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由PR Newswire 美通社張貼的訊息, 共 47028 篇 ,以下為 1 - 24 篇 訂閱此列表,掌握最新動態
KT&G Accelerates Global Manufacturing through Türkiye Factory Expansion

- Expedites exports to North Africa, Latin America, and other locations by instating basis for global business SEOUL, South Korea, Jan. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- On the 16th, KT&G Corporation ("KT&G") (KRX: 033780) hosted a ceremony celebrating the Türkiye factory expansion. The expansion is part of KT&G's efforts to leap to a "Global Top-tier" and to strengthen its global operations. On the 16th, KT&G celebrated the expansion of its Turkiye factory to fulfill its goal to leap to a 'Global Top-tier' and to expand its global operations. Photo shows major participants of the ceremony held in including KT&G CEO Kyung-man Bang (fourth from right), Tire District Governor Vural Karagul (third from right), and Korean ambassador to Turkiye Yeon-doo Jeong (fourth from left) Around 50 major participants, including KT&G's CEO Kyung-man Bang, Tire District Governor Vural Karagül, the Korean ambassador to Türkiye Yeon-doo Jeong, Tire Mayor Hayati Okuroğlu, and President of Department of Tobacco and Alcohol Uğur Yalçın attended the factory's ceremony held in Tire, Izmir.  KT&G invested more than $60 million to install two new high-tech manufacturing facilities. The factory was expanded by 1.5 times and now has a total area of 25,000 square meters. After the expansion, the Türkiye factory has a total of four cigarette making machines with a capacity to produce 12 billion sticks of cigarettes annually. After this investment, KT&G's total investment adds up to $110 million. The expansion created 60 new jobs, and a total exceeding 200 people will be employed by the Türkiye factory. The Türkiye factory will become KT&G's outpost and core manufacturing facility to meet export demands to the Northern African and Latin American markets that are showing steady growth. In 2008, KT&G established its first overseas factory, the Türkiye factory. KT&G has since continued to fortify its global operations; currently KT&G is building factories in Indonesia and Kazakhstan, and the Kazakhstan factory construction will be completed within the year. KT&G plans to use its global manufacturing basis to create a completely local value chain that oversees everything from manufacturing to operations and distribution, increasing its profitability. The Türkiye factory expansion comes as part of the growth investment KT&G has announced during the "Future Vision Declaration Ceremony" in January of 2023. During the ceremony KT&G presented its mid to long-term vision of becoming a 'Global Top-tier' as well as its growth strategy of focusing on the three core businesses—NGP (Next Generation Products), overseas cigarettes, and health functional foods. KT&G plans to increase the proportion of its global revenue to 50% by 2027. Kyung-man Bang, CEO of the KT&G, stated that "the factory expansion has made the Türkiye factory a global hub that will tow the growth of KT&G's global business and an outpost for a leap to a 'Global Top-tier', our group's vision for the future" and that "KT&G will continue to reinforce its competitive capabilities by investing in the three core businesses and through its readiness for the future". Tire District Governor Vural Karagül thanked KT&G for its investments during his congratulatory speech, going on to say that "the KT&G factory will contribute to the local economy while facilitating the sustainable growth of Tire with its environmentally-friendly manufacturing operations." KT&G has six global corporations in various locations like Uzbekistan, Türkiye, Indonesia, and Taiwan, and branches in Mongolia, Europe, and China to continuously grow its global business. KT&G is well known for its brand ESSE and BOHEM.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 80 加入收藏 :

