Tarena Filed 2022 Annual Report on Form 20-F
BEIJING, April 29, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Tarena International, Inc. (NASDAQ: TEDU) ("Tarena" or the "Company"), a leading provider of IT professional education and IT-focused supplementary STEAM education services in China, today announced that it has filed its annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022 with the Securities and Exchange Commission after the U.S. market closes on April 28, 2023. The annual report can be accessed on Tarena's investor relations website at http://ir.tedu.cn. The Company will provide a hard copy of the annual report containing its audited consolidated financial statements, free of charge, to its shareholders and ADS holders upon request.
About Tarena International, Inc.
Tarena is a leading provider of IT professional education and IT-focused supplementary STEAM education services in China. Through its innovative education platform combining live distance instruction, classroom-based tutoring and online learning modules, Tarena offers professional education courses in IT and non-IT subjects. Its professional education courses provide students with practical skills to prepare them for jobs in industries with significant growth potential and strong hiring demand. Tarena also offers IT-focused supplementary STEAM education programs, including computer coding and robotics programming courses, etc., targeting students aged between three and eighteen years of age. Aiming to encourage "code to learn," Tarena embraces the latest trends in STEAM education and technology to develop children's logical thinking and learning abilities while allowing them to discover their interests and potential.
For further information, please contact:
Investor Relations Contact:
Tarena International, Inc.
Investor Relations
E-mail: ir@tedu.cn
The Piacente Group, Inc.
In China
Yang Song
Tel: +86-10-6508-0677
E-mail: tedu@tpg-ir.com
In the U.S.
Brandi Piacente
Tel: +1-212-481-2050
E-mail: tedu@tpg-ir.com
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