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Global X 恒生高股息率ETF資產規模突破6億美元里程碑

香港2024年8月14日 /美通社/ -- 未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司(以下簡稱「本公司」或「未來資產」)欣然慶祝Global X 恒生高股息率ETF(3110)的資產規模已突破6億美元,進一步鞏固其作為香港上市之中資產規模最大的高股息率ETF[1],此乃本ETF繼被納入「ETF互聯互通計劃」後的另一里程碑。 在近期的市場動盪中,投資者正尋求防守性策略,以應對不明朗因素。Global X 恒生高股息率ETF(3110)自2013年成立以來已有11年歷史,旨在為投資者提供高股息回報。現時年化股息率為8.24%[2]及目標每半年派息。(股息率並不保證,股息可從資本中支付[3])。 而與大市相比,本ETF 的波動性較低。其追蹤的恒生高股息率指數自 2014 年以來,年化波動率一直低於恒生指數[4],為投資者在投資組合中建立收益來源提供一個具彈性的選擇。 未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司的行政總裁趙玩衍先生表示:「我們很高興Global X 恒生高股息率ETF再創佳績。我們亦很榮幸透過我們多元化及創新的產品,能為投資者在不同市況下提供相關機遇,強化投資組合。」 本公司目前在香港共有36隻ETF上市,其中包括9隻收益型ETF。我們的產品涵蓋主題式增長、收益型、核心型,以及商品型等範疇的ETF。 -------- 完 -------- 關於未來資產環球投資集團 未來資產環球投資集團(「本集團」)是一間資產管理公司,截至2024年5月31日,資產管理規模逾2540億美元[5]。本集團提供多種投資產品,包括互惠基金、交易所買賣基金(ETF)和另類投資產品。本集團在全球設有25個辦事處,擁有超過1,000名員工,其中包括200名投資專業人士。 本集團的全球ETF平台在擁有超過585隻ETF,產品陣容龐大,可為投資者提供優質、高成本效益的投資產品,捕捉全球市場的新興投資主題及顛覆性科技。[6] 本集團管理的ETF資產總額達1,240億美元,並在澳洲、加拿大、哥倫比亞、香港(中國)、印度、日本、韓國、越南、英國和美國上市。[7]  關於Global X ETFs Global X ETFs 於2008年成立。十多年以來,我們的使命是為投資者提供前所未有及明智的投資方案。 我們的產品陣容包括376隻ETF投資策略,資產管理規模超過840億美元[8]。我們以主題式增長、收益及投資於國際市場的ETF見稱。同時,我們更提供核心、商品及Alpha等的基金,以滿足更廣泛的投資目標。Global X 為未來資產金融集團的成員之一,未來資產作為環球金融服務的領先企業,資產管理規模超過6020億美元。[9] 未來資產環球投資香港網站(英文版): https://www.am.miraeasset.com.hk/ Global X ETFs 香港網站: https://www.globalxetfs.com.hk/zh-hant/  [1] 資料來源:未來資產,港交所 (交易所買賣產品,股息類別,地區重點為香港,不包括房地產投資信託基金),2024年8月14日。 [2] 資料來源:未來資產,2024年8月14日。年化股息率的計算方法:以最近一年之每股股息 (2023年9月及2024年3月) /2024年2月29日的每單位基金資產淨值。 [3] 基金是否派息乃由管理人考慮多項因素及其自身分派政策後酌情決定。管理人可酌情決定從本基金資本或收入總額撥付股息。從資本中撥付股息,意即退還或提取投資者原先投資或當中應佔任何資本收益的部分款項。任何分派可能會導致每單位資產淨值即時減少。任何涉及從基金資本中派發的股息的分配都可能會導致單位資產淨值即時下降。正股息率並不代表可取得正回報。 [4] 資料來源:彭博,截至2023年12月。 [5] 資料來源:未來資產環球投資,截至2024年5月31日。 [6] 資料來源:未來資產環球投資,截至2024年5月31日。 [7] 資料來源:未來資產環球投資,截至2024年5月31日。 [8] 資料來源:未來資產環球投資,截至2024年5月31日。 [9] 資料來源:未來資產金融集團,截至2024年3月31日。 重要資料 投資者請勿單憑本文件作投資決定,應閱讀本產品的基金說明書所載的詳情及風險因素。投資包含風險。過往業績不代表將來表現。概不能保證本金會獲得償還。投資者應注意: Global X 恒生高股息率ETF (「本基金」) 於股票證券的投資須承受一般市場風險,其價值可能因投資情緒變動、政治及經濟狀況及發行人特定因素等多種因素而波動。 本基金無法保證會就組成恒生高股息率指數(指數)的證券宣派及派付股息。有關該等證券的股息派付率視乎恒生高股息率指數成分證券的公司或 REIT 的表現以及管理人無法控制的因素(包括但不限於該等公司或 REIT 的股息分派政策)而定。 本基金是否派息乃由管理人考慮多項因素及其自身分派政策後酌情決定。無法保證本基金的派息率與恒生高股息率指數相同。 管理人可酌情決定從本基金資本或收入總額撥付股息。從資本中撥付股息,意即退還或提取投資者原先投資或當中應佔任何資本收益的部分款項。任何分派可能會導致每單位資產淨值即時減少。任何涉及從基金資本中派發的股息的分配都可能會導致單位資產淨值即時下降。 本基金的單位於香港交易及結算所有限公司(「香港交易所」)的成交價乃受單位供求狀況等市場因素帶動。因此,單位可能以對比其資產淨值的較大溢價或折讓買賣。 作為證券借貸交易的一部分,由於借出證券定價不準確或借出證券價值變動,故存在抵押品價值不足的風險。 這可能導致基金蒙受重大損失。借用人可能無法按時或甚至根本不能歸還借出的證券。基金可能因此蒙受損失,而追回借出的證券亦可能有延誤。這可能限制基金根據贖回要求履行交付或付款責任的能力。   免責聲明 本文件僅供香港投資者使用。本文件僅為提供信息和說明目的,僅供閣下使用。本文件並非招攬、要約或建議買賣任何證券或其他金融工具。本文件所載信息僅作為㇐般市場評論提供,並不構成任何形式的受監管金融建議、法律、稅務或其他受監管服務。 本文件中包含的某些陳述是對未來預期的陳述和其他前瞻性陳述。觀點、意見和估計可能會在沒有通知的情況下發生變化,並基於㇐些假設,這些假設可能會或不可能最終實現或被證明是準確的。實際結果、業績或事件可能與該等陳述有重大差異。 投資涉及風險。過往表現並不代表未來表現。我們不能保證基金的表現會產生回報,亦可能出現沒有回報或損失投資金額的情況。它可能不適合不熟悉相關證券或不願意或無法承擔該投資的損失和所有權風險的人士。在作出任何投資決定前,投資者應閱讀基金說明書以了解詳情及風險因素。投資者應確保其完全了解與本基金有關的風險,並應考慮自己的投資目標及風險承受能力。投資者在作出任何投資前,應尋求獨立專業意見。 本文件所提供的資料及意見乃從未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司(「MAGIHK」)認為可靠的來源取得或得出,但我們對其準確性或完整性不作任何聲明。投資者應自行決定是否依賴本文件中的資訊。 產品、服務和信息可能不在你的管轄範圍內提供,可能由MAGIHK的關聯公司、子公司和/或分銷商根據當地法律和法規提供。本文件不針對任何禁止提供本文件的司法管轄區的任何人。 禁止提供本文件的人員或上述人員以外的人員不得使用本文件。閣下有責任了解並遵守任何相關司法管轄區的所有適用法律和法規。請向閣下的專業顧問諮詢有關閣下所在司法管轄區的產品和服務可用性的進一步信息。 發行者: 未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司(由證券及期貨事務監察委員會根據《證券及期貨條例》獲得第1、4和9類受規管活動的許可),本文件未經證券及期貨事務監察委員會或轄區內的適用監管機構審閱。未經MAGIHK明確的書面許可,不得以任何形式複製本出版物的任何部分,或在任何其他出版物中引用本出版物的任何部分。 版權2024。未來資產環球投資(香港)有限公司。保留所有權利。

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1120 加入收藏 :
Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF Hits US$600 Million Milestone in AUM

HONG KONG, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited, (the "Firm" or "Mirae Asset") is delighted to celebrate that the Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF (3110) has surpassed US$600 million in AUM, making another milestone after its inclusion to the ETF Connect Scheme. The total AUM of the ETF now exceeds US$600 million as of August 14, 2024, solidifying its position as the largest high dividend yield ETF by AUM listed in Hong Kong.