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NETAND participate Communic Asia 2023 showcasing its Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution, HIWARE

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1528 加入收藏 :

SEOUL, South Korea, June 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- NETAND, the integrated identity & access management solution provider, attended Communic ASIA, Asia Tech x Singapore 2023 conference held in Singapore from 7-9th June 2023. NETAND has showcased its flagship solution HIWARE demonstration and shared insights on data security and payment & transaction security.

NETAND, the integrated identity & access management solution provider, attended Communic ASIA, Asia Tech x Singapore 2023 conference held in Singapore from 7-9th June 2023. NETAND has showcased its flagship solution HIWARE demonstration and shared insights on data security and payment & transaction security.
NETAND, the integrated identity & access management solution provider, attended Communic ASIA, Asia Tech x Singapore 2023 conference held in Singapore from 7-9th June 2023. NETAND has showcased its flagship solution HIWARE demonstration and shared insights on data security and payment & transaction security.

NETAND demonstrated its flagship product, HIWARE, its knowledge and experience in continuing to assist customers with their identity and access security needs. HIWARE is an industry-leading solution that is widely used by financial and government institutions in Korea to protect information from internal and external security threats such as information leakage.

"The world is slowly ushering in a post-pandemic era, the global market is paying attention to access management solutions since major IT infrastructure systems require thorough control and management of user access and authority. It is, therefore, imperative for the world to fast-track its cybersecurity infrastructure and policies," said Hochul Shin, CEO of NETAND.

NETAND also provides Privileged Access Session Management (PAM) solution which enables end-to-end management and supervision of users by controlling all accesses and operations of clients' IT infrastructure such as networks and servers, monitoring work details in real-time, and saving log records.

"PAM solution is one of the best ways to protect and secure the digital transformation of any business. PAM solution is essential as an identity security solution that helps guard organizations against insider threats, cyber-attacks, and compliance risks by monitoring, detecting, and preventing unauthorized privileged access to critical resources," adds Hochul Shin.

NETAND soon open its first regional office in Singapore to expand its offering in ASEAN market and will used representative office as a hub of Global countries.


Founded in 2007, NETAND has grown into Asia's market leader of privileged access management (PAM) solution with industry-leading technology and expertise based on continuous research, development, and various customer experience. NETAND is currently serving more than 3,000 domestic and foreign customers. Its 16 years in the industry makes NETAND the preferred PAM solutions provider to government and large companies. NETAND currently holds 60% of the domestic market share and has been recognized as the only PAM solutions provider in the Asia-Pacific region by Gartner Magic Quadrant in 2021. NETAND was named as one of the 5 best cybersecurity companies to watch by Silicon Review magazine in 2022.

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