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BLUETTI Helps Make Mother's Day Special With Various Power Solutions

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 600 加入收藏 :

LAS VEGAS, May 9, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BLUETTI, a leading company in the renewable energy storage industry, has announced that it will offer its high quality power solutions in a special Mother's Day promotion from May 6th to 18th.

Spoiling Mom with a Relaxing Outing

There's no better way to spend quality time with moms than by planning an outdoor excursion such as camping, hiking, or climbing. To make the outdoor experience even more enjoyable, a portable power station like the BLUETTI EB3A, EB55, or EB70 is a must-have. They weigh between 10 lbs to 21.4 lbs and are about the size of an average shoebox. With multiple outputs, they can simultaneously charge phones, laptops, car fridges, drones, fans, lamps, and more. Never miss a great moment due to a dead battery with the help of these mobile power solutions.

Empower Road Trips With Mom

Going on a road trip with Mom will create lasting memories. BLUETTI AC series, such as AC200P, AC200MAX, and AC300, is perfect for off-grid living. They come with 2,000W to 3,000W power that can run most RV appliances easily, such as hair dryers, refrigerators, micro ovens, heaters, air fryers, and more. For an extended stay, choose the AC300, which can store 3,072Wh to 12,288Wh of power by pairing it with B300 batteries. Even if depleted, it can be filled up by car or solar panels quickly. Its maximum solar charging rate of 2,400W ensures that green and clean energy is always available anywhere.

Gift Mom Solid Power & Great Convenience

Taking care of Mom is a continuous responsibility that goes beyond just today. Giving a gift that makes their daily life more secure can be very meaningful. BLUETTI AC500 and EP500 home battery systems are great options to consider. They have a responsive UPS function that takes over the house within 20 milliseconds of detecting an outage. As a star product that raised $12 million on Indegogo, the AC500 can work with B300S for a flexible capacity ranging from 3,072Wh to 18,432Wh,  - enough power for household emergencies lasting up to a fews days. With a 5,000 large output, the AC500 can power nearly all home appliances, such as fridges, ovens, ACs, washers, and high-powered tools. 

Warm Greetings to All Great Mothers

BLUETTI sends warm greetings to all super moms everywhere and encourages everyone to make Mother's Day a day ultra special by taking advantage of its time-limited offers. Furthermore, BLUETTI is offering more savings by its referral program: give 5% discount to friends, and get one BLUETTI buck for every dollar they spend.


BLUETTI has been committed to promoting sustainability and green energy solutions since its inception. By offering eco-friendly energy storage solutions for both indoor and outdoor use, BLUETTI aims to provide exceptional experiences for our homes while also contributing to a sustainable future for our planet. This commitment to sustainable energy has helped BLUETTI expand its reach to over 100 countries and gain the trust of millions of customers worldwide.


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