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SEG Solar Inaugurates Houston Module Plant and Rolls Out First Module

HOUSTON, Aug. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On August 8, 2024, SEG Solar (SEG), a leading U.S. photovoltaic manufacturer, held a grand opening ceremony for its new PV manufacturing base in Houston, Texas, marking a new chapter in SEG's commitment to U.S. domestic manufacturing. During the ceremony, the first 585W YUKON N series module rolled off the production line, establishing SEG as one of the first manufacturers to achieve module production in the United States. SEG Solar Inaugurates Houston Solar Module Manufacturing Plant The ceremony was attended by nearly 300 guests from government, associations, partners, and major media, including Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Bobby Lieb, Chase A. Silman from the Office of Congressman Morgan Luttrell, Lawrence Bell from the Office of Commissioner Tom Ramsey. SEG Founder and COO Jun Zhuge and CEO Jim Wood delivered keynote speeches. With a total investment of approximately $60 million and covering nearly 250,000 square feet, the production facility is now fully operational and specializes in producing the latest high-efficiency N-type solar modules, with an annual capacity of 2GW. The production lines are compatible with 182mm and 210mm N-type cells and are equipped with fully automated intelligent manufacturing systems, ensuring seamless integration of automation, information and intelligence. This technological collaboration not only guarantees high precision in the production process but also significantly enhances manufacturing efficiency. Additionally, the workshop will feature advanced ERP and MES systems for refined management and full traceability of incoming materials, ensuring reliable product quality. SEG anticipates establishing its global R&D center at the Houston PV manufacturing base before the end of 2024. The center will offer comprehensive testing services, including LID tests, Damp Heat tests, PID tests, and Light and LeTID tests. These tests will ensure the reliability and performance of the modules under various environmental conditions, providing customers with higher quality and more competitive products. "As a leading U.S. solar company, SEG is proud to be among the first to respond to the call for domestic manufacturing by constructing a solar module factory in the U.S. The completion of the Houston plant marks a significant milestone for SEG and a major advancement in U.S. module manufacturing technology," said Jim Wood, CEO of SEG in his keynote speech. "Looking ahead, SEG will continue to deepen its investments in wafers, cells, and modules, closely tracking market trends to meet our customers' needs. Through strategic collaborations across the supply chain, we aim to continuously optimize and enhance the U.S. PV manufacturing industry." About SEG Solar Founded in 2016, SEG is a leading vertically integrated PV manufacturer headquartered in Houston, Texas, U.S., and is dedicated to delivering reliable and cost-effective solar modules to the utility, commercial, and residential markets. By the end of 2023, SEG has shipped over 5 GW of solar modules worldwide. The company is expected to exceed a production capacity of 5.5 GW by the end of 2024. Media Contact: info@segsolar.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1263 加入收藏 :
Fun88 India 慶祝成立 4 週年,贈送 4,000 萬印度盧比現金大獎

