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香港2024年8月12日 /美通社/ -- 由社會企業研究院(Social Enterprise Research Academy, SERA,本院)主辦之「2023/24年度院士榮譽資格及社會關愛獎項頒授典禮」於8月12日 假香港會議展覽中心圓滿舉行。社會企業研究院希望通過「院士頒授計劃」及「社會關愛獎項計劃」甄選各界之領袖,作為行業楷模,推廣社會關愛精神及引領更多企業意識到社會責任的重要。今年本院一共向54位來自各行業之領袖頒授院士名銜及社會關愛獎項,以表彰其在專業領域範圍內對社會作出的貢獻。 部份榮獲今屆社會關愛獎項及院士名銜的菁英領袖: (左起)Mr Angelo Valenton、馬興文先生、劉夢琳女士、蔡敏志教授、陳建強醫生及黃曦嵐先生合影。 是次典禮雲集各界菁英,更有幸邀得前民政事務局局長及本院榮譽主席藍鴻震博士, GBS, ISO, JP、前教育局局長吳克儉教授GBS, SBS, JP、前香港立法會主席曾鈺成教授 GBM, GBS, JP、前嶺南大學校長陳坤耀教授GBS, CBS, JP蒞臨擔任主禮嘉賓。 身兼社會企業研究院榮譽院長及清華大學金融與發展研究中心主任的馬駿博士,在致辭時讚揚本屆院士在本業上有出色的成就,也熱心公益,帶領著企業及機構積極參與社會公益事務,實踐企業公民責任。適逢今年是社會企業研究院成立十周年,作為推動社會關愛的平台,他認為本院多年匯聚了各行各業的領袖及專才,在提升及宣揚企業社會責任和ESG理念,凝聚市場力量,推動社會變革方面做了大量功夫,可謂任重道遠。 是屆「院士資格評選計劃」甄選出三位女性榮譽院士,包括諾貝爾化學獎得主埃曼紐爾‧卡彭蒂耶教授、新加坡社會創新園始創人及前國會議員劉夢琳女士及香港演藝學院校長蔡敏志教授。卡彭蒂耶教授在訪談中強調科學研究對於解決全球氣候變遷和健康問題的重要性,並呼籲年輕一代特別是女性積極參與科學事業,以獨特視角推動創新和合作。蔡敏志教授則提到表演藝術在教育、賦權和團結社區方面的力量,並堅信年輕人的創造力能為世界帶來正面影響。他們不約而同鼓勵年輕人要有創新思維和承擔社會責任。 今年獲頒授資深院士及院士榮譽名銜的傑出人士在醫學界、學術界、商界、藝術及體育界皆有輝煌成就,並對社會服務作出重要貢獻,包括香港專業人士協會會長陳建強醫生、東華學院第三任校長陳慧慈教授、跨界藝術家馬興文先生、安永會計師事務所香港及澳門區主管合夥人李舜兒女士,以及兩位前香港運動員,包括於去年在杭州亞運為港隊奪得男子七人欖球金牌的姚錦成先生,以及去年獲十大傑出青年的林衍聰先生。 社會企業研究院深信企業可以利用自己的能力和經驗,利用其專業知識來解決緊迫的健康和環境問題,並強調永續實踐在促進社區福利方面的重要性。為表彰亞洲各界領袖和企業對「社會關愛約章架構」六大範疇方面的傑出表現與貢獻,今年的「社會關愛獎項計劃」一共甄選出6位得主, 本港得獎企業包括: 獲頒「傑出社會關愛品牌獎」的大型健康美容產品連鎖店萬寧及獲頒「社會關愛企業卓越獎」的香港消毒服務管理協會。 今年獲頒授院士榮譽名銜的傑出人士部分名單如下:2023/24年度社會企業研究院榮譽院士- 諾貝爾化學獎得主埃曼紐爾‧卡彭蒂耶教授- 香港演藝學院校長蔡敏志教授- 新加坡社會創新園始創人及國會前議員劉夢琳女士 資深院士 - 香港專業人士協會會長陳建強醫生 SBS, BBS, JP- 東華學院第三任校長陳慧慈教授- 跨界藝術家馬興文先生 院士- 香港男子七人欖球代表隊成員姚錦成先生MH,曾奪得2018及2022年亞運會金牌- 前香港男子劍擊運動員林衍聰先生,曾個人奪得2014年亞運佩劍銅牌- 安永會計師事務所香港及澳門區主管合伙人李舜兒女士 社會關愛獎項計劃- 「傑出社會關愛品牌獎」香港大型健康美容產品連鎖店 - 萬寧- 「社會關愛企業卓越獎」香港消毒服務管理協會- 「社會關愛中小企業卓越獎」世衛實業有限公司- 「亞洲社會關愛領袖獎」POWER 4 ALL始創人及行政總裁Mr Angelo Valenton- 「亞洲社會關愛領袖獎」捷利建築有限公司主席及行政總裁鄒國俊先生- 「亞洲社會關愛女領袖獎」The Unique Organic始創人Ms Nihan Karaaslan Akdemir 關於社會企業研究院社會企業研究院(Social Enterprise Research Academy, SERA)於2014年成立,一向本著「凝聚市場力量 ‧ 締造社會關愛」的宗旨,致力構建SERA Circle一個高價值的國際平台,凝聚政、商、學、民的多方核心人才和精英專才,以促進可持續發展的亞洲社會。時至今日,本院透過舉辦國際峰會及邀請世界級講者分享,連結超過10,000位企業領袖和機構組織,影響力亦擴展到全球13個城市。本院亦透過發展及推廣「社會關愛約章架構」及6大原則,擴闊跨界別企業領袖及專才的國際視野,回饋業界。想知更多資訊,可瀏覽www.seraasia.org
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- "SALLOOT" proudly unveils its latest breakthrough – The SALLOOT Trinity iGlow 10. The SALLOOT Trinity iGlow 10 is a revolutionary solution for permanent hair removal at home. This rising star in the beauty industry features the Smart AI Adaptive HR™ APP, advanced triple-pulse technology, and rapid flash pulses at 200 times per minute. With the largest 12cm² sapphire ice-cooling surface, the Trinity iGlow 10 ensures optimal comfort and efficiency. Experience the best and most comfortable hair removal results in just 2 weeks, all from the convenience of your home. 【12cm2 Quadruple Sapphire Frost Cube™ Tech: A Revolution in Skin Safety and Comfort】SALLOOT places a premium on skin protection during hair removal, especially for sensitive areas like the bikini line and private regions. It achieves this with a breakthrough 3x larger 12cm² Sapphire Ice Cooling surface, using the largest and most durable oxide crystal available. This technology ensures strength, excellent thermal properties, and high light transmission, effectively lowering skin contact temperatures to a gentle 37°F. This approach enables effective and permanent hair removal while minimizing pain, redness, and discomfort, providing an optimized and comfortable At-Home Hair Removal Solution. 【State-of-the-art Triple-Pulse IPL Technology for Unmatched Efficiency】Featuring unrivaled Triple-Pulse and Rapid Flasher Pulse IPL technology, Trinity iGlow 10 increases energy output to three times per flash within 0.2 seconds, totaling 25J. This enhancement guarantees fast and precise targeting of even the most stubborn hairs. Visible results can be achieved in just 2 weeks with this innovative technology, effectively removing dense hair from areas such as the male chest, back, and underarms. 