[1] During the recent market turmoil, investors are seeking defensive strategy to navigate uncertainties. With a track record of over 11 years since its inception in 2013, the Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF (3110) aims to provide investors with high dividend returns, boasting an annualized dividend yield of 8.24%[2] and a semi-annual dividend distribution target. (Dividend rate is not guaranteed, and dividends may be paid out of capital[3]) Furthermore, the ETF offers lower volatility compared to the broad market. It tracks the Hang Seng High Dividend Yield Index, which has shown lower annualized volatility than the Hang Seng Index since 2014[4], providing investors with a resilient option to build up an income source in their portfolios. Mr. Wanyoun CHO, Chief Executive Officer of Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited, said: "We are thrilled that the Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF has achieved another significant milestone. We take pride in offering investors the opportunity to strengthen portfolios with our diversified and innovative products under various market conditions." The Firm now offers a total of 36 ETFs listed in Hong Kong, including 9 income ETFs, spanning a diverse array of investment capabilities from thematic growth, income, core to commodities. About Mirae Asset Global Investments Group Mirae Asset Global Investments Group (the "group") is an asset management organization with over US$254 billion in assets under management as of May 31, 2024[5]. The organization provides a diverse range of investment products including mutual funds, exchange traded funds ("ETFs"), and alternatives. Operating out of 25 offices worldwide, the group has a global team of more than 1,000 employees, including more than 200 investment professionals. The group's global ETF platform features a line-up of 585 ETFs that offer investors high quality and cost-efficient exposure to newly emerging investment themes and disruptive technologies in the global markets.[6] The group's ETFs have combined assets under management of US$124 billion and are listed in Australia, Canada, Colombia, Hong Kong (China), India, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[7] About Global X ETFs Global X ETFs was founded in 2008. For more than a decade, our mission has been empowering investors with unexplored and intelligent solutions. Our product line-up features over 376 ETF strategies and over $84 billion in assets under management.[8] While we are distinguished for our Thematic Growth, Income, and International Access ETFs, we also offer Core, Commodity, and Alpha funds to suit a wide range of investment objectives. Global X is a member of Mirae Asset Financial Group, a global leader in financial services, has a presence in 19 global markets and the group's managed assets exceed US$602 billion in assets under management worldwide.[9] Mirae Asset Global Investments Hong Kong: https://www.am.miraeasset.com.hk/ Global X ETFs Hong Kong:  www.globalxetfs.com.hk  Important Information Investors should not base investment decisions on this material alone. Please refer to the Prospectus for details including product features and the risk factors. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. There is no guarantee of the repayment of the principal. Investors should note: Global X Hang Seng High Dividend Yield ETF's (the "Fund's") investment in equity securities is subject to general market risks, whose value may fluctuate due to various factors, such as changes in investment sentiment, political and economic conditions and issuer specific factors. There is no assurance that dividends will be declared and paid in respect of the securities comprising the Hang Seng High Dividend Yield Index (the "Index"). Dividend payment rates in respect of such securities will depend on the performance of the companies or REITs of the constituent securities of the Index as well as factors beyond the control of the Manager including but not limited to, the dividend distribution policy of these companies or REITs. Whether or not distributions will be made by the Fund is at the discretion of the Manager taking into account various factors and its own distribution policy. There can be no assurance that the distribution yield of the Fund is the same as that of the Index. The Manager may at its discretion pay dividend out of the capital or gross income of the fund. Payment of dividends out of capital to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor's original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the Fund's capital may result in an immediate reduction of the Net Asset Value per Unit. The trading price of the Fund's unit (the "Unit") on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong is driven by market factors such as demand and supply of the Unit. Therefore, the Units may trade at a substantial premium or discount to the Fund's net asset value. As part of the securities lending transactions, there is a risk of shortfall of collateral value due to inaccurate pricing of the securities lent or change of value of securities lent. This may cause significant losses to the Fund. The borrower may fail to return the securities in a timely manner or at all. The Fund may suffer from a loss