印度海德拉巴2024年8月10日 /美通社/ -- 領先的在線遊戲和投注平台 Fun88 欣然過激動人心的促銷活動慶祝成立四周年,推出驚心動魄的促銷活動,讓玩家有機會贏取 4,000 萬印度盧比 (₹) 的現金。 Fun88 India Celebrates 4th Anniversary with ₹4 Crore Cash Giveaway 為慶祝這一里程碑,Fun88 邀請所有玩家連續四天參加以下四個類別的任何遊戲-體育博彩、交易所、即時遊戲、現場賭場、老虎機、虛擬體育或電視遊戲,連續四天贏得總值 4,000 萬印度盧比的現金。 此促銷活動根據參與度,為玩家提供可觀的現金獎金,有效期至 8 月 31 日。前 100 名參加者每人將有機會贏得高達 100,000 盧比 (1 Lakh) 的高額獎金,其他玩家則可贏得 50,000 盧比至100 盧比之間的獎金。這可確保許多參與者都能獲得廣泛的獎勵。請查看 Fun88 推廣頁面以了解完整詳情。 Fun88 的老虎機遊戲提供各種主題和功能特色,從經典的玩家至愛到創新版本,提供令人興奮的體驗。這些老虎機為玩家提供了贏大錢的機會和刺激遊戲,讓玩家全情投入,樂在其中。此外,Fun88 的即時遊戲,包括 Aviator 和 Mines 等熱門選項,提供節奏緊湊的動作和即時獎勵。 即時賭場透過即時互動和專業荷官為玩家帶來真實的賭場體驗,其中包括 Crazy Time 和 Lightning Roulette 等流行遊戲,提供身臨其境的體驗。與此同時,Fun88 的體育博彩就各種體育賽事提供全面投注選項,確保為運動愛好者提供動態、引人入勝的體驗。 Fun88 致力於透過先進的安全措施和簡單的存款提款方式,提供安全愉快的遊戲體驗,讓玩家可以專注於遊戲的快感而無後顧之憂。玩家可以透過 Fun88 應用程式,隨時隨地無縫接達各種遊戲和推廣活動。 Fun88 四周年慶祝活動,萬勿錯過。齊來參與、贏得真實現金獎品,並享受一流的遊戲體驗。 簡介: Fun88 是網上遊戲世界的翹楚,提供一流的遊戲體驗,專注於創新和玩家滿意度。身為遊戲玩家的不二之選,Fun88 提供精彩和可靠的服務。Fun88 具有廣泛的遊戲和功能特色,確保人人都能享受動態且愉快的遊戲體驗。 聯絡方法: 電郵:marketing@fun88india.com Fun88: https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88Instagram:https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88indofficial-isTelegram:https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88indofficial-tgTwitter:https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88indofficial-twYouTube:https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88indofficial-ytFacebook:https://link.fun88-india.com/fun88indofficial-fb  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1563 加入收藏 :

雲川和鑫寶的新居「熊貓嶺」, 在中美兩國政要出席慶祝活動後開幕  聖地牙哥2024年8月10日 /美通社/ -- 21 年以來首次再有大熊貓踏足美國。隨著人們期待已久的熊貓新居「熊貓嶺」舉行開幕典禮後,雲川和鑫寶今天在聖地牙哥動物園首次公開亮相。 From left to right: Ceremony attendee, Toni G. Atkins, California state senator; Gavin Newsom, governor of California; His Excellency Xie Feng, Chinese ambassador to the United States; Paul Baribault, president and CEO of San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance; Si Ping, deputy secretary general of China Wildlife Conservation Association; and Todd Gloria, mayor of San Diego at Panda Ridge ribbon ceremony at San Diego Zoo. 儀式有加州州長 Gavin Newsom、中國駐美國大使謝鋒先生、加州參議員 Toni G. Atkins、中國野生動物保護協會副秘書長司平、聖地牙哥市長 Todd Gloria 以及其他中美政要和公民領袖出席。活動包括一項特別節目:中國音樂及藝術表演,以及由美國藝術家 Shepard Fairey 特別為了這個盛會而創作的原創作品。 聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟的主席兼行政總裁 Paul Bariboult 表示:「我們很高興向世界介紹雲川和鑫寶。遊客會有機會探訪這兩隻了不起的大熊貓,明白他們的重要性,了解我們怎樣與中國可靠的合作夥伴一起保育他們,遊客也可以與我們攜手保護大熊貓的未來。」 中國駐美國大使謝鋒表示:「去年 11 月,習近平主席在三藩巿宣布,中國已經準備好與美國繼續合作保育大熊貓。雲川和鑫寶在我們慶祝兩國建立外交關係 45 周年之際抵達聖地牙哥,傳達了一個明確而重要的信息:中美在大熊貓保育方面的合作不會停止,我們人民的交流和地區合作也不會停止,中美友誼的大門一旦打開,便不會關上。」 加州州長 Gavin Newsom 表示:「加州很榮幸能夠迎接這對國寶來到聖地牙哥動物園,這反映了我們與中國在由氣候行動到經濟發展等一系列問題上的合作都奠定了堅實的基礎。與各國的合作夥伴攜手保育這種具標誌性的野生動物物種,令我們可以在保育和文化交流方面實現美好的成果,造福我們的社區和整個地球。」 雲川是五歲的雄性大熊貓,他的特徵是有長而略尖的鼻子。他的母親珍珍於 2007 年在聖地牙哥動物園出生。鑫寶是四歲的雌性大熊貓,她那張大圓臉和那雙毛茸茸的大耳朵最容易讓人認出。 自 6 月下旬抵埗以後,這對大熊貓一直在適應重新設計的「熊貓嶺」這個新家園。經翻新和擴充後,「熊貓嶺」比以前的大熊貓棲息地大四倍,它的設計靈感來自中國四川、甘肅和陝西省一帶的大熊貓原生棲息地那些令人嘆為觀止、鬱鬱䓤䓤的景觀。 加州藝術家 Shepard Fairey 創作了一幅原創肖像畫,紀念大熊貓來到聖地牙哥這件盛事,畫作在這活動中亮相。他最為人熟悉的是在 2008 年為前總統 Barack Obama 製作了標誌性的競選海報「希望」這張肖像題為「橫跨全球的友誼」,描繪了在聖地牙哥動物園居住了超過 20 年,深受喜愛的大熊貓白雲,並在圖形、地球和竹以及花朵等圖案旁邊加上「雄偉」、「尊重」和「保育」等詞語。白雲被選中來歡慶她對大熊貓保育的重要性,並作為連結到下一代的橋樑。 今年是聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟與中國野生動物保護協會開展保育合作關係的 30 週年紀念。這項合作大大推進了對大熊貓的保育工作,促成國際自然保護聯盟在 2016 年將大熊貓的級別從瀕危降低到脆弱。這些工作包括研發大熊貓配方奶粉和其他新生兒保育技術,將受保育的幼小熊貓的存活率由不足 10% 大幅提高至 90% 以上,加上先進的生殖技術,以及由中國科學家領導,利用 GPS 技術追蹤佛坪國家級自然保護區野生大熊貓的努力所作出的寶貴貢獻。這些持續的合作旨在進一步改進大熊貓群體的健康和復原力,特別是最脆弱和孤立的群體。 從今天開始,有三種方法可以在聖地牙哥動物園親身體驗大熊貓。遊客可以在抵達動物園時得到免費的限時大熊貓門票,毋須輪候,便可以到「熊貓嶺」的後備隊排隊;也可以預訂,單獨與大熊貓展開清晨漫步。