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靈活管理閒置美金提高投資收益 博時美元貨幣市場ETF(9196.HK)今日於港交所上市

香港2023年7月27日 /美通社/ -- 博時基金(國際)有限公司(「博時國際」)欣然宣佈推出博時美元貨幣市場 ETF(「該ETF」)。該ETF的基金單位於7月27日在香港交易所開始買賣,股份代碼為美元櫃檯9196.HK,港幣櫃檯3196.HK,人民幣櫃檯83196.HK。 該ETF可以輕鬆通過一級市場增設和二級市場交易購得,是一款適用於機構投資者和零售投資者的高安全性靈活美元現金管理工具。 交易便捷,隨用隨取,閒錢躺盈博時美元貨幣市場ETF提供上市份額和非上市份額,上市份額既可以通過參與券商進行申贖,也可在場內直接交易買賣,交易便捷。博時國際作為在港最大固收團隊之一,憑藉豐富的交易對手資源和強大的議價能力,亦能獲得較優的資產價格。投資者可在較高安全性和較強流動性基礎上坐享相對穩定的收入。有別於美元存款,博時美元貨幣市場ETF每交易日任何時段均可交易,不設任何鎖定期,可媲美活期存款流動性,而基金回報率遠高於活期存款利率。 近年環球市場急劇波動,投資者對防禦性資產配置的需求大增。博時美元貨幣市場ETF通過投資於全球以美元計價的優質短期存款和貨幣市場工具組合提供相對穩定收益,便於投資者在等待入市時機時,靈活管理閒置美元資金,提升餘款利用效率。 把握全球高息環境,實現資產增值美聯儲自去年3月開啟本輪加息週期以來連續加息了10次,累計加息500個基點。同時,美國核心通脹粘性較強,美聯儲官員仍然強調再加息兩次的鷹派立場。在全球高息環境下,風險資產波動不斷,而博時美元貨幣市場ETF兼得收益性、安全性和流動性。 博時美元貨幣市場ETF是博時國際流動性管理策略的重要組成部分。2022年,博時國際預見了美聯儲將帶來持續時間更久、更加激進的加息,推出旗艦現金管理產品博時美元貨幣市場基金,自發行以來通過業績長期領先市場、日日產生收益和最快T+0申贖效率備受投資者追捧,基金規模也在香港同類產品保持領先優勢。緊接著,博時國際推出博時港元貨幣市場ETF、博時人民幣貨幣市場ETF,以及博時美元貨幣市場ETF,形成了全面的貨幣市場ETF產品線,在較為波動的市場環境下滿足了持有美元、港元、人民幣不同幣種的投資者對流動性和收益性的雙重需求。 關於博時基金(國際)有限公司博時基金(國際)有限公司(「博時國際」)是博時基金管理有限公司(「博時基金」)和招商基金管理有限公司(「招商基金」)香港子公司。博時基金和招商基金均為中國內地位居前列的一流資產管理機構。   博時國際於2010 年3月4日在香港成立,是首批在港開展資管業務的中資基金公司。成立以來,博時國際緊抓全球化資產配置機遇,堅守價值投資理念,形成以穩健的固定收益投資為主,涵蓋主動權益、被動指數等全面產品線,並積極與其他國際公司建立合作夥伴關係,為全球投資者提供雙向及跨境資產管理服務。博時國際服務的客戶遍佈美國、歐洲、韓國、新加坡、香港等核心金融區域。在港耕耘13年,博時國際已經成為香港最大中資資產管理公司之一。 風險提示:投資涉及風險。過往業績不代表將來表現。投資產品價格及其收益可升可跌,並不能保證未來業績及資本值。投資者不應僅依賴本資料作出投資決定,應詳細閱讀有關章程及產品資料概要(包括當中所載之產品特色及風險因素)。投資價值亦可能受到匯率影響。投資者應諮詢專業意見。 博時美元貨幣市場ETF(「子基金」)是博時全球交易所買賣基金開放式基金型公司(「本公司」)的子基金,本公司是一家根據香港法律成立的公眾傘子開放式基金型公司,擁有可變資本的有限責任並與子基金間負債分離。本公司已在證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)註冊為開放式基金型公司,本公司及本基金已根據《證券及期貨條例》第104條獲得證監會的授權。證監會的註冊或授權並非對本公司或本基金的推薦或認可,也不保證本公司或本基金的商業價值或其業績。這並不意味本公司或本基金適合所有投資者,亦並非意味其適合任何特定的投資者或投資者類別。 投資者應知悉投資於任何子基金,須承受一般市場波動及該子基金可能投資的相關資產固有的其他風險。概無保證投資的價值將會升值。不論經理人如何努力,基於政治、金融、經濟、社會及/或法律狀況變動,並非經理人所能控制,故不能保證子基金能實際達到其投資目標。因此,投資者須承受風險,其於子投資的最終金額無法獲賠或可能會損失全部基金或全部初始投資。 本資料並未經香港證監會審閱。發佈人:博時國際。未經博時國際同意,不得複印、分發或複製本文內之任何資料或任何部份。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3766 加入收藏 :
Spark Plus to Host Singapore Mining Day Conference on 15 September with Largest Asian-Based Investor Network

SINGAPORE, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Spark Plus, a leading Asia-Pacific corporate advisory specialist, is thrilled to announce the annual Singapore Mining Day Conference. The event will take place on Friday, 15 September 2023, from 10 am to 5 pm, during the Singapore F1 Grand Prix week, at the prestigious Sands Expo & Convention Centre. Organised in conjunction with the Singapore Mining Club (SMC), attendees can look forward to presentations from 10 dynamic ASX Junior Mining companies on the latest developments and trends in the sector. This year's line-up will feature Chariot Corporation, Greenvale Energy Limited, GTI Energy Limited, Infinity Lithium, Lithium Plus Minerals Limited, Power Minerals Limited, QEM Limited, Scorpion Minerals Limited, Tyranna Resources Limited and Victory Metals Limited showcasing their offerings to more than 100 investors. In light of the surging global demand for natural resources, driven by the increasing need for electric vehicles and sustainability initiatives, the second edition of the Singapore Mining Day Conference bears great significance. This dedicated platform brings together family offices, brokers, ultra-high-net-worth individuals and institutions from Singapore, Australia, and Hong Kong interested in ASX-listed resource companies to foster new and exciting business outcomes for companies and investors. Lunch and light refreshments will be served. This year's conference