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香港2024年8月5日 /美通社/ -- 未來的發展中,生成式人工智能(Generative AI)將繼續扮演著不可或缺的角色。當中針對數據和文字處理的大型語言模型 (LLM),預計會被廣泛應用於不同營運層面上。佳能香港一直致力為市場提供嶄新商業解決方案,並於香港JW萬豪酒店舉辦「THINK BIG – The Power of Future」活動,引領各業界人士探討科技重塑商業格局和發展趨勢的可能性。 佳能香港董事長及行政總裁尾澤一弘先生表示:「備受矚目的Generative AI正改變未來商業格局,並成為全球企業保持競爭優勢的關鍵。企業在佳能的引領下見證創新商業解決方案之多元化應用,使其能夠制定具前瞻性、成本效益和可持續性的商業策略,攜手邁向智能工作時代。」 佳能新加坡高級副總裁片桐紀宏先生表示:「有鑑於新加坡THINK BIG系列活動的成功,我們很高興將其引入香港並舉辦了『Think Big – The Power of Future』,彰顯佳能在亞洲推動創新的一貫承諾。致力幫助商業領袖善用AI力量,以自動化改善整體營運效率,實現未來各種企業戰略目標。」 以劃時代人工智能推進各行各業 加速文件撰寫及分析 人工智能近年於職場日益普及,透過簡化文件審查和草擬電郵等日常鎖事的流程,顯著提高工作效率。Antelope AI Genie融合最新的LLM和RAG技術,精準分析多語言文檔以即時進行文件比對及總結,助用家在瞬間輕鬆領略文件要點。與此同時,用家亦可透過自訂收件人角色,例如法律顧問、銷售經理或 IT 專家等,向 AI Genie 提供個人化指示,一鍵生成最貼切的專屬郵件。優秀的AI Genie以其無與倫比的分析和寫作能力,為企業簡化繁鎖的日常任務,從而加快步伐以領先行業。 邁向數碼化智能辦公室 為響應近年科技及環保趨勢,Antelope AI Capture以智能科技瞬間將各式各樣的紙本文件電子化,輕鬆實現無紙化的智能辦公室。AI Capture不僅可以精確識別手寫文字及多國語言,更無需預設文件版面,對比傳統掃描方案有着更簡易方便的技術設置,節省時間並維持高準確度。用家只需使用應用程式拍攝實體文件, AI Capture便能立即識別文字並提取所需資料,擷取重點資訊將其導入中央資料庫,所有資料都於電子空間內一覽無遺,成功向智能工作間邁出重要一步。 精簡餐飲及零售業採購流程 針對特定產業的解決方案對於提升績效至關重要。為餐飲及零售業度身訂製的InSnap & e-Procurement二合一解決方案,透過無縫連接多間分店及其總部,確保前線及後勤人員資訊暢順流通,減省工序及人為錯誤。前線員工只需用智能手機或平板電腦拍攝收據,InSnap會立即將數據與總部管理人員的採購訂單進行比較,自動核對每日收到的貨品種類及數量以防收送貨單出錯。而面對庫存不足,店長則可以透過e-Procurement馬上通知總部,以確保及時補充庫存。InSnap & e-Procurement為星羅棋布的分店和後台搭建橋樑,優化庫存訂購同時促進餐飲和零售業務週期,顯著提升其商務效益。 人工智能法律助理 現今人工智能在法律界亦佔一席之地,而當中全面的智能合約生命週期管理方案充分簡化律師從文件起草到續約安排的一系列工作流程。首先將數以百計的法律文件迅速歸納為要點,再按照相關的法律概念分門別類,以便律師審查文檔。當進入合約草擬階段,智能助手AI Genie亦能聰明地按照用戶僅僅幾句指示,撰寫切合各種場景的合約,然後無縫接軌最新的智能化文件管理系統 - Antelope 6以傳遞合約給客戶簽名,並適時發出續約提示。智能合約生命週期管理方案完美串連並促進整個合約週期,助分身不暇的法律人員提供一站式合約管理,名副其實為最佳人工智能法律助理。 以新世代科技自動化行政管理 行政管理是各個企業中不可或缺的部份,近年隨着RFID 和機器人技術在商界普及化,其應用對提升行政管理效益亦大有幫助。比如盤點存貨等枯燥耗時的例行工作,利用RFID企業資產管理系統 —— 將RFID 標籤貼到筆記型電腦、桌子和椅子等各類公司資產後,用每秒讀取次數超過1,300 次的手持式讀取裝置掃描物件,便能將記錄同步上傳至雲端平台及流動應用程式,繁複的盤點將在彈指之間完成。假如有大量庫存,智能盤點機械人亦能為你效勞,一次完成感應移動路徑範圍中所有貼有RFID 標籤物資,進一步加速盤點進度。佳能善用新世代RFID 和機器人技術,助企業真正實現自動化。 提升醫療服務質素 詳盡完備的醫療報告顯著加強醫護和病患之間的溝通。全新醫療報告輸出系統內置DICOM處理器,能讀取多種醫學掃描影像,並將檔案轉換為可供搜尋的元數據和高解像度JPG格式,讓你輕鬆以紙張打印出接近醫學影像膠片的品質,快速整合至個人化報告。為保障病人私隱,所有資料會存儲於可擴展的SQL數據庫內,只供授權人士迅速檢索、查閱和加入註解。各項檢查數據和圖像將按照預設範本排版及使用統一方式命名,自動匯出為PDF 文件並連接至佳能多功能文件處理系統(MFD)打印。 利用頂尖影像分析技術亦可以為病患提供更優化的護理。全方位的醫療安全監控系統能夠幫助醫護人員時刻關注關鍵患者的狀況,一但檢測到患者劇烈咳嗽或意外跌倒便立即通知職員以及時提供協助,進一步保護危重病患。為保障病人私穩,系統亦能以馬賽克或彩色遮蓋患者的影像。醫療安全監控系統無可比擬的視聽分析能力,助力醫療保健行業節省人力資源同時提高服務質素。 實務經驗分享和學術交流則是培育未來醫療保建行業人才的關鍵一環。為了無分國界地培訓新一代棟樑,隨身攝錄方案以全高清視訊捕捉實際治療環節中的每一個動作,並以卓越的降噪功能清晰地將講解傳到遙距教室之中。透過將治療過程完整流暢地呈現至遠端觀眾,醫學生們不論身居何處仍可通過隨身攝錄方案觀察並聆聽講解,而佳能攝控一體機CR-N系列具有卓越的低光性能,支援超卓畫質的單色視頻直播,適合作手術模擬和病例研究,令觀眾有如親臨其境地獲取實際經驗。 CR-N系列更配合高達30倍先進變焦鏡頭,是醫學論壇直播的最佳之選,有助促進跨國界的醫學交流和互動。 高科技門禁及訪客管理 四合一智慧型身分認證 融合創新技術的辦公室接待處是為公司塑造形象及保安的關鍵。當中,為企業大門把關的智能門禁系統使用高科技提供牢固保護以免受非法侵入,其多元的身份認證及溝通方式亦能給予尊貴的訪客良好印象。其模組化的讀卡器提供各式各樣的身份認證方式,包括藍牙、指紋、RFID和PIN。其中頂尖的藍牙技術甚至可以自動偵測用戶口袋或手提包中的智能手機以進行身份認證,使職員在匆忙或運送物資之際能免持通行。在智能手機盛行的時代,多元認證大大方便員工日常之餘,也為企業打造走在科技發展前端的優越形象。 流暢溝通以提升待客品質 訪客管理是接待處最為重要的環節,可以透過全方位溝通系統來提升質素。職員可以通過大門上網絡對講系統的內置鏡頭遙距查看訪客並流暢溝通,以5MP高清畫質進行實時視訊,給予訪客良好體驗。與此同時,內置鏡頭更可透過深度學習分析以識別可疑人員,同步進行智能監控以策安全。而為增加企業內部人手流動性,全方位溝通系統亦配置手機應用程式,接待員即使因事離開座位,或者兼任接待的同事分身不暇,都可以利用智能手機隨時隨地與訪客視訊並遠距離解鎖放行,不論時地都可以給予客人最及時的招待。無容置疑,全方位溝通系統透過行業領先的影音技術有效促進雙向溝通,使訪客體驗、監控品質以及員工生產力等多方面均更上一層樓。 以ESG概念為核心,打造智能辦公新時代 自2006年聯合國責任投資原則(UN PRI)報告首次提及環境、社會和治理(ESG)以來,ESG已成為評估企業營運狀況中不可忽視的指標。佳能示範了如何令嶄新科技與企業ESG方針相互配合,打造一個智能且具永續經營能力的工作場所。全新會議室預約方案不僅有效善用空間,優化資源配置,還結合物聯網(IoT)裝置以控制會議室設備。員工可通過流動應用程式隨時隨地預約辦公室設施,並以HID磁卡、二維碼或NFC感應技術作登入認證。IoT裝置 rTag使用戶能遠程控制會議室燈光、投影器和空調等設備,並於登出時自動關閉。方案更提供完整的設施使用率和耗電量報告,管理層能把數據應用於能源及ESG管理,繼而實現綠色及可持續的辦公環境。 一站式雲端人力資源管理系統 隨著企業經營者對人力資源(HR)部門的期望提高,HR部門的角色亦逐漸轉型,投放更多時間於配合企業策略並擬定人才招聘、培訓與發展等方案。人力資源管理系統(HRMS)自動化HR日常重複性任務,如出勤紀錄、報銷流程、薪酬管理等,同時確保嚴格遵守多國稅務和勞工法例。有效薪酬制度有助於正向績效管理,HRMS通過績效分析和統計報告功能,令HR部門和管理層能基於數據作出薪酬制度決策,從而提高員工士氣、滿意度和工作表現。 智能文件管理方案Therefore™推出電子假期(e-Leave)及超時工作管理方案,為中小企提供最大的靈活程度。系統配合人事政策彈性客制化計算方法。為協助人事部門加快各類相關申請或審批程序,方案無縫融入於企業內聯網及Microsoft Teams,瞬間連繫各部門,上司及人事部門接獲由系統自動發出的電郵提示後,可於網頁、手機應用程式及Microsoft Teams中一鍵批核申請。此外,系統智能統計累積時數和假期供員工查閱,而人事部門可於頁面進行資料篩選,並整齊匯出至試算表方便翻查紀錄和計算薪酬。 再無縫配合佳能文件掃描器,以每分鐘高達140頁的掃描速度數碼化文件的同時,Therefore™ OCR技術自動擷取資料,並按照預設的索引方式精準分類和命名。使員工可輕鬆通過全方位或全文搜索功能檢索指定文件,無疑助企業加快數碼化轉型,方便內部文件共享,簡化日常運作流程和文件管理。 輕鬆管理各類輸出 在這普及化的混合工作模式時代,安全性和成本效益同樣重要。佳能香港的雲端輸出管理方案uniFLOW Online 為企業創建了一個靈活的列印體驗,以滿足各規模企業的運營需求。其內置混合架構技術,靈活結合雲端和本地伺服器。用戶可在直接列印雲端上的文件及掃描至多個雲端平台。uniFLOW 將安全性放在首位,授權用家需在列印前使用以HID磁卡或人臉辨識驗證身份,而所有打印和掃描文件的傳輸過程均符合AES 256-bit 加密標準,以防止資料外洩。 於公共場所或共享辦公空間營運,管理設備使用情況變得尤其重要。PayLink為一套按需支付方案,靈活支援多種流動付款方式,包括八達通、支付寶香港(AlipayHK)和微信支付(WeChat Pay)。輕鬆實現24/7全自助打印概念,無需任何人力資源的輔助。此外,管理員可查看系統即時用量報告,實現預算控制與成本管理。 Tungsten Power PDF Advanced多功能文件編輯方案,其簡單易用特色助各個部門快捷處理日常文件相關任務,使員工能專注核心業務。