【The World's Leading-edge Smart AI Adaptive HR™ - Tripled in Effectiveness】SALLOOT Trinity iGlow 10 uses Cutting-edge AI Adaptive HR™ App to intelligently make personalized treatment plans based on skin tone, hair color and density, along with Instant AI analysis hair removal reports bring the best hair removal results in the comfort of home.It's beginner- friendly, thanks to step-by-step tailored tutorials, smart Email and precision reminders to avoid ineffectiveness, boosted up to nearly 3x Effectiveness. 【Ergonomic and Intuitive, Designed for Ease of Use. Travel Friendly】Hair removal at home should not be bulky or tiring. The design of Trinity iGlow 10 features a lightweight, portable and user-friendly LED touch screen and double flashing button settings for simpler operation. The 30-degree ergonomic design is easy to grip and ensures an optimal fit for all body areas, especially the bikini line, underarms, and lower legs. 【SALLOOT Trinity iGlow 10—Salloot's mission is bringing smart &professional-level beauty salon home, providing an optimized and comfortable At-Home Beauty Experience.】SALLOOT is committed to delivering salon-quality home beauty solutions through AI, intelligent technology and innovation, enabling everyone to enjoy a safe, effective, and convenient beauty experience at home. Founded by industry experts with over 10 years of experience in AI robotics and laser beauty, SALLOOT boasts the capability to independently develop, design, and manufacture its products, supported by a research and development team of over 50 professionals. Our mission is to provide everyone, including those with sensitive skin and stubborn hair, with smoother, hair-free skin at home. By leveraging intelligent AI, innovative design, advanced IPL technology, and sapphire freezing point technology, we aim to make the home beauty experience more convenient and comfortable for all. Available from August 10, 2024 , the SALLOOT Trinity iGlow 10 can be purchased at $189 (Discount code:SALLOOTPR). For more information and to experience a new era of home hair removal, visit https://sallootbeauty.com/ SALLOOT Website: https://sallootbeauty.com/Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D8TPN9FTOrganization: SALLOOT
SHANGHAI, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On August 13th 2024, Ocumension Therapeutics ("OcuMension") announced an agreement with Alcon Inc. ("Alcon", and collectively with OcuMension, the "Parties") where OcuMension will acquire or secure commercialization rights in China to a portfolio of Alcon dry eye treatments and procedural drops, including several commercially available products and one development-stage product. The scope of the agreement will also cover areas of R&D, manufacturing and commercialization in China. In connection with the transfer of these rights, OcuMension will issue 139,161,120 shares to Alcon, accounting for 16.71% of the total share capital (post-issuance). Consequently, Alcon becomes one of the largest shareholders of OcuMension. Under the terms of the arrangement, each company has granted the other company a right of first negotiation over future products. OcuMension, as a leading Chinese ophthalmic pharmaceutical platform company, focuses on integrating comprehensive capabilities across the entire lifecycle of ophthalmic drug development—from research and development to commercialization. OcuMension possesses a portfolio of 25 pharmaceutical assets. Alcon, the global leader in eye care, offers a broad portfolio of products to enhance sight and improve lives for patients in more than 140 countries. Under this arrangement, OcuMension will acquire outright, Tears Natural® Forte, Bion Tears, Alcaine®, Fluorescite, and Cyclogyl, in the Chinese market and the commercialization rights in China to Systane® Ultra and AR-15512, a novel topical drug candidate for dry eye. Under the terms of this agreement, OcuMension will manufacture those products acquired outright for China after a transition period. OcuMension will also develop, manufacture and commercialize AR-15512 in China. The addition of these seven mature products and AR-15512 to OcuMension's portfolio