aims to build on the success of the 2022 event, to be the premier, dedicated platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and fostering fruitful collaborations. "At the 2022 event, Blu Horseshoe connected with 70 to 80 high-calibre investors. Significantly, we met and secured our biggest client to date at the lunch, which immediately propelled our business and still provides constant momentum eight months later. Through the lunch, Blu Horseshoe also established relationships with brokers, leading to a steady flow of quality offers that continues to set us apart from our competitors. The Spark Plus Mining Day Lunch continues to have a tangible impact on our business today, and I eagerly look forward to attending again and again," said Mr Antony Tolfts, CEO of Blu Horseshoe, who attended the Spark Plus Mining Day Lunch in September 2022. For a limited time only, Spark Plus is offering an exclusive discount of 40% off the registration fee for the first 20 registrations. Use the code "SGMC23" to secure your discounted spot. Spaces are filling up quickly, so do not miss this opportunity. Register at tinyurl.com/singaporeminingday23. If you are an SMC member or belong to the category of ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices, brokers or institutions and are interested in attending, please contact Jack at jack@sparkplus.org. Spark Plus eagerly anticipates the interest and presence of esteemed participants at the event. About Spark Plus Spark Plus is a leading corporate advisory and investor relations firm based in Singapore, focusing on Australasia. The firm provides transaction advice, such as Pre-IPO, IPOs, and secondary capital raisings, while delivering reliable and expert corporate advice. Since 2017, our team of small-cap investment professionals has effectively engaged and collaborated with over 300 listed and unlisted companies across various industries, including mining, biotech, healthcare, technology, software, general industrial, and financial services. Media Contact Jack ZhangHead of Investor RelationsSpark Plus Pte Ltd jack@sparkplus.org

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 488 加入收藏 :
Flexibly Manage Idle US Dollars and Enjoy Asset Appreciation: Bosera International Launches "Bosera USD Money Market ETF"( 9196.HK)

HONG KONG, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Bosera Asset Management (International) Co., Limited ("Bosera International") is delighted to announce that the Bosera USD Money Market ETF ("the ETF") has been listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ("HKEX") on 27 July, 2023 and the Stock Code is 9196 (USD counter), 3196 (HKD counter) and 83196 (RMB counter). Easily accessible through primary market share creation and secondary market transactions, the ETF can serve as a high-security and flexible cash management tool for both institutional and retail investors. Convenient Transaction and Idle Cash ProfitBosera USD Money Market ETF provides listed shares and unlisted shares. Listed shares can be purchased and redeemed through participating dealers, or directly traded on the market with high convenience. As one of the largest fixed income teams in Hong Kong, Bosera International is able to benefit from economies of sales with its extensive counterparty resources and strong bargaining power. Investors can enjoy a relatively stable income based on safety and liquidity. Different from US dollar deposits, the ETF can be traded at any time of each trading day without any lock-up period, which is comparable to the liquidity of demand deposits, and the return rate