除輕鬆建立、合併、轉換、編輯和分享達行業標準PDF文件等基本功能外,其OCR技術可把不可填寫的表格轉換成可填寫或搜尋的PDF表格,並自動創建書籤。通過與雲端系統無縫連接,可輕鬆共享文件,促進團隊協作和對外溝通。 MFD協助辦公室員工高效打印日常文件,而佳能大幅面打印機imagePROGRAF PRO系列憑藉其艷麗的色彩表現和質素,足以栩栩如生地還原出每位專業攝影師和設計師的想像力。系列搭配12色LUCIA PRO顏料墨水,重現照片上的深色區域細節、低雜訊及絕佳的光澤特性。同時增強抗光性和耐刮擦能力,大幅延長作品保存期限。先進的介質自動處理系統具備智能進紙功能和顯示卷紙剩餘量,簡化了用戶於印前準備及時間,讓創作者輕易打印無比細緻的品質和色彩。 1. 佳能香港董事長及行政總裁尾澤一弘先生以佳能香港的革命性創新科技歡迎行業領袖到訪,並鼓勵來賓以尖端科技占據市場先機。 2. 佳能新加坡高級副總裁片桐紀宏先生(右)和佳能香港董事長及行政總裁尾澤一弘先生(左),帶領來賓踏進自動驅進的未來。 3. 佳能香港商務影像方案及數碼印刷部高級總監及總經理陳志剛先生揭示如何應用生成式人工智能、大型語言模型、檢索增強生成等科技於不同行業。 4. 佳能香港一眾管理層(由左二)夏俊賢先生、朱建崑先生、許學文先生以及陳志剛先生一同感謝賓客堅定不移的支持並捉緊機遇以人工智能構建更完善的管理政策。 5. 「THINK BIG – The Power of Future」活動展示了一系列針對各行各業度身訂造的商業解決方案,以前瞻性的科技力量助企業創造具競爭力、節省開支且可持續的商業策略。 6. 佳能香港誠邀行業專家預覽未來科技,並揭露人工智能重塑市場格局的巨大潛能。 關於佳能香港有限公司 佳能總公司(TSE:7751 / NYSE:CAJ)於 1937 年於日本創立,其前身東京精機光學研究所於 1934 年 生產日本首部 35mm 焦平面快門相機 Kwanon。佳能總公司成立後,將業務推廣至打印機及影印機, 並先後於 1970 年推出日本首台影印機 NP-1100,及 1985 年推出全球第一部噴墨打印機 BJ-80。佳能在生產和研發光學影像產品方面累積了數十年豐富經驗,不斷帶領業界開發突破性產品,成為業內 擁有最多光學影像專利的科技公司,同時持續推動攝影文化,並作出卓越的貢獻。時至今日,佳能業務 遍佈全球,在影像產品、辦公產品以及工業產品等領域均佔有重要位置。截至 2023年 12 月 31 日, 佳能總公司的全球營業總額高達 294.4 億美元。 佳能香港有限公司(下稱「佳能香港」)於1971年成立,是佳能總公司在亞洲最早成立的海外辦事處。佳能香港為香港及澳門的客戶提供全方位影像方案,包括影像產品及方案的銷售、市場推廣及售後服務等,並於2018年成立全資子公司佳能商務科技(廣東)有限公司,為粵港澳大灣區企業提供全面智能化商業方案和專業服務。除銷售業務外,佳能香港致力實踐佳能的企業理念「共生」(Kyosei),積極推動及參與多項公益慈善及環保活動。此外,佳能香港實行國際公認的管理體系,獲得ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001及ISO 27001(佳能數碼製作中心)認證。 如欲查閱更多關於佳能香港的資訊,請瀏覽官方網站 https://hk.canon。
Sketch the future with an infinite spectrum of technology HONG KONG, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Navigating the era of omnipresent Generative AI, large-scale language models (LLMs) are becoming indispensable for multifaceted operations due to their expertise in data and textual processing. As a seasoned provider of cutting-edge business technologies, Canon Hong Kong hosted the "THINK BIG – The Power of Future" event at the JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, showcasing the revolutionary technological changes transforming the commercial landscape. "Generative AI will be the indispensable companions and pivotal catalyst for entrepreneurs worldwide to stay ahead of the curve," said Mr. Kazuhiro Ozawa, President and CEO of Canon Hong Kong. "Enterprises will witness the versatile applications of myriad tomorrow's solutions alongside Canon, enabling them to formulate competitive, cost-effective, and sustainable business strategies with the Power of Future." "'THINK BIG – The Power of Future' event in Hong Kong exemplifies Canon's unwavering commitment to fostering innovation across Asia," said Mr. Norihiro Katagiri, Senior Vice President of Canon Singapore. "Building on the success of THINK BIG series in Singapore, we are excited to introduce this event to Hong Kong. Our goal is to enable our customers and business leaders to fully harness the power of emerging AI technologies, thereby helping them to achieve their strategic objectives in a future increasingly influenced by intelligent automation. As we embark on this new era of work, we remain dedicated to playing a key role in the region's advancement towards an automation-driven workplace." Futuristic AI across All Industries Accelerated Analysis & Writing AI has been prevalent in enhancing overall workplace performance, particularly in speeding up daily office work, such as document review and email drafting. The most up-to-date Antelope AI Genie incorporates LLM and RAG technology, intelligently analyzes several multi-lingual documents to provide real-time comparisons and summaries, allowing users to easily comprehend the main points of numerous files. In addition, staff can draft business emails effortlessly by assigning roles - such as legal consultant, sales manager, or IT specialist, and giving personalized instructions to Genie, which then generates custom-written emails in seconds. The brilliant AI assistant can certainly be of tremendous help in all kinds of enterprises with its incomparable analysis and writing abilities. Pave Your Way to Digitalization Digitalization is another crucial step in building an automated and paperless workplace, which can be attained with the aid of the Antelope AI Capture Solution. Not only does it recognize both handwritten and multilingual text on paper documents, but it also does not require pre-set document layouts in advance. Users can simply take a snapshot of physical documents, and AI Capture will instantly recognize the text and extract the needed data. With the easy-to-use solution providing highly accurate capturing results, businesses can