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倫敦2023年7月28日 /美通社/ -- 今日世界肝炎日 (WHD) 發起了「我們不再等待」(We're not waiting) 的行動號召。在 WHD,世界肝炎聯盟 (World Hepatitis Alliance,WHA) 與其由遍佈超過 100 個國家的 323 個成員組成的全球網絡攜手在國際帶領該次活動,以促進對抗病毒性肝炎的行動,病毒性肝炎是最致命和被忽視的疾病及健康危機之一,每 30 秒就造成一人喪生。 Center for Disease Analysis (CDA) 基金會1 在 EASL 大會上發表的新研究顯示,乙型肝炎 (HBV) 和丙型肝炎 (HCV) 病毒具有高度致癌性,會導致多個器官和部位的癌症。報告發現,乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎感染者「患癌風險與每日吸一包煙的人相約或明顯較高」。該報告總結 HBV 和 HCV 應該「被視為致癌感染,並因此重新審議國際指南」。 WHA 一項近期研究2 發現,全球有近一半 (42%) 人不知道病毒性肝炎是肝癌的主要原因之一。接近四分之三 (74%) 的受訪者表示,了解肝炎會導致肝癌,代表他們會更傾向於接受檢測;亦有超過五分之四 (82%) 的受訪者表示,他們會更傾向於接種疫苗。 全球有超過 3.5 億人患有乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎3,每年造成超過 110 萬人喪生4。到 2040 年,預計病毒性肝炎的死亡人數將超過 HIV、瘧疾和結核病的死亡人數總和5。 世界肝炎聯盟主席 Danjuma Adda 表示: 「每年有超過一百萬人死於肝炎。2023 年世界肝炎日的主題是『我們不再等待』。這是對加快消除病毒性肝炎的行動,以及迫切需要為真正需要的人提供檢測和治療之呼籲。全球的個人和社區正在改變自己的生命及其身邊世界。我們向他們表示敬意,同時要求作出更多行動。我們會不再等待改變,我們正為實現它而奮鬥。」 CDA 基金會董事總經理 Homie Razavi 表示: 「乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎是無聲無息的流行病。這些病毒感染會引致癌症,但由於感染者在出現症狀之前往往沒有明顯的症狀,大多數感染都被人忽視。我們所有人都需要認識乙型肝炎和丙型肝炎感染所帶來的高患癌風險,並將患者與護理聯繫。治療可以將患癌風險降低 85% 或以上。」 有關完整參考資料的列表,請瀏覽:https://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/news/hepatitis-b-and-c-cause-significantly-higher-cancer-risk-than-smoking-a-daily-pack-of-cigarettes/ 媒體聯絡:Tajinder Tiwana,+44(0)7715339193,contact@worldhepatitisalliance.org

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5806 加入收藏 :

