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Xinhua Silk Road: China's Zoomlion sends rescue team to assist in quake-hit Hatay of Türkiye

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 3476 加入收藏 :

BEIJING, Feb. 10, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Chinese construction machinery maker Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (Zoomlion, 000157.SZ) has recently sent a rescue team and excavators to earthquake-ravaged Hatay in Türkiye to assist in rescue efforts.

Photo shows that Zoomlion's rescue team participated in rescue efforts in earthquake-ravaged Hatay in Türkiye.
Photo shows that Zoomlion's rescue team participated in rescue efforts in earthquake-ravaged Hatay in Türkiye.

A magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck Türkiye's southern province of Kahramanmaras at 4:17 a.m. local time (0117 GMT), followed by a magnitude 6.4 quake a few minutes later in the country's southern province of Gaziantep and a magnitude 7.6 earthquake at 1:24 p.m. local time (1024 GMT) in the Kahramanmaras Province.

After the earthquakes, Zoomlion's subordinate company based in Türkiye immediately sent a rescue team consisting of professional service engineers and machine operators to the disaster area, carrying electric blankets, emergency medicine, food and 5 sets of excavator equipment.

As one of the first Chinese rescue teams to arrive at the quake-hit area, Zoomlion rescue team has helped rescue four trapped survivors and participate in earthquake relief efforts.

Yu Ke, a Zoomlion service engineer who participated in the rescue work, said that "after our rescue team and excavator equipment arrived at the scene, we immediately participated in the rescue work of survivors trapped in a six-story collapsed building. So far, we have helped save four trapped people and tried to rescue more survivors."

The company also helped to provide rescue equipment. So far, a total of 18 excavators have been sent to the disaster area to assist in the rescue efforts.

Original link: https://en.imsilkroad.com/p/332681.html

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2025 年 1 月 20 日 (星期一) 農曆十二月廿一日
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