smoothly transit to a smart workplace without hassles. Hassle-free Ordering in the F&B and Retail Industry Industry-specific solutions are indispensable for effectively boosting the performance of different sectors. The 2-in-1 InSnap & e-Procurement Solution is an all-rounded solution specifically focused on the F&B industry and retail industry and aims to facilitate the entire ordering process by seamlessly connecting restaurants with their headquarters. Frontline staff in the restaurants can verify daily received deliveries simply by taking a picture of the receipts with a smartphone or tablet, from which InSnap automatically compares the data with purchase orders previously placed by admin staff in headquarters, effectively preventing wrong deliveries. When there is insufficient stock, store managers can instantly notify headquarters using the e-procurement function to ensure timely stock replenishment. The InSnap & e-Procurement Solution bridges the gap between scattered stores and the back office, facilitating smooth stock ordering and optimizing the F&B and retail business cycle. AI-empowered Legal Assistant In the legal sector, the comprehensive Contract Lifecycle Management Solution fully facilitates a lawyer's workflow from document drafting to scheduling contract renewals. It starts with summarizing piles of legal documents into key points and grouping them according to different legal concepts, helping lawyers to quickly review the documents. AI Genie is then exceptionally useful for composing contracts based on provided instructions. The completed contract can be seamlessly passed to the client for signature via Antelope 6, the all-in-one Document Management Solution, which can also send a personalized reminder for contract renewal to the lawyer. Contract lifecycle can be managed effortlessly with the smart AI by your side. Automated Administration with RFID & Robotics Administration is an essential necessity in each enterprise, and its efficiency can be significantly enhanced with the increasing adoption of RFID and robotics across industries. Stock-taking, for instance, can be transformed from a mundane and time-consuming task to a cinch completed in the blink of an eye with RFID Asset Management Solution. By sticking smart RFID tags to assets such as laptops, desks, and chairs, the assessment can be done simply with a handheld reader set providing 1,300+ reads per second, simultaneously recorded in both the centralized cloud portal and the comprehensive mobile app. In case there are massive stocks, the Stock-taking Robot is at your service to expedite the process, maximizing productivity. True automation can be attained with leading RFID and robotics technology. Elevate the Quality of Care To significantly enhance physician-patient communication, an informative medical report is indispensable. The newly launched Medical Reporting System, featuring an integrated DICOM Collector, accelerates the rapid creation of personalized reports and medical images at near-film quality. The system enables the conversion of DICOM files into searchable metadata and high-definition JPG images, securely stored in a scalable SQL database to ensure data integrity. Authorized personnel can swiftly retrieve and annotate files. The patient's data is hence automatically combined into a PDF medical report with a pre-built layout and standardized naming conventions, followed by high-quality printing with Canon's multifunction devices. Extra care can be provided to patients by leveraging top-notch imaging technology. With the all-rounded Healthcare Surveillance System cleverly detecting intense coughing or accidental falling, health professionals with be instantly notified to provide on-time support to the sick in critical conditions. The solution, on top of that, caringly addresses privacy concerns by providing mosaic or color cover on the captured. With excellent audio-visual analytics in nonpareil devices, healthcare services can be elevated to better care for those in need. Practical experience sharing and thought-provoking academic exchange are another key part of healthcare, to effectively train future health professionals. The Wearable Livestreaming Solution captures every movement in health treatment with Full-HD video quality while clearly delivering instructions to distant classrooms with superior noise reduction. The entire treatment process is transmitted seamlessly to remote audiences without hassles, enabling real-time practical skill transfer regardless of location. Canon's