. Moreover, Lingnan University obtained outstanding results in the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, with seven out of nine nominated candidates receiving offers, an impressive success rate of 78 per cent. The awards included the Research Output Excellence Award, the Young Researcher Output Award, and the Research & Knowledge Transfer Fund Award. The Science Unit from the School of Interdisciplinary Studies won most of these, with seven awardees, including the two projects that received the highest funding from the RGC: Assistant Professor Inga Elizabeth Conti-Jerpe's "Calibrating the mixotrophy spectrum: quantifying nutrient inputs and recycling in three corals with different trophic strategies", and Assistant Professor Anthony Lau's "Demystifying the origin of tetrodotoxin in the Hong Kong newt". In addition, Assistant Professor of the School of Graduate Studies Huang Genghua's funded proposal "When digitisation encounters financialisation: divergent strategies for providing social protection for platform workers in Chinese localities" received a perfect score of 5.0 in the rigorous peer review conducted by the RGC subject panels. (Table 1) Officiating guests included Ms Candy Kan Shuk-fun, Assistant Secretary-General (Research) of the University Grants Committee (UGC), Dr Patrick Wong Chi-kwong, Chairman of the Court of Lingnan University and Lingnan Education Organization representative, Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science of Lingnan University, and Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning, who were all on stage. In his welcoming remarks, President S. Joe Qin congratulated all the award-winning scholars. He highlighted the University's continuous pursuit of innovation amidst the digital era, noting that Lingnan University has achieved several significant milestones over the past year. Achievements include the establishment of the Lingnan University Institute for Advanced Study (LUIAS) and the School of Data Science (SDS), as well as the appointment of 15 globally renowned scholars through the "Lingnan-60 Global Talent Recruitment" initiative, representing a quarter of the goal already reached. Additionally, 14 per cent of the University's scholars are now ranked among the top 2 per cent of scientists worldwide by the Stanford University list. Furthermore, generative AI has been introduced as a core course for all first-year students in the new academic year, enhancing their AI literacy and critical thinking skills for dealing with AI's impact in daily life and work. President Qin said, "Lingnan University emphasises the importance of cultivating innovative capabilities and has set a new goal of becoming a comprehensive university in arts and sciences in the digital era, with impactful research and innovations. This signifies that the University not only provides a broad-based education but also strengthens research capabilities, enabling students to develop innovative thinking through academic exploration. Additionally, the University emphasises the integration of arts and sciences, offering a well-rounded education that blends humanities and scientific knowledge. This educational model not only nurtures students' comprehensive skills but also establishes a strong foundation for adaptability and innovation in an ever-changing professional landscape, contributing to the development of future leaders." Dr Patrick Wong Chi-kwong, Chairman of the Court of Lingnan University and Lingnan Education Organization representative, who delivered the opening address, said that Lingnan will keep building on its achievements so that its research and knowledge transfer efforts have a lasting, meaningful influence on society. "We are taking bold steps toward nurturing talent and driving groundbreaking research that benefits society. Our integration of arts and sciences has begun to spark creative problem-solving and interdisciplinary insights, bringing technology closer to humanity. Our University continues to build on its strengths in the Humanities, Business, and Social Sciences, while expanding into new fields like data science, artificial intelligence, carbon neutrality, and environmental sustainability. Our scientists are dedicated to developing solutions that will shape the future for generations to come." In his closing remarks, Prof Xin Yao, Vice-President (Research and Innovation) and Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning of Lingnan University, described collaborations with strategic partners: "We have witnessed exciting developments in areas like AI and environmental sustainability. These emerging fields of research have opened the door for collaboration with partners outside the University. We have entered into strategic agreements with organisations in Shandong, and a close partnership with Northeastern University's State Key Laboratory on the Mainland. In addition, Lingnan University has been approved as a Supporting Institution for the National Natural Science Foundation of China, which presents a wealth of opportunities for our scholars. We