or delay when recovering the securities lent out. This may restrict the Fund's ability in meeting delivery or payment obligations from realisation requests. Disclaimer This document is for Hong Kong investors only. This document is provided for information and illustrative purposes and is intended for your use only. It is not a solicitation, offer or recommendation to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument. The information contained in this document has been provided as a general market commentary only and does not constitute any form of regulated financial advice, legal, tax or other regulated services. Certain of the statements contained in this document are statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements. Views, opinions and estimates may change without notice and are based on a number of assumptions which may or may not eventuate or prove to be accurate. Actual results, performance or events may differ materially from those in such statements. Investment involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. It cannot be guaranteed that the performance of the Funds will generate a return and there may be circumstances where no return is generated or the amount invested is lost. It may not be suitable for persons unfamiliar with the underlying securities or who are unwilling or unable to bear the risk of loss and ownership of such investment. Before making any investment decision, investors should read the Prospectus for details and the risk factors. Investors should ensure they fully understand the risks associated with the Funds and should also consider their own investment objective and risk tolerance level. Investors are advised to seek independent professional advice before making any investment. Information and opinions presented in this document have been obtained or derived from sources which in the opinion of Mirae Asset Global Investments (Hong Kong) Limited ("MAGIHK") are reliable, but we make no representation as to their accuracy or completeness. We accept no liability for a loss arising from the use of this document. Products, services and information may not be available in your jurisdiction and may be offered by affiliates, subsidiaries and/or distributors of MAGIHK as stipulated by local laws and regulations. This document is not directed to any person in any jurisdiction where the availability of this document is prohibited. Persons in respect of whom such prohibitions apply or persons other than those specified above must not access this document. It is your responsibility to be aware of and to observe all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Please consult with your professional adviser for further information on the availability of products and services within your jurisdiction. This document is issued by MAGIHK (Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission for Types 1, 4 and 9 regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance). This document has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission or the applicable regulator in the jurisdiction in which this article is posted and no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission of MAGIHK. Copyright © 2024 Mirae Asset Global Investments. All rights reserved. [1] Source: Mirae Asset, HKEX (Exchange Traded Products, Investment Focus: Equity Income), August 14, 2024. [2] Source: Mirae Asset, as of August 14, 2024. The annualized yield is calculated as follows: (dividends per share distributed in Sep 2023 and Mar 2024) / net asset value per unit of the fund on 29 Feb 2024. [3] Whether or not distributions will be made by the Fund is at the discretion of the Manager taking into account various factors and its own distribution policy. The Manager may at its discretion pay dividend out of the capital or gross income of the fund. Payment of dividends out of capital to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor's original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the Fund's capital may result in an immediate reduction of the NAV per Unit. Positive yield does not mean positive return. [4] Source: Bloomberg, Data as of December 2023. [5] Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments, May 31, 2024. [6] Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments, May 31, 2024. [7] Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments, May 31, 2024. [8] Source: Mirae Asset Global Investments, May 31, 2024. [9] Source: Mirae Asset Financial Group, March 31, 2024.  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 370 加入收藏 :
In recognition of its market-leading capabilities QNB Group named World's Best Bank for Emerging Markets in 2024

