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Sale of 260 Acres at Dublin Airport presents unique real estate opportunity

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1027 加入收藏 :

JLL serving as selling agent for one of the most exciting development sites in Ireland

DUBLIN, May 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A major landbank between the runways at Dublin Airport in north County Dublin, Ireland is this week being placed on the market by JLL. The lands are privately held by the long-term owners. The infrastructural land which is available for sale by private treaty in its entirety or in three separate lots, totals approximately 260 acres.

260 acres available for sale at Dublin Airport
260 acres available for sale at Dublin Airport

Of strategic international importance and paramount to the short, medium and long-term growth of Dublin airport; the lands, which are already earmarked to address emerging and existing demand at the airport, will allow for its phased expansion, while avoiding passenger disruption. They are integral to future passenger growth, airport capacity and passenger service standards. In 2023, it is anticipated that passenger throughput at the airport will return to record levels in excess of 32 million passengers.

John Moran, CEO, JLL in Ireland said: "There are limited international opportunities to acquire a single holding of this scale for a potential airport terminal, airport related uses or logistics in such a high-profile and accessible location.  This provides an exceptional development opportunity as there are no lands of similar zoning and location which are potentially designated for the short and medium-term development of one of Europe's busiest and most well-connected airports."

The central location and greenfield nature of the area are key advantages, representing the best opportunity to construct a third terminal at the airport and providing the opportunity for scalable and modular growth without the associated major disruption to passenger operations that would inevitably accompany the ongoing expansion of Terminals 1 and 2.

In the centre of Dublin airport, between the two existing runways, this substantial landbank is approximately 3.0km north of the M50 Dublin ring-road, 4.0km south of the large suburban town Swords and 7.0km north of Dublin City Centre.  It has direct access to Dublin City Centre via the Dublin Port Tunnel and regional roadways.

As Dublin airport rapidly moves towards handling 40 million annual passengers, likely within another four to six years, the land is in a unique strategic position to host a third terminal and meet passenger demand at one of Europe's fastest growing major airports. In 2023 alone Aer Lingus is reportedly anticipating an increase of 23% in its long-haul capacity, while Ryanair is implementing its biggest summer schedule from Dublin ever, with 130 routes.

DAA, a commercial company wholly-owned by the Irish State, owns and operates Dublin Airport. Policy decisions on the future expansion of Dublin Airport including the establishment of a secondary hub, a third terminal, as well as airport regulatory and operating models are made by the Irish Government and informed by National Aviation Policy.

The lands are zoned DA – Dublin Airport, in the 2023 to 2029 Development Plan for the local authority, Fingal County Council. The objective under this zoning is to ensure the effective and efficient development of the airport in accordance with an approved Local Area Plan.

The lands are currently in agricultural use and are available to the market with vacant possession.

Key Statistics

  • Dublin Airport is the 10th largest international passenger airport in the EU
  • Dublin Airport is the 5th largest airport in Europe for transatlantic connectivity and only European capital city airport offering US pre-clearance
  • Dublin Airport hosts the 2nd busiest international air route in the world, Dublin - London

Note - Figures from latest available data from 2019, with strong passenger recovery since covid, outpacing European peers with record monthly passengers in each month of 2023

  • Dublin Airport Summer 2023 weekly schedules
    • 215 flights to North America to 19 destinations
    • 1391 flights to Europe to more than 135 destinations
    • 817 flights to Great Britain
    • 51 flights to Middle East & Africa

Inquiries to JLL in Dublin:

John Moran: + 353 86 260 8783 / john.moran@jll.com

Ollie Lyons: +353 86 085 0056 / ollie.lyons@jll.com


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