新加坡2023年7月28日 /美通社/ -- 自2022年正式啟動以來,GESS國際學校的BeyondClassrooms計劃現已發展成為一個由16個行業合作伙伴組成的網絡(持續擴大中),並得到了大使館和商會合作伙伴的支持。該計劃不僅獲得了教育促進與支持委員會(CASE)頒發的2023年CASE卓越獎學生參與類銀獎,還入圍了新加坡國際商會(SICC)的著名2023年SICC獎決賽名單,充分證明了該校在落實該計劃方面所做出的努力,以及該計劃所取得的成果。 BeyondClassrooms - Industry talk by BMW Group Asia 該計劃為GESS的學生提供了接觸實際工商環境的機會,旨在幫助他們做好准備,以適應快速發展的世界,尤其是在科學、技術和工程領域。作為一所全面發展的學校,GESS認為學生的課外學習與課內學習同等重要。該校與BASF、BluCurrent、BMW Group Asia、Evonik、Siemens、TÜV SÜD、Volocopter等行業領先企業開展合作,為學生們提供21世紀的學習體驗。 過去一年內,該校為學生舉辦了 50 場活動,包括行業講座、實地考察、大學和職業咨詢等,並且還為九年級學生提供了120個實習崗位。除此之外,多名學生還以演講、司儀和歌手的身份,參加了企業高層出席的大型企業活動。 GESS校長Stefan Pauli先生表示:「我們旨在通過BeyondClassrooms計劃為學生創造獨特的機會,讓他們能夠向行業合作伙伴和組織學習,從而為其未來做好更充分的准備。我們的校訓是『讓每個孩子都能自由成長』,而這些機會讓學生從小就能發現自己的興趣和天賦。從GESS畢業後,他們能夠對自己的未來做出更明智的決定,我們希望他們有信心,也有能力為未來的世界做出積極正面的貢獻。」 GESS認為,加強教育機構與行業之間的合作是未來的發展方向,目的為提前準備下一代從事現在可能還不存在的新工作種類。BeyondClassrooms不僅讓高年級的學生受益,該計劃及相關合作伙伴們還為低年級的學生打造適合他們的活動,並讓該校教師及時了解全球時事,以及將在可預見的未來的各種可能及機會。 BeyondClassrooms - Visit to Volocopter's Volocity BeyondClassrooms計劃將擴大其覆蓋范圍,讓更多企業、大使館、新加坡在地公司和社團、及志同道合的公益團體參與,共同履行回饋社會的承諾。該校還會為更多學生提供實習機會,並將活動與課内計劃更緊密結合,讓課堂內外提供大量的學習機會。 在此處查看BeyondClassrooms計劃: GESS雜志 | BeyondClassrooms - 為我們的學生創造機會 YouTube上的GESS國際學校 | BeyondClassrooms計劃 關於GESS國際學校 | www.gess.edu.sg   GESS國際學校是一所領先的非營利學院,主要培養2至18歲的學生,提供國際文憑(IB)課程(PYP、MYP 和 DP)或德國課程。我們旨在為學生創造最好的"無限學習"環境,其中包括但不限於提供世界一流的基礎設施和配備,以及通過完善軟體和人文關懷,為學生提供個人化教育和福利支持。讓我們引以為傲的是,我們的語言課程不僅能夠將我們的學生培養成熟練掌握多個語種的世界公民,而且還為他們的未來提升了各種可能性,並將學生與其文化根源聯系在一起。我們的優勢還包括與企業伙伴合作開展的BeyondClassrooms計劃、多元課外活動以及運動和體育教育。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 6224 加入收藏 :
COP28 UAE and UNFCCC urge G20 nations to show leadership on climate change mitigation and adaptation

