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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 437 加入收藏 :

SINGAPORE , Feb. 5, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Healthy ageing and longevity, women's health, accessible nutrition, and sodium reduction were the highlights of a panel discussion at the first Kerry Health and Nutrition Institute (KHNI) event in Singapore.

Kerry Group CEO Edmond Scanlon (second from right) and Peter Dillane, President & CEO of Kerry APMEA (first from left) with the Kerry team and industry experts at The Future of Sustainable Nutrition event
Kerry Group CEO Edmond Scanlon (second from right) and Peter Dillane, President & CEO of Kerry APMEA (first from left) with the Kerry team and industry experts at The Future of Sustainable Nutrition event

The Future of Sustainable Nutrition event marked KHNI's 10th anniversary, and explored cutting-edge research, leading technology, and consumer behaviour forecast that will influence food innovation in the region.

The panel included Kerry Group CEO Edmond Scanlon, KHNI's Dr Aoife Marie Murphy, and Simon Hague, foodservice chains general manager, Kerry Southeast Asia. Joining the Kerry team were Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran, President of the Singapore Nutrition and Dietetics Association; Angelia Teo, futurist; and Oliver Truesdale-Jutras, Chair of Singapore's F&B Sustainability Council and Founder of Re:Growth, a regenerative hospitality consultancy.

The discussion focused on KHNI's Ten Key Health and Nutrition Trends for 2025 relevant to Southeast Asia.   

  • Accessible Nutrition: Commented Edmond Scanlon, Kerry Group CEO: "Consumers trust the food system. It is our responsibility to ensure what is in a product is good for them. Accessible nutrition should balance five pillars – convenience, nutrition, sustainability, cost, and taste. If a food item cannot be offered to the mass market, that is not accessible nutrition."
    However, with 75% of global food coming from just 12 plants and 5 animals[1], a single disease could wipe out a fifth of our food supply, said Oliver Truesdale-Jutras.
  • Healthy Ageing & Longevity: By 2030, 32% of Asia Pacific's population will be over 50[2]. Quality of life is vital. After age 30 comes a loss of 5%-8% of muscle mass per decade. Compact, protein-rich foods for older adults and exercise are necessary to counter muscle loss, said Dr Aoife Marie Murphy.
  • Women's Health: Some 80% of women in menopause will experience hot flushes, mood swings and memory loss[3]. Eating right is key, said Dr Aoife Marie Murphy. "Women must be educated on the direct impact diet plays in wellbeing." Minerals like calcium and magnesium are also essential. "If you don't deposit right amounts of calcium, the body will plateau. Women must build bone health early," stressed Dr Kalpana Bhaskaran.
  • Sodium Reduction: Excessive sodium leads to hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, contributing to 1.89 million diet-related deaths annually[4]. Angelia Teo observed: "In today's era of simulation, can food companies simulate salt satisfaction, rethink how to enhance the sensory experience of food for consumers, without using salt?"

Post discussion, the event continued at Kerry's Regional Technology and Innovation Centre, where guests sampled food and beverage concepts incorporating Kerry technologies such as Citrus and Cocoa Replacers, Tastesense™, and Proactive Health solutions, designed to enhance taste and nutrition to meet demand for delicious, healthier, more sustainable food options.

"As Southeast Asia emerges as a food innovation hub, KHNI's commitment to advancing nutrition science and innovation will pave the next chapter in sustainable food solutions, helping Kerry deliver positive impact and sustainable nutrition to people everywhere," said Mervyn Gribben, Vice President & General Manager, Kerry Southeast Asia.

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2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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