of the ETF is much higher than the interest rate of demand deposits. The global market has been volatile and investors' demand for defensive assets has increased significantly. The ETF provides relatively stable returns by mainly investing in a portfolio of USD-denominated high-quality short-term deposits and money market instruments, providing investors with the flexibility to manage idle funds while waiting for the opportunity to reenter the capital market. Capture the Global High Interest Rate Opportunity and Realize Asset AppreciationThe Federal Reserve has raised interest rates 10 times in a row since it started the current rate hike cycle in March last year, with a total of 500 basis points of interest rate hikes. At the same time, the core inflation in the United States is relatively sticky, and Fed officials still emphasize the hawkish stance of raising interest rates twice. Under the circumstance of high interest rate, risk assets continue to fluctuate and the ETF can offer profitability, safety and liquidity. Bosera USD Money Market ETF is an essential part of Bosera Liquidity Management Solutions. In 2022, Bosera International foresaw that the Federal Reserve will bring about longer-lasting and more aggressive interest rate hikes, and launched the flagship cash management product, Bosera USD Money Market Fund. Since its launch, it has been leading the market for a long time in terms of performance, daily income generation and the fastest T+0 redemption efficiency. Next, Bosera International launched Bosera HKD Money Market ETF, Bosera RMB Money Market ETF, and Bosera USD Money Market ETF, forming a comprehensive money market ETF product line that meets the dual needs for liquidity and profitability of investors holding US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, and RMB in a relatively volatile market environment. About Bosera InternationalBosera Asset Management (International) Co., Limited ("Bosera International") is a subsidiary of Bosera Asset Management Co., Limited ("Bosera") and China Merchants Fund Management Co., Ltd. ("China Merchants Fund"). Both Bosera and China Merchants Fund are the leading asset management institutions in Mainland China. Established on March 4, 2010, Bosera International is one of the first Chinese-based fund companies to launch an asset management business in Hong Kong. Since its establishment, Bosera International has grasped the opportunity of global asset allocation, adhered to the concept of value investment, formed a comprehensive product line with primarily focusing on stable fixed-income investment and covering active equity and passive index, and actively established partnerships with other international companies, to provide global investors with two-way and cross-border asset management services. Bosera International serves customers in major financial markets such as the United States, Europe, South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong. With 13 years of deep cultivation in Hong Kong, Bosera International has become one of the largest Chinese asset management companies in Hong Kong. Disclaimer Investment involves risk. Past performance of the fund is not indicative of future performance. Investors should not make investment decisions solely on the basis of the information contained in this material, but should refer to the Explanatory Memorandum and the Key Facts Statement of the Sub-Fund for further details, including the product features and risk factors before making any investment decisions. The investment value may also be affected by exchange rates. Investors should