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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 645 加入收藏 :

CHARLOTTE, N.C., March 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- BNI® (Business Network International), the world's largest business networking organization, has launched a plan to help Members double the value of their businesses by 2027, impacting millions of growth-oriented businesses across the globe. BNI offers a proven growth program that includes structured weekly meeting, powerful technology, and on-demand training, enabling Members to generate valuable new client referrals across town and, increasingly – across the globe. Members use the BNI program to hone their leadership skills, build lifelong relationships, recruit new talent, and find fresh capital to grow their businesses. 

BNI's multi-year plan, dubbed BNI Vision 2027, will focus on five specific pillars:

  • New technology and processes to onboard new Members, helping them get value even faster.
  • Personal mentorship, training, and communications that fit Member's fast-paced schedules.
  • The accelerated expansion of BNI's presence throughout the world to provide even more cross-border opportunities for Members.
  • Technology to make it easier for new customers to find BNI Members.
  • Innovation that enables every Member to benefit from the global scale of BNI. For example, AI-based predictive data technology to suggest valuable referral partners in other Chapters.

These five pillars of BNI Vision 2027 will significantly enhance the value of the BNI Membership for entrepreneurs and business leaders across the globe.

"Successful entrepreneurs and business leaders know that effective systems for collaboration can catapult businesses further than they'd ever get on their own" says BNI Chairman and CEO Graham Weihmiller. Weihmiller goes on to say, "As we embark on BNI Vision 2027, we are committed to helping BNI Members double the value of their business with world-class training, tools, and technology along with 24/7 access to our incredible global network. In the last 38 years, BNI has transformed millions of lives worldwide. And we have only just begun."

About BNI®
BNI (Business Network International) is the world's largest and most successful business networking organization. Today, BNI has over 300,000 Member-businesses participating in over 10,900+ BNI Chapters that meet in-person, online, or in a hybrid format each week in 77+ countries around the globe. Since inception in 1985, BNI has proudly helped 1.9 million businesses garner over $164 billion USD in revenue*. To learn more about BNI and how you can visit a chapter, go to www.BNI.com. BNI's philosophy is centered on Givers Gain® and BNI's motto is Changing the Way the World Does Business®. To learn more about how BNI works, watch this short video here. If you are interested in learning how you can visit a BNI Chapter for free, please reach out to our Support Team at (800)-825-8286 (USA) or support@bni.com (internationally).

*This information is based on historical BNI Member self-reported data and represents collective results from BNI Members worldwide from 1985 to 2023. 

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