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Care at the center of VEOCEL™'s climate action

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3373 加入收藏 :

LENZING, Austria, March 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Everything that VEOCEL™, the nonwovens fiber brand under Lenzing, does is centered around care – care for the planet and care for future generations. As climate change continues to pose a significant threat to the planet, it is essential for the value chain and brands to implement mitigation initiatives and reduce the negative impact on the planet.

A sustainable future requires a massive drive for action to address climate change. Lenzing continues to maintain and pursue ways to reduce its carbon emissions for VEOCEL™ branded fibers, including efficient production processes, use of renewable energy sources, technology upgrades, carbon-reduced raw materials, and sourcing materials from suppliers who are also working hard to reduce carbon emissions. Some latest updates on the VEOCEL™ brand include:

Goop and VEOCEL™ collaborate to create sustainable beauty

VEOCEL™ recently partnered with wellness and lifestyle brand Goop to introduce sustainable beauty products which offer eco-friendly ingredients as an alternative to plastic.

Carbon footprint labelling leveraged as an educational tool for consumers

While many companies are now on a mission to achieve carbon neutrality by means of reducing carbon emissions, consumers have also started to minimize their climate impact by seeking out products that have a low or negative carbon footprint. Therefore, more companies have started to carbon label their products to help inform and educate consumers on the environmental impact of their purchase decisions.

Paving the way forward for flushable wipes

Flushable wipes have grown in popularity due to their low impact on the environment, especially wipes made with VEOCEL™ branded lyocell fibers with Disperse technology, as they do not contribute to water pollution nor microplastic accumulation problem. Claudio Zampino, Commercial Director, Specialty Applications for Global Nonwovens Business at Lenzing shared the solutions Lenzing has been offering to help reduce the issue of water pollution and outlined some exciting developments for the flushable wipes industry.

Outlook for Greener Hygiene Care

Lenzing's Miray Acar, Head of Marketing for Nonwovens in Europe, Americas & MEA shared her forecast on sustainability trends in the nonwovens segment and provided an overview of the upcoming VEOCEL™ brand partnerships which provide eco-friendly hygiene products for consumers.

To learn more about the latest developments of VEOCEL™ and inspirations for planet-friendly everyday care actions, visit the newly revamped VEOCEL.com!

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