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VietnamWood 2022 Stunning Return, OAV Edge Banding Machines are highly concerned

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1661 加入收藏 :

After the one-year pause by the COVID-19 pandemic, VietnamWood, South-East Asia’s leading trade fair for the primary and secondary woodworking and wood processing industry; joined with the Vietnam International Furniture Accessories, Hardware & Tool (Furnitec 2022), will take place from October 18th – 21th at Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center (SECC).

VietnamWood 2022 expected to bring together more than 500 exhibitors to present innovative technologies, products and services in various fields, and to present a full range of timber supply chain solutions

Welcome to visitOAV online exhibition

OAV Equipment & Tools Inc. was founded in 1980.Chairman Mr. Liu Minghuang has always adhered to the business; Philosophy of " Employees Come First, Customer Satisfaction, CRS ".

Quality is always the results of high intension, OAV has exclusive right to guarantee compliance with the highest quality. We are motivated by the continuous improvements, providing our experiences, creating value in a long term relationship with more than 120 agents around the world.

OAV provide the best woodwork machinery and services which come from skill full execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives, the cumulative experience of many masters of craftsmanship.

【International Competitiveness】

  1. 43 years of industrial experience, more than 300 suppliers with excellent product quality.
  2. 50 patents with unique selling poin
  3. Provide good value products with best after-sales service in no time.
  4. Database of machine operation and problem solving, provide regular training awareness.
  5. Different marketing strategy to help agents to achieve targets and goals.

If you want to know more about OAV’s products and service, please contact with us as follow information.

OAV Equipment and Tools, Inc.

No.352-1, 12th Neighborhood, Shencing Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 429014, Taiwan
Tel : +886-4-2563-1088
Fax : +886-4-2563-2822
Email :oavsales2@oavequipment.com

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