pioneering 4K PTZ camera, CR-N Series, with exceptional low-light performance, supports live streaming of high-definition monochrome videos in optimal visibility even in dimly lit environments, such as operating rooms, making it perfectly suitable for surgical simulation and case studies. The wide-angle cameras, equipped with up to 30x advanced zoom lens, play a crucial role in medical conferences by facilitating idea exchange within the medical community across nations. The integration of the CR-N Series into the healthcare industry not only improves procedural accuracy but also promotes collaborative learning. Safeguard and Stylize your Entrance Flexible Ways for Authentication at the Doorway A smart reception safeguards your office from trespassers while impressing valued visitors at first sight. All-in-one Access Control System shapes a high-tech entrance that offers both superior best protection and a strong company image. Module-based readers provide a wide range of access credentials, including Bluetooth, fingerprint, RFID, and PIN, of which the leading Bluetooth technology even allows hands-free authentication by smartly detecting the smartphone in the user's pocket or handbag. At the age in which smartphone prevails, automated authentication brings extra convenience to staff daily access and, at the same time builds a contemporary corporate image. Communicate with the Other Side of the Door Visitor management is another crucial task in reception, which can be facilitated with an advanced Security Intercoms System. Upon arrival of visitors, staff can remotely view and communicate with the guests through a camera-embedded network video intercom, offering video in 5MP high-resolution and instant audio transmission. The camera, on top of that, perfectly serves the surveillance purpose by enabling deep learning-based analysis to identify suspicious people. Canon also offers an all-inclusive mobile application for intercoms, allowing staff to communicate and unlock the door for visitors simply with a smartphone in hand, despite being away from the reception desk. By facilitating hassle-free two-way communication with advanced video analytics, the security intercoms undeniably enhanced visitor experience, surveillance quality, and staff productivity. ESG-Centric Room Booking System Since the first mention of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) in the 2006 United Nation's Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) report, ESG has become a cornerstone of corporate financial evaluation metrics and is poised to remain so for years to come. Canon exemplifies how implementing smart technology aligns harmoniously with corporate ESG strategies. The ESG-centric Room Booking Solution extends its functionalities beyond resource optimization to IoT-based room control. It allows mobile room reservations and check-in authentication with HID, QR code and NFC technology. Leveraging the innovative rTag, the solution also enables remote control and intelligent deactivation of room appliances, such as lighting, projectors, and air conditioners, upon check-in and check-out. This ensures preparedness for important meetings while optimizing energy consumption through an analytic dashboard, thereby fostering the creation of a sustainable workplace. Comprehensive Cloud-based HRMS The progression of HRMS drives the evolving role of HR departments within organizations, from focusing on administrative tasks to initiating talent acquisition and development programs in alignment with corporate strategies. The Human Resources Management System automates daily yet repetitive tasks such as attendance tracking, expense claims processing, payroll handling and more, while ensuring strict compliance with multi-country taxation and labor regulations. With its cloud-based architecture, the system ensures reliable access to staff data via mobile applications. Furthermore, an effective compensation plan contributes to desirable behaviors and outcomes; the system integrates advanced analytics and reporting tools that enable HR professionals to make data-driven decisions on compensation management, leading to high employee morale, satisfaction, and performance. The intelligent Information Management Solution Therefore™ offers OT and e-Leave applications specifically designed for small and medium-sized enterprises. HR professionals can customize the system and calculation methods to accommodate HR policies and employee requests, such as supporting documentation for certain