is expected to further enhance OcuMension's leadership in the ophthalmology field in the China market. Through the acquisition of these products, OcuMension expects to be capable of providing more comprehensive and advanced treatment solutions, further meeting patient needs and expanding market share. The Parties expect that the framework of this agreement will allow both Parties to further promote technological advancements and innovations in the field of ophthalmology. Ophthalmic diseases are internationally recognized as one of the highly focused medical sub-sectors, with innovative treatment solutions for ophthalmology still awaiting development. Based on this, OcuMension will continue to focus on bringing safer, more efficient, and cutting-edge treatment solutions to global ophthalmic patients, meeting the growing medical needs of patients. About Alcon Alcon helps people see brilliantly. As the global leader in eye care with a heritage spanning over 75 years, Alcon offers the broadest portfolio of products to enhance sight and improve people's lives. Alcon's Surgical and Vision Care products touch the lives of more than 260 million people in over 140 countries each year living with conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, retinal diseases and refractive errors. Alcon's more than 25,000 associates are enhancing the quality of life through innovative products, partnerships with Eye Care Professionals and programs that advance access to quality eye care. Learn more at www.alcon.com. About OcuMension OcuMension is a China-based ophthalmic pharmaceutical platform company dedicated to identifying, developing and commercializing first- or best-in-class ophthalmic therapies. OcuMension's vision is to provide a world-class pharmaceutical total solution to address significant unmet ophthalmic medical needs in China. Since its inception, OcuMension has focused on building a platform integrating specialized capabilities in each major functionality involved in an ophthalmic drug's development cycle, from research and development, manufacturing to commercialization. OcuMension believes its platform positions it well to achieve leadership in China ophthalmology, with a first-mover advantage over future competitors. Advisors Morrison Foerster acted as legal advisor to OcuMension in this transaction. Lazard acted as financial advisor to Alcon and Gibson Dunn as its legal advisor.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mabwell (688062.SH), an innovative biopharmaceutical company with entire industry chain, announced its novel Nectin-4 targeting ADC (R&D code: 9MW2821) has been granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation (BTD) by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of China's National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for the treatment of locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma that has failed previous platinum-based chemotherapy and PD-(L)1 inhibitor therapy. The designation as a breakthrough therapy is aimed at expediting the development process of drug candidates for serious diseases, with the drug candidates included having demonstrated significant efficacy or safety advantages compared to existing therapies in early clinical trials. For drug candidates included in the breakthrough therapy list, CDE will prioritize the allocation of resources to facilitate communication and provide guidance to promote drug development, which will benefit the further advancement of the clinical development progress and the speed of market review and approval. This will help to expedite the development process of 9MW2821 and meet the unmet clinical needs of Chinese patients. About 9MW2821 9MW2821 is the first site-specific conjugated novel Nectin-4 targeting ADC developed by Mabwell using ADC platform, and is the first drug candidate to enter clinical study among the Nectin-4-targeting ADCs developed by Chinese companies, and also the first therapeutic drug candidate targeting Nectin-4 in the world to reveal