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Tube China 2023 - International Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair will be held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 14 to 16 June

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3491 加入收藏 :
  • One-stop sourcing platform for tube & pipe products
  • Leading suppliers at Tube China 2023
  • Free admission and welcome souvenir
  • Group visitor program
  • China International Steel Tube & Pipe Industry Summit Forum

SHANGHAI, April 11, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Tube China, China's No.1 international trade fair for the tube and pipe industries, will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre from 14 to 16 June 2023, concurrently with METALLURGY CHINA 2023, the leading exhibition of the metallurgical industry. 

Tube China, One-stop Sourcing Platform for Tube & Pipe Products

The countdown is on. This co-hosted event will set up a professional platform to connect the upstream and downstream industries of the steel industry chain, as well as deepen the exchange and cooperation between enterprises.  

Register to Meet Industry Leading Suppliers in June

During the three show days, Tube China and METALLURGY CHINA 2023 are expected to gather more than 500 key suppliers in the industry.

International exhibitors: AMPCO, Alleima, Wafios, INDUCTOTHERM, RSA, EFD, KINKELDER, FORMDRILL, HEF, TAELIM, HANDUK R-FECO, TSUBAKI, NDT Technologies, Phased Array, etc.


Visit www.tubechina.net/en for the complete exhibitors & products

Register Now, Get Your FREE Admssion and Welcome Souvenir.
A souvenir is prepared for all international pre-registration visitors.

Please visit the official website www.tubechina.net/en to finish the online visitor registration. You will receive a confirmation letter with your registration code and please pick up your badge and souvenir by this letter at 'PRE-REGISTERED VISITOR' counter onsite during the show time.

Join Group Visitor Program

Invite your colleagues or partners to join in Group Visitor Program of Tube China 2023. Ten people or more can group into a delegation. All the members will get privileges including free visitor badges, welcome reception, and souvenir, etc. Don't miss this chance to enjoy all these upgrading services for FREE.
Download Group Visitor Registration Form.

Tube China: More than a trade fair

Tube China is not only a convenient one-stop sourcing platform but also an opportunity to exchange the know-how of the industry with professionals and experts.

China International Steel Tube & Pipe Industry Summit Forum, The Green & Smart Manufacture Conference of China Steel industry, as well as the Exhibitor Technology Seminar, will be held during the show time. Some of the most influential experts and representatives from the industry will share their ideas and have discussions about hot industry topics in the forums.

Topics to be discussed will include marketing trends in China and Asia; opportunities and challenges we are facing currently; new demand and innovation technologies in the Chinese market, as well as tips and advice shared by the leading industry players.

Here at Tube China 2023, you can find the answer to everything you want to know about the tube and pipe industries.

Organizers introduction

Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Established in 2009, Messe Düsseldorf (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (MDS) is a subsidiary of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, one of the world's top 5 exhibition organizers. MDS is committed to introducing industry leading trade fairs to China and providing Chinese and international customers with superior exhibition services. MDS is successfully holding more than 14 leading trade fairs and conferences in China, covering a broad range of industries including printing, packaging, wire and tube, plastics, renewable energy, medical devices, retail, safety and health, wine & spirits and caravanning. With a workforce of some 75 fulltime employees, the company's head office is located in Shanghai with a branch office in Beijing. The worldwide outbound exhibition business (trade shows in Düsseldorf, Germany and other leading Messe Düsseldorf Global Shows) is organized by Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd. (MDC), serving Chinese exhibitors and visitors with superior customer service from its office in Hong Kong, China. www.mds.cn.

Metallurgical Council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade  

Established in 1988 and under the direct administration of China Iron & Steel Association (CISA) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), it is the most important organization for promoting international trade & economic cooperation in metallurgical field as well as the most influential organizer of international exhibition and conference in the metal industry. MC-CCPIT is engaged in providing an open and efficient path of communication for better exchange and cooperation for buyers and sellers home and abroad. www.mcchina-expo.com.

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