leave types, multiple rates for OT pay, and the flexibility to select multiple records for arranging compensation leave. With regards to approval workflow, staff can easily access the system through the embedded link in intranet or mobile applications, regardless of their location. The system intelligently avoids invalid input with alerts and updates the accumulated hours and leaves balance automatically. Supervisors receive email reminders upon the submission of applications, and the high compatibility system enables one-click approval through Microsoft Teams. In addition to approvals, the HR department can effortlessly sort data within the system, and neatly export the records to Excel for advanced analysis and payroll processing. Therefore™, on top of that, seamlessly integrated with Canon's documents scanner to painlessly accelerate digital transformation. With a remarkable scanning speed of up to 140 pages per minute, the OCR technology can swiftly extract the content of scanned document, accurately categorized them with unified indexing conventions and stores them in a systematic folder structure. HR personnel can easily retrieve designated files with multi-dimensional search or full-text search capabilities. Minimal Effort on All Kinds of Outputs In a hybrid era where security and cost-efficiency are equally paramount, uniFLOW Online, a cloud-based Output Management Solution, maximizes the utilization of Canon's multi-function devices (MFD) while centralizing control across a mixed fleet. The solution employs a structure combining cloud and on-premises server, supporting Print Anywhere on any connected MFD, serverless mobile print and direct scan to the cloud. Emphasizing multi-layered security, uniFLOW Online offers various authentication methods, ranging from ID cards to contactless face recognition technology. The data transmission of print and scan jobs is safeguarded by the AES–256-bit encryption. Furthermore, device usage is meticulously tracked at user, department, and corporate levels, which offers highly readable graphical reports. This allows IT administrators to effortlessly monitor the MFDs' performance and formulate more informed cost management plans. Monitoring device usage becomes particularly important in public areas or co-working spaces. PayLink – an On-demand Payment Solution supporting cashless transactions on multiple prevalent platforms, including Octopus Card, AlipayHK and WeChat Pay – offers accessibility to real-time job logs and dashboards. This solution makes it ideal for budget control while offering extensive flexibility in shared workspaces. Employees from diverse functions may find document editing tasks tedious as they contribute little to core responsibilities. Tungsten Power PDF navigates the complexities of document tasks with its user-centric features, empowering employees to focus on what truly matters. Apart from essential capabilities like merging, splitting, editing, and converting documents, its OCR technology swiftly transforms scanned forms into actionable PDFs, creates bookmark navigation, and offers complete searchability. With Power PDF's markup tool and cloud storage integration, enterprises at all sizes enjoy secure document collaboration without disrupting content integrity, thereby boosting the efficiency of daily practices to a new level. Canon's MFDs assist white collar workers to perform efficiently and cost effectively, while our large format printers bring designers' and photographers' stunning artworks to life with minimal distortion. Experience timeless quality with the brand-new Canon's imagePROGRAF PRO Series. The series boasts of LUCIA PRO II 12-colour pigment inks, delivering exceptional color gradation and improved black density on every print. With enhanced light and scratch resistance, vibrant colors and intricate details can be better preserved over time. Smart roll systems and translucent roll are integrated to automate paper feeding and intelligent media handling respectively. With imagePROGRAF PRO Series, professional creators can handily attain an unprecedented standard of print expressions and longevity. Mr. Kazuhiro Ozawa, the President and CEO of Canon Hong Kong greeted business leaders with Canon Hong Kong’s revolutionary technological breakthrough and encouraged guests to stay ahead of the curve. (Right) Mr. Norihiro Katagiri, Senior Vice President of Canon Singapore and (Left) Mr. Kazuhiro Ozawa, the President and CEO of Canon Hong Kong led guests to evolve towards an automation-driven