漫步之旅目前正接受提前預訂。有關雲川和鑫寶的更多消息,以及如何體驗他們,請瀏覽 sdzwa.org/giantpandas。 聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟感謝捐贈者持續的支持,特別是 Kenneth C. Griffin 和 Peng Zhao。我們感謝他們率先捐贈,激發其他人加入支持聖地牙哥和全球各地的熊貓保育工作。為了表揚他們的捐獻,我們很高興以他們來命名「熊貓嶺」內的一個棲息地。 關於聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟 聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟是一個非牟利保育領導組織,激發人們對自然的熱情,令大家願意合作創造更健康的世界。聯盟通過全球合作支持創新的保育科學。透過野生動物護理、科學專業知識以及合作,超過 44 種瀕危物種已經被重新引入原生棲息地。每年,聯盟接觸到超過 10 億人,有些人親身到聖地牙哥動物園和聖地牙哥野生動物園,另一些則透過媒體頻道在 150 個國家/地區虛擬地接觸動物園,當中也包括聖地牙哥動物園野生動物探險者電視節目在 14 個國家/地區的兒童醫院播放。野生動物聯盟 (成員、捐助者和嘉賓) 讓成功變得可能。 新聞發佈室:sdzwa.org/PR/pandas-public-debut 連結包括:  聖地牙哥動物園雲川和鑫寶的幕後花絮 雲川和鑫寶在聖地牙哥動物園的照片 聖地牙哥動物園熊貓嶺的幕後花絮 聖地牙哥動物園拉絲帶儀式的視頻 聖地牙哥動物園拉絲帶儀式的照片 講者的照片,包括聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟主席兼行政總裁 Paul Baribault、加州州長 Gavin Newsom、中國駐美國大使謝鋒、加州參議員 Toni G. Atkins、中國野生動物保護協會副秘書長司平、聖地牙哥市長 Todd Gloria 允許使用:圖像和視頻僅提供給媒體,在專業新聞、非商業及非贊助的情況下,在與報紙、雜誌、廣播媒體(電台、電視)或互聯網媒體(啟用廣告的部落格、網路廣播、網路研討會、播客)相關的環境中複製、公開展示或分發。影像和視頻不得供公開或商業下載、授權或銷售。 附加限制:媒體承認並同意,媒體無權轉授任何影像及/或視頻的使用權,除非事先得到聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟以書面明確同意,並且聯盟是每次自行作出決定。 需要列明出處和標題:所有影像和/或視頻的使用都必須附有版權聲明和/或相關攝影師的資料,依照影像的元資料所示,並且必須附有提及聖地牙哥動物園和/或聖地牙哥野生動物園的標題。任何對影像和/或視頻的使用,如果沒有適當的版權通告、攝影師資料和/或提及聖地牙哥動物園、聖地牙哥野生動物園和/或聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟的標題,都需要付費取得許可。 允許美聯社使用:聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟僅針對美聯社(「AP」),特別為美聯社提供了一或多張照片和/或視頻,供美聯社僅為了編輯出版而發佈給其訂閱者和客戶。聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟是提供給美聯社的照片和/或視頻的唯一版權擁有者,以供美聯社及其訂閱者和客戶在現時已知或以後創建的所有媒體上發佈。該內容真實而準確地傳達了其描繪的內容,除了標準裁剪和調色外,沒有經修改或增強。  聯絡方式: 聖地牙哥動物園野生動物聯盟  公共關係  619-685-3291  publicrelations@sdzwa.org  sdzwa.org   

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1487 加入收藏 :
HTX Ventures投資Nexio以增強比特幣生態系統

新加坡2024年8月10日 /美通社/ -- 加密貨幣交易所HTX的全球投資部門HTX Ventures宣布對Nexio進行戰略投資。Nexio是一種利用並行化ZK rollup技術的創新MoveVM比特幣擴展解決方案。 由MoveVM驅動,Nexio的並行化比特幣rollup支持每秒超過30,000筆交易,同時將gas費保持在$0.01以下,使其成為高頻應用的理想選擇。這項技術解決了比特幣生態系統中的關鍵問題,包括交易速度慢、gas費高以及工具不足,這些問題一直阻礙著大規模采用。 Nexio最近在Lattice Fund的牽頭下完成了220萬美元的Pre-seed融資,HTX Ventures也參與其中,旨在徹底改變比特幣的擴展性和可用性。這筆資金將使Nexio能夠加速其並行化比特幣rollup技術的發展和采用。在擁有豐富比特幣zkVM rollup開發經驗的聯合創始人的領導下,Nexio正在制定區塊鏈技術的新標准。 Nexio的技術結合了zk-Rollup、多方計算(MPC)門限簽名方案和Fractal解釋器,在速度、安全性和互操作性方面設立了新的標桿。通過利用MPC門限簽名,Nexio防止了單點故障,提供了比傳統多簽方法更安全的去中心化交易驗證。 HTX Ventures管理合伙人Edward表示:「比特幣的擴展解決方案旨在增強比特幣的功能,並彌合不同區塊鏈生態系統之間的差距。Nexio無縫集成了Move、Cosmos和任何EVM兼容生態系統中的應用程序和流動性進入比特幣。Nexio還提供極具競爭力的低gas費,同時提供高TPS基礎設施。HTX Ventures非常高興支持Nexio,在比特幣生態系統中開啟創新和采用的新紀元,促進復雜的DeFi應用、游戲平台、NFT市場和基礎設施項目在其平台上的發展。」 Nexio聯合創始人Charlie Gordon表示:「Nexio的願景是通過提供可擴展、安全且成本效益高的基礎設施,釋放比特幣的全部潛力。」通過與Movement Labs的合作,Nexio構建了一個框架,將高吞吐量模塊化Move虛擬機的水平互操作性與垂直組合性相結合。此集成使開發者能夠使用Aptos Move、Sui Move和Solidity進行開發,確保強大的跨鏈功能和資產在平台間的無縫移動。 Nexio計劃在接下來的6-12個月內實現多個關鍵裡程碑,包括推出無許可測試網和隨後的主網解決方案。這些進展將標志著通過提高可擴展性、安全性和互操作性,革命性地改善比特幣生態系統的重要措施。 關於Nexio Nexio 通過並行化比特幣rollup徹底改變比特幣的擴展性。團隊正在構建一套產品和服務,使開發人員能夠利用比特幣的力量進行復雜的DeFi應用、游戲平台、NFT市場和基礎設施項目,而不犧牲安全性或效率。Nexio的技術支持每秒超過30, 000筆交易,並且gas費用極低,非常適合高頻應用。在擁有豐富比特幣zkVM rollup開發經驗的聯合創始人的領導下,Nexio正在制定區塊鏈技術的新標准。 更多詳情,請關注X @buildnexio和Discord 關於HTX Ventures HTX Ventures是HTX的全球投資部門,集投資、孵化和研究於一體,識別全球最優秀和最聰明的團隊。作為行業先驅,HTX Ventures 擁有超過10年的區塊鏈建設經驗,擅長識別該領域內的前沿技術和新興商業模式。為了在區塊鏈生態系統內推動增長,我們為項目提供全面支持,包括融資、資源和戰略建議。 HTX Ventures目前支持超過300個項目,涵蓋多個區塊鏈領域,部分高質量項目已經在火幣HTX交易。此外,作為最活躍的FOF基金之一,HTX Ventures投資於全球30家頂級基金,並與 Polychain、Dragonfly、Bankless、Gitcoin、Figment、Nomad、Animoca和Hack VC等全球頂級區塊鏈基金合作,共同打造區塊鏈生態系統。點擊此處訪問我們。 生態系統的成長,我們為項目提供全面支持,包括融資、資源和戰略建議。 如需了解更多信息或進行投資和合作,請聯系:VC@htx-inc.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1506 加入收藏 :