DOHA, Qatar, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- QNB Group, the largest financial institution in the Middle East and Africa, has been recognised by Global Finance Magazine as The World's Best Bank for Emerging Markets in 2024, recognizing its market-leading capabilities and robust presence in these markets. World's Best Bank for Emerging Markets in 2024 The recognition underscores QNB 's commitment to developing its global network through the world's fastest growing markets in the Middle East and Africa, Asia, and Europe thanks to its expertise and regional outreach to support growth of its clients in multiple markets. As a key market leader across 28 countries in three continents, QNB Group is renowned for its innovative solutions and expertise to provide best-in-class services for its clients and facilitate optimized funding lifecycles for corporate clients, empowering them to achieve growth. QNB's strategy focused on core wholesale banking business and constantly improving its approach to risk management led to significant growth in both local market and the Middle Eastern, African and Southeast Asian market. QNB's digital transformation optimized its business operations while it continued to gain market share in Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia (MEASEA) region.   Commenting on this achievement, Mr. Khalid Ahmed Al-Sada, Senior Executive Vice President – QNB Group Corporate and Institutional Banking, said: "The importance of emerging economies for global development is likely to increase further over time. QNB has consistently emerged as a leading bank for these markets supported by its global outreach and expertise towards achieving its vision to become a leading bank in the MEASEA region.  This recognition not only showcases QNB's market-leading capabilities but also underscores our dedication to delivering innovative products even in traditional markets to empower our clients to achieve growth and scale in an ever-changing market." Winners were selected based on performance over the past year and other criteria including reputation and management excellence. Global Finance's editorial board made the selections with input from corporate financial executives, analysts and bankers throughout the world. The annual World's Best Banks are in their 26th year and are recognized to be among the most prestigious in the financial services industry. QNB Group currently ranks as the most valuable bank brand in the Middle East and Africa. Through its subsidiaries and associate companies, the Group extends to more than 28 countries across three continents providing a comprehensive range of advanced products and services. The total number of employees is more than 30,000 operating through more than 900 locations, with an ATM network of 5,000 machines.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 364 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Kunlun Tech, the pioneering global tech giant, announced the groundbreaking launch of Melodio, the world's first AI-powered music streaming platform, and Mureka, an innovative AI music generation platform tailored for commercial use. Both Melodio and Mureka are powered by Kunlun Tech's latest Diffusion Transformer architecture based AI Music Generation Large Language Model (LLM), SkyMusic 2.0. SkyMusic 2.0 stands as the industry's first AI music model capable of consistently and stably generating endless music feed in specific styles. With the ability to process lyrics exceeding 500 words and produce 6-minute, 4400Hz dual-channel stereo AI songs, SkyMusic 2.0 boasts significantly enhanced backing track quality and instrumentation richness, establishing itself as the new SOTA (State-of-the-Art) in AIGC music industry. Melodio: World's First AI Music Streaming Platform Melodio revolutionizes music streaming by offering users personalized, AI-generated music streams tailored to their moods and scenarios. Simply input a prompt like "energetic music for a long drive" or "mellow tunes for morning coffee," and Melodio will instantly crafts a customized music stream that fits the occasion. With endless streams of real-time, personalized music, Melodio caters to users' every mood and scenario, enabling them to modify their prompts on the fly, switch between generated lyrics, and save or share their favorite moments for a truly transformative listening experience. During the process of Melodio AI music generation , users can modify the input prompt at any time to alter the music. They can also save and share their favorite musics or segments, enjoying a completely new and revolutionary music experience. According to Statista, the global music streaming industry has reached $19.3 billion in 2023. On