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D-Link is Taiwan's First Networking Brand to Acquire the ETSI EN 303 645 Certification

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 706 加入收藏 :

TAIPEI, June 8, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- D-Link Corporation announced today that its AQUILA PRO AI M30 AX3000 dual-band Wi-Fi 6 router has acquired the ETSI EN 303 645  cybersecurity certification in May with the assistance of Auray Technology, making D-Link the first networking brand in Taiwan to obtain this certificate issued by the Nemko Group.

ETSI EN 303 645 is the European standard for cybersecurity requirements in IoT devices. It focuses on ensuring the privacy, integrity, and overall security of IoT devices, protecting them against potential vulnerabilities and threats.

"We are thrilled to be the first networking brand in Taiwan to acquire the ETSI EN 303 645 product certification for the AQUILA PRO AI M30 Wi-Fi 6 Mesh Router," said Victor Kuo, chairman of D-Link Corporation. "This achievement demonstrates our ongoing commitment to provide secure and reliable networking solutions. We believe that cybersecurity is paramount in today's interconnected world, and this certification validates our efforts in ensuring the highest level of protection for our customers' IoT devices."

As a global leader in designing and developing networking and connectivity products, D-Link has long been committed to networking equipment and services, with a strong emphasis on cybersecurity. In anticipation of the upcoming implementation of consumer IoT network security requirements by the EU in recent years, D-Link initiated a project in 2022 to address these requirements. In addition to optimizing product development specifications for cybersecurity, D-Link has actively empowered its product researchers, with nearly 100 colleagues completing ETSI EN 303 645-related training last year alone. Now, through the collaboration between Nemko Taiwan and its partner lab, Auray, D-Link has become the first networking company in Taiwan to obtain the International EU Standards ETSI EN 303 645 certification. This certification enables its products to meet consumer specifications aligned with international network security standards, thereby providing D-Link with a significant competitive advantage.

For more information about the M30 Wi-Fi 6 Mesh Router, please visit www.dlink.com/en/products/m30-ax3000-mesh-router

About D-Link

D-Link is a global leader in designing and developing networking and connectivity products and total solutions for consumers, small businesses, medium to large-sized enterprises, and service providers. From relatively modest beginnings in Taiwan, the company has grown into an award-winning global brand in 44 countries. Find out more about D-Link at www.dlink.com

About Nemko

Nemko, established in 1933 as the Norwegian National Commodity Inspection Bureau, specializes in testing and certifying electrical and electronic products in Norway. Today, Nemko is a global company with over 500 employees and 25 branches across four continents. As a notified body authorized by the European Community, Nemko offers certification services for various directives including low voltage, electromagnetic compatibility, medical equipment, explosion-proof equipment, telecommunications equipment, and maritime equipment. With its extensive expertise, Nemko provides testing and certification services worldwide, ensuring smooth market access for your products in different countries. Find out more about Nemko at www.nemko.com

About Auray

The Auray OTIC and Security Lab is the first Asia OTIC Lab approved by O-RAN Alliance and dedicated to the development of 5G Open-RAN. Its main business of Auray Technology Corp, which is an SME contributor of the O-RAN ALLIANCE, is a third-party test laboratory focusing on communication technology with cross-disciplinary expansion and integration services in Taiwan.

As one of the qualified O-RAN Alliance Open Testing and Integration Centres (OTIC), Auray OTIC and Security Lab provides a collaborative, open, and impartial working environment. Find out more about Auray at https://www.auray.com.tw/

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