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Iveco Group 2022 Second Quarter and First Half Results

文章來源 : Notified 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 1838 加入收藏 :

The following is an extract from the “Iveco Group 2022 Second Quarter and First Half Results” press release. The complete press release can be accessed by visiting the media section of the Iveco Group corporate website: https://www.ivecogroup.com/media/corporate_press_releases or consulting the accompanying PDF:

Iveco Group consolidated revenues of €3.4 billion (up ~2% year on year).
Adjusted net income of €60 million and adjusted EBIT of €118 million.
Net cash of Industrial Activities at €625 million.

Consolidated revenues of €3,371 million, up 1.5%. Net revenues of Industrial Activities of €3,329 million, up 1.1%, mainly due to strong positive price realization.

Adjusted EBIT of €118 million (€126 million in Q2 2021), with a 3.5% margin (3.8% margin in Q2 2021). Adjusted EBIT of Industrial Activities of €91 million (€110 million in Q2 2021), with positive price realization close to offset higher raw material and energy cost.

Adjusted net income of €60 million (adjusted net income of €77 million in Q2 2021), which excludes a negative after-tax impact of €15 million from the first time adoption of the hyperinflationary accounting in Turkey. Adjusted diluted earnings per share of €0.20 (adjusted diluted earnings per share of €0.26 in Q2 2021).

Reported income tax expense of €29 million, with adjusted effective tax rate (adjusted ETR) of 33% in Q2 2022 (35% in H1 2022). The adjusted ETR reflects the different tax rates applied in the jurisdictions where the Group operates and other discrete items.

Net cash of Industrial Activities at €625 million (€1,063 million at 31st December 2021 or €765 million at 31st March 2022). Free cash flow of Industrial Activities was negative €111 million, €293 million lower compared to Q2 2021 due to working capital absorption deriving from the impact of component shortages on inventory level and lower production vs Q2 2021.

Available liquidity at €3,495 million as of 30th June 2022, up €105 million from 31st March 2022, including €2,000 million of undrawn committed facilities.


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