future. Mr. Philip Chan, Senior Director and General Manager of Business Imaging Solution & Production Printing Group of Canon Hong Kong unlocked the versatile applications of Gen AI, LLM, and RAG technologies across diverse operations and industries. Management of Canon Hong Kong (From left 2) Mr. Johnny Ha, Mr. Matthew Chu, Mr. Louis Hui, and Mr. Philip Chan, appreciated guests for their unwavering support and harnessed how AI assist in formulating more informed management strategies. “THINK BIG – The Power of Future” event showcased a range of industry-specific solutions that empower enterprises to formulate competitive, cost-effective, and sustainable business strategies with the Power of Future. Canon Hong Kong invited industry experts to preview future technology and unveiled the potentiality of AI in reshaping diverse industrial landscapes. About Canon Hongkong Company Limited Canon Inc. (TSE:7751 / NYSE:CAJ) was founded in 1937 in Japan. Its predecessor, Precision Optical Instruments Laboratory, produced Japan's first 35 mm focal-plane-shutter camera "Kwanon" in 1934. From there, Canon Inc. expanded into the photocopying and printing industries, launching Japan's first plain-paper copier NP-1100 in 1970 and the world's first inkjet printer BJ-80 in 1985. Through the years, Canon Inc. has acquired in-depth experience in digital imaging product manufacturing, research and development. Pioneering in innovative product development, Canon Inc. holds the most technology patents in the imaging industry. Canon Inc. also makes significant contributions to promote photography. Today, Canon Inc. has a strong global presence, representing one of the most important market players in the imaging, office and industrial product categories. As of 31 December 2023, Canon's global revenue was US$29.44 billion. In 1971, Canon Hongkong Co., Ltd. (Canon Hong Kong) was established as one of the first Canon offices in Asia. Canon Hong Kong is a Total Imaging Solution provider, providing professional pre-sales, marketing and after-sales services for all Canon products and solutions in Hong Kong and Macau. With the solely owned subsidiary Canon Business Solutions (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. established in 2018; the company continues to deliver intelligent total business solutions and professional services to Greater Bay Area. Canon Hong Kong adheres to Canon's corporate philosophy of "Kyosei", encouraging the company and staff to engage in social, charitable and environmental activities for the community. Implementing an internationally recognized management system, Canon Hong Kong has achieved ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 27001 (Canon Digital Production Center) certifications. For more information about Canon Hong Kong, please visit our website: https://hk.canon.
SINGAPORE, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- 9Basil Group ("9Basil" or the "Firm"), a value-focused alternative investment firm, today announced the final close of its second flagship private equity fund. Despite distributing over US$35.3 million this year, recent commitments have increased the Firm's assets under management to over US$300 million (as of the fund's closing). Investors include high net-worth individuals, family offices, and institutional investors from across Asia-Pacific and Europe. 9Basil Private Equity is industry agnostic and looks for proven businesses in Southeast Asia with a strong moat and cash flow that are looking for a strategic capital partner. Unlike most active investors in companies, 9Basil is flexible with being either a minority or majority owner and gives management full decision-making autonomy, typically with outsized management profit-sharing schemes. 9Basil is not limited to but has entered into partnerships to facilitate ownership or management succession, management or shareholder buyouts, or businesses that could benefit from 9Basil's resources/network. 