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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3476 加入收藏 :

There's Something for Everyone at SHEIN.com. Discover your style, without limitation.

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SHEIN, the global online retailer of fashion, beauty, and lifestyle products launched its #SHEINforAll Spring/Summer 2023 collection today on SHEIN.com. No matter the destination, #SHEINforAll has style options for every occasion. Whether you are exploring tropical locations, laying by the beach, or taking a day tour, SHEIN's Spring/Summer collection will give everyone the confidence they need.

Debuting new collections from SHEIN BAE, SHEIN BASICS, SHEIN Belle, SHEIN BIZwear, SHEIN DAZY, SHEIN EZwear, SHEIN FIT+, SHEIN Frenchy, SHEIN ICON, SHEIN MOD, SHEIN Modely, SHEIN SXY, SHEIN VCAY, Emery Rose, MOTF, and ROMWE; SHEIN encourages everyone to find styles that are true to themselves.

  • SHEIN BAE: Own your night out
  • SHEIN BASICS: Your closet essentials
  • SHEIN Belle: Fashion for celebrations
  • SHEIN BIZwear: Contemporary office chic
  • SHEIN DAZY: Effortless. Cool. Glam.
  • SHEIN EZwear: Easy wear. Easy life.
  • SHEIN FIT+: Follow the Fashion. Feel the Fit +
  • SHEIN Frenchy: A style muse in French fashion
  • SHEIN ICON: For the icon in the making
  • SHEIN MOD: Vibrant. Retro. Fun.
  • SHEIN Modely: Modernity With An Elegant Touch
  • SHEIN SXY: Curvy. Sexy. Confident.
  • SHEIN VACAY: Your first resort for vacay style
  • Emery Rose: Easy. Comfy. Free-spirited.
  • MOTF: Naturally Chic
  • ROMWE: Aesthetic on Lock

The collections are available to shop now on SHEIN.com.

#SHEINforAll #SHEINss23

SHEIN is a global fashion and lifestyle e-tailer committed to making the beauty of fashion accessible to all. We use on-demand manufacturing technology to connect suppliers to our agile supply chain, reducing inventory waste and enabling us to deliver a variety of affordable products to customers around the world. From our global offices, we reach customers in more than 150 countries. To learn more about SHEIN, visit http://www.SHEIN.com.

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