香港2025年1月20日 /美通社/ -- 中國海洋石油有限公司(「公司」或「中國海油」,香港聯交所股票代碼:00883(港幣櫃台)及80883(人民幣櫃台),上海證券交易所股票代碼:600938)今天宣佈東方29-1氣田開發項目已投產。 該項目位於鶯歌海海域,平均水深約68米,主要生產設施為新建1座無人井口平台和1條海底管道。計劃投產開發井6口,預計2025年將實現日產天然氣38百萬立方英呎的高峰產量。 該項目新建無人井口平台採用標準化、一體化模式建造,優化設備佈局,高效利用平台空間,顯著降低項目投資。項目生產的油氣將通過海底管道接入東方氣田群現有生產設施進行處理。近年來,中國海油持續在鶯瓊盆地挖潛增產,充分發揮在產油氣生產設施價值,降低新項目開發成本。 東方29-1氣田成功投產將進一步釋放東方氣田群天然氣產能,夯實公司環海南島海上氣田群能源供給能力,為海南島提供清潔、可靠、穩定的能源供應。 中國海油擁有該項目100%的權益,並擔任作業者。 — 完 — 編者注: 如需瞭解中國海洋石油有限公司更多信息,請登錄公司網站http://www.cnoocltd.com *** *** *** ***  本新聞稿包含公司的前瞻性資料,包括關於本公司和其附屬公司業務相當可能有的未來發展的聲明,例如預期未來事件、業務展望或財務結果。「預期」、「預計」、「繼續」、「估計」、「目標」、「持續」、「可能」、「將會」、「預測」、「應當」、「相信」、「計劃」、「旨在」等詞匯以及相似表達意在判定此類前瞻性聲明。這些聲明以本公司在此日期根據其經驗以及對歷史發展趨勢,目前情況以及預期未來發展的理解,以及本公司目前相信的其它合理因素所做出的假設和分析為基礎。然而,實際結果和發展是否能夠達到本公司的目前預期和預測存在不確定性。實際業績、表現和財務狀況可能與本公司的預期產生重大差異,這些因素包括但不限於宏觀政治及經濟因素、原油和天然氣價格波動有關的因素、石油和天然氣行業高競爭性的本質、氣候變化及環保政策因素、公司價格前瞻性判斷、併購剝離活動、HSSE及保險安排、以及反腐敗反舞弊反洗錢和公司治理相關法規變化。 因此,本新聞稿中所做的所有前瞻性聲明均受這些謹慎性聲明的限制。本公司不能保證預期的業績或發展將會實現,或者即便在很大程度上得以實現,本公司也不能保證其將會對本公司、其業務或經營產生預期的效果。 *** *** *** *** 如有進一步查詢,請聯絡: 劉  翠媒體/公共關係中國海洋石油有限公司電話:+86-10-8452-6641傳真:+86-10-8452-1441電郵:mr@cnooc.com.cn   李耀榮博達浩華國際財經傳訊集團電話: +852 3150 6707傳真: +852 3150 6728電郵:cnooc.hk@pordahavas.com

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 74 加入收藏 :
摩爾多瓦將主辦第 46 屆 Congress of the International Organisation of Vine & Wine (OIV)

