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SM hikes dividend payout to shareholders on favorable full year performance

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2944 加入收藏 :

PASAY CITY, Philippines, April 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SM Investments Corporation (SM Investments) remains optimistic on the business prospects this year with sustained consumer spending.

Reflecting this optimism, the company declared an increase in dividend payout to PHP9.165 billion or PHP7.50 per share in favor of stockholders on record as of May 11, 2023. The dividends are payable on May 25, 2023.   

The dividend declaration represents a 20% increase from the previous year's PHP6.25 per share.

"2022 was a year of remarkable growth as our businesses participated in the reopening of the economy. This performance is reflected in our dividend declaration. We remain optimistic about the business prospects going into 2023," SM Investments President and Chief Executive Officer Frederic C. DyBuncio said.

About SM Investments Corporation

SM Investments Corporation is a leading Philippine company that is invested in market-leading businesses in retail, banking, and property. It also invests in ventures that capture high growth opportunities in the emerging Philippine economy.

SM's retail operations are the country's largest and most diversified with its food, non-food, and specialty retail stores. SM's property arm, SM Prime Holdings, Inc., is the largest integrated property developer in the Philippines with interests in malls, residences, offices, hotels and convention centers as well as tourism-related property developments. SM's interests in banking are in BDO Unibank, Inc., the country's largest bank, and China Banking Corporation, the 6th largest bank.

For information, please visit www.sminvestments.com 

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