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Magicycle Announces Fat Tire Ebike Event on Anniversary

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3271 加入收藏 :

ONTARIO, Calif, March 24, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Times change and it's another anniversary for Magicycle, a gorgeous e-bike brand with years of experience behind them. Magicycle is launching Fat Tire Ebike Event to thank all its fans for their love and support. 

Magicycle Fat Tire Ebikes for All Kinds of Riders

Magicycle has been offering a high-quality range of fat tire electric bikes since its inception. They are made to exactly meet the changing requirements of all kinds of ebike riders. Below we will list some of them for you to make a choice.

Magicycle Cruiser Pro

The Cruiser Pro is one of the most classic ebike modes from Magicycle. It features fat tires, a 1100W powerful motor(peak power output), a large ebike frame, and a 52V 20Ah large lithium battery. As an electric cruiser bike, the Cruiser Pro can literally go anywhere at ease with its incredible power and long range, bringing a first-class riding experience.

Magicycle Ocelot Pro

The Ocelot Pro serves as the first step-thru bike from Magicycle. Just like the Cruiser Pro, the Ocelot Pro is equipped with a 1100W motor, fat tires, and hydraulic disc brakes. What is quite different is that its frame is designed to be smaller for short riders. Moreover, the Ocelot Pro features a long range between 60 - 80 miles. This is a great electric bike for those who are still hesitating because of range anxiety.

Magicycle Deer Full Suspension Ebike SUV

Magicycle Deer represents the latest technology of Magicycle. It is basically a full-suspension electric mountain bike. However, it is still the first ebike suv in the US, which serves as a new ebike model on the market. This sort of ebike is powerful, versatile, and of large load capacity, just like an SUV.

The Deer is equipped with a full suspension system, which provides great shock absorption from bumps while riding off-road. With a powerful motor, the Magicycle Deer can be ridden on any kind of terrain without getting stuck or slowing down.

Also, this amazing ebike has a load capacity of 400 lbs, allowing riders to carry heavy stuff. For this purpose, Magicycle has specially designed a longer rear rack that can make deliveries far more convenient.

Of course, the ebikes mentioned above aren't all the products from Magicycle. You are welcome to check them out at Magicycle Official.

Magicycle Anniversary Discounts 

For this anniversary event, Magicycle is offering a big discount. For people buying 1 ebike, including one with other bike accessories, they will get $100 off; And if they are going to purchase 2 or more electric bikes, the discount will increase to $300. By the way, combo sales share the same discount as buying 2 electric bikes.

The Magicycle Anniversary Sale runs from March 11th until the end of this month. If you still have any questions, just feel free to contact Magicycle at support@magicyclebike.com.

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2025 年 1 月 16 日 (星期四) 農曆十二月十七日
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