GenScript Biotech Reports First Half 2024 Results

Strong Revenue Growth and Strategic Advances Across Key Segments, Enhances Commitment to ESG and Sustainable Development  Impressive Financial Growth: The group reported a 43.5% increase in revenue, driven by a 156% boost in cell therapy revenue and a 75.4% rise in gross profit, showcasing strong performance across key segments. Focused on Innovation and Efficiency: Investing heavily in R&D and market expansion, aiming to drive sustainable growth, enhance global presence, and continue its leadership in technology and ESG practices. Strong ESG Commitment: Joined the UNGC and ranked in the top 35% in EcoVadis' sustainability ratings. It's also committed to science-based climate targets and holds international certifications for environmental and data security management. PISCATAWAY, N.J., Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GenScript Biotech Corporation (HKEX: 1548.HK), a leading global technology and service provider of life science R&D and manufacture, today reported its first half 2024 financial results for the six months ended June 30, showcasing impressive revenue growth, significant improvements in gross profit, and strategic advances across its business segments. GenScript is also deepening its commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, marking a significant step towards sustainable development. Sherry Shao, GenScript's rotating CEO, said, "In the first half of 2024, the Group showcased strong market adaptability and growth potential. With a diversified business strategy, exceptional innovation, and efficient operations, GenScript not only maintained solid profitability in the life sciences sector but also saw promising growth in cell therapy product sales. Our subsidiary, Bestzyme, has also outperformed the industry, thanks to years of hard work from the team. While the CDMO sector has been under pressure due to current investment challenges, we're starting to see signs of recovery. We're ready to accelerate our business in the second half of the year. GenScript will continue to strengthen its core competencies across all business lines and foster synergies across divisions to achieve shared growth with our global partners." Strong Financial Performance During the Reporting Period, GenScript generated revenue of approximately US$561.4 million, reflecting a robust 43.5% increase from US$391.3 million in the Prior Period. This growth was largely driven by the cell therapy segment, which saw a remarkable 156% increase, reaching approximately US$280.3 million compared to US$109.5 million previously. On the other hand, revenue from the non-cell therapy business was around US$281.1 million. Gross profit surged to approximately US$307 million, a 75.4% increase from US$175 million in the Prior Period. The cell therapy segment was a key contributor to this growth, with its gross profit soaring by 323.4% to approximately US$175.3 million. Improved Loss and Adjusted Net Loss GenScript's loss for the Reporting Period narrowed to approximately US$215.6 million, compared to US$245.8 million in the Prior Period. The adjusted net loss saw a significant improvement, decreasing to approximately US$69 million from US$162 million. For the non-cell therapy business, the adjusted net profit before eliminations was approximately US$29.2 million, a 13.1% decrease from US$33.6 million. Meanwhile, the