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On World Environment Day 2023, LILYSILK Bolsters Sustainability Commitments with Release of 2022 Zero Waste Report

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 568 加入收藏 :

NEW YORK, June 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- LILYSILK, the world's leading silk brand with a mission to inspire people to live better, sustainable lives, is marking World Environment Day 2023 with the release of its 2022 Zero Waste Report: A Year of Living Sustainably. The global silk icon is serious about environmental responsibility and is doubling down on its impressive sustainability commitments with the initiation of a Zero Waste Movement that focuses on Zero Inventory, Zero Waste, and Zero Scraps.

LILYSILK Bolsters Sustainability Commitments with Release of 2022 Zero Waste Report
LILYSILK Bolsters Sustainability Commitments with Release of 2022 Zero Waste Report

"For World Environment Day 2023, we're thrilled to share the strides we have made over the past year towards a more sustainable future. This is only the start," said David Wang, CEO of LILYSILK. "Our commitment to helping people to Live Spectacularly is as strong as ever and now our Zero Waste Movement will accelerate the transition to a circular economy."

The 3 main pillars of LILYSILK's Zero Waste Movement include:

  • Zero Inventory
    When a customer places an order, LILYSILK's manufacturing facility jumps into action to produce their garment within 48 hours, before express delivering the package to its destination within an average of just 2-3 business days.
  • Zero Waste
    Average production of a garment can generate 25% waste which can add up to over 5.6 tons of leftover fabric in a single year. With LILYSILK's innovative Zero Waste campaign, the Company converted this surplus material into additional silk products including approximately 8,000 eye masks and 6,000 protective masks to date.
  • Zero Scraps
    In the United States, the average adult discards approximately 70 pounds of clothing each year, 95% of which could be recycled. LILYSILK launched a partnership with TerraCycle® to empower customers to recycle their clothing that benefits communities most in need while also ensuring the long-term protection of the planet. By the end of 2022, over 440 pounds of clothing were recovered, with 4500 pounds expected by the end of 2023.

Adopting an evidence-based sustainability strategy, LILYSILK prioritizes long-term impacts over short-term trends. By implementing degradable materials and simplified packaging methods, the company reduced paper usage by 78.2 tons in 2022, equating to a savings of approximately 148 trees. LILYSILK is also reinforcing its commitment to sustainability with the launch of its first GOTS collection and the planting of 15,000 trees in collaboration with One Tree Planted to support global reforestation.

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