CHENNAI, India, July 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --  With only 125 days to go, COP28 President-Designate Dr. Sultan Al Jaber and UNFCCC Executive Secretary Simon Stiell issue joint statement on sidelines of G20 ministerial meeting in Chennai. "The science demands a strong mitigation outcome at COP28 that drives a significant reduction in emissions and builds on the progress of previous COPs," the leaders said in statement. While the discussions at the G20 Energy Ministerial considered energy transition and aligning current pathways with the Paris Goals, the outcome did not provide a sufficiently clear signal for transforming global energy systems, scaling up renewable and clean energy sources and responsibly phasing down fossil fuels. The G20 must affirm its commitment to achieve the operationalization of the fund and funding arrangements for loss and damage. Those at the frontline of climate change need our support now, not in 5 years' time. The G20 must show that it can deliver for the most climate vulnerable, including the least developed countries and small island developing states. The leaders also urged G20 nations to raise the importance of defining a Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) and operationalizing the loss and damage fund and funding arrangements "to an equal level." G20 nations called on "to urgently prioritize revised commitments, whether NDCs, NAPs or on climate finance, including contributions to the ambitious replenishment of the GCF to align with the Paris Goals." COP28 President Designate Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber and Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on the sidelines of the G20 ministerial meeting in Chennai Dr. Sultan Al-Jaber, COP28 President-Designate and Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), have called upon G20 nations to take a greater leadership role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. With only 125 days to go, the leaders today issued a joint statement on the sidelines of the G20 ministerial meeting in Chennai, calling on G20 nations to "lead the way" on delivering a positive outcome on mitigation at the COP28 climate conference this year. "The science demands a strong mitigation outcome at COP28 that drives a significant reduction in emissions and builds on the progress of previous COPs, and we call on the G20 to lead the way on the basis of both science and equity and lay the path to a strong and credible outcome that provides developing countries with the basis to undertake a just transition," the leaders said in the statement. "Together, we must take necessary steps to accelerate the inevitable phase-down of all fossil fuels in a responsible manner, in order to have an energy system free of unabated fossil fuels by the middle of this century while enabling access for all and promoting sustainable development," they said in the statement, which reiterated the importance of tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements across sectors by 2030. While the discussions at the G20 Energy Ministerial considered energy transition and aligning current pathways with the Paris Goals, the outcome did not provide a sufficiently clear signal for transforming global energy systems, scaling up renewable and clean energy sources and responsibly phasing down fossil fuels. "It is our hope that any progress achieved by the G20 drives decisively a strong outcome at COP28 under the Global Stocktake and capitalizes on the Just Transition Work Programme established at COP27 to ensure that this transition is fair, leaves no one behind and supports the broad development challenges faced by developing countries in launching this transition," the statement added. The leaders also urged G20 nations to raise the importance of defining a Global Goal on Adaptation (GGA) and operationalizing the loss and damage fund and funding arrangements "to an equal level, to ensure that the human face of the climate change is at the center of all our decisions." Adaptation finance must be doubled urgently, the leaders said. "The G20 must affirm its commitment to achieve the operationalization of the fund and funding arrangements. Those at the frontline of climate change need our support now, not in 5 years' time. This is the benchmark for ambition," they said in the statement. They also called on the G20 to show that it can deliver for the most climate vulnerable, including the least developed countries and small island developing states. Delivering on the 2030 agenda will depend on making climate finance more available, affordable and accessible to developing countries, the leaders state. "Climate finance arrangements will need to be transformed to deliver at the necessary scale, to work better as a system and to support private finance mobilization at unprecedented levels." The leaders also called on G20 nations "to urgently prioritize your revised commitments, whether NDCs, NAPs or on climate finance, including contributions to the ambitious replenishment of the GCF to align with the Paris Goals." "We must leave Chennai on the right path and with a clear signal that the political will to tackle the climate crisis and launch a new era of development is within our grasp, because it is only a short path to COP28. Every meeting counts, every outcome must bring us closer. The world needs its leaders to unite, act and deliver; and that must start with the G20," the statement concludes. For all media enquiries and requests for interviews, please contact comms@cop28.com For up-to-date COP28 news, follow us on Twitter @COP28_UAE Notes to Editors: COP28 UAE: COP28 UAE will take place at Expo City Dubai from November 30-December 12, 2023. The Conference is expected to convene over 70,000 participants, including heads of state, government officials, international industry leaders, private sector   representatives, academics, experts, youth, and non-state actors.   As mandated by the Paris Climate Agreement, COP28 UAE will deliver the first ever Global Stocktake – a comprehensive evaluation of progress against climate goals.   The UAE will lead a process for all parties to agree upon a clear roadmap to accelerate progress through a pragmatic global energy transition and a "leave no one behind" approach to inclusive climate action.   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1186 加入收藏 :
Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government Partners with KKday and Klook to Offer Exclusive Rewards for International Travelers

Tailored Travel Perks for Travelers from Abroad TAINAN, July 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- In response to the post-pandemic surge in tourism, the Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government will partner with two global travel e-commerce platforms KKday and Klook to provide independent international travelers with a limited number of promotional codes commencing August 1 with validity until December 31 of this year. Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che said that the collaboration aims to leverage the allure of Tainan and the exclusive offer to bring more international visitors to the city. This initiative is expected to strengthen Tainan's position in the global tourism market during the second half of the year. The promotion will also be amplified via Taiwan's largest blogging platform PIXNET to raise the visibility of Tainan as attractive destination for the world's travelers. According to data from KKday, Sicao Green Tunnel is one of Tainan’s famed attractions among international travelers. According to data from KKday, one-day charter tours with stops at Chihkan Tower, Hayashi Department Store and the Garden Night Market have been particularly popular, while famed attractions such as Sicao Green Tunnel and Chimei Museum remain a top choices among travelers. Starting from August 1, travelers who choose Tainan tourism experiences through the platform will receive an exclusive discount up to NT$500. Data from Klook indicates that the majority of visitors to Tainan originate from Hong Kong and Macau, followed by Singapore and South Korea. Beginning August 1, international travelers will receive a discount of NT$500 on a any spend of NT$3,000 and above when booking accommodations in Tainan via the Klook platform. "Our partnership with the prominent international travel e-commerce platforms KKday and Klook aims to attract global tourists by offering substantial discounts," stated Kuo-Hua Lin, acting director of the Tourism Bureau of Tainan City Government. "Travelers who make purchases through both platforms will have a chance to get a substantial discount up to NT$1,000. Budget-conscious international travelers are encouraged to start planning their Tainan itinerary at the earliest."