seek professional advice. Bosera USD Money Market ETF (the "Sub-Fund") is a sub-fund of the Bosera Global Exchange Traded Funds Series Open-ended Fund Company ("Company"), which is a public umbrella open-ended fund company established under Hong Kong law with variable capital with limited liability and segregated liability between sub-funds. The Company has been registered with the Securities & Futures Commission ("SFC") as an OFC and the Company and the Sub-Fund have been authorized by the SFC pursuant to section 104 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance. The SFC's registration or authorization is not a recommendation or endorsement of the Company nor the Sub-Fund nor does it guarantee the commercial merits of the Company or the Sub-Fund or its performance. It does not mean the Company or the Sub-Fund is suitable for all investors nor is it an endorsement of its suitability for any particular investor or class of investors. Investors should be aware that investment in any Sub-Fund is subject to normal market fluctuations and other risks inherent in the underlying assets into which the Sub-Fund may invest. There can be no assurance that any appreciation in value of investments will occur. There is no assurance that the investment objectives of a Sub-Fund will actually be achieved, notwithstanding the efforts of the Manager since changes in political, financial, economic, social and/or legal conditions are not within the control of the Manager. Accordingly, there is a risk that investors may not recoup the original amount invested in a Sub-Fund or may lose a substantial part or all of their initial investment. This information has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Publisher: Bosera International. Without the consent of Bosera International, you may not copy, distribute or reproduce any material or any part of this document.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 559 加入收藏 :
Saasyan Unveils Image Object Detection AI Targeting Threats of Violence In K-12 Schools

SYDNEY, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Saasyan, a leader in AI-powered online student safety, has today launched Image Object Detection AI, a new AI model embedded in their cloud-based, online student safety solution, Saasyan Assure, that identifies and alerts when weapons are found in images across Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. "With instances of threats of violence, extremism and radicalisation increasing in prevalence across the globe, Image Object Detection AI will significantly improve a school's ability to detect, intervene, and address threats to staff and student safety" said Sidney Minassian, CEO of Saasyan. Capable of identifying more than 4,000 different types of weapons, Image Object Detection AI inspects images uploaded to a student's school online drive, in addition to those exchanged via school email or chat accounts. Saasyan also announced that it has expanded its natural language processing models (NLP), a vital part of how language-based alerts are generated in Saasyan Assure, to now include detection of threats of violence, extremism and radicalisation. These NLP models are applied to students' web searches, chats, emails, drive content and even video titles to generate alerts beyond direct matches with Assure's local 'words & phrases' dictionary. If a student performs a search for something like 'where to buy a gun' or 'best place to hide a knife', schools can now receive an alert regardless of if the trigger terms are found in the local dictionary. With the addition of the new Image