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Dr. James G. Fujimoto of U.S. Awarded 45th Honda Prize for His Team's Development of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Real-time Tissue Imaging Technology

文章來源 : PR Newswire 美通社 發表時間 : 瀏覽次數 : 335 加入收藏 :

- OCT Marks Breakthrough in Disease Detection and Manufacturing -

TOKYO, Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Honda Foundation in Tokyo held the 45th Honda Prize Award Ceremony on November 18, 2024, where this year's prize was awarded to Dr. James G. Fujimoto, Elihu Thomson Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA.



Hiroto Ishida, President of the Honda Foundation, stated in his opening remarks: "We are honored to present the Honda Prize to Dr. James G. Fujimoto in recognition of his outstanding contributions, which have brought great hope to humanity in the fields of next-generation science, technology, and medicine."

Next, Hirohisa Uchida, Chairperson of the Honda Prize Selection Committee, explained the reasons behind this year's selection. "OCT is a technology that uses coherent light and an interferometer to obtain non-destructive cross-sectional images, and Dr. Fujimoto and his research group were the first to develop this technology and use it to obtain cross-sectional images of the retina and blood vessels. He also commercialized the world's first ophthalmic OCT aiming to promote its widespread use. Today, OCT has found applications not only in ophthalmology and cardiology, but also in the early detection of diabetic and neurological diseases, industrial non-destructive testing equipment, fingerprint authentication devices, and a wide range of basic research and manufacturing applications. Its potential is limitless.

"Soichiro Honda believed in 'making people happy with technology,' and Dr. Fujimoto's achievements embody this philosophy.

"His continuous contributions, from the proposal and development of OCT to its widespread adoption, are aligned perfectly with the Honda Foundation's long-standing commitment to 'ecotechnology,' leading to his selection for the Honda Prize."

Afterward, Dr. Fujimoto was presented with a certificate by President Ishida and a medal by Vice President Kazuko Matsumoto. He expressed his gratitude, saying, "It is a great honor to receive the Honda Prize. The continuation of my research has only been possible thanks to the knowledge and support of my colleagues involved in the research and many supporters. I am delighted that OCT technology has been commercialized and applied clinically, helping many people along the way."

Commemorative Lecture by Dr. James G. Fujimoto

"Optical Coherence Tomography: History, Evolution, and Future Prospects" was the theme of Dr. Fujimoto's commemorative lecture. He discussed events that led him to pursue OCT technology in ophthalmology, beginning with his student research days, and provided a detailed account of the discovery and evolution of OCT technology. He also touched on the future prospect of OCT, highlighting its potential moving forward.

About OCT: https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/attach/202412030993-O3-ImEDN3gR.pdf 

About Honda Foundation:

Honda Foundation's official website: https://www.hondafoundation.jp/en/ 

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