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2023 China Seed Congress & Nanfan Agricultural Silicon Valley Forum Drives Seed Industry Revitalization

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 588 加入收藏 :

Successful event brings together industry leaders, highlights achievements, and promotes global collaboration

SANYA, China, May 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A news report from Hinews:

The 2023 China Seed Congress & Nanfan Agricultural Silicon Valley Forum concluded successfully with over 3,000 domestic and international guests and industry players in attendance.

During the four-day event, participants engaged in discussions and analysis of the seed industry's development, strategized for business growth, and exchanged valuable insights on revitalizing the seed sector. Several experts and scholars delivered presentations on identifying emerging trends and challenges in the seed industry today, articulated proposals for the revitalization of China's seed industry, and further development of Nanfan Agricultural Silicon Valley.

Furthermore, at the main forum, the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration Bureau made an announcement calling for a collection of the physical exhibits for the Nanfan Museum that is now under construction. The museum aims to commemorate Nanfan's transformation into one of China's key seed breeding centers over the course of the past six decades. Construction of the museum began on October 10, 2022. In addition to showcasing Nanfan's achievements, the museum will include a section dedicated to honoring the resilience of Nanfan's older generation. Under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, a collaborative effort by the China Seed Association, the Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration Bureau has been initiated to gather Nanfan-related documentary sources, photos, plant samples, production tools, scientific research instruments, daily necessities, and other commemorative items. These artifacts will be used to create a panoramic showpiece that chronicles the history of Nanfan Agricultural Silicon Valley. Beyond preserving Nanfan's historical records, the museum will also feature a section highlighting Hainan Free Trade Port. Credit is given to the story of Nanfan's and of the trade port's success as one that exemplifies China's strong commitment to self-sufficiency and advancement in scientific and technological innovation.

In addition to an exhibition area devoted to the products and services from 50 firms spanning the seed industrial chain, this year's event also included 13 sub-forums, as well as a special exhibit area dedicated to Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City.

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2024 年 12 月 2 日 (星期一) 農曆十一月初二日
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