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"Immersive Translate" by funstory.ai Delivers Instant Multi-Language Translation with Just One Click, Named Google Chrome's Best Extension of 2024

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 533 加入收藏 :
Immersive Translate can accurately identify the main content areas of web pages, providing smooth bilingual parallel translations without needing to open multiple web pages TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach Newswire - 13 January 2025 - Google recently announced its Best 2024 Chrome Extensions of the Year, with "Immersive Translate" developed by funstory.ai standing out for its innovative multi-platform integration and AI translation technology. The tool not only supports platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows but is also compatible with major browsers like Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox, delivering a translation experience that closely matches user needs.

Immersive Translate can accurately identify the main content areas of web pages, providing smooth bilingual parallel translations without needing to open multiple web pages
Immersive Translate can accurately identify the main content areas of web pages, providing smooth bilingual parallel translations without needing to open multiple web pages

Immersive Translate integrates leading AI translation engines including DeepL, OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini, breaking through the limitations of traditional single-engine translation tools. Users can freely switch between the most suitable translation engines based on different scenarios, achieving precise translation results.

The tool's main feature is its intelligent bilingual comparison function, which accurately identifies the main content areas of web pages while preserving the original layout, allowing users to compare source text and translation on a single page. Additionally, it supports over 100 international video platforms including YouTube, Netflix, and TED, providing real-time bilingual subtitle translation services.

In terms of document processing, Immersive Translate supports nine document formats including Word and ePub, while also offering free PDF translation services that maintain the original document layout. Furthermore, its PDF PRO feature can intelligently recognize complex layouts, fully preserving mathematical formulas, tables, and mixed text-image layouts, solving the formatting issues common to traditional translation tools.

Notably, the tool is also a boon for manga enthusiasts, supporting over 50 international manga websites including Shueisha and MANGA Plus. Through AI image recognition technology, it can accurately translate dialogue box content while maintaining the integrity of the original images.

Immersive Translate not only provides professional support in the business sector but also creates an innovative learning environment in education. Through real-time bilingual comparison features, it perfectly integrates language learning with daily life, pioneering cross-language communication in the modern digital era.
Hashtag: #ImmersiveTranslate

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2025 年 2 月 15 日 (星期六) 農曆正月十八日
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