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Nomination Committee's proposal for Board of Directors of AB SKF

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 4460 加入收藏 :

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Feb. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- SKF's Nomination Committee proposes Beth Ferreira, Therese Friberg, Richard Nilsson and Niko Pakalén as new Board members of AB SKF.

Beth Ferreira is Divisional Managing Director, Precision Engineering at IMI plc. She has previously held several senior positions, including as group president for several different business areas for Illinois Tool Works (ITW).

Therese Friberg is Group CFO and Executive Vice President of Electrolux. She has held several senior positions within the Electrolux Group, including as CFO and managing controller for different business areas.

Richard Nilsson is Investment Director at FAM AB and board member of Stora Enso Oyj, IPCO AB, GROPYUS AG and Cinder Invest AB. He was previously equity research analyst at SEB Enskilda, Alfred Berg and Handelsbanken.

Niko Pakalén is partner at Cevian Capital and board member of TietoEvry Oyj. He has previously held leading positions within Cevian Capital and worked at Danske Bank.

Colleen Repplier has declined re-election at the Annual General Meeting 2023.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the Board of Directors shall consist of ten members and no deputy members. In addition to the proposed four new elections the Nomination Committee proposes re-election of the Board members Hans Stråberg, Hock Goh, Geert Follens, Håkan Buskhe, Susanna Schneeberger and Rickard Gustafson.

Hans Stråberg is proposed to be the Chair of the Board of Directors.

The Nomination Committee's additional proposals will be published in conjunction with the notice of the Annual General Meeting 2023.

The Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2023 consists of Marcus Wallenberg, FAM, Christer Gardell, Cevian Capital, Anders Algotsson, AFA Försäkring and Anders Jonsson, Skandia, together with the Chair of the Board of Directors Hans Stråberg.

Aktiebolaget SKF


For further information, please contact:
PRESS: Carl Bjernstam, Group Communication
tel: 46 31-337 2517; mobile: 46 722-201 893; e-mail: carl.bjernstam@skf.com

INVESTOR RELATIONS: Patrik Stenberg, Head of Investor Relations
tel: 46 31-337 2104; mobile: 46 705-472 104; patrik.stenberg@skf.com

The following files are available for download:


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