Object Detection AI and NLP models, as well as the recently announced Safe Image AI for detecting images containing sexual content and AI-Powered Online Grooming alerts for detecting inappropriate online conversations between adults and children, Saasyan is enabling K-12 schools to perform their duty of care, proactively manage risk and be able to intervene against cyberbullying, self-harm, suicide, threats of violence, online grooming and image-based abuse. About Saasyan Saasyan is a leader in AI-Powered Online Student Safety. With the mass adoption of technology in the classroom and with remote learning, the online safety of students is top of mind for parents, is a high priority for school leaders and is a non-trivial problem for school IT teams. Saasyan helps schools ensure the online safety of their students with flexible web filter controls for K-12 classrooms, advanced alerting of cyberbullying and self-harm, and comprehensive reporting of student online activities. Integrating with the world's leading identity, cybersecurity and collaboration platforms already used by schools, Saasyan's all-cloud solution is quick to set up and delivers immediate value. Today Saasyan serves over 400,000 students across 700 government and non-government schools. Our mission has just begun. Learn more at Saasyan.com Media EnquiresMeg Hockeypress@saasyan.com+61 2 8001 6632

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1344 加入收藏 :

依嘉®是公司在中國上市的第一款產品,標誌著其已成功轉型成為一家商業化階段的生物製藥公司 上海2023年7月27日 /美通社/ -- 雲頂新耀(HKEX 1952.HK)是一家專注於創新藥和疫苗開發、製造、商業化的生物製藥公司,今日宣佈創新型強效抗菌藥物依嘉®(依拉環素)成功在中國商業化上市,並於復旦大學附屬華山醫院開出首張處方,開啟國內多重耐藥感染治療的新篇章。這是雲頂新耀在中國上市的第一款產品,標誌著其已轉型成為一家商業化階段的生物製藥公司。 依嘉® 是全球首個氟環素類抗菌藥物,用於治療包括臨床常見多重耐藥菌在內的革蘭陰性菌、革蘭陽性菌、厭氧菌等所引起的感染。該藥於2023年3月獲得中國國家藥品監督管理局(NMPA)的批准,用於治療成人複雜性腹腔內感染(cIAI),並憑借其抗菌譜廣、抗菌活性強、臨床療效確切、安全性好等優點獲得國內外多個治療指南/共識的推薦。在中國,成人複雜性腹腔內感染仍然是臨床主要的細菌感染性疾病,而碳青霉烯類耐藥革蘭陰性菌面臨十分有限的治療藥物選擇,臨床亟需新型強效抗菌藥物解決"無藥可用"的耐藥感染困境,以挽救危重患者的生命。 自2020年以來,依嘉®已被美國傳染病學會(IDSA)和歐洲臨床微生物學和傳染病學會(ESCMID)發佈的多個全球治療指南推薦為包括碳青霉烯類耐藥在內的多重耐藥性革蘭陰性菌感染的治療方案。同時,該藥也被納入由中華醫學會外科學分會、中國研究型醫院學會感染性疾病循證與轉化專業委員會和中華外科雜誌編輯部聯合發佈的《外科常見腹腔感染多學科診治專家共識》。2023年2月被《碳青霉烯耐藥革蘭陰性菌診治和防控指南》納入並推薦。 雲頂新耀首席執行官羅永慶表示:「2023年是雲頂新耀轉型升級、價值增長的關鍵之年,依嘉®在中國成功商業化上市是公司一個十分重要的里程碑,標誌著其已轉型成為一家商業化階段的生物製藥公司,在此我感謝所有幫助依嘉®進入國內臨床應用的科學家、醫生和同仁們。依嘉®上市後,我們將通過高效的商業化團隊讓患者早日獲益。我們的目標是『以最快的速度、最高效的投入,惠及最多的患者』。同時,公司還將繼續推進耐賦康等其他疾病首創或同類最佳候選藥物的上市批准和商業化,以進一步滿足中國和其他亞洲地區尚未滿足的醫療需求。 」 復旦大學附屬中山醫院重症醫學科帶頭人、主任醫師諸杜明表示:「依拉環素抗菌譜廣,抗菌活性強,對臨床常見和重要的多重耐藥菌如產ESBLs菌、CRE、CRAB、MRSA和VRE等具有強大的抗菌活性,組織濃度高且協同無拮抗,已經被國內外權威指南一致推薦用於MDR革蘭陰性菌感染的治療,依拉環素中國上市將助力醫生解決臨床耐藥困境! 」 蘇州大學附屬第一醫院主任醫師、博士生導師孫愛寧表示:「惡性血液病患者因放化療、造血干細胞移植而導致的粒缺伴發熱發生率高,MDR/CRO重症感染死亡率高,疾病負擔沉重,抗感染治療對於粒缺伴發熱患者至關重要。依拉環素作為全球首個氟環素類抗菌藥,已獲得II/III期臨床研究和全球多個真實世界研究證實臨床療效好,安全性高,是MDR/CRO感染治療新的選擇!」 除依嘉®外,雲頂新耀未來兩年內還有望在中國推出三款創新藥物,包括用於治療成人原發性IgA腎病的全球首個對因治療藥物耐賦康,其預計將於今年下半年在中國獲批。在感染性疾病領域,公司正在積極開發其他重要的候選藥物,以滿足國內對創新型抗菌藥物的迫切需求,公司計劃今年在中國提交頭孢吡肟/他尼硼巴坦用於治療複雜性尿路感染的新藥上市申請。在自身免疫領域,etrasimod(伊曲莫德)是一款新一代的口服S1P調節劑,三期臨床試驗的結果表明其具有出色的療效與安全性,雲頂新耀擁有在大中華區和韓國的權益,爭取盡早提交其新藥上市許可申請。 關於依嘉 ®(依拉環素) 依嘉®(依拉環素)是全球首個氟環素類抗菌藥物,用於治療包括臨床常見多重耐藥菌在內的革蘭陰性菌、革蘭陽性菌、厭氧菌等所引起的感染。依拉環素是雲頂新耀從Tetraphase製藥公司(現為Innoviva, Inc.的全資子公司)授權引進。 2023年3月,中國國家藥品監督管理局批准依嘉®用於治療成人患者複雜性腹腔內感染的新藥上市許可申請。至此,依嘉®已在美國、歐盟、英國、新加坡、中國大陸和中國香港被批准用於治療複雜性腹腔內感染。依嘉®中國台灣地區治療複雜性腹腔內感染的新藥上市許可申請正在審理中,預計將於2023年內獲批。 關於雲頂新耀 雲頂新耀是一家專注於創新藥和疫苗開發、製造及商業化的生物製藥公司,致力於滿足亞洲市場尚未滿足的醫療需求。雲頂新耀的管理團隊在中國及全球領先製藥企業從事過高質量臨床開發、藥政事務、化學製造與控制(CMC)、業務發展和運營,擁有深厚的專長和豐富的經驗。雲頂新耀已打造多款有潛力成為全球同類首創或者同類最佳的藥物組合。公司的治療領域包括腎科疾病、感染性和傳染性疾病、自身免疫性疾病。有關更多信息,請訪問公司網站:www.everestmedicines.com。 前瞻性聲明:本新聞稿所發佈的信息中可能會包含某些前瞻性表述,乃基於本公司或管理層在做出表述時對公司業務運營情況及財務狀況的現有看法、相信、和現有預期,可能會使用「將 」、「預期 」、「預測 」、「期望 」、「打算 」、「計劃 」、「相信 」、「預估 」、「確信」及其他類似詞語進行表述。這些前瞻性表述並非對未來業績的保證,會受到風險、不確性及其他因素的影響,有些乃超出本公司的控制範圍,難以預計。因此,受我們的業務、競爭環境、政治、經濟、法律和社會情況的未來變化及發展等各種因素及假設的影響,實際結果可能會與前瞻性表述所含信息有較大差別。本公司及各附屬公司、各位董事、管理人員、顧問及代理未曾且概不承擔更新該稿件所載前瞻性表述以反映在本新聞稿發佈日後最新信息、未來項目或情形的任何義務,除非法律要求。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3903 加入收藏 :