adjusted net loss for the cell therapy business before eliminations narrowed to approximately US$98.3 million from US$195.7 million. Segment Highlights Life-Science Services and Products: Revenue in this segment grew by 9.6% to approximately US$222.4 million, driven by major upgrades in platforms and automation, especially in molecular biology, peptide, and protein technologies. Enhanced manufacturing efficiency in Singapore, Mainland China, and the U.S., along with strong commercial operations in the U.S. and Europe, fueled this growth. Adjusted gross profit increased by 8.5% to approximately US$119.9 million, maintaining a stable margin. Adjusted operating profit rose significantly by 23.8% to approximately US$47.8 million. Biologics Development Services: This segment saw a revenue decline of 37.9% to approximately US$40.4 million, impacted by reduced demand and increased competition. Adjusted gross profit fell by 69.7% to approximately US$5.9 million, with the adjusted gross profit margin decreasing to 14.7%. Adjusted operating loss widened to approximately US$18.9 million, driven by higher operating costs related to U.S. expansion and strategic investments. The Company plans to refine pricing strategies and enhance global market presence to address these challenges. Industrial Synthetic Biology Products: Revenue increased by 43.4% to approximately US$26.1 million, driven by a market rebound and growing demand in Mainland China and beyond. Adjusted gross profit rose by 52.8% to approximately US$11 million, with the adjusted gross profit margin improving to 42.2%. Adjusted operating profit improved to approximately US$2.3 million, reflecting higher capacity utilization and process improvements. Cell Therapy: Revenue from the cell therapy segment grew by 155.7% to approximately US$280.5 million. This growth was fueled by collaboration revenue from CARVYKTI sales under the Janssen Agreement and increased license revenue from agreements with Janssen and Novartis Pharma AG. The adjusted operating loss narrowed to approximately US$119.4 million from US$205.9 million. The Company invested approximately US$196.3 million in research and development, focusing on cilta-cel and solid tumor programs, and incurred approximately US$52.4 million in adjusted selling and distribution expenses and US$49.1 million in adjusted administrative expenses. Deepening ESG Commitment In addition to its financial achievements, GenScript is advancing its commitment to sustainability and ESG practices. This year, the Company officially joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), underscoring its commitment to adhere to ten sustainable development principles and drive more responsible, inclusive, and sustainable global business practices. The Group has also been recognized for its ESG performance, ranking in the top 35% in EcoVadis' sustainability assessments. This recognition highlights the Company's efforts in environmental protection, labor rights, supply chain management, fair operations, and the execution of sustainable development strategies. Further demonstrating its dedication, the Company has joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and submitted its Science-Based Targets Commitment, reflecting its proactive stance on global climate change and commitment to aligning with the Paris Agreement's temperature goals. In environmental management, GenScript is focused on optimizing its carbon footprint through international certifications