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Self Storage Asia Awards Winners announced at Awards Ceremony on April 12, 2023

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2528 加入收藏 :

HANOI, Vietnam, June 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --  The Self Storage Association Asia announces the winners of the Self Storage Association Awards Asia.

The full list of finalists and details of the entries are at the Awards website at https://selfstorageasia.org/award-winners-2023

The self storage industry in Vietnam has been growing rapidly in recent years with increasing demand for storage solutions from both individuals and businesses. The winners of the Awards Asia are recognised for their excellence in self storage. Among the winners are several companies from Vietnam.

In the Valet Storage of the Year category, MyStorage Vietnam  is the best in Vietnam.

In the Independent Store of the Year category, the winner for Vietnam is MyStorage Vietnam. Kingkho Mini Storage is an Asian Finalist and received a Special Mention.

MyStorage Vietnam also took home the Creative & Effective Marketing Award, sponsored by Digital First, for their "Lives in the Wealthy Districts Campaign," which was aimed at promoting their storage solutions to the upscale market in Vietnam.

The self storage industry in Vietnam has seen significant growth in recent years, with an increasing number of companies entering the market to meet the growing demand for storage solutions. According to industry experts, the market is expected to continue to grow, driven by increasing urbanisation, rising disposable incomes, and changing lifestyles.

The Self Storage Association Awards Asia promotes the growing importance of self storage in Asia, and the significant contribution of the industry to the region's economy. As the self storage industry continues to evolve and grow in Vietnam, it is likely that we will see more innovative solutions and new players entering the market in the coming years.

About the Self Storage Association Asia

The SSAA is the industry body representing and serving the self storage industry in Asia from Japan to Jordan. Its members comprise the best of class self storage operators, their suppliers and investors. The SSAA provides training, advocacy, intelligence, market reports and a networking platform to help operators to continue to improve and grow.


Heily Lai
Director of Community Events, Sponsorship and Marketing
Self Storage Association Asia
Tel: +852 5403 2154
Email: heilylai@selfstorageasia.org

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