clinical efficacy data of cervical cancer (CC), esophageal cancer (EC) and breast cancer. In 2024, 9MW2821 has been granted Fast Track Designation by FDA for the treatment of advanced, recurrent, or metastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC), recurrent or metastatic CC progressed on or following prior treatment with a platinum-based chemotherapy regimen, and locally advanced or metastatic Nectin-4 positive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC); 9MW2821 has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by FDA for the treatment of EC, and also Breakthrough Therapy Designation by China NMPA. 9MW2821 achieves site-specific modification of antibody through proprietary conjugation technology linkers and optimized ADC conjugation process. After injection, 9MW2821 can specifically bind to Nectin-4 on the cell membrane surface, be internalized and release cytotoxic drug, and induce the apoptosis of tumor cells. About Mabwell Mabwell (688062.SH) is an innovation-driven biopharmaceutical company with the entire value chain of the pharmaceutical industry. We provide more effective and accessible therapy and innovative medicines to fulfill global medical needs. Since 2017, an advanced R&D system which covers target discovery, early discovery, druggability, preclinical, clinical research and manufacturing transformation was established. Mabwell has 14 pipeline products in different stages based on a world-class and state-of-the-art R&D engine, including 10 novel drug candidates and 4 biosimilars. We focus on the therapeutic areas of oncology, auto-immune diseases, metabolic disorders, ophthalmologic diseases and infectious diseases, etc. Of these, 3 products have been approved and commercialized, 1 product has been filed for MA approval, 3 products are in pivotal trials. We have also undertaken 1 national major scientific and technological special project for "Significant New Drugs Development", 2 projects for National Key R&D Programmes, and multiple provincial and municipal science and technological innovation projects. Mabwell's Taizhou factory possesses robust in-house manufacturing capability compliant with international GMP standards regulated by the NMPA, FDA and EMA, and has passed the EU QP Audit. The large-scale manufacturing base in Shanghai and the ADC commercialized manufacturing base in Taizhou are under construction. Our mission is "Explore Life, Benefit Health" and our vision is "Innovation, from ideas to reality". For more information, please visit www.mabwell.com/en. Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, the potential safety, efficacy, regulatory review or approval and commercial success of our product candidates and those relating to the Company's product development, clinical studies, clinical and regulatory milestones and timelines, market opportunity, competitive position, possible or assumed future results of operations, business strategies, potential growth opportunities and other statements that are predictive in nature. "Forward-looking statements" are statements that are not historical facts and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to be materially different from any future results expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by the use of forward-looking expressions, including, but not limited to, "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "estimate," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "would," and similar expressions and the negatives of those terms. Forward-looking statements are based on the Company's current expectations and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control, including, but not limited to: environment; politic; economy; society; legislation; our dependence on our product candidates, most of which are still in preclinical or various stages of clinical development; our reliance on third-party vendors, such as contract research organizations and contract manufacturing organizations; the uncertainties inherent in clinical testing; our