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OAV has won the "Rising Star Award"!

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2012 加入收藏 :

On November 16, 2022 (Wednesday), we attended the "Rising Star Award" ceremony, and we are incredibly honored to announce that we won the award.The Ministry of Economic Affairs supports Taiwan's Small and Medium Enterprises with actions, in total of 64 outstanding companies won awards, and 16 of them won the Rising Star Award.


First of all, we would like to say a huge congratulation to all of the other winners.


The Rising Star Award celebrates local businesses that go above and beyond in their business. High competitiveness, corporate management, and sustainable ESG development are the main criteria.

Research and Development by Made in Taiwan, the enterprises provide customers with high-quality, high value-added products.

OAV specializes in the production of woodworking machinery. Use OAV for brand awareness. Stick to 100% MIT. With a consistent mission to combine service and quality, it has grown from its humble beginnings to provide impeccable woodworking machinery for 120 agents around the world while continuing to provide the best value for their customers.

For Brand Mark Share strategy, we cooperate with the world's largest woodworking machinery brands.

We conduct a rigorous evaluation of agencies that use OAV brands to ensure that brand agents reflect the company's image. In terms of business marketing, we place great emphasis on "localization,", fully integrating with distributors in various countries around the world with OAV products and having distributors do sales and service.

OAV has become the top choice for customers after years of brand propaganda, we launched the W-TEM program to promote MIT woodworking machinery to the world. Observe the market at any time to make functional improvements, and also make design changes in the production process and processing mode according to customer needs in order to meet customer unit price requirements and improve the company's production efficiency.

We believe that continuous innovation and change can improve enterprises' ability to operate sustainably. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable energy use in 2025, we are committed to fully support the effective operation of the energy management system. Regularly hold blood donation activities, sponsoring nearby and remote elementary schools. We will do our best for Taiwan's economy by contributing to society and enhancing the energy of innovation and competition.

We wouldn't be where we are today without our wonderful clients and colleagues.
Thank you for your continuous support and congratulations to all of the 2022 "Rising Star Award" winners!

OAV Equipment and Tools, Inc.

No.352-1, 12th Neighborhood, Shencing Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 429014, Taiwan
Tel : +886-4-2563-1088
Fax : +886-4-2563-2822
Email :oavsales2@oavequipment.com

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