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Hydrexia Energy Technology and Green Solution Group Sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 721 加入收藏 :

SHANGHAI and KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, May 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Hydrexia (Malaysia), an international arm of Hydrexia Energy Technology in Southeast Asia, today announced that has officially entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Green Solution Group (TGS).  The MoU is intended to provide a framework for a comprehensive business partnership between the two companies geared toward promoting hydrogen technology user applications in the growing hydrogen market in Vietnam.

Under the terms of the agreement, both Hydrexia and TGS are committed to partnering closely to explore hydrogen development projects in the Vietnamese local market by leveraging each other's technology and market strengths.  The proposed collaboration areas between the two companies include, but not limited to, hydrogen distribution, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen refueling station information management system. 

"We are excited about this partnership with TGS, as it will fully create a win-win dynamic where both companies can fully utilize our competitive strengths to seize business opportunities in a new and fast-growing hydrogen market," says Gorge Gan, CEO of Hydrexia for Southeast Asia. "Partnering with TGS certainly enlarges Hydrexia's business footprint in the Southeast Asia market," Gan continued.

"The collaboration between Hydrexia and TGS is expected to contribute to the growth of the hydrogen economy in Vietnam and accelerate the adoption of hydrogen as a clean energy source." commented Winnie Huynh, Founder & CEO of TGS.  With the combined expertise and commitment to sustainability, Hydrexia and TGS are poised to make significant contribution to hydrogen market in the country.

As an integrated Hydrogen technology solution provider, Hydrexia is committed to serving the needs of the Hydrogen industry chain.  To date, the company has grown its business presence to various global markets including Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Russia, and the U.S.

[About Hydrexia]

Hydrexia Energy Technology is a leading integrated hydrogen technology solution provider in China with extensive global reach.  The company specializes in providing technology solutions for hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and utilization.  Leveraging its solid R&D capabilities and industry-leading technology, Hydrexia aims to effectively address the technology and application needs in the global hydrogen eco-system.

[About Green Solution Group]

The Green Solution Group Corporation (TGS) has been established since 2016 to be a part of the Green Energy businesses in Vietnam, with the mission of contributing to solving the shortage of energy sources by researching, supplying, and implementing renewable energy projects: wind energy, solar energy (ground mounted, floating, rooftop), LNG and Hydrogen.


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