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CNH Industrial debuts world’s first Liquefied Natural Gas tractor prototype

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2139 加入收藏 :
CNH Industrial N.V.
New Holland T7 Methane Power LNG Tractor

New Holland T7 Methane Power LNG Tractor

London, December 9, 2022

CNH Industrial unveiled the next step in alternative power for agriculture at its Tech Day event in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. New Holland Agriculture, one of our global agricultural brands, presented the T7 Methane Power LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) pre-production prototype tractor.

Another world first for farming
More sustainable, energy independent and productive

New Holland is the alternative fuels leader in agriculture - having developed the first commercialized Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) tractor - the T6 Methane Power. The new T7 prototype furthers the Brand’s position, driving greater value for our customers. It more than doubles the autonomy compared to a CNG design. In comparison to the T6 Methane Power CNG, this is a fourfold increase in fuel capacity. It delivers the same power and torque as the equivalent diesel tractor while delivering autonomy without the need for any extra tanks. It’s also quieter – a significant reduction in drive-by noise levels makes it perfect for tasks near livestock or in urban areas.

To spearhead this latest development, CNH Industrial partnered with Bennamann, a UK-based expert whose multi-patented approach converts fugitive methane to clean biofuel – offering an energy independent and sustainable farm system. When the T7 prototype is integrated within this process, an operation’s overall carbon footprint can be ‘better than zero. Bennamann’s system also provides new opportunities and revenue streams for farmers. These include fuel production at a stable cost; sale of excess biomethane on the open market; generation of 100% natural fertilizer; and conversion of excess methane into electricity for export or local use.

The new technology present in the T7 Methane Power LNG has been put through its paces on a variety of farms across myriad applications. This premiere is the first step towards the serial production and commercialization of the world’s first LNG tractor. A tractor that will make our customers more sustainable, energy independent and productive – true to our purpose of Breaking New Ground.

For further information on the T7 Methane Power LNG pre-production prototype including images, video and technical information, please visit: bit.ly/CNHI_T7_LNG_

CNH Industrial (NYSE: CNHI / MI: CNHI) is a world-class equipment and services company. Driven by its purpose of Breaking New Ground, which centers on Innovation, Sustainability and Productivity, the Company provides the strategic direction, R&D capabilities, and investments that enable the success of its global and regional Brands. Globally, Case IH and New Holland Agriculture supply 360° agriculture applications from machines to implements and the digital technologies that enhance them; and CASE and New Holland Construction Equipment deliver a full lineup of construction products that make the industry more productive. The Company’s regionally focused Brands include: STEYR, for agricultural tractors; Raven, a leader in digital agriculture, precision technology and the development of autonomous systems; Flexi-Coil, specializing in tillage and seeding systems; Miller, manufacturing application equipment; Kongskilde, providing tillage, seeding and hay & forage implements; and Eurocomach, producing a wide range of mini and midi excavators for the construction sector, including electric solutionsAcross a history spanning over two centuries, CNH Industrial has always been a pioneer in its sectors and continues to passionately innovate and drive customer efficiency and success. As a truly global company, CNH Industrial’s 37,000+ employees form part of a diverse and inclusive workplace, focused on empowering customers to grow, and build, a better world.

For more information and the latest financial and sustainability reports visit: cnhindustrial.com

For news from CNH Industrial and its Brands visit: media.cnhindustrial.com

Media contacts:

Rebecca Fabian         Anna Angelini
North America United Kingdom
Tel. +1 312 515 2249 Tel. +44 (0)7725 826 007


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