Spotify, nearly 50% of users have listened to playlists with mood tags, indicating a strong demand for scenario-oriented music.Compared to traditional music platforms, AI music streaming can tailor exclusive music to each different scenario, redefining the form of music and enabling users to enjoy customized musical companionship anytime, anywhere. Mureka: A Revolutionary Platform for AI Music Creation and Monetization Mureka empowers music enthusiasts and professional artists to create and monetize their AI-generated music. On Mureka's Create page, users can input lyrics, reference tracks, and control music styles using the Style function. Mureka's AI music boasts unparalleled stability and controllability, allowing users to fine-tune sections like intros, verses, choruses, bridges, and outros with ease. Completed songs can be extended or re-generated as needed, ensuring a seamless creative process. Through the Mureka Store, users can list their AI music for sale, enabling artists to explore new business models for AIGC. User can also display, listen to, collect, share, and download AI-generated music, while also obtaining a certificate of AI music generation. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global market size of Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) is projected to reach approximately $3 billion in 2023, and it is estimated that by 2026, around 70% of DAW companies will be utilizing AI technology to assist in music creation. SkyMusic 2.0: Latest AIGC Music Large Language Model SOTA SkyMusic 2.0 leverages LLM technology to achieve an integrated end-to-end music generation process that encompasses instruments, vocals, melodies, volume, and notes, supporting streaming generation and precise control over textual prompts. Compared to SkyMusic 1.0, SkyMusic 2.0 boasts the capability to produce 6-minute stereo songs with a 44100Hz sampling rate and supports lyrics input exceeding 500 words, resulting in longer and more structured musical compositions. Furthermore, SkyMusic 2.0 has undergone significant improvements across multiple dimensions, including melody motivation quality, accompaniment quality, orchestration richness, musical structure, and mixing quality. It maintains the industry-leading SOTA (state-of-the-art) level in terms of vocal quality, naturalness, and intelligibility, ensuring a superior listening experience. Expanding Kunlun Tech's Global AI Footprint By 2023, Kunlun Tech boasts a global presence spanning over 100 countries and regions, with an average monthly active user base of nearly 400 million across AGI, AIGC, content distribution, metaverse, social entertainment, and gaming sectors. The launch of Melodio and Mureka further solidifies Kunlun Tech's position in the global market, leveraging AIGC technology to empower users worldwide with revolutionary AI music experiences. With Melodio and Mureka, Kunlun Tech is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in music consumption and creation. These platforms represent the future of music, where AI and human creativity intertwine to unleash boundless possibilities. Melodio and Mureka are now available to global users, ushering in a new era of AI-driven music innovation.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 375 加入收藏 :
Bybit Report Suggests Bitcoin Rally Could Extend: Insights from BlockScholes

DUBAI,  UAE, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bybit, the world's second-largest crypto exchange by trading volume, in collaboration with BlockScholes, is pleased to announce the release of its latest Crypto Insights Report, titled "The Bitcoin Rally May Not Yet Be Over." This report provides details of Bitcoin's current bull cycle, offering fresh perspectives on whether the rally has reached its zenith or if more gains lie ahead. Bybit Report Suggests Bitcoin Rally Could Extend: Insights from BlockScholes Key Highlights: The report delves into multiple dimensions of Bitcoin's market behavior, from historical price action to macroeconomic correlations, and offers a thorough checklist to gauge the potential longevity of the current bull cycle. Historical Analysis Suggests Rally May Persist The report highlights that Bitcoin's current bull market, spanning approximately 624 days, remains relatively modest compared to previous cycles. With a current trough-to-peak ratio of 3.5x, significantly lower than the 20x observed in prior cycles, the report suggests that the rally may continue for another 350 days before surpassing previous peaks. Historical patterns reveal that Bitcoin's price cycles often extend beyond initial expectations, providing a cautiously optimistic outlook. "Bitcoin's price movements often defy simple patterns, and