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1308 加入收藏 :
Staynex Partners with Huawei to Enhance Web3 Initiatives for the Travel and Hospitality Industry

SINGAPORE, July 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Global vacation club platform, Staynex, has announced a partnership with tech giant, Huawei, to leverage Web3 technologies and enhance the travel and hospitality industry. Staynex Partners with Huawei to Enhance Web3 Initiatives for the Travel and Hospitality Industry This partnership will potentially offer users a more comprehensive travel experience with increased convenience and variety using advanced AI tools. The firm will provide travellers with a wider range of hotels and itinerary options to suit their preferences, lifestyles, and budgets. This significant development reinforces Staynex's dedication to creating superior travel solutions for a wide-ranging audience. "We anticipate that our partnership with Huawei will facilitate the creation of more solutions for the travel and hospitality industry," states Bernard Lau, Founder and CEO of Staynex. "We are keen to explore the numerous opportunities and aim to empower global travellers." "We are delighted to partner with Staynex to augment its platform with our cutting-edge technological tools, while also allowing us to improve our range of corporate services," shares Rex Lei, Managing Director of Huawei Cloud Singapore. " With our expertise in cloud technology, we currently support companies across numerous industries. We are confident that this partnership will enable us to develop more efficient and advanced information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for the travel and hospitality industry." Staynex, an integral component of the Labs Group ecosystem, will offer its AI-powered Travel Solutions, supported by Huawei's innovative technology. Staynex is set to introduce solutions for everyday travellers and in addition, it will offer corporate solutions designed to streamline the process of booking travel tickets for employees attending events such as conferences. The partnership also includes Staynex's integration into the Huawei Marketplace, providing millions of Huawei device users with easy access to Staynex's comprehensive travel platform. Staynex plans to use this partnership to accelerate its expansion into the Chinese market and beyond. About StaynexStaynex, operating as part of the Labs Group Ecosystem, is a global vacation club platform aiming to reshape the travel and hospitality industry. It utilizes advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and Web3 to improve individual travel experiences and streamline corporate travel bookings. Staynex is committed to continuous service enhancement and global expansion, fostering a vision of making travel more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1272 加入收藏 :

提供海外遊客專屬優惠 台南2023年7月28日 /美通社/ -- 疫情後來臺旅遊人數持續攀升,臺南市政府觀光旅遊局搶攻入境旅遊商機,攜手國際旅遊電商平台 KKday、Klook 合作,自今年8月1日起針對海外自由行旅客推出限量優惠碼,使用期限至12月31日。台南市市長黃偉哲表示,本次祭出折扣碼優惠,希望能以台南品牌魅力加上超值優惠,吸引國際遊客留宿,創造本市下半年度國際旅遊商機,同時也透過台灣最大部落格平台痞客邦,來針對海外遊客曝光優惠,強化台南觀光的宣傳效益。 台南四草綠色隧道是最受國外旅客喜愛的熱門景點之一,景點門票可於Klook、KKday平台購買。 根據 KKday 平台數據統計,台灣旅遊限制解封後台南行程商品主要旅客群為日本、韓國、東南亞,赤崁樓、林百貨、花園夜市一日包車行程十分受歡迎,知名景點四草綠色隧道、奇美博物館也是旅客首選。而本次活動在KKday 平台,針對海外遊客將提供超過4,000組優惠折扣碼,旅客自8月1日起至 KKday 平台選擇台南旅遊產品,不限金額即享新台幣50元優惠;另外,還有「滿2,000折100」、「滿5,000折500」等滿額優惠,提醒海外遊客8月1日起至 KKday 平台下單規劃旅遊的同時別忘記使用優惠。 另根據 Klook 平台數據統計,最常造訪台南的海外旅客以香港澳門為最大宗,其次為新加坡及韓國,而本次活動針對海外遊客,自8月1日起至 Klook 平台訂購台南住宿,滿新台幣3,000元即享500元折扣,限量1,000組。Klook 表示,2019年疫情前約每四位來台旅客就有一位在 Klook 上預訂台灣商品,看好今年入境旅遊復甦動能,預計2023年整體市占率將提升至三分之一。 台南市政府觀光旅遊局代理局長林國華表示,本次與兩大國際旅遊電商龍頭 KKday 及 Klook 合作,祭出百萬優惠吸引海外遊客,因應平台使用客群屬性,自8月1日起推出不同優惠滿額方案,折扣碼數量有限,如兩平台同時使用,最高可享1,000元折扣,歡迎精打細算的海外旅客及早開始規劃台南行程。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 5943 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 26 日 (星期日) 農曆十二月廿七日
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