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SinoCorrugated 2023 will take place in Shanghai in July

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 604 加入收藏 :

Don't miss the biggest exhibition in the packaging industry

SHANGHAI, April 17, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- With over 22 years of experience and resources accumulated, SinoCorrugated 2023, organized by RX (China) Investment Co., Ltd., is committed to building an industry gala that will drive the development of the corrugated packaging market from July 12-14. This year, the exhibition will be held at the National Exhibition and Convention Center·Shanghai·China.

SinoCorrugated 2023 will take place in Shanghai from July 12-14
SinoCorrugated 2023 will take place in Shanghai from July 12-14

Six Concurrent Exhibitions Cover the whole Packaging Industry Chain

As a mega gala of the global packaging industry chain, along with SinoCorrugated 2023, SinoFoldingCarton 2023, SinoPaper 2023, DPrint 2023, Food Pack & Tech 2023, and PACKCON 2023, SinoCorrugated 2023 invited over 1,200 high-quality exhibitors and more than 100,000 global visitors with 200+ international associations and medias. Over 200 global/Asian latest equipment and products are set to debut at the event, highlighting the latest trends and innovations in the packaging industry. It is the largest and most comprehensive exhibition of the year, promising to exceed expectations.

With the recovery of global trade, there is a high willingness among international exhibitors to participate. Over 100 overseas exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions will be returning to SinoCorrugated 2023. Seven national exhibition groups from Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, the United States, South Korea, and India, will bring new equipment and technology to the conference and compete with Chinese exhibitors.

Bigger and more convenient venue in Shanghai

This year, the exhibition will be held at the NECC·Shanghai·China, offering an increased exhibition area of 100,000 m2, providing not only a larger scale event but also an expanded area of each exhibition. The display area of the new venue is more centralized, streamlining visitor entry and reducing queue times. This provides visitors the opportunity to systematically gain a comprehensive understanding of the packaging industry chain. 

More than 30 high-end industry events

30+ events have been designed to offer audiences unparalleled opportunities to network and collaborate with industry experts, learn about the latest trends and technologies in the packaging industry, and discover new products. Additionally, visitors can look forward to exciting activities such as the World Corrugated Forum, World Corrugated Awards, Asia-Pacific Printing Forum, New Product Global Debut Show, and National Days events such as India Day and Malaysia Day.

SinoCorrugated On-Site Scene
SinoCorrugated On-Site Scene

WEPACK 2023 is now open on the website and secure free tickets in advance.

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