such as ISO 14064, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001. These certifications enhance energy efficiency and cut greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the Company has earned ISO 27001 certification, ensuring top-notch data security and customer privacy protection. Looking Ahead GenScript remains focused on driving sustainable growth through strategic investments, operational efficiency, and innovation. The Group will continue to enhance its global market presence, optimize supply chain management, and leverage its cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional value to its stakeholders while advancing its ESG objectives.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1200 加入收藏 :
i2 increases investment in intelligence analysis software to strengthen agencies' pursuit of 'bad actors'

LONDON and NEW YORK, Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, i2 Group said increasing demand for its intelligence analytics software among NATO forces and intelligence and law enforcement agencies was driving the company's double-digit growth.   The global leader in visual data analysis today reported an annual 18% uptick in software license sales and 10% workforce growth as it launched a refreshed brand and new website to showcase its pioneering tech. The company said it was committed to supporting its customers and the wider market with continued investment in its products. Acquired by Constellation Software subsidiary Harris Group from IBM in 2022, the UK and US-based company has since grown its client list, updating its product portfolio to meet the ever-evolving risks landscape for national and international organizations tackling the world's 'bad actors'. Mission-critical tools such as the i2 Analyst's Notebook are now helping more agencies and governments to analyze complex datasets, 'join the dots' and make data-driven decisions to combat terrorism, serious crime, espionage, insurgency, human trafficking and much more. The World Economic Forum's 2024 Global Risks Report identified interstate violence, illicit economic activity, terrorist attacks and cyber insecurity as key risks. The backdrop is behind the high demand for increasingly sophisticated software that can uncover hidden connections in disparate data 'to stay two steps ahead', said i2. The company's refreshed brand and new website reflect its unstinting commitment to delivering innovative solutions to the many global threats we now face, said i2 Executive Vice-President Jamie Caffrey. Caffrey added: "We live in an increasingly volatile, uncertain and complicated world. Agencies need i2 solutions to make data-driven decisions about the biggest threats we now face. After a period of strong growth and development, we're confident in our ability to deliver exactly what agencies need." For more information about i2, visit https://i2group.com. About i2 i2 Group is the global leader in advanced visual analysis solutions, with a presence in more than 140 countries. Its innovations empower analysts and investigators to discover, create, and disseminate actionable intelligence to combat threats, such as serious crime, terrorism, war and fraud. These pioneering solutions are relied upon by thousands of organizations in global, international, national and local operations.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1406 加入收藏 :
2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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