Everest Medicines Announces Commercial Launch and First Prescription for XERAVA® in China

Everest transforms into a commercial-stage innovative biopharmaceutical company SHANGHAI, July 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Everest Medicines (HKEX 1952.HK, "Everest", or the "Company"), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development, manufacturing and commercialization of innovative medicines and vaccines, announced today XERAVA® (eravacycline) has been successfully launched in China with its first prescription issued at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University. The commercialization of XERAVA® in China marks Everest's transformation into a commercial-stage innovative biopharmaceutical company. XERAVA® (eravacycline) is the world's first fluorocycline antibiotic for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible gram positive, gram negative and anaerobic pathogens including multidrug resistant ("MDR") isolates. It was approved by the National Medical Products Administration ("NMPA") of China for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections ("cIAI") in adult patients in March 2023, and has been recommended by multiple treatment guidelines in China and globally, based on its broad bacterial spectrum coverage and high potency against multidrug-resistant bacterial infections. "The commercialization of XERAVA® in China is a significant milestone for Everest as a company, as this marks the beginning of Everest as a commercial-stage biopharma company. I want to thank everyone involved in bringing XERAVA® to a successful launch," said Rogers Yongqing Luo, Chief Executive Officer of Everest Medicines. "After the commercial launch, we will accelerate patient access to XERAVA® with a lean commercial team, following a highly efficient commercial strategy. The company will continue to advance the approval and commercialization of other first-in-class or best-in-class drug candidates such as Nefecon to further address urgent unmet needs in China and the rest of Asia." "Eravacycline has broad antibacterial spectrum and high potency against common clinical multi-drug resistant bacteria such as ESBL-producing bacteria, CRE, CRAB, MRSA and VRE," said Dr. Zhu Duming, leader and chief physician of the Critical Care Department at Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University. "It has been recommended by authoritative guidelines at home and abroad for the treatment of MDR Gram-negative bacterial infections. The launch of eravacycline in China will help doctors tackle the challenges of clinical drug resistance." "Patients with malignant hematological diseases have a high incidence of neutropenia and fever caused by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Antibacterial treatment is very important for patients with neutropenia and fever as MDR/Carbapenem-resistant Organism ("CRO") infections have high mortality rates," said Sun Aining, chief physician at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University. "As the world's first fluorocycline antibiotic, eravacycline has completed phase II/III clinical trials and multiple real-world studies around the world to demonstrate that it has good clinical efficacy and safety profiles. It is an innovative choice for the treatment