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Polyplastics to Launch 40% Glass-filled Recycled DURAFIDE (R) PPS Based on New Post-industrial Recycling System

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 384 加入收藏 :

TOKYO, Feb. 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Polyplastics Co., Ltd., a global leader in engineering plastics, has announced plans to launch a 40% glass-reinforced grade of DURAFIDE (R) rG-PPS by December 2025 as part of its mechanical recycling business. The company will develop high-quality optimum formulations which will play a role in helping achieve 100% circularity of engineering plastics by expanding the applications of mechanically recycled materials.

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The first iteration of Polyplastics' mechanical recycling business calls for collection of glass-reinforced PPS scrap from customers through an open mechanical recycling scheme known as post-industrial recycling (PIR). The PPS scrap will be used as a raw material to make DURAFIDE (R) rG-PPS, which will be launched this year. In initial processes, strict acceptance inspections will be conducted and metal will be removed. In later processes, recycled materials and some virgin materials will be reformulated to meet target specifications. The materials will undergo the same quality standards as those of virgin materials.

The open PIR scheme will help customers reduce and effectively use waste and also significantly reduce carbon emissions for their products. For now, the raw material from customers will be specific grades of DURAFIDE (R) glass-reinforced PPS.

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Polyplastics will develop a higher glass-filled grade as the second iteration of DURAFIDE (R) rG-PPS. The company will establish a system to supply that grade and the 40% glass-reinforced grade to customers in Japan. The re-compounding business and institution of the open PIR system require applications as well as establishment of collection routes. The company seeks to collaborate with its customers as well as companies in the recycling and industrial waste treatment industry.

In the future, Polyplastics will build a "local production for local consumption" recycling chain within each geographic region.

Please also visit: https://www.polyplastics-global.com/en/approach/34.html 

About Polyplastics: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/attach/202501273390-O1-iofr817N.pdf 

DURAFIDE (R) is a registered trademark of Polyplastics Co., Ltd. in Japan and other countries.

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2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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