have also saluted our first awardee of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Young Scientists Fund." He added that the University remains committed to promoting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and will continue to develop inspirational academic and research initiatives that contribute to these global aims. Please see the details for the full list of awardees: https://www.ln.edu.hk/orkt/orkt-and-committees/research-and-kt-excellence-awards/research-kt-excellence-awards2024. Table 1. Scholar Project title RGC funding amount Prof Inga Elizabeth Conti-Jerpe, Assistant Professor of Science Unit Calibrating the mixotrophy spectrum: quantifying nutrient inputs and recycling in three corals with different trophic strategies HK$1,279,540 (Early Career Scheme) Prof Anthony Lau, Assistant Professor of Science Unit Demystifying the origin of tetrodotoxin in the Hong Kong newt HK$1,254,975 (General Research Fund) Prof Huang Genghua, Assistant Professor of School of Graduate Studies When digitisation encounters financialisation: divergent strategies for providing social protection for platform workers in Chinese localities HK$881,800 (General Research Fund)
HANOI, Vietnam, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On September 18th, CMC Corporation announced its AI-X strategy targeting the Japanese market. Japan holds a significant position in this strategy, becoming the first international market where CMC is officially launching the strategy. Nguyen Trung Chinh – Executive Chairman of CMC Corporation at the New Office Launching in Japan CMC views AI as a driving force for innovation and sustainable growth, actively integrating AI within the company to enhance human resource development and optimize efficiency. Chairman Nguyen Trung Chinh, who leads CMC's AI transformation strategy, recognized the challenges of being an early adopter but emphasized that the company has gained valuable experience through partnerships with global tech leaders, boosting their confidence in spearheading AI transformation. Looking ahead, CMC plans to establish a new office in Japan and aims to evolve into a global digital leader by 2028. The AI-X strategy is designed not only to improve internal operations but also to extend its services to support other international companies, including those in Japan. To advance digital transformation, CMC is committed to leveraging AI's potential to drive innovation, enhance productivity, create value, and foster a digital economy focused on ethical responsibility, quality of life, and green, sustainable development.
DUBAI, UAE, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bybit, the world's second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, proudly announces the successful listing of Catizen ($CATI), which went live at 10 AM Dubai time today. Bybit is the first exchange to complete the distribution of the $CATI airdrop to its users, further demonstrating the platform's exceptional reliability and leadership in the digital asset space. With Bybit's industry-leading platform stability and security, the exchange ensured a seamless trading experience for its users. The opening price of CATI has shown impressive performance, remaining steady at $0.97. Key Highlights: Bybit Leads the Way: Bybit became the first exchange to successfully complete the airdrop distribution of CATI tokens to its users, reinforcing its standing as a pioneer in the digital asset industry. Significant Airdrop Scale: Data from the TON blockchain explorer indicates that an estimated 17,665,517.64 CATI tokens were transferred from what is believed to be the official CATI address to Bybit for the airdrop. Secure and Stable Trading Environment: Bybit's cutting-edge technical infrastructure ensured the smooth completion of the listing and airdrop, offering users a safe and reliable environment for trading. The listing of $CATI reflects Bybit's ability to swiftly react to market opportunities while maintaining high standards of security and performance. This achievement further cements Bybit's reputation as a trusted platform in the global crypto community. Bybit Becomes First Exchange to Complete $CATI Airdrop Distribution For more information, visit here. #Bybit / #TheCryptoArk About Bybit Bybit is the world's second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, serving over 40 million users. Established in 2018, Bybit provides a professional platform where crypto investors and traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, 24/7 customer service, and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One's reigning Constructors' and Drivers' champions: the Oracle Red Bull Racing team. For more details about Bybit, please visit Bybit Press. For media inquiries, please contact: media@bybit.com For more information, please visit: https://www.bybit.com For updates, please follow: Bybit's Communities and Social Media Discord | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Reddit | Telegram | TikTok | X | Youtube
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