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European Wellness Signs MOU with Tianyou to Expand Education, Research and Development, and Healthcare in China.

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2950 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, June 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- European Wellness Academy (EWA), the Malaysian educational arm of European Wellness Biomedical Group (EW Group), and Tianyou (Macau) Group Co., have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to enhance the education, research and development, and healthcare sectors throughout China.

Malaysian Prime Minister, The Honourable Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim witnessed the momentous occasion, with EW Group Chairman, Prof. Dato' Seri Dr Mike Chan and Tianyou Co. Director, Zheng Yangjun signing the MOU on behalf of their respective organizations.

One of the objectives of this joint effort is the establishment of "European Wellness Centers of Excellence for Biological Regenerative Medicine." The first center will be a European Wellness-Academy and branded integrative medicine, wellness, and aesthetic facility. A second center will focus on operating and providing premium patient consultation for healthcare practitioners across China, with the aim of recommending and aiding local patients interested in pursuing advanced methods and techniques of biological regenerative medicine outside of the country.

The second aspect of the partnership is the development of "European Wellness Academy," which will be serving as a biomedical education and training academy for the purpose of achieving professional development, which internationally-accredited European Wellness certification.

In addition to establishing the "European Wellness International Research Center for Integrative Bio-Regenerative Medicine, Immunology, and Cellular Therapy," both parties will also collaborate on setting up an International Academic Body and Research Institute in Macau. These institute will specialize in stem cell research and technology. It will serve as a dedicated facility for conducting advanced studies and research in these fields.

Education, research and development, and healthcare are important drivers of Malaysia's economy and are likely to continue to play a significant role in the country's future growth and development. This partnership is set to unlock new pathways and opportunities for Malaysia in developing its healthcare and wellness industry, as well as in cultivating high-skilled talent.

European Wellness Academy
A non-profitable academy body of EW Group located in Germany, UK, Switzerland, Greece, USA and Malaysia, as a CPD authorized body with a premium training and development wing that revolves around cutting-edge Bio-Regenerative Medicine modalities for practitioners and researchers. It has extensive years of combined clinical experience and a core academic team comprising of qualified MDs, immunologists and scientists with numerous international affiliations and accreditations.

CONTACT: Ferellica Martin, media@european-wellness.com

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