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From ADAS to Autonomy: oToBrite Unveils Cutting-Edge Vision-AI Solutions for Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics at Automotive World 2025

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 150 加入收藏 :

HSINCHU, Jan. 15, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- oToBrite, a leading Vision-AI expert, is expanding its autonomous driving portfolio beyond its successful development of Level 2+ ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) solutions for passenger and commercial vehicles. The company is now leveraging its 1-8MP GMSL™ AD (Autonomous Driving) camera modules to target autonomy applications such as self-driving trucks, delivery robots, smart agriculture/mining, autonomous logistics, and unmanned vehicles. Collaborating with various industrial computer partners, oToBrite is making significant strides toward autonomous robots and unmanned vehicle markets.

oToBrite Unveils Cutting-Edge Vision-AI Solutions for Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics at Automotive World 2025
oToBrite Unveils Cutting-Edge Vision-AI Solutions for Autonomous Vehicles and Robotics at Automotive World 2025

According to oToBrite, the key to its success in developing Level 2+ ADAS and autonomous driving camera modules lies in its mastery of high-speed camera module manufacturing and vision-AI deep learning technologies. By independently developing algorithms, software-hardware integrations, camera modules, etc., the company delivers cutting-edge solutions for various driving scenarios. These capabilities also extend to meeting the requirements of autonomous robots and unmanned vehicle applications.

Since mass-producing the world's first vision-AI Automatic Parking Assist (APA) system for XPENG Motors in 2018, oToBrite has continued to innovate with its Autonomous Valet Parking (AVP) system. Its advancements in multi-camera VSLAM (Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology, combined with AD camera modules, have further enhanced the functionality of unmanned vehicles and autonomous robots. In addition, oToBrite's Vision-AI capabilities have empowered customers to enable Level 2+ ADAS functions and meet several regulations for heavy commercial vehicles, including ACSF-B1/ESF (UN R79), BSIS (UN R151), MOIS (UN R159), REIS (UN R158), and further e-mirror functions (UN R49).

oToBrite will showcase its Vision-AI-powered products at the 2025 Automotive World exhibition, including its all-in-one system, oToGuard, for heavy commercial vehicles, multi-camera VSLAM technology, and 1-8MP GMSL™ AD camera modules supporting several edge AI/robot platforms. The event will take place from January 22 to 24 at Tokyo Big Sight, Booth No. E46-32. For more information, visit oToBrite's official website: https://www.otobrite.com.

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2025 年 2 月 15 日 (星期六) 農曆正月十八日
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