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Campaign launched to raise awareness for EU organic food in Hong Kong, showcasing sustainable farming and processing

文章來源 : Media OutReach Limited 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 284 加入收藏 :
Steffen Reese, CEO of Naturland explained the standards of EU organic products and consumer awareness. HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach Newswire - 9 December 2024 - As Hong Kong consumers increasingly prioritize health and sustainable lifestyles, EU organic food, with its strict production standards and exceptional quality, is gradually becoming a favoured choice in the Hong Kong market. To further raise awareness for EU organic food and the sustainable agricultural concepts behind it, the three-year project "European Organic: Nurturing Nature, Nourishing You," supported by the EU, successfully held a trade workshop on November 4, 2024, at the Nature Discovery Park at K11 Musea in Hong Kong. At this event, professionals from the food sector in Hong Kong were invited to learn more about the high quality standards and wide product range that EU organic stands for.

Steffen Reese, CEO of Naturland explained the standards of EU organic products and consumer awareness.
Steffen Reese, CEO of Naturland explained the standards of EU organic products and consumer awareness.
Marco Schlüter, Head of Strategy & International Affairs at Naturland, elaborated the philosophy of organic.
Marco Schlüter, Head of Strategy & International Affairs at Naturland, elaborated the philosophy of organic.

The Green Commitment of EU Standards: Why Choose EU Organic?

EU organic food not only surpasses conventional agricultural products in quality, but its core advantage lies in strict production and certification standards. EU organic agriculture adheres to sustainable development principles, avoiding chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers while maintaining soil health and biodiversity through natural methods. This green production approach not only helps combat climate change but also creates a healthy habitat for wildlife.

By avoiding synthetic fertilizers and maintaining healthy soil, EU organic agriculture contributes significantly to reducing carbon emissions. Choosing EU organic food helps Chinese consumers enjoy safe and healthy products while supporting global climate protection and sustainable development efforts.

Dual Assurance of Environment and Quality: The Rigorous Certification of EU Organic Food

The certification of EU organic food covers all areas, including crop production, horticulture, livestock farming, and aquaculture. All certified EU organic foods must comply with the EU's strict organic agriculture regulations, ensuring they meet organic standards throughout the production, processing, and trading stages. EU organic agriculture prohibits the use of genetically modified organisms and chemical pesticides, controlling pests through natural methods. These strict regulations ensure that EU organic food is not only safe and reliable but also positively impacts the environment and biodiversity.

The EU Organic Label and Naturland Certification: A Transparent Trust System

The EU organic label, known as the "European Leaf" logo, symbolizes the EU's commitment to nature and sustainable development. Products bearing this label must contain at least 95% organic agricultural ingredients and fully comply with EU organic production standards. Each product is subject to annual inspections by independent third-party organizations, ensuring transparency in its production, processing, and sales processes. This certification system provides consumers with a trustworthy guarantee regarding the source of the products.

Guests got a chance to enjoy some EU organic canapes during the event.
Guests got a chance to enjoy some EU organic canapes during the event.

The organizer of this event is Naturland, an international organic farmers' association and a strong advocate of global organic agriculture. While its certification standards align with EU organic agriculture regulations, Naturland has also developed a range of additional standards for organic production and processing. On top of adhering to EU organic requirements, Naturland certified farms also have to follow Naturland's social standards to ensure safe working conditions and fair wages. Further unique Naturland requirements include the protection of valuable ecosystems, water management guidelines, and additional animal welfare standards to ensure that all livestock is raised as stress-free as possible.

Three-Year Plan: A Green Bridge Connecting the EU and Hong Kong Markets

During the launch of the communication campaign, Hong Kong stakeholders of the organic food sector mingled and exchanged ideas about the unique charm of EU organic food and drinks. The event not only reinforced the concept of EU organic food and drinks but also conveyed the environmental protection concepts behind organic products.

Steffen Reese, CEO of Naturland exchanged ideas about the EU organic foods with the HK food sectors representatives during the event.
Steffen Reese, CEO of Naturland exchanged ideas about the EU organic foods with the HK food sectors representatives during the event.

As demand for organic food and drinks in the Hong Kong market continues to grow, the EU will persist in promoting high-quality EU organic food to Hong Kong consumers through the "European Organic: Nurturing Nature, Nourishing You" project. Over the next three years, the EU will continually strengthen its cooperation with the Hong Kong market, utilizing both online and offline platforms, collaborating with local partners, and enabling more consumers to choose green, healthy, and sustainable organic food, enjoying the nourishment of nature from Europe.

Prof. Wong Woon Chung Jonathan demonstrated the unique characteristics of Hong Kong organic food market.
Prof. Wong Woon Chung Jonathan demonstrated the unique characteristics of Hong Kong organic food market.

The successful holding of this campaign launch not only showcased the exceptional advantages of EU organic food in sustainable development but also marked a significant step towards increasing the profile of EU organic food in Hong Kong, laying a foundation for long-term cooperation in green agriculture and opening a new chapter.

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The European commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) do not accept any responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

Hashtag: #EnjoyItsFromEurope #EUAgriPromo #EuropeanOrganic #EUOrganic #NurturingNatureNourishingYou #HealthyLiving #SustainableChoices

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2025 年 1 月 17 日 (星期五) 農曆十二月十八日
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