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文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 594 加入收藏 :

MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- From this year, Pirelli will be the Official Tyre Partner of the Australian Open, which will start on Sunday 12 January in Melbourne. After motorsport, football, sailing and skiing, Pirelli enters tennis, choosing to support the Grand Slam with a partnership which represents a high-profile showcase for promoting the brand throughout the world.

Andrea Casaluci, CEO of Pirelli: "For Pirelli, the Australian Open represents a very important opportunity for visibility because of the great interest in tennis at the global level. In particular, the sponsorship will help increase awareness of our brand in Australia which is a market with a high concentration of prestige cars. Precisely in Melbourne, home of the tournament, in 2019 we opened a Pirelli P Zero World, our flagship store model currently present in only four other cities in the world".

Pirelli P Zero World in Melbourne
Pirelli P Zero World in Melbourne

Cedric Cornelis, Tennis Australia Chief Commercial Officer: "We are very pleased to announce Pirelli as the Official Tyre Partner of the Australian Open. Pirelli is synonymous with innovation and performance, making it a great fit for one of the world's premier tennis events. We are delighted that Pirelli has chosen the Australian Open to mark its first investment in a Grand Slam."

Pirelli's connection with tennis dates to 1930 when the company began making tennis balls, until the 1970s. The passion for sport has always characterized the history of Pirelli, as demonstrated by the different disciplines in which it participates, from football to sailing to skiing. In motorsport, where Pirelli has competed since 1907, it is today present in over 350 competitions starting from the top level with Formula 1©.

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2025 年 2 月 12 日 (星期三) 農曆正月十五日
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