our analysis indicates that the current rally may still have room to run," said Nathan Thompson, lead tech writer at Bybit. "By leveraging historical data and macroeconomic insights, we aim to offer our clients a clearer view of the market dynamics shaping crypto's future." Macro Factors and Institutional Influence The report also examines the disconnect between traditional macroeconomic indicators and Bitcoin's price behavior. Historically correlated with loose monetary policy and a weaker U.S. dollar, Bitcoin has shown resilience despite the absence of these conditions. Moreover, institutional demand, mainly through Bitcoin Spot ETFs, has played a crucial role in driving price movements, with recent shifts in ETF flows closely mirroring Bitcoin's market dynamics. Halving Cycle and Market Sentiment Bitcoin's performance following halving events has traditionally been strong, suggesting that the current cycle might extend further. Additionally, despite recent downbeat market sentiment, historical data from derivatives markets indicate that such sentiment dips often precede further gains rather than signal an end to a bull run. Download the Full Report For a comprehensive analysis and in-depth findings, download the full report [here]. #Bybit / #TheCryptoArk About Bybit Bybit is the world's second-largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, serving over 39 million users. Established in 2018, Bybit provides a professional platform where crypto investors and traders can find an ultra-fast matching engine, 24/7 customer service, and multilingual community support. Bybit is a proud partner of Formula One's reigning Constructors' and Drivers' champions: the Oracle Red Bull Racing team. For more details about Bybit, please visit Bybit Press. For media inquiries, please contact: media@bybit.com For more information, please visit: https://www.bybit.com For updates, please follow: Bybit's Communities and Social Media Discord | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Reddit | Telegram | TikTok | X | Youtube

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 384 加入收藏 :
CKGSB and University of Sydney Partner to Foster Unicorns in New Energy and Industrial Disruption

BEIJING, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB) and the University of Sydney announced a strategic partnership on 13 August 2024 in Sydney to jointly foster next-generation unicorns with a focus on new energy, digitalization and disruption to traditional industries in Australia and the Asia Pacific nations that are part of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Bing Xiang, Founding Dean and Dean's Distinguished Chair Professor of China Business and Globalization at CKGSB, and Leisa Sargent, Dean of the University of Sydney Business School, signed the agreement on behalf of both schools. "Unicorn companies play a key role in generating economic disruption, which is central to economic development and social advancement for both developed nations like Australia and developing economies," said Dean Xiang. "This is particularly important in promoting upward social mobility, especially among young people." Dean Xiang went on to explain that, precisely for this reason, CKGSB is the first business school, since 2015, to offer programs specifically designed for unicorn and soon-to-be-unicorn founders. "CKGSB has spent years working with leading schools and institutions to build a global ecosystem for the next generation of unicorn and soon-to-be-unicorn companies, with a renewed and enhanced emphasis on global responsibility, social purpose and long-term perspective," emphasized Dean Xiang. "We are delighted and honored to partner with the University of Sydney to offer a program that can help future unicorn leaders to sustainably grow in Australia and the broader RCEP region." Professor Sargent noted, "This collaboration represents a significant step towards integrating cutting-edge digital and ESG strategies in traditional sectors, further enriching our commitment to shaping industry-ready leaders who can navigate and innovate in complex, global markets. The partnership leverages CKGSB's attested strengths in educating established and future unicorn leaders and the University of Sydney Business School's research and history in supporting the dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystems throughout Australia and Asia. The program is now open for application and will take place on 11-14 February 2025 in Sydney. For more information about the program, please visit: New Energy and the Disruption of Traditional Industries - CKGSB.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 355 加入收藏 :
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