9Basil will further invest in its ability to support portfolio companies through new hires and strategic assets it develops or acquires. The Group views itself as a partner to its portfolio companies, brought in to assist with private and public sector initiatives and capital markets. Managers of portfolio companies are entrusted to run their businesses with complete independence, while having the option to receive additional value-add support from 9Basil, offered from the list of resources made available to them. With 22 employees based in Bangkok and Singapore, 9Basil has dedicated team members to support portfolio companies without having to intervene in management matters. Kris Panijpan, co-founder and Managing Partner of 9Basil, said: "We are extremely grateful for the support from our Limited Partners in this highly volatile and challenging market. We aim for our investments to be meaningful and it is only with patient capital–and patient investors–that we can achieve that. For this Fund, we intend to continue to add value by developing proprietary insights and building bridges for our portfolio companies. We will advance our own capabilities so that we can become an ever-growing resource for our managers and investors." As a long-term investor with high conviction in its own investments, 9Basil is looking to increasingly participate in its own funds alongside investors and eventually build a larger permanent capital base that may also see participation from a different composition of investors/partners moving forward. 9Basil's private equity strategy focuses on investing in profitable businesses across Southeast Asia with defensible moats and strong management teams. Notable investments from the Firm's first fund include Ngern Tid Lor, Alpha Capital Partners Group, and Sourcefit. About 9Basil Group 9Basil Group is an independent, alternative asset management group on a mission to create long-term value through its strategies in private equity, private credit, and real estate. We pursue true growth partnerships built on solid foundations that will stand the test of time. We will support and grow alongside our partners to rise to further levels of excellence. The Group has a bold vision to revolutionize the investment landscape through a deep and undiluted strategy of principled "Value Investing". Long-term value creation serves as the guiding light for 9Basil Group, shaping its ethos and driving its strategic direction and every decision in between. The Group currently has a team of 22 employees based across Thailand and Singapore, driving growth and value creation across its portfolio.
SINGAPORE, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- UOB Sydney Branch has priced A$1 billion in four-year senior unsecured notes due 2028. The notes were priced on Friday (2 Aug) at the Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) plus 0.74 per cent. The issuance is the largest conventional AUD single-tranche senior bond from a Singaporean Issuer. UOB had made an announcement to investors immediately after the Bank's results (1H 2024) release on 1 Aug. This provided a first mover advantage in light of more anticipated supply – more issuers globally are expected to tap the AUD senior market amidst peak redemptions in August. The Bank received strong indications of interest on 1 Aug. The book building undertaken on 2 Aug allowed UOB to achieve its volume and pricing aspirations despite the broader risk-off tone in the US and Asia. This is the second time UOB is tapping the AUD market this year. The Bank issued A$1.25 billion in dual-tranche three-year unsecured notes in April. Ms Koh Chin Chin, Head of Group Treasury, Research and Customer Advocacy, UOB, said, "The AUD market is integral to our funding strategy. This year in fact, it has been our largest pool of international benchmark capital. Our commitment to this market remains; to provide our investors liquidity across the tenor curve, and so it was pleasing to see the strong appetite for these four-year bonds despite the volatile market backdrop, and just three months after our similarly successful three-year transaction in April." Salient points about this offering Largest conventional AUD single-tranche bond from a Singaporean issuer. Tightest spread for a benchmark sized four-year AUD transaction from an Asian bank. Priced 1-2 bps inside Singaporean bank fair value and flat to inside theoretical new major bank pricing. Largest price tightening during the bookbuild (6 bps from initial pricing guidance (IPG) to final pricing) for an AUD transaction over A$500 million. Distribution statistics Final orderbook in excess of A$1.59 billion from 55 investors. Geography:Asia - 75% Australia - 22% Europe, the Middle East and Africa - 3% Type:Asset Managers/Fund Managers/Insurance - 10%Banks - 76%Middle Markets - 2%Private Banks/Hedge Funds/Others - 12% The notes are expected to be issued on 8 Aug. ANZ, Bank of China, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, UBS, Westpac and UOB have been appointed as the joint lead managers and bookrunners.