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P&C Solution Unveils Remote Assistance Solutions at AWE USA 2023, Participating for the Third Consecutive Year

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 941 加入收藏 :

SEOUL, South Korea, May 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- P&C Solution is set to launch its product, METALENSE, at the Augmented World Expo (AWE USA 2023), marking its debut in the North American market. The expo is scheduled to take place in Santa Clara, California, USA from the 1st of June to the 2nd of June.

P&C Solution Unveils Remote Assistance Solutions at AWE USA 2023, Participating for the Third Consecutive Year
P&C Solution Unveils Remote Assistance Solutions at AWE USA 2023, Participating for the Third Consecutive Year

AWE, the world's largest virtual technology exhibition, brings together top professionals from the AR, VR and XR markets to exchange cutting-edge development trends and knowledge. Approximately 225 global companies are expected to participate in this year's expo. P&C Solution, which has been involved in AWE USA since 2021, is confident that this event will generate positive outcomes, with meetings planned with a number of other global companies.

In South Korea, P&C Solution's AR Glasses, METALENSE, received a Prime Minister's Award, while internationally, the company was recognized with an Innovation Award at CES 2023. The company plans to introduce METALENSE and an improved advanced remote assistance solution at AWE USA 2023.

P&C Solution's new remote assistance solution has been developed in collaboration with a European solution development firm. Enhancing multi-party remote communication based on augmented reality (AR), their solution can share effortlessly large files of up to 100MB. An official from P&C Solution stated, "Both METALENSE and our improved remote collaboration solution can be implemented quickly and reliably in a number of industries, including manufacturing, construction, healthcare, and education, offering infinite possibilities for use."

P&C Solution also stated, "By showcasing METALENSE during business meetings aimed at collaboration with global companies at AWE 2023, P&C Solution is making significant strides towards success in the North American market."

P&C Solution's booth is placed in Hall A #519.

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2024 年 12 月 14 日 (星期六) 農曆十一月十四日
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