摩爾多瓦基希訥烏2025年1月20日 /美通社/ -- 第 46 屆 World Congress of Vine and Wine 與 OIV 第 23 屆大會,將於 2025 年 6 月 16 日至 20 日在摩爾多瓦同時舉行。在摩爾多瓦邁向永續發展的關鍵時刻,這項開創性的活動將為摩爾多瓦葡萄酒產業帶來前所未有的契機。第 46 屆與農業和食品工業部合作主辦,除了 National Office of Vine and Wine (ONVV) 之外,承諾在摩爾多瓦首都基希訥烏「解決與葡萄酒行業未來挑戰有關的問題」。作為 2025 年全球葡萄與葡萄酒之都,基希納烏 (Chișinău) 在葡萄栽培方面大展拳腳,已成為東歐首屈一指的旅遊勝地。 Republic of Moldova to host the 46th World Congress of Vine and Wine in June 2025 除了「可持續生態學的適應性和創新技術」之外,大會將討論「可持續生態系統的韌性葡萄種植實踐」等相關議題。業務韌性和健康和安全,也將成為摩爾多瓦第 46 屆大會上的焦點所在。  與此同時,邀請參加者探索獨特的葡萄酒文化,在莊園之旅、交流活動和品嚐活動中,品嚐此國風格鮮明的的葡萄酒和原創風味。在摩爾多瓦葡萄酒 #10yearsofwinerevolution 運動的支持下,主要持份者在一個共同目標下團結:創造現代化的葡萄酒產業,促進永續發展、技術創新,並由 Wine of Moldova 國家品牌帶動。同時,持份者在設備和基礎設施項目上投入大量資金,協助打造 21 世紀的現代旅遊目的地。這種可持續發展與蓬勃發展的出口(第 14 大)經濟相結合,目前約佔 GDP 總額的 3%,幫助農村社區在全球化的市場中茁壯成長。如今,每四個摩爾多瓦人中就有一個與葡萄酒產業有關,而當地葡萄酒現在已被行銷至 70 多個國家。 第 46 屆葡萄酒大會受託主辦產業日誌中的開創性活動,將可鞏固摩爾多瓦在頂級葡萄酒生產領域的影響力地位。摩爾多瓦既是科技和文化景點的國家,現在在葡萄酒產業的結構發展方面的領導國家,尤其是在 2024 年推出的革命性人工智能項目,繼續贏得國際掌聲。 6 月,全世界將關注摩爾多瓦及其非凡的葡萄酒。  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 64 加入收藏 :
CNOOC Limited Brings On-stream Dongfang 29-1 Gas Field Development Project

HONG KONG, Jan. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- CNOOC Limited (the "Company", SEHK: 00883 (HKD Counter) and 80883 (RMB Counter), SSE: 600938) today announces that Dongfang 29-1 Gas Field Development Project has commenced production. The project is located in the Yinggehai Basin, with an average water depth of approximately 68 meters. The main production facilities include a new unmanned wellhead platform and a submarine pipeline. A total of 6 development wells are planned to be commissioned. The project is expected to achieve a peak production of 38 million cubic feet of natural gas per day in 2025. The new unmanned wellhead platform of the project is constructed in a standardized and integrated manner. The equipment layout has been optimized to make efficient use of platform space and significantly reduce project investment. The oil and gas produced will be connected to the existing facilities of Dongfang gas fields through the submarine pipeline for processing. In recent years, CNOOC Limited has been continually tapping the resource potentials of the Yinggehai-Qiongdongnan Basin, to fully utilize the existing production facilities and thereby reduce the development cost of new projects. The commissioning of Dongfang 29-1 will further release the production capacity of the Dongfang gas fields. The Company's offshore gas fields around Hainan Island will continue to provide clean, reliable and stable energy supply for the Island. CNOOC Limited holds 100% interest in this project and is the operator. — End — Notes to Editors: More information about the Company is available at http://www.cnoocltd.com. *** *** *** *** This press release includes forward looking information, including statements regarding the likely future developments in the business of the Company and its subsidiaries, such as expected future events, business prospects or financial results. The words "expect", "anticipate", "continue", "estimate", "objective", "ongoing", "may", "will", "project", "should", "believe", "plans", "intends" and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These statements are based on assumptions and analyses made by the Company as of this date in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that the Company currently believes are appropriate under the circumstances. However, whether actual results and developments will meet the current expectations and predictions of the Company is uncertain. Actual results, performance and financial condition may differ materially from the Company's expectations, including but not limited to those associated with macro-political and economic factors, fluctuations in crude oil and natural gas prices, the highly competitive nature of the oil and natural gas industry, climate change and environmental policies, the Company's price forecast, mergers, acquisitions and divestments activities, HSSE and insurance policies and changes in anti-corruption, anti-fraud, anti-money laundering and corporate governance laws and regulations. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements. The Company cannot assure that the results or developments anticipated will be realised or, even if substantially realised, that they will have the expected effect on the Company, its business or operations. *** *** *** *** For further enquiries, please contact: Ms. Cui LiuMedia & Public RelationsCNOOC LimitedTel: +86-10-8452-6641Fax: +86-10-8452-1441E-mail: mr@cnooc.com.cn  Mr. Bunny LeePorda Havas International Finance Communications GroupTel: +852 3150 6707Fax: +852 3150 6728E-mail: cnooc.hk@pordahavas.com 

