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Doo Wealth Signs MOU With Corpag To Signify Global Business Partnership

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 421 加入收藏 :

HONG KONG, June 21, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Doo Group's subsidiary company and a member of Doo Wealth, Doo Consulting Limited (Company Registration No. 2601567), is pleased to announce that it has successfully signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd. (Company Registration No. 2096447) to signify global business partnership.

The global business partnership will focus on establishing future global collaborative efforts that are mutually beneficial to promote the competitiveness of Doo Consulting Limited and Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd.

A Strong Partnership Between Two Outstanding Organizations 

Doo Consulting Limited

Since its establishment, Doo Group has nurtured a robust team with over 750 industry experts working in over 10 offices worldwide. With the vision to extend its reach, Doo Group has been actively seeking opportunities to venture into different markets, and Doo Consulting Limited is a benchmark of Doo Group in the trust sector.

Doo Consulting Limited is a trust company registered pursuant to the Trustee Ordinance (Cap. 29 Laws of Hong Kong) with the authorization from the Hong Kong Companies Registry ("CR").  In addition, Doo Consulting Limited possesses a license to provide trust or company service business in Hong Kong ("TCSP license"). Under the supervision of the world-top regulator, Doo Consulting Limited is authorized to deliver comprehensive services, including but not limited to asset management, custody services and custody solutions.  

Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd.

Incorporated in 1972, the Corpag Group is an independently owned organization that provides trust, administrative and corporate secretarial services to its private wealth, corporate and funds clients worldwide. With more than 50 years of history, Corpag has a global network of offices across various regions and countries, including USA, United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, New Zealand and Hong Kong and more. 

In Hong Kong, Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd. offers high quality integrated solutions to its clients, such as legal administrative services, tax representation services, trust setup and administration services.  

Empowering Trust Sector Through Global Collaborative Efforts

The MOU signifies the shared commitment of the two visionary organizations to work together to leverage their collective expertise, resources and networks to elevate the trust sector to new heights. Through the global business partnership, Doo Consulting Limited and Corpag Services (Asia) Ltd. are determined to deliver exceptional value and drive the success of their global clients.

Email: marketing@doogroup.com

Website: www.doogroup.com

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2024 年 11 月 13 日 (星期三) 農曆十月十三日
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