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CMC Pictures has announced the global release of the Chinese psychological thriller "Decoded," a groundbreaking film that blurs the lines between dreams and reality. Directed by the acclaimed Chen Sicheng, "Decoded" features a stellar ensemble cast including Liu Haoran, John Cusack, Chen Daoming, Daniel Wu, and Faye Yu. This film represents Chen Sicheng's latest bold venture following the remarkable success of the "Detective Chinatown" series and "Sheep Without a Shepherd." Official Poster of Film Decoded Adapted from the award-winning novel by Mai Jia, "Decoded" is set against the turbulent backdrop of the 1940s, a time when accurately deciphering enemy codes was crucial amidst global unrest. The story follows Rong Jinzhen (portrayed by Liu Haoran), a young prodigy with extraordinary mathematical abilities. Raised by university dean Li Liren (Daniel Wu) and his wife Ye Xiaoning (Faye Yu), Rong's life takes a dramatic turn when he solves a complex problem posed by his professor, Hayes (John Cusack). This remarkable feat catches the attention of the enigmatic 701 Bureau, led by Director Zheng (Chen Daoming), propelling Rong into the clandestine world of code-breaking. The story unfolds in the high-stakes world of espionage, filled with suspense and tension. Dreams act as windows to the subconscious, blurring the lines between dreams and reality. Through the art of decoding, the film reveals the relationship between mentor and protégé as a poetic and fateful duel where each is both cause and effect for the other. In addition to its outstanding story, "Decoded" showcases breathtaking visuals, immersive soundscapes, and meticulous production design, breaking sensory boundaries. This film sets a new benchmark for Chinese filmmaking, presenting a fresh, innovative approach to the industry. CMC Pictures is set to release "Decoded" globally on August 22. The first wave of screenings will take place in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, with more regions to be announced soon. For media inquiries and more information, please contact: info@cmcpix.com.
HANGZHOU, China, Aug. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Youdao, Inc. ("Youdao" or the "Company") (NYSE: DAO), an intelligent learning company with industry-leading technology in China, today announced that it will report its second quarter 2024 financial results on Thursday, August 22, 2024, before the open of the U.S. markets. The earnings teleconference call with simultaneous webcast will take place at 6:00 a.m. Eastern Time on Thursday, August 22, 2024 (Beijing/Hong Kong Time: 6:00 p.m., Thursday, August 22, 2024). Youdao's management will be on the call to discuss the quarterly results and answer questions. Dial-in details for the earnings conference call are as follows: United States (toll free): +1-888-346-8982 International: +1-412-902-4272 Mainland China (toll free): 400-120-1203 Hong Kong (toll free): 800-905-945 Hong Kong: +852-3018-4992 Conference ID: 8395069 A live and archived webcast of the conference call will be available on the Company's investor relations website at http://ir.youdao.com. A replay of the conference call will be accessible by phone one hour after the conclusion of the live call at the following numbers, until August 29, 2024: United States: +1-877-344-7529 International: +1-412-317-0088 Replay Access Code: 8395069 About Youdao, Inc. Youdao, Inc. (NYSE: DAO) is an intelligent learning company with industry-leading technology in China dedicated to developing and using technologies to provide learning content, applications and solutions to users of all ages. Building on the popularity of its online knowledge tools such as Youdao Dictionary and Youdao Translation, Youdao now offers smart devices, STEAM courses, adult and vocational courses, and education digitalization solutions. In addition, Youdao has developed a variety of interactive learning apps. Youdao was founded in 2006 as part of NetEase, Inc. (NASDAQ: NTES; HKEX: 9999), a leading internet technology company in China. For more information, please visit: http://ir.youdao.com. For investor and media inquiries, please contact: In China: Jeffrey WangYoudao, Inc.Tel: +86-10-8255-8163 ext. 89980E-mail: IR@rd.netease.com Piacente Financial CommunicationsHelen WuTel: +86-10-6508-0677E-mail: youdao@thepiacentegroup.com In the United States: Piacente Financial Communications Brandi PiacenteTel: +1-212-481-2050E-mail: youdao@thepiacentegroup.com
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