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 84 加入收藏 :
Saasyan Introduces New Reseller Partner Program

SYDNEY, Jan. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Saasyan, a leader in AI-powered online student safety, has announced the reintroduction of their reseller partner program after a three-year hiatus.  Focused solely on the K-12 segment, Saasyan's partnership opportunity provides resellers with a niche market in which to operate, with online student safety solutions to fit schools of all sizes, locations and demographics.  Saasyan's flagship online student safety solution Assure is a comprehensive suite of offerings, equipping schools with advanced web filtering, real-time safety and wellbeing risk alerts and detailed online activity reports.  The introduction of the Assure On-Device and On-Premises Web Filters further extends the reach of Saasyan's online student safety capabilities by providing schools with advanced web filtering, deep inspection and single pane of glass management and reporting.  Supporting both Windows and MacOS, the Assure On-Device Web Filter allows schools to monitor student online activity both on and off school premises.  The modular nature of the Assure product suite enables resellers to tailor solutions to meet the online safety and web filtering needs of schools of all sizes and demographics.   "There's increasing demand for a feature complete, K-12 centric Web Filtering and online safety solution. We're thrilled to have launched our improved reseller program and are looking forward to addressing this demand with our partners."- Greg Margossian, Saasyan Founder and Managing Director.  To learn more about Saasyan's Reseller Partner Program, visit https://www.saasyan.com/partners  

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 80 加入收藏 :
Spirit Advisors Client PicoCELA Inc completes its Nasdaq IPO

TOKYO and NEW YORK, Jan. 20, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Spirit Advisors LLC proudly announces the successful completion of the initial public offering (IPO) of PicoCELA Inc. (Nasdaq: PCLA), a pioneer in wireless communication technology. As the first deep-tech OEM company from Japan to debut on the US market, PicoCELA's IPO underscores the feasibility of US listings as pragmatic exit strategies for venture-backed companies amidst the congestion of alternatives in local markets. PicoCELA raised $7 million in gross proceeds (before discounts and offering expenses), setting the stage for the company's next phase of global growth and innovation. Backed by a robust capital stack that includes prominent venture capitalists, strategic investors, and operational partners, this IPO exemplifies the growing alignment between Japan's entrepreneurial landscape and the opportunities offered by US capital markets. "We are thrilled to have guided PicoCELA through this transformative milestone," said Robert Yu, Founder and President of Spirit Advisors LLC. "This IPO not only validates PicoCELA's disruptive technology but also serves as a template for other Japanese companies seeking to expand globally. With an impressive roster of investors and partners, PicoCELA is well-positioned to lead in redefining connectivity in high-density environments." PicoCELA's technology, renowned for its advanced distributed wireless systems, addresses critical challenges in network reliability and scalability. Widely deployed in urban infrastructure, healthcare, and industrial operations, the company's solutions enhance operational efficiency and unlock new possibilities in connectivity. The proceeds from the IPO will fuel strategic initiatives, including next-generation wireless innovation, global market expansion, and solidifying the company's competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving telecommunications industry. Additional Details PicoCELA Inc. recently published its own announcement regarding the IPO pricing, which can be accessed here: PicoCELA Inc. Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering. About Spirit Advisors Spirit Advisors LLC specializes in guiding Japanese companies through the complexities of US IPOs, providing end-to-end advisory services from strategy formulation to execution. To learn more about Spirit Advisors' services, visit https://spiritadvisors.jp/ or contact us at prospect@spiritadvisors.com.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 78 加入收藏 :
Be My Guest: The Embroidery Episode
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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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