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Sung Hwan Cho of Hyundai Mobis at the 44th Vienna International Motor Symposium

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 292 加入收藏 :

 VIENNA, March 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- More than 80 high-ranking speakers and almost 1,000 participants from over 25 nations will be expected at the international 44th Vienna Motor Symposium in the Vienna Hofburg. The event focuses on the parallel existence of drive systems – i.e. the electric motor and the renewably-powered internal combustion engine – and energy sources, storage systems, and converters, such as e-fuels, hydrogen, batteries and fuel cells. From South Korea, Sung Hwan Cho, CEO of Hyundai Mobis will be attending the Symposium as one of the main Speakers.

Further high-ranking speakers at the Motor Symposium will be Thomas Schmall, Member of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, Bosch-CEO Stefan Hartung, Vice President of Mercedes-Benz Christoph Starzynski, Shailesh Chandra, Managing Director of Tata Motors, and Gerald Killmann, Vice President of Toyota.

One of the major topics of the symposium will be the energy transition and its consequences for the automobile industry. The issue of sustainability will be keeping the industry on its toes for the years to come: "In the case of vehicles, the debate over individual drive systems is not conducive at all. Whether it's hydrogen, oil or electricity, the real question should be 'where does the energy come from and are these sources sustainable?' We need to solve the problem of the energy chain", says Bernhard Geringer, President of the Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers. "I am very happy we were able to secure high-ranking speakers for the coming symposium, who have been involved in the energy transition in the automobile industry for years. They will give us insights into the latest developments in the international market and explain how the energy issue can be compatible with the next generation of vehicle models."

Melzer PR

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