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King Shang Yuan participated in Asian Machine Tool Online Exhibition 2022

文章來源 : AsianNet 亞洲網路 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 2466 加入收藏 :
King Shang Yuan participated in AMTOE 2022

Asian Machine Tool Online Exhibition 2022 (AMTOE 2022), jointly organized by AsianNet and TradeAsia, is exhibiting from February 21, 2022, aiming at global buyers of machine tools and accessories to facilitate international buyers visiting and comparing products at one time.

King Shang Yuan Machinery Co., Ltd. participated in the exhibition. We are presenting hydraulic high speed punching machine, disk-type hydraulic presses, disk-type processing, assembly machines and special-purpose machines with high quality and best service to customers. Please visit our brand pavilion and feel free to contact us if you have any needs.

King Shang Yuan brand pavilion:

AMTOE 2022 Online Exhibition: 

King Shang Yuan Machinery Co. Ltd., established in 1993, initially manufactured automatic machines to provide clients with highly efficient automatic machinery and built its reputation on providing highly effective and labor efficient products.

Since the establishment of KSY, the efforts to develop quality and innovative products have been nonstop. Furthermore, a patented product in numerous countries, including Taiwan and China, hydraulic speed pressing and punching machine was successfully developed in 2003 and registered using the trademark “KSY.”  This series of models consists of pressing and punching functions that could be widely used in electronic, auto, and motor parts, synthetic leather, hardware, and hand tools for molding and assembling.

King Shang Yuan Machinery Co., Ltd.

News Contact
Michelle Hsu
Senior Manager


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