of MDR/CRO infections." In addition to XERAVA®, Everest anticipates the launch of three additional innovative drugs in China over the next two years, including Nefecon, the first-in-disease treatment for adults with primary immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) and expected to be approved in China in the second half of this year. In the infectious disease space, Everest is actively developing other important drug candidates to meet the urgent demand for innovative antibacterial treatment. The company plans to file New Drug Application for cefepime-taniborbactam in China this year for complicated urinary tract infection. In immunology, etrasimod is a next-generation, oral selective sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) receptor modulator with a differentiated efficacy and safety profiles. The company aims to submit NDA in Everest territories as soon as possible. About XERAVA® (eravacycline) XERAVA® (eravacycline) is a novel, fully synthetic, fluorocycline intravenous antibiotic for the treatment of infections caused by susceptible gram-positive , gram-negative and anaerobic pathogens including those multidrug resistant ("MDR") isolates. XERAVA® is currently approved for the treatment of complicated intra-abdominal infections in the US, EU, GB, Singapore, mainland China, Hong Kong and the medicine is currently under review for cIAI in Taiwan region. XERAVA® was licensed from Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Innoviva, Inc. About Everest Medicines Everest Medicines is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercializing transformative pharmaceutical products and vaccines that address critical unmet medical needs for patients in Asian markets. The management team of Everest Medicines has deep expertise and an extensive track record from both leading global pharmaceutical companies and local Chinese pharmaceutical companies in high-quality discovery, clinical development, regulatory affairs, CMC, business development and operations. Everest Medicines has built a portfolio of potentially global first-in-class or best-in-class molecules in the company's core therapeutic areas of renal diseases, infectious diseases and autoimmune disorders. For more information, please visit its website at www.everestmedicines.com. Forward-Looking Statements:This news release may make statements that constitute forward-looking statements, including descriptions regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company or its officers with respect to the business operations and financial condition of the Company, which can be identified by terminology such as "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates," "confident" and similar statements. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, or other factors, some of which are beyond the control of the Company and are unforeseeable. Therefore, the actual results may differ from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors and assumptions, such as future changes and developments in our business, competitive environment, political, economic, legal and social conditions. The Company or any of its affiliates, directors, officers, advisors or representatives has no obligation and does not undertake to revise forward-looking statements to reflect new information, future events or circumstances after the date of this news release, except as required by law.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 865 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 24 日 (星期五) 農曆十二月廿五日
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