ability to complete required clinical trials for our product candidates and obtain approval from regulatory authorities for our product candidates; our ability to protect our intellectual property; the potential impact of COVID-19; the loss of any executive officers or key personnel. In case one or more of these risks or uncertainties deteriorate, or any assumptions are incorrect, the actual results may be seriously inconsistent with the stated results. The Company cautions all the persons not to place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements, which speaks only as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any obligation, except as specifically required by law and the rules of the applicable Stock authority to publicly update or revise any such statements to reflect any change in expectations or in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statements may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. All forward-looking descriptions, figures and assumptions in this press release are applicable to this statement.
NEW YORK, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- During Breastfeeding Awareness Month, global mother and baby brand Momcozy hosts a campaign to empower mothers and break down breastfeeding barriers. Featuring evidence-based education and supportive events, the campaign aims to ensure every mother has access to essential support and resources. The campaign features a series of offline events. In Boston, Momcozy joined Barb the Breast Express, a program powered by the community-driven breastfeeding platform Pumpspotting, to connect with local moms and organizations. The event included discussions on breastfeeding and motherhood, along with fun giveaways. In Minneapolis, as a sponsor of the Pediatric Hospitalists Meeting, Momcozy strengthened its connections with hospitalists and continued building a strong network of providers for future initiatives, such as the Momcozy Care Program. Momcozy teamed up with Pumpspotting, ACNM, and District Motherhood for a celebration event in Washington D.C. Breastfeeding is worth celebrating. That is why Momcozy teamed up with Pumpspotting, the American College of Nurse-Midwives, and District Motherhood for a celebration event at Chaia Georgetown in Washington D.C. on August 9. Titled "Nurture & Be Nourished: A Celebration of Breastfeeding Journeys," the event allowed participants to connect with midwives, lactation consultants, and other breastfeeding families. A mini session with The Portrait Mama was also available to capture the breastfeeding journey beautifully. As part of the campaign, Momcozy is hosting a comprehensive webinar series called Nurturing New Beginnings to support moms and families on their breastfeeding journeys. Led by Emily Silver, FNP-BC & IBCLC & Co-founder of NAPS, the webinars aim to break down barriers and empower mothers to navigate breastfeeding, pumping, infant sleep, and the transition back to work with confidence. The first webinar was on Breastfeeding 101 - Getting Started, which received active participation and positive reviews from global moms. The second webinar will be held on August 16 and will focus on Navigating Pumping. All webinars will be held from noon to 1 pm (EST) with replays available on Momcozy's YouTube channel. Since 2018, Momcozy has been bringing the best in comfort to mothers with wearable breast pumps, nursing bras, and other mom care products, consistently holding the top position in relevant Amazon categories. Endorsed by over 4 million mothers in over 60 countries, Momcozy is growing in reach and impact to make moms' lives easier around the world. Join Momcozy in empowering breastfeeding moms by participating in the campaign and attending the online webinars. Contact: Fiona Fan, pr@momcozy.com
Effortless Cleanliness for a Fresh Start This School Year SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As August unfolds, the back-to-school season arrives with a whirlwind of activities for families. The start of the new academic year brings a mix of excitement and stress as parents and students navigate the transition from summer to school. From organizing supplies and setting up new routines to juggling extracurricular activities, the demands on family time increase. Amid this hectic period, maintaining a clean and organized home can feel like a challenging task. YEEDI understands these challenges and is stepping in with significant back-to-school discounts on its robot vacuums, providing a timely solution for families looking to enhance their home environment and support their children's academic outcomes. YEEDI Robot Vacuums Creating a Clean and Organized Home for a Productive School Year The back-to-school season is a busy time, and keeping up with household chores can become increasingly difficult. Research highlights the crucial role of a clean and orderly home in supporting students' academic success. An organized environment can enhance focus, reduce stress, and improve productivity—key factors for a successful school year. Maintaining a tidy space during this hectic period helps both students and parents stay on track, fostering a positive and productive atmosphere. How YEEDI Can Help YEEDI offers practical solutions with its range of robot vacuums, designed to manage household messes and maintain a clean environment effortlessly. By incorporating advanced cleaning technology and user-friendly features, YEEDI products offer efficient and thorough cleaning, allowing parents to concentrate on supporting their children's academic endeavors and ensuring a stress-free and productive school year. The M12 PRO+ and C12 PRO PLUS stand out for their high performance and innovative features. These models are engineered to tackle various cleaning challenges with ease, making them ideal for busy families during the back-to-school rush. Key Features of YEEDI Models for the Back-to-School Rush M12 PRO+: Designed for high-traffic areas and daily messes, the M12 PRO+ features powerful 11,000Pa suction and TruEdge Mopping to ensure thorough cleaning of every corner. Its ZeroTangle Anti-Tangle System is especially beneficial for homes with pets, preventing hair from clogging the brush roll. Advanced functions like Auto-Empty, Hot-Water Mop-Washing, and One-Tap Self-Cleaning significantly reduce the time and effort required for home maintenance. With TrueMapping 2.0 technology and up to 320 minutes of battery life, the M12 PRO+ keeps your home spotless while you manage back-to-school tasks. C12 PRO PLUS: Ideal for deep cleaning, the C12 PRO PLUS offers an impressive 8000Pa suction power to effectively remove deeply embedded dirt. Its Auto-Empty Station with PureCyclone technology and 4-stage filtration ensures long-lasting dust collection. The OZMO Mega Mopping System delivers exceptional cleaning with powerful downward pressure and enhanced vibration to tackle stubborn grime. The ZeroTangle Anti-Tangle System also prevents hair buildup, making the C12 PRO PLUS perfect for busy households. Exclusive Back-to-School Savings To support families during this busy season, YEEDI is offering exclusive discounts on its range of robot vacuums. Enjoy up to 37% off on popular YEEDI products for a limited time, available through our brand store. Let YEEDI help you navigate the back-to-school season with ease, ensuring a clean and organized home environment that supports a successful and stress-free school year. Special Discounts Available Now From now until August 18, take advantage of the following discounts on select YEEDI models: M12 PRO+: $669 (Save $330, 33% off) C12 PRO PLUS: $375 (Save $224, 37% off) C12 PLUS: $355 (Save $124, 26% off) C12: $240 (Save $59, 20% off) About YEEDIYEEDI is a cutting-edge service robot brand that embraces the concept of "Live Smart. Enjoy Life." With constant upgrades, pioneering technology solutions are integrated into robotics for an enhanced consumer experience